Viihv<xvv *xt
Itibsrul HrU
Coos County,
New Hampshire,
Land of the Forest and the Rock!
Of dark-blue Lake and mighty River!
Of Mountains, reared aloft to mock
The storm's career, the earthquake's shock.
Our own Coos forever!
— Adapted.
W . A . F E R G U S S O N & Co.
Copyright, 1888,
By W. A. Fergusson & Co.
All Rights Reserved.
1111 JOURNA1 CO.,
TO those who have secured the preparation of this history: to those
who have so generously and liberally furnished the illustrations; to
those who have contributed their time and labor to make this a reli-
able repository of valuable information of the days of "auld Jang syne";
to those well-wishers of the enterprise whose cheering words and willing
assistance have ever been at our service; to these, and those unnumbered
ones who have extended manifold courtesies to us, we hereby express our
hearty thanks, and trust that the perusal of this volume will be a pleasure
and a satisfaction to them during long years to come. To compile even
the history of a single county requires much time, research, watchful care
and discrimination in order to record facts and not hearsay. " Out of
monuments, names, words, proverbs, traditions, records, fragments of
stone, passages of books, and the like, we doe save and recover somewhat
from the deluge of time."
Organization— Towns Included— Extent-
Boundaries — Population, Agricultural and
Manufacturing Statistics. Etc., 1880— Loca-
tions, Grants, and Purchases— Altitudes.
II Geology 20
Rock Formations— The Age of Ice— Glacial
Drift— Upper Till— Lower Till— Champlain
Drift— Recent or Terrace Period— Modified
Drift of Connecticut River, Connecticut
Lake, to West Stewartstown — Upper Con-
necticut Valley — Karnes— Deltas.
III. Topography 26
The Water Sheds— Carriage Roads— Lumber
Roads— The Water Basins— The Streams,
Connecticut. Magalloway, Androscoggin —
Source of the Connecticut— Description and
Scenery — Second Lake, Connecticut Lake —
Tributaries of the Connecticut — Lake Ma-
galloway — Magalloway River — Androscog-
gin River— Their Tributaries— Ci >untry along
the Maine Line— Bogs and Peat Swamps.
IV. Scenery of Coos 34
Pittsburg — Crown Monument — Megantic
Mountain —Headwaters of St. Francis and
Chaudiere Rivers— Along the New Hamp-
shire and Quebec Boundary— Third Lake—
Mt. Carmel— Mt. Agizcoos— Cascades— Little
Diamond Falls— Huggins Branch— Dixville
Notch— 'The Old Man of Dixville"— The
Flume— Cascade Brook— Huntington Cas-
cade—Scenery of Errol— West Stewartstown
to North Stratford — Groveton— Stark— Mi-
lan—Lancaster— Jefferson — Randolph— Dal-
ton — Shelburne — Gorham.
Y. Indian History 40
Aboriginal Indians — Iroquois — Mohawks —
Algonquins — New England Tribes — Wig-
wams—Social Life, Government, and Lan-
guage—Food—Religion—The St. Francis In-
dians— Gen. Amherst —Rogers' Expedition —
Destruction of St. Francis Village— Retreat
and Sufferings of tin- "Rangers."
VI. White Mountains 46
Topography— Mt. Starr Kin- Group— Mt.
Carter Group— .Alt. Washington Range-
Cherry Mountain District— Mt. Willey I.
—History— Mythology— First Yisited— Win-
throp's Account—Darby Field's Route up
the Mountains — Josselyn's Description of
Scenery— The Crystal Hills— Eater Visits-
Western Pass, or •'Notch"— First Settlemenl
— Scientific Visitors — Sceneryofthe Notch
Nash and Sawyer's Grant— "A Horse through
the Notch"— Sawyer's Rock— First Articles
of Commerce— Tenth New Hampshire Turn-
pike—Scientific Explorations— First Settlers
Among the Mountains— Nancy's Rock and
Brook— First House in the Notch— Craw-
ford's Cabin on the Summit — Summit House
— Tip-Top House — Carriage Road — Glen
House — Mt. Washington Railway— Mountain
Tragedies— ••Among the Clouds" —Signal
Station— Summer Hotels.
VII. Flants 58
Trees — Shrubs— Grasses— Introduced Plants
— Alpine Plants.
VIII. Game of Coos Counts 60
Beaver — Dams— Moose— Description, I
Etc. — Deer, Caribou, Etc. — Horns — Bear —
Wolverine — Lynx — Otter- Fisher Sable —
Raccoon — Gray Squirrel — Wild (feese and
Ducks — Ruffed Grouse or Partridge Canada
Grouse or Spruce Partridge— Wild Pigeons.
IX. Early History 72
Early Trappers and Hunters -Indian Threats
— Capture of Stark ami Eastman Powers'
Expedition — Extracts from Journal — Fort
Wentworth first Settlers Townships, and
Date of ( rrants Earlj Population.
X. Early Settlers 77
Character of Early Settlers of New Hamp-
shire— characteristics of Pioneers of < loos-
Hardships Endured Religion ami Educa-
tion Traditional stories — Improvement in
Condition -Primitive Houses. Furniture,
Etc.— Manners, Customs. Labor, Dress, Fare,
Etc.— Description of Early Homes, Kitchens,
Utensils, Stoves, Etc.
Bevolutionar? Period and Early Roads. . . 85
"War of the Revolution— Frontier and Scout-
ing Parties— Proposed Expedition— Conven-
tion of Towns— Orders. Receipts, Etc.— Early
Roads— Petitions Concerning Roads and New
County — Roads in 1797 and 1803 — Tenth
New Hampshire Turnpike— Jefferson Turn-
pike, Etc.
Survey and Marking of New Hampshire
and Maine Boundary 93
Boundary Surveys— Smuggling, Etc., 1812-
1815 — Boundary Commissions — " Indian
Stream Territory"— Indian Stream War-
Musters and Militia.
Resources, Attractions, Traditions.
Sports, and Policy of Coos Concern-
ing Fish and Came 106
Upper Cohos— Coos— Abenaquis— "Captain
Joe" and "Captain John— King Philip—
Metallak— Robbins and Hinds —Mountain
Ranges— Lakes— Rivers— Fish and Game—
Si „ ,Se~-W( lives— Deer— Bear— Fox— Salmon
—Trout— Summer Travel-Railroad Facihties
— Protection of Forests — Sports — Game
Laws— True Legislation .
The Timber Interests of Northern Coos . 123
Spruce Belt— Hard Wood Timber— The Sugar
Maple— Other Woods— Resources and Man-
ufacture—Opportunities for Investment.
Coos County Press: Agricultural Socie-
ties; Railroads • 131
White Mountain 3Egis— Coos County Demo-
crat— Coos Republican —Prohibition Her-
ald—Independent (now Lancaster) Ga-
zette— Coos Herald. Etc.— Northern Sentinel
— Colebrook Weekly News— News and S
nel— Whitefield Blade — Coos Advertiser—
The Mountaineer. Etc.— Coos Agricultural
Society— Coos and Essex County Agricultural
i ity— Railroads: Atlantic and St. Law-
rence—White Mountains —Portland and
Ogdensburg— Upper Coos.
Masi >nry in Coos 139
North Star Lodge, Lancaster — Templar
Masonry in Northern New Hampshire-
North Star Chapter, Lancaster — Evening
Star Lodge, Colebrook — Gorham Lodge.
Gorham -White Mountain Lodge, Whitefield
—Officers of Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter
and Grand Commandi >s County.
Tin. Soldiers of Coos 16°
Public Buildings 195
XIX. National and State Officers 199
Early Representatives —Classed Representa-
tives— Senators — County Officers.
XX. Bench and Bar 207
History of the Courts— Bench and Bar-
Northern Judicial District.
Origin of Name — Charter— Names of Grant-
ees — Situation — Scenery. Etc. — Climate,
Reason of Its Pleasantness— Change of
Boundaries and Location.
XXII. Lancaster.— (Continued.) 268
First Settlements— Corn planted —Frost —
Difficulty of Travel — Canoes — First White
Woman — Supplies from Portsmouth or
Haverhill —"Samp Mortar"— ••Cars"— First
Mills — Revolution — Emmons Stockwell
•would stay"— Major Jonas Wilder— Rich
S,,il— Manure thrown away— Village Plot-
First two-story house in Coos County— First
Bridge — First Schools — Early Prices —
••Alarms During the War"— Early Settlers-
Residents, Polls, and Stock, 1793— David
Page petitions for more Land— Why '-Upper
Coos" did not elect Representative— Edwards
Bucknam granted mill privilege at North-
umberland Falls— Petition. Etc., Concerning
XXIII. Lancaster.— i Continued.) 276
Lancaster in 1795 and 1804 — Lancaster
Bridge Co.— Extracts from Joseph Brackett's
Diary, 1799 to 1801— Gen. Moses Hazen—
South Lancaster or "Cat Bow"— Lancaster
in 1810 —First Sabbath-School — 1820 -
1830 — Stores, Articles of Traffic, Etc.—
Freight —Mail. Vehicles. Etc. — 1810 — Ex-
tracts from A. N. Brackett's Diary — The
Great Hail Storm— Climatic and Weather
Records— Hon. John W.Weeks on Lancaster
in 1839—1840 to 1850— J. S. Brackett's Sum-
mary from 1850 to 1876— Village Streets—
1870 to 1887— Real Estate and Personal Prop-
XXIV. Lancaster.— (Continued.) -287
Brief Extracts from town Records. 1769 to
1834— First Town Meeting— First Town Clerk
—First Representative of "Upper Coos"—
Burying Field— Pound— Vote for President
and Senator— Assessment for Roads payable
in Wheat— Standard "half bushel"— Preach-
in-', Etc.— Concerning building Mills— Em-
mons Stockwell, Inn Keeper— Town Meet-
ings, where held— School Districts— Meeting
House— Rev. Joseph Willard -Early Taverns
—Prices of Produce paid as Minister's Salary
— Licenses Granted -Barker's Location An-
nexed -First Fire Wards— Miscellaneous
tracts from later Town 1; Action of
Town in the Rebellion, Etc. — Centennial
Celebration — Freshets.
XXV. Lancaster. — (Continued.} 29 1
The Old Meeting House, Description of—
Pews — Pulpit— "Singers Seats" Dr
Foot Stove — Location of Meeting Hoi
Parson Willard— Members of the Congrega-
tion, Description of— Choir, Eti .
XXVI. Lancaster.— (Continued.) 299
Ecclesiastical — Early Pre a c h ing — First
Church — Confession of Faith and Covenant —
Original Members— First Pastor— "Parson"
Willard's Letter— "Parson" Willard's Dis-
missal— Other Pastors. — Orthodox Congre-
gational Church — Organization — Faith and
Covenant— Original Members -Pastors — New
Articles of Faith, Etc.— First Unitarian So-
ciety— Church Covenant — First Members-
Pastors — Prominent Men in the Church-
Officers — Ladies' Benevolent Society — Sun-
day-School— Rev. J. B. Morrison. — Methodist
Episcopal Church — Early Methodism — Or-
ganization— Pastors — Financial Condition.
— Baptist Church, Formation— Original Mem-
bers— Church Building. -St. Paul's Episco-
pal Church — Confirmation— Church Edifice
— Rectors.-— Catholicity in Coos -First Pub-
lic Service at Lancaster— Priests— Church
Building — Missions.
XXVII. Lancaster.— (Continued.) 323
Chronicles from B. I'. Kent's Diary.
XXVIII. Lancaster. — (Continued.) 333
Early Education, Etc. — The Public Library
— Schools— Union Graded School— Lancaster
Academy — Sketch of the First Principal—
•• Raising Men."
XXIX. Lancaster. — (Continued.) 342
Merchants — Manufacturers — Physicians,
Apothecaries and Druggists — Hoti
XXX. Lancaster. — (Continued.) 350
Civil List. Town Clerks. Selectmen, and Rep-
resentatives— Mails. Postoffices and Post-
masters— Lancaster Bank — White Mountain
Bank — Lancaster National Bank Lanca
Savings Bank — Siwooganock Savings Bank—
The New Cemetery— Societies, Grand Army,
Belief Corps, Etc.
XXXI. Lancaster. — (Continued. ) 359
Brief Personal Sketches— Miscellaneous.
i II upter. paq
Name and Territory Embraced—]
Second Grants Second Charter — Petition
Incorporation— Record of First Town Meet-
ing—Names lit' Voters — Roads — J:
Taverns i:< sidi uts, Polk - and Im-
provements in 1812.
XXXIII. Jefferson.— i Continued.) 40 I
Population in 177.") 1790-1800— Scenery
ferson Hill — Traditions -Early Propri
—Col. Joseph Whippli — Early S First
Child— Pond of Safety— First White Woman
—Deborah Vieker or "Granny Stalbird"
First Communication — First Cows — Firs!
Barrel of Rum— Adino N. Brackett's Descrip-
tion of. Jefferson in 1821 — Boundaries — Pop-
ulation -Valuation.
XXXIV. Jefferson.— (Continued.) 11"
Civil List — Representatives, Town Clerks.
Selectmen. Supervisors.
XXXV. Jefferson. — i ( lontinued.) 113
Educational Interests— Action of th< Town
in Relation to Schools 1798-1827— "Old North
School-House" -School Officers— Superin-
tending Committee — Board of Education.
XXXVI. Jefferson. — (Continued.) U5
Ecclesiastical History— First Sermon -Bap-
tist Church- -Names of Early Members- Pas-
tors—Free Will Baptist Church— Mem1
Pastors — Elder Morse — Methodism— Prog-
ress Leaders— Class — Members — Church
Organized — Pastors— Sabbath-School.
XXXVII. Jefferson.— (Continued.) 117
Miscellaneous— Cherry Mountain Slidf — Jef-
ferson Meadows Postoffices —Lumber —
Merchants— Physician — Summer Hotels and
Boarding Houses -Benjamin Hicks— Benja-
min H.Plaisted— Daniel Austin— A goodstory.
A.N. Brackett's Description — Settled Por-
tions Attached to Jeffi i -on.
Carroll, location of — Boundaries -Bn
Woods Soil— Pioneers, Etc.- I Early
XL. Carroll— (Continued. | 130
First Town Record— Bretton Woods— First
dents Inventory — Non-resident Land
Owners — Highway Districts Established —
School Mi larly Births Recorded.
XLI. Carroll. (Continued.) 134
Civil List— Action in the Rebellion— Popula-
tion Relii Valuation — I
ness Interests —Hoi
Whitefield's Petition for Grant — The Grant
— Charter of Whitefields— Considerations for
Land Granted — Paul and Benning Went-
worth — Other Grantees — Gerrish Survey —
The First Moderator— Capt. Jonas Minot —
Samuel Minot.
XLIII. Whitefield.— (Continued.) 455
Organizing under the Grant — First Recorded
Civil Officers — Important Sale of Lands, 1795
— Col. Joseph Kimball— Proprietors' Meet-
ing, December 3, 1800 — Committee and its
Powers— Abstract of Proprietors' Records —
First Draft of Lots— Names of Grantees with
Number of Lot.
XLIV. Whitefield.— (Continued. ) ... .460
"What's in a Name" — Rev. George Whitefield
— Whitefield — Petition for Incorporation,
Etc.— First Town Meeting and Officers, 1805
— Major John Burns — Capt. David Burns,
Etc. — Col. Josepli Kimball — John McMaster
— First Innkeeper, Asa King — Col. Joseph
Colby — First Merchant, William Dodge —
First Inventory — Early Roads.
XLV. Whitefield.— (Continued.) 469
Ecclesiastical. Provisions for Religious Wor-
ship— Free Will Baptists — Congregationalists
— Adventists— Union Meeting-Honse — Meth-
odism— Young Men's Christian Association
— Catholicism — Temperance — Schools- -Soci-
XL VI. Whitefield. — (Continued.) 479
lit cords Concerning School-House, Indian
Stream Soldiers and Town House — Action of
the Town Concerning the Rebellion — Repre-
sentatives—Town Officers.
XLVTI. Whitefield.— (Continued.) 482
Physicians — Lawyers, Etc. — Merchants, Man-
ufacturers, and Mills— White Mountain Lum-
ber Co. — Present Business Interests — East
Whitefield Farmers' Club and White Mount-
ain Grange — White Mountain View House.
Grantees — Name, Apthorp — Dalton — Tris-
tram Dalton — Petition for a Division — Moses
Blake Petitions for a Ferry — Recommenda-
tion of Bloss — Petitions for Taxing Non-
i;( sidents — Petitions for Tax for Repairing
Roads — Petition of Walter Bloss for a Ferry
— First Settlers.
XLIX. Dalton.— (Continued.) 512
Art Authorizing First Town Meeting — First
Town Meeting — Dalton — Lands and Live
Stock, 1809— Town Officers— Town Expenses
— First Three School Districts — John's River
Bridge — Extracts from Town Records, 1810-
chapter. page.
L. Dalton. — (Continued.) 519
Early Births— Early Marriages— Early Resi-
dents—Ear Marks — Dalton in 1821 — Early
Inn Keepers— Whitefield Road— Bridge across
the Connecticut — Carriages — Mills — Resi-
dents' Names, 1849— Civil War, Action of the
Town, Etc. — Mines — Murder — Personal
LI. Dalton.— (Continued.) 529
Ecclesiastical. Organization of Congrega-
tional Church — Original Members — Addi-
tional Members — Action in Relation to a
Church Building— Erection of Church — Dea-
cons — Ministers — Meeting House — Parson-
age— Methodist Church.
LH. Dalton. — (Continued.) 535
Civil List, Representatives, Selectmen, Town
Origin of the Name "Northumberland" —
Township first Granted — Regranted — Incor-
porated— Soil — Rivers— Cape Horn Mountain
— Scenery — Early Population — Early Build-
ings — Charter — ■ Names of Grantees — Diffi-
culty with Woodbury.
LIV. Northumberland. — (Continued.) 542
Early Settlers — Thomas Burnside — Daniel
Spaulding — Capt. Jeremiah Eames — Early
Proprietors — Proprietors' Meetings — Action
of the Same — First Bridges — Last Meeting of
the Proprietors, 1810.
LV. Northumberland. — (Continued.) 546
Petition for Road from Couway 1780 — Report
of Committee relative to said Road 1780 —
Petition of Enoch Bartlett 1780— Petition
for a Ferry 1785— Petition for a Lottery 1791
— Petition for a New County 1791 — Petition
to Tax for a Bridge 1799.
LVI. Northumberland. — (Continued.) 549
Town Officers — Selectmen — Town Clerks —
Treasurers — Representatives — -Action of
Town on Various Matters.
LVII. Northumberland. — (Continued.) 554
Ecclesiastical— Methodist Episcopal Church
— Present Members— Ammonoosuc Lodge, I.
O. O. F. —Members— Lodge of Good Templars
— M ember s— S c h o o 1 s — Physicians — Fort
Wentworth and Revolution — Soldiers of the
War of 1812 and Mexican War — First Judge
of Probate — First Register of Probate — Bus-
iness Interests, Etc.
Stark— "Devil's Slide"— "Devil's Hop-yard"
— Christine Lake and Percy Summer Club—
Soil— Minerals— Percy— Boundaries — Legis-
lative Acts— Petition for Incorporation —
N;unes of Grantees— Proprietors' Meeting —
Records, Etc.
LIX. Stark.— (Continued.') 570
i arly Setters— Residents in 1803— E a r 1 y
Births and Marriages— First Town Meeting
—Extracts from Records in Relation to
Schools, Roads. Etc.— Civil List.
LX. Stabk. — (Continued.) 575
Union Church — Missionaries— Schools and
Districts — Town Hall — Town Library —
Action of Town in the Rebellion — Lumber
— Business Interests— Brief Sketches.
Location, Size,Topography and General Feat-
ures — Soil — Productions — First Settlers-
Indians, Metallak and Wife— Petition for
Incorporation— Sketch of Petitioners.
LXII. Colebrook.— (Continued.) 587
Colebrook from 1796 to 1815— Road through
Dixville Notch— Whiskey Manufacture— Con-
tract of Smith & Pratt— Their Various En-
terprises — McAllaster Mills — Dagway —
Amount Invested by Smith & Pratt.
LXIII. Colebrook. — (Continued.) 590
Invoice of 1816— Residence of Tax Payers-
Number of Polls, Horses and Cattle— Taxes
of 1816— Cold Seasons of 1816 and 1817—
Burning of Cotton Factory— Rebuilding of
the Same — Roasting Pigs — John Whitte-
LXIV. Colebrook.— (Continued ) 594
Education in Colebrook — The Common
Schools — Colebrook Academy — Original
Grantees— Grant of land from the State-
Mercantile Interests —Traders of former Days
and Now— Fire of July 24, 1870 -Rebuilding
of Village— Odd Fellows— Physicians.
LXV. Colebrook.— (Continued.) 600
Postoffices and Postmasters in Colebrook —
Saw-mills —Grist-mills— Starch-mills— Man-
ufacture of Potasli and Pearlash.
LXVI. Colebrook.— (Continued.) 604
The Churches of Colebrook— Organization
of Congregational Church— Creed and Doc-
trine -Pastors of the Church— The Metho-
dist Church— Sketches of Members of the
Churches— East Colebrook Church.
LXYII. Colebrook.— (Continued.) 616
Early Settlers— old Documents.
LXYIII. Colebrook.— (Continued.) 626
Civil List — Selectmen, Treasurers, Town
Clerks and Representatives—*' lusion.
Roads Boti Is Scenery, i
Grants and Grantees — Pi tition i 1795) to
Assi ss Tax on Non-Residen1 Lands -Petition
to Amend Acl of Incorporation— Call for
First Town Meeting— Action of Said Meeting
— Boundaries — Second Town Meeting —
Election of First Representative First In-
ventory—Settlers before 1800— Early Times
— Hardships Endured— First Licenses— War
of 1812— Historic half-bushel— First River
Road — Earmarks — Taverns and Hoi
Corporations -Diamond and Nathan Ponds,
how named— Metallak— Janus Miner Halliard
— The Great Hail Storm— Bridges across the
LXXI. Stewartstown.-- (Continued.) 659
Description, Lots, and Settlement— West
Stewartstown -Settled and Unsettled Terri-
tory— Ponds and Streams— Soil and Minerals
— Game— Horses, Cattle and Sheep— Grasses
— Grass Seed — Journeys to Portland — Roads
and Sleighs— Clothing — Potatoes — Wheat,
Oats, and other Products.
LXXII. Stewartstown. — (Continued.) 664
Settlers prior to 1800— Non-Resident Land
—Settlers Early in this Century— Settlers in
1856 — Extracts from Records giving Action
of Town on Roads, Soldiers. Etc. --Civil List:
Representatives, Selectmen, Town Clerks -
Votes for Governor.
LXXHI. Stewartstown.— (Continued.) 669
Salts and Pearlashes— Flax — Brick— Leather
— Shoes and Harnesses — Blacksmiths — Saw-
Mills— Grist-Mills-Starch Factories-Shingle
and Clapboard Mills— Planing and Wood-
turning — Machine Shops — Wheelwrights --
Furniture and House Furnishings— Woolen
and Carding Mills — Foundry and Tinsmith—
Merchants and Traders— Physicians, Etc.
LXXIV. Stewartstown.- (('ontinued.) 674
Ecclesiastical-- Congregational Church —
Organization— Names of First Membi
Pastors — Sunday-school. Christian Church -
Organization Action of the Church
Original Membership— Extracts from Records
Organization of "Union" Church —
Membership and Dal - oi l;< ci ptior E
tracts from Records and other Bistorj -Ed-
ucational Intel . 3ts- First School District. I .:■■.
Boundaries- Origin <<i' Xante- First Propri-
etors Early Settlers- First Town Meel
—Early Man
Pit1 sburg — Boundaries — First Explored —
To] » tgraphy — Lakes — Streams — Ponds —
Rocks — Minerals.
LXXYII. Pittsbdbg. — (Continued.) .700
Exploration in 1789 — Resources — First
Settlers — Permanent Settlers — Ebenezer
Fletcher — Growth of the Settlement.
LXXVIII. Pittsburg.— (Continued.) 705
Action and Report of Legislative Com-
mittees in 1824 Concerning Titles under
King Philip's Deed.
LXXIX. Pittrburg.— (Continued.) 707
Progress and Growth for the Next Decade —
Independent Government — Blanchard's Ar-
rest—Incorporation— Kimball B. Fletcher —
LXXX. Pittsburg. — (Continued.) 712
Legislative Action Concerning Pittsburg,
is if 1867— Action of Town in the Rebellion
—Civil List.
LXXXI. Pittsburg.— (Continued.) 717
The First Church — Religious Societies -
Schools — Agriculture — Connecticut River
Lumber Co.— Business, Etc.— Upper Con-
necticut River and Lake Improvement Co. —
Upper Coos Railroad — Advantages to Pitts-
Grant of Township — Signers to Petition —
Wales's Location — Boundaries — Lime Pond-
First Town Meeting- Resident Tax List —
Polls and Ratable Estate in 1810— Valuation
of Buildings in 1824— Schools— Town Offi-
cers' Fees— Politics— Cemeter
LXXXIII. Columbia.— (Continued.) 725
Pioneers. Abel Larnard — Abel Hobart—
The Wallaces — Noah Buffington — Philip
Jordan — Benjamin Jordan.
LXXXIV. Columbia.— (Continued.) 731
Mills— Pearlashes and Potash— Tanning and
Shoe-making — Cloth Dressing — Pot-
Distilleries and Starch-Mills —Ferry and
Toll Bridge— Merchants- Stores.
LXXXV.— Columbia.— (Continued.) 735
Civil List — Representatives, Town Clerks
and Selectmen — War of tl llion— -Sta-
tistics of 1S8G.
LXXXYI. Columbia.— Continued.) 738
Church History— Early Services— Columbia
Church — Christian Church— Profession of
Faith— Preachers— Church Edifice— Deacon
John Annis.
Introductory — Woodbury — Names of Gran-
tees— Difficulty Concerning Boundaries —
Transfers Prior to 1772— Proprietors' Action
— Call for Meeting — Gov. Wentworth's De-
LXXXVIII. Stratford. -( Continued. ) 748
Stratford — Conditions of Charter — Grantees'
Names, with Number of Lot — First Settlers
— First Woman Settler — Contest of Skill-
Brief Description of Settlers and their
Families— Description and Topography of
Town— The First Settlements — Pitches Al-
lotted— Extracts From Proprietors' Records;
Concerning Mills, Town Plot, Lots and
Roads, Trouble about First Grist-Mill— First
Settlers have First Pitches.
LXXXIX. Stratford.— (Continued.) 754
The Revolution— Soldiers' Claims and Orders
—Condition of Matters, Taxes, Etc., in 1778
— Petition for Abatement and Incorporation.
1778 — First Settlers, Improvements and
Stock, 1777— Petition for a Guard, 1780—
Certificate, Burnside's Ferry, 1786— Petition
for a New County, 1791— Petition for Abate-
ment of Taxes.
XC. Stratford. — (Continued.) 759
Development, Growth and Population —
Early Officers— First Marriage— The Town
of Stratford— Call for First Town Meeting,
Etc.— Survey — Extract from Town Records
—War of 1812— Great Civil War— Stratford
Hollow; Business, Etc.— Methodist Church.
XCI. Stratford.— I Continued.) 765
Civil List: Clerks, Selectmen, Treasurers,
XCII. Stratford.— (Continued.) 7G7
North Stratford; Business Interests, Rail-
road, Postoiliec— Hinman's Island— Baptist
Church — Education — Hotels— Societies —
Granite State Stoek-Farm— Mills— Physi-
cians— Lawyers — Brief Personal Sketches.
Intrc idue tory— T o p o g r a p h y— S c e n e r y—
Mountains. Streams, Etc.— Tinkers Brook.
Minerals, Etc. — Act of Incorporation— Call
for First Town Meeting— Action of First
Town Meeting -Residents' Names and Ages,
1829— Residents, Stock, and Improvements
in 1830— Name* of Voters, by Decades.
XCTV. Berlin.— (Continued.) 788
Early Settlers -First House (William Ses-
sions) — Second House (The Lowes and
Cates) — Simon Evans —Joseph Wheeler —
The Thompsons — Samuel Blodgett — Th<
Wheeler Daniel Davis— The Bean Family —
Joseph Blodgett- Hazen and John chand-
ler- Merrill C. Forist John V. Dustin-
Lorenzo Mason— Past and Present Business
Interests — Thomas Green -J. D. Horner &
Co. — Daniel Green — Ira and Oliver H. Mason
and other Early Traders and Manufactur-
ers— Railroad, Station Agents, Ere.
KCV. Berlin.— (Continued.) 795
Civil List: Town Clerks, Selectmen, Treas-
urers. Representatives — Extracts from Town
Records — Berlin in the Rebellion — Action of
the Town.
XCVI. Berlin.— (Continued. > 799
Ecclesiastical: Church of Christ — Forma-
tion—Original Members — Confession of
Faith — Action of Church Meetings — Pas-
tors— Progress of the Church— Young Peo-
ple's Society of Christian Endeavor — The
Sunday-School — Organization of Parish —
Church Structure — Origin, Etc., Universalist
Church — Meetings— Articles of Faith— Par-
ish Society Organized— Church Building —
Sabbath-School— Catholic Church — Priests —
Church — Parsonage — St. Paul Evangelical
Lutheran Church Parish —Member s — Pas-
tor—Second Advent Meetings.
XCVII. Berlin.— (Continued.) 804
Education— First School— First Teacher —
School Districts— Amos Mann — Berlin High
XCVIII. Berlin.— (Continued, i 808
Early Roads and Bridges— First Church Or-
ganization— Unusual Phenomena — Hotels —
Burial Places— Societies— Berlin Mills — For-
est Fibre Company — Glen Manufacturing
Compauy— White Mountain Pulp and Paper
Ci impany — Physicians — Lawyers — Mercan-
tile and Business Houses. 1887 — Report of
Selectmen, 1887.
Introductory — S u r f a c e— S o i 1— G rant —
Boundaries — Pioneers — Character of Set-
tlers— Inventory for 1825— Early Convey-
C. Milan.— (Continued.) 835
Act of Incorporation — First Town Meeting-
Extracts from Town Records— -Action in the
Rebellion— Civil List: Town Clerks, s
men, Treasurers, Representatives.
CI. Milan.— (Continued.) 838
Mills— Milan Mine— Business Interests.
CH. Mii.av. (Continued.) 842
( Ihurch History Mi thodism Pasti
ent Society Original Members of Methodist
Church Church Building Calvinist Baptist
Society Free-Will Bap; ty Civil
CHI. Milan. (Continued.)
Physicians, Past and Present A Model Mar-
riage Certificate.
B lundaries Origin of Name 1
Granted Surveyed— Early and Late]
Inventory of Polls and Personal Prop-
erty, 1849.
CV. Dcmmeu (Continued. 1 859
Petition for Incorporation— Civil List: Town
Clerks, Treasurers, Selectmen, and Repre-
sentatives Schoi
Name -Scenery and Attractions — Bound-
aries— First Grant Names of Grantees De-
scriptions of the Original Grant.
CVII. Shelburne.— (Continued . ) 871
Early Settlers: Hope Austin — Daniel Ox-
galls—Stephen Messer— Thomas Green Sam-
uel Wheeler — Jonathan Evans — Benjamin
Clemens— Bazeleel Gates— Simeon E\
Jonathan Peabody— Jonathan Lary— Peter
Poor— Nathaniel Loiter. Etc.
CVHI. Shelburne.— (Continued.) 876
Industries "Peggy" Davis's Mittens
Transportation — Mills — First Merchant
Early Business Interests -Loads -Taverns-
CIX. Shelburne.— (Continued.) 880
Religion— Church of Christ- Original Mem-
bers—Free Chinch -Free-Will Baptist
Church Reform Club — Union Mei
House Schools- Teachers White Mount-
ain Stock-Farm Judge Burbank
Mine- Hotels Soldiers Town Clerks and
ctmen from 1839.
Scenery and Attractions -Boundaries Shel-
burne Addition Survey First Set:
Permanent Settler Other Settlers.
CXI. Gobham. (Continued.)
Early Difficulties in Way of Settlement
The "Addition" in 1821 and lal
School \n icdote Tl shet In-
crease in Population- Commencemen
Prosperity Andrew G. and Jonathan I
First Mills Village Site in 1835 Trade,
Traffic and Boti
Contents — Index to Towns.
CXII. Gorham.— (Continued.) 900
Act of Incorporation of Gorham— First Town
Meeting— Town Officers— Tax-payers in 1836
School Districts Formed— Extracts from
Records and Civil List.
( XIII. Gorham — (Continued.) 906
Ecclesiastical History — Free-Will Baptist
Society — Congregational Church, Society,
Pastors— Methodist Episcopal Church— Uni-
versalist Society— Catholic Church— Schools.
CXLV. Gorham.— (Continued.) 911
Railroads— Grand Trunk Railway, Shops,
and Employes — Gorham Village — Hazen
Evans— Valentine L. Stiles— Progress of Gor-
ham—Fires— Buildings— Lawyers and Phy-
sicians—Business Interests, Manufacturers,
Bank, Merchants and Tradesmen.
CXV. Gorham.— (Continued.) 921
Hotels — Societies — Postmasters — Mascot
Mine — Thirty Years Changes.
First Grant — Location — Scenery— Hotels-
Lots, Ranges, Improvements— Early Settlers.
chapter. PAGE,
CXVH. Randolph.— (Continued.) 941
Act of Incorporation— First Town Meeting
Called — Representatives— Town Clerks— Se-
lectmen—Town Treasurers.
CXVIII. Randolph.— (Continued.) 943
Schools— Church History — Organization of
"Union Congregational Society "—War
Record— Pond of Safety — Prominent Citi-
Grantees —Lumbering— Soil— Boundaries—
Umbagog Lake — Androscoggin River Im-
provement Company— Errol Dam Company
—Old Families — Petitions of Proprietors,
Action of Town, Etc.
CXX. Errol.— (Continued.) 951
Application for Call of a Town Meeting-
Call, Notification and Action of First Town
Meeting— Act of Incorporation— Warrant for,
and First Town Meeting after Incorporation
—List of Voters, 1837— Civil List.
ALGER, L. W 683
BALDWIN, W. L engraving 778
BEDEL, COL. HAZEN engraving 637
BERLIN HIGH SCHOOL engraving 806
BROWN, A. L engraving 493
BROWN. W. G engraving 194
BROWNS' LUMBER MILLS engraving 496
BURNS, HON. WILLIAM engraving 218
BURT, CHAS. W : 247
CHAMBERLIN, R. N engraving 237
COOPER, S. W 247
DALEY, D.J 240
DREW, HON. A. W engraving
DREW. HON. I. W engraving
DUDLEY. J. II engraving 252
EATON, GEO. R engraving
EVANS. A. 1! 233
FLINT. L. T 247
FURBISH. II. II Qgraving.
GOVE, DR. GEO. S engravin
14: Biographies and Illustrations.
GRAY, HOSEA engraving 385
GREEN, DANIEL engraving 819
GREEN, S. D 821
HANNAFORD, S. G engraving 686
HAZEN. L. T engraving 498
HEYWOOD. HON. WILLIAM engraving 214
HITCHCOCK. J. II engraving 927
HUTCHINSON, T. H engraving 931
JACOBS. F. C engraving 687
JORDAN, HON. C. B engraving 233
KENT, R. F engraving 366
KENT, HON. H. O engraving 372
KEYSAR, JOHN engraving 694
LADD, HON. W. S engraving 227
LARY, A. G engraving 926
LOMBARD, DR. LYMAN engraving 635
LOWE, PROF. T. S. C 425
LUND, H. W 257
MARSHALL, A. J engraving 394
McGREGORY, JOEL engraving 502
MERRILL, HON. S. R engraving 640
MERRILL, S. S engraving 646
NO YES, CAPT. WARREN engraving 929
PAINE. HON. S. E 815
PARSONS, HEZEKIAH engraving 629
PARSONS, HEZEKIAH engraving 633
PARSONS, JAMES I engraving 251
PERKINS, HON. N. R engraving 421
PHIPPS, P. A. G. W 852
RAY, HON. OSSIAN engraving 222
RAY, O. P 250
REMICK, S. K 648
REMICK, D. C 256
REMICK, J. W 256
ROGERS, D. A 248
ROSEBROOK, PH1NEAS engraving 444
SCRIBNER, E. W engraving 827-828
SMITH, FRANK engraving 392
Biographies and [llust ration;
SOULE, CAPT. GILBERT engraving 559
SPAULDING. J. II engraving 387
THOMPSON, ALEX engraving 396
TRUE, DR. N. T 934
TWITCHEL, ADAMS engraving 848
VANDYKE, GEORGE engraving 390
WEEKS. HON. J. W engraving 382
WHEELER, DEXTER , engraving 822
WHEELER, R. H " engraving B24
WIGHT, I. C engraving
WILLIAMS. J. 1 221
WISWALL, B. C engraving 692
"the county of cooss."
Organization — Towns Included — Extent — Boundaries — Population, Agricultural and Man-
ufacturing Statistics, etc., 1880 — Locations, Grants, and Purchases — Altitudes.
THE act establishing ' ' The County of Cooss " was approved December
24, 1803, and took effect March 5, 1805. It contained the towns of
Dalton, Whitefield, Bretton Woods, Bartlett, Adams, Chatham, Shel-
burne, Shelburne Addition, Durand, Kilkenny, Jefferson, Lancaster, Mills-
field, Northumberland, Stratford, Wales' Gore, Cockburne, Colebrook,
Stewartstown, Piercy, Paulsburg, Mainesborough, Dummer, Errol, Cam-
bridge and Success, with a population of about 3,000 in 1803.
The General Court had a defective knowledge of the line they under-
took to make the southern boundary, for, in describing it, it is made to go
to the northwest corner of Tamworth, and from thence on the line of the
county of Strafford to the Maine line. To reach the northwest corner of
Tamworth, it had to follow the west line of Albany south the whole width
of the town, and then, to reach the north line of Strafford county, which
it was to follow, it had to go back north on the same west line of Albany
without including any land.
June 18, 1805, Nash and Sawyer's Location was annexed to Coos county,
and January 5, 1853, Bartlett, Jackson (Adams), and Hart's Location were
annexed to Carroll county. Not long after the formation of Coos county,
Chatham was annexed to Strafford county, and upon the erection of Carroll
county, Chatham was included in that county.
18 History of Coos County.
Coos was taken from Grafton, one of the five original counties of the
State — Eockingham, Strafford, Hillsborough, Cheshire. Grafton — and com-
prises all New Hampshire north of the present counties of Grafton and
Carroll. Its western boundary is the western bank of the Connecticut
river, and it extends from latitude 4S° 58' to the extreme north part of
the State, being seventy- six miles in length, with a mean width of about
twenty miles. It contains about one million acres of land. The distance
by traveled highway from the north line of Grafton county at Littleton to
the Canada line at West Stewartstown is about sixty -two miles. On the
Maine line, it is seventy-three miles from Carroll county to the iron post
on the highlands, in the wilderness on the northern boundary.
It is bounded north and northwest by Canada, east by Maine, south by
Carroll and Grafton counties, and west by Vermont.
The census of 1880 gives the total population of the county as 18,580.
By the same census we learn that in that year Lancaster has a population
of 2,721; Whitefield, 1,828; Colebrook, 1,580; Gorham, 1,383; Berlin,
1,114 ; Northumberland, 1,062 ; and Stratford, 1,016. Jefferson only wants
49 to make a round 1,000, while Stewartstown only 42. The other towns
exceeding 500 are : Milan, 892 ; Columbia, 762 ; Stark, 690 ; Carroll, 632 ;
Pittsburg, 5S1 ; Dalton, 570. The remaining towns and grants give the
following : Dummer, 464 ; Clarksville, 328 ; Shelburne, 252 ; Eandolph, 203 ;
Errol, 161; Nash and Sawyer's Location, 101; Millsfield, 62 ; Wentworth's
Location, 55 ; Cambridge, 36 ; Martin's Location, 33 ; Dixville, 32 ; Craw-
ford's Grant, 28 ; Thompson and Meserve's Purchase, 20 ; Second College
Grant, 18 ; Green's Grant, 8 ; Dix's Grant, 4 ; and Sargent's Purchase, 2.
There are in this county 1,939 farms, having a total of 139,089 acres of
improved land ; aggregate value of said farms, including buildings, fences,
etc., $4,350,042 ; implements and the machinery thereon, $192,544 ; stock,
$774,838 ; estimated value of annual farm products, $943,427. The vege-
table productions : potatoes, 623,183 bushels ; barley, 1,8^3 ; buckwheat,
43,431; Indian corn, 10,129; oats, 228,698; rye, 923; wheat, 3t,164; tobacco,
1,000 pounds; hay, 49,734 tons; orchard products, annual value, $3,979.
The number of horses raised in the county, 3,941; mules and asses, 4;
working oxen, 1,615; milch cows, 6,47-1; other cattle, 10,723; sheep, 16,832;
swine, 2,784; wool, 71,504 pounds; butter, 632,822; cheese, 36,795. The
assessed valuation of real estate and personal property is $5,911 , 552. There
are 194 manufacturing establishments, using $2,107,250 capital, paying
$336,010 annually to 1,262 operatives, and turning out products valued at
$2,490,356. The next census will show a change.
Locations, Grants and Purchases. — In addition to the towns which are
organized in this county there are the following unorganized grants, pur-
chases, locations, etc., which contain between three and four hundred inhabi-
tants, and lie mostly among wild mountains, and whose chief value is in the
Organization — Altitudes. l ! »
timber they produce and the incentive they present of romantic scenery to
the summer traveler: Bean's Purchase, Carlisle, Cambridge, Hubbard,
Webster, Chandlers Purchase, Crawford's Grant, Craw lord's Purchase,
Cutt's Grant, Dix's Grant, Ervin's Grant, Gilmanton and Atkinson Acad-
emy Grant, Green's Grant, Lowe and Burbank's Grant, Martin's Location,
Nash and Sawyer's Location, Odell, Pinkham's Grant, Sargent's Purchase,
Second College Grant, Thompson and Meserve's Purchase, Wentworth's
Location. Millsfield and Cambridge, after being organized as towns for
some years, gave up their organization.
Altitudes.— Mt. Washington, 6,293 ft.; Mt. Adams, 5,794 ft.; Alt. Jef-
ferson, 5,714 ft.; Mt. Clay, 5,553 ft.; Mt. Monroe, 5,384 ft.; Mt. Little
Monroe, 5,204 ft.; Mt. Madison, 5,365 ft.; Mt, Franklin, 4,904 it.:
Mt. Pleasant, 4,764 ft.; Mt. Clinton, 4.320 ft.; Mt, Jackson, 4,100
ft.; Mt. Webster, 4,000 ft.; Mt. Crawford, 3,134 ft; Giant's Stairs,
3,500 ft.; Boott Spur, 5,524 ft.; Boott Deception, 2,448 ft.; Carter Dome.
South Peak, 4,830 ft,; Carter Dome, North Peak, 4,702 ft,; Mt. Moriah,
4,053 ft.; Mt. Wildcat, 4,350 ft.; Mt. Kearsarge, 3,251 ft,; Mt. Moat,
North Peak, 3,200 ft.; Mt. Moat, South Peak, 2,700 ft.; Mt. Starr Kin-.
3,800 ft.; Mt. Pilot, 3,640 ft; Boy mountain, 2,278 ft,; Mt. Prospect. 2,090
ft.;Mt. Percy, North Peak, 3,336 ft.; Mt. Percy, South Peak, 3,140 ft.; Cape
Horn, 2,735 ft.; Twin Mountain station, 1,446 ft.; White Mountain House,
1,556 ft.; Fabyan's, 1,571 ft.; White Mountain notch, 1,914 ft.; base of Mt.
Washington, 2,668 f t. ; Cherry mountain, 3,500 ft.; Kandolph mountain,
3,043 ft.; Pliny mountain, 2,1-00 ft.; Mt. Eoyce, 2,600ft.; Pond of Safety,
1,973ft.; Lake of the Clouds (Blue Pond), 5,009 ft.; Jefferson mills, 1,180
ft.; Whitefield, 931 ft. ; Jewell hill, 1,467 ft.; Connecticut river at Dalton
(high water), 832 ft.; Dalton station, 866 ft.; South Lancaster, 867 ft.;
Lancaster, 870 ft. ; Groveton depot, 901ft.; Stark, 972 ft.; Milan summit,
1,087 ft.; Berlin falls, 1,035 ft.; Gorham 812 ft.; Shelburne, 723 ft.; Mt.
Ingalls, 2,520 ft.; Mt. Forest, 1,950 ft.; North Stratford, 915 ft.: Stratford
Hollow, 877 ft.; Sugarloaf, est,, 3,47o ft.; Mt. Lyon, 2,735 ft,; Dixville
Notch, 1,858 ft.; Table rock, 2,454 ft.; Colebrook, 1,030 ft.; West Stew-
artstowm, 1,055 ft.; Mt. Carmel, 3,711 ft ; Crescent mountain, 2,700 ft.;
Connecticut lake, 1,618 ft.; Mt. Dustan, 2,575 ft.; Half Moon mountain,
2,526 ft.; South hill, 2,000 ft.; South peak, Kilkenny. 3,827 ft.; Green's
ledge, 2,708 ft.
20 History of Coos County.
Rock Formations— The Age of Ice — Glacial Drift — Upper Till — Lower Till— Chaniplain
Drift — Recent or Terrace Period — Modified Drift of Connecticut River, Connecticut Lake, to
West Stewartstown— Upper Connecticut Valley — Karnes— Deltas.
*7~\OCK FORMATIONS.— The groups of rocks of Coos County, com-
r*A mencing with the lowest, are the Acidic and Basic of the unstratified,
X and the Azoic, Eozoic, and Paleozoic of the stratified rocks. The oldest,
or bed rock, a very coarse granite or gneiss, conceded now to be of eruptive or
volcanic origin, which varies its name with a different arrangement of the
same constituents. Ledges of these rocks present large quadrangular patches
of light-colored feldspar, varying from a fraction of an inch to three inches
in length. Quartz and feldspar, with black and white mica, and some-
times hornblende, are the constituent elements of these primitive or acidic
rocks, which are known as sienite, granite, and porphyry. These funda-
mental unstratified rocks form the vast volume of the White Mountains,
and are the oldest rocks in the State. Nowhere in New England is there a
better opportunity to read extensively in the " Book of Nature " than on
the granite pages of our wild mountains and precipitous gorges. A mere
mention of the rock formation is sufficient for our purpose here, but those
who desire to pursue the subject from a love of science, will find that Prof.
Hitchcock and his co-laborers have thoroughly and exhaustively treated it
in that great work, "Geology of New Hampshire."
The Age of Ice. — It is of great importance that the Glacial and Modi-
fied Drift periods be treated in detail, for, during the xYge of Ice, the
removal of the great ice-sheet which extended above the top of Mt. Wash-
ington, and the subsequent period, the surface, soil, and water-courses of
the county were formed, and the conditions for civilized occupancy were
prepared. It is well that all should become conversant with the causes
which have brought about these conditions, and we make no apology for
the space we have devoted to this purpose. The indications of a glacial
period arc probably as well shown in New Hampshire as anywhere in the
world. Underlying the modified drift are often found masses of rocks and
earth mingled confusedly together, having neither stratification or any
appearance of being deposited in water. These are the glacial drift or till.
This drift frequently covers the slopes or lies on the summits of the highest
hills and mountains. It contains bowlders of all sizes, up to thirty feet in
diameter, which have nearly all been carried southward from their native
ledges, and can be traced, in some instances, for a hundred miles, south-
ward or southeastward. Wherever till occurs, the ledges have mostly
been worn to a rounded form, and, if the rock be hard, it is covered with
Geology. 21
long scratches or strice, in the direction of the course taken by the bowl-
ders. Geology now refers these to amoving ice-sheet, which overspread
this continent from the north, and had formed of sufficieni thickness to
cover even Mt. Washington. This ice-sheet was so much thicker at the
north than in this latitude that its great weight pressed the ice steadily out-
ward to the south-southeast. The termination of this ice-sheet in the
Atlantic, southeast of New England, was probably like the great ice- wall
of the Antarctic continent, along which Sir J. C. Ross sailed 450 miles,
finding only one point low enough to allow the smooth white plain of the
upper surface to be seen. This extended, dazzling white, as far as the eye
could see. There was a long, continuous period of glacial action, with
times of retreat and advance, but never a complete departure and return
of a continental ice-sheet. The motion of this ice being caused by its own
weight, must have been very slow indeed Over the highlands between
the St. Lawrence river and Hudson bay the ice-sheet was three or four
miles in thickness, over Greenland very much thicker, and over the White
mountains it reached nearly or quite to the line of perpetual snow. The
till, or coarse glacial drift, was made by the long-continued wearing and
grinding of the ice-sheet. As this slowly advanced, fragments were torn
from the ledges, held in the bottom of the ice, and worn by friction upon
the surface over which it moved. This material, crushed below the ice
into minute fragments or fine powder, is called the Loiver Till. While this
was being made below the ice, large quantities of coarse and fine matter
were swept away from hill-slopes and mountain-sides, and carried forward
in the ice. As this melted much of this matter fell loosely on the surface,
forming an unstratified deposit of gravel, earth and bowlders. This deposit
is called the Upper Till. This usually is found above the Lower Till, the
line of separation being at a distance of from two to twenty feet. The
departure of the ice-sheet was attended by a rapid deposition of the abun-
dant materials therein contained. The retreat of the ice-sheet was toward
the northwest and north, and it is probable that its final melting took place
mostly upon the surface, so that, at the last, great amounts of its deposits
were exposed to the washing of its many streams. The finer particles were
generally carried away, and the strong current of the glacial rivers trans-
ported coarse gravel and bowlders of considerable size. When these streams
entered the valley from which the ice had retreated, or their currents were
slackened by less rapid descent, where the channel wasstill walled by ice,
a deposition took place, in succession of coarse gravel, fine gravel, sand and
fine silt or clay. These deposits filled the valleys, and increased in depth
in the same way that additions are now made to the bottom-land or inter-
vals of our large rivers by the floods of spring. They are called the Modi-
fied Drift, and geology gives this name to the period from the departure of
the ice sheet to the present. This modified drift occurs in almost every
22 History of Coos County.
valley of New Hampshire, and comprises the intervals, which are annually
overflowed, and the successive terraces which rise in steps upon the sides
of the valley, the highest often forming extensive plains. Dr. Dana has
given the name of Champlain Period to the time of the deposition of the
modified drift during the melting of the ice-sheet. During the Champlain
period, the ice became molded upon the surface, by the process of destruc-
tion, into great basins and valleys; and, at the last, the passages through
which the melting waters passed off, came gradually to coincide with the
depressions of the present surface. These lowest and warmest portions of
the land were first freed from the ice; and, as the melted area slowly
extended into the continental glacier, its vast floods found their outlet at
the head of the advancing valley. (In the Connecticut valley this took place
by a single channel bordered by ice- walls.) In these channels were depos-
ited materials gathered by the streams from the melting glacier. By the
low water of winter, layers of sand were formed, and by the strong cur-
rents of summer, layers of gravel, often very coarse. These layers are
irregularly bedded, here sand and there gravel accumulating, and inter-
stratified without much order with each other. These, the oldest of our
deposits of modified drift, are long ridges or intermixed short ridges and
mounds, composed of very coarse water- worn gravel, or of alternate gravel
and sand irregularly bedded, a section of which shows an arched or anti-
clinal stratification. Wherever the ordinary fine alluvium occurs, it over-
lies, or partly covers, these deposits. To these ridges geologists give the
name of Karnes. The extensive level plains and high terraces bordering
the New Hampshire rivers were also deposited in the Champlain period, as
the open valleys become gradually filled with great depths of gravel, sand,
and clay (alluvium), which were brought down by the glacier rivers from
the melting ice-sheet, or washed from the till after the ice had retreated, and
which were deposited in the same way, as by high floods at the present
time. During the recent or terrace period, the rivers have cut deep and
wide channels in this alluvium. The terraces mark heights, at which, in
this work of erosion, they have left portions of their successive flood-
plains. The Connecticut river, along the greater part of its course in this
state, has excavated its ancient high flood-plain of the Champlain period
to a depth of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet for a width
varying from one-eighth mile to one mile.
The exploration of the modified drift in this state was principally made
in IS 75, under direction of the state geologist, C. H. Hitchcock, by War-
ren Upham. Esq., from whose valuable report we have condensed the
above and extract the following : —
Modified Drift of Connecticut Biver, Connecticut Lake to West Stew-
artstown. — For the first four miles below Connecticut lake the river has a
rapid descent, with a southerly course. It then bends to the west and
Geology. 23
winds with a sluggish current through a narrow swamp three miles in
length, which is the first aJluvium seen on the river. Its lower end is at
the mouth of Dead water stream. One half mile farther down, at the out-
let from Back lake, the road passes over a sand and gravel plain thirty feet
above the river. This is material deposited in the Champlain period by the
tributary stream. Much of it has been excavated during the terrace peri< >< 1 ;
and till extends to the river on the opposite side in a very gentle, regular
On Indian stream there is a large extent of low alluvial land, compris-
ing several valuable farms. This consists mainly of a wide interval, from
ten to fifteen feet high, which is bordered on the east by a narrow lateral
terrace from thirty to forty feet above the river. In the next four miles
scarcely anything but glacial drift and ledges is found. The scanty por-
tions which may be called modified drift consist of very coarse, somewhat
water worn gravel, in terraces from ten to forty feet above the river, which
has probably in many places cut its channel to this depth through the till.
About the mouth of Bishop's brook considerable low alluvium occurs,
partly brought by the main river and partly by its tributary. Thence we
have a narrow width of modified drift on the north side of the river to
Hall's stream, which is bordered by an interval from five to ten feet, and
two terraces, twenty and thirty-five feet, above the river. On the south
side here, and on both sides for nearly two miles below, the river is closely
bordered by hills, and no modified drift is seen.
The portion of the river which we have now described extends south-
westerly about eighteen miles from the mouth of Connecticut lake. The
descent in this distance is 583 feet. High wooded hills border the valley,
which is destitute of modified drift for half the way. The largest alluvial
area is on Indian stream; and the highest terraces are from thirty to forty
feet above the river.
Upper Connecticut Valley. — Below West Stewartstown the course of
the river is southerly, having a descent in nearly fifty miles, to the bead
of Fifteen-mile falls, in Dalton, of only 205 feet; one-half of which takes
place in nine miles between Columbia bridge and North Stratford. Along
this whole distance the modified drift is continuous, and, including both
sides, is usually a half to a mile and a half wide. It is very simple, having
two heights, and consists of the present flood-plain, bordered by remnants
of that which filled the valley in the Champlain period. The former is
about ten feet above low water, being annually overflowed by floods of
spring. This would be called bottom-land in the western United States.
In Xew England it is commonly termed interval; but along the Connect i< ut
river it is frequently known as meadow. On all our large rivers this low-
est terrace has a firm and well-drained surface, much different from the
marshy areas bordering small streams, to which the name meadow is
24 History of Coos County.
restricted in other parts of the state. It is the most valuable portion of
these alluvial lands, having a more finely-pulverized and more fertile soil
than that of the higher terraces. The ancient flood-plain is here repre-
sented by a lateral terrace from forty to one hundred and twenty feet above
the river, usually remaining at both sides, and in many places forming
considerable plains.
From West Stewartstown to Colebrook the only alluvium of import-
ance on the New Hampshire side is the interval; but small remnants of
the upper terrace are found, especially where there is a tributary stream.
On the Vermont side the upper terrace, composed of sand or fine gravel, is
usually well shown, having a nearly constant but small elevation of forty
to sixty feet above the river, with which it slopes. It appears that this
formerly had possession of the whole valley, and that the channelling of
the river has swept it away from the area now occupied by the interval or
meadows. Portions of it still remain, entirely surrounded by the low
flood-plain. Such a plateau may be seen in Canaan, nearly opposite the
south side of Stewartstown. The upper terrace and its isolated remnant
have both a height of forty feet above the river, while the lower level is
only fifteen feet in height. Northeast from this, in Stewartstown, a rivu-
let has effected a like result on a small scale in the meadow, cutting a chan-
nel wholly around a small area which still preserves the height of the rest
of the meadow.
Karnes. — At Colebrook we find an interesting gravel-ridge or kame
portions of which remain north of the junction of Beaver brook and
Mohawk river, but most noticeably west of the village, extending nearly
a mile parallel with the river. Its height is about seventy feet above the
river, and fifty above the low alluvium on each side. Its material is the
same as that of the long kame farther south in this valley, being princi-
pally coarse, water- worn gravel, with abundant pebbles six inches to one
foot in diameter. This ridge was deposited in the glacial channel of the
river which flowed from the ice-sheet at its final melting.
We must refer to a similar cause, the slightly modified drift in Leming-
ton, just northwest from Colebrook bridge; in Columbia, the high gravel
terrace north of Sims' stream; thence for a mile southward the moraine-
like, level-topped or irregular drift, slightly modified, at about 100 feet
above the river; and the coarse drift ridge on the east side of the river a
half mile above Columbia bridge. The last is a distinct ridge, one-third
of a mile long, parallel with the river, and from fifty to seventy-five feet
above it, being from twenty-five to fifty feet above the adjoining lowland.
This may have been a medial moraine. It contains many angular rock-
fragments from two to three feet in size, and seems scarcely modified,
appearing like portions of the kames along Merrimack river.
Between Columbia bridge and North Stratford the descent is rapid and
Geology. 25
the terraces are irregular. At Columbia bridge the highest alluvial banks
are forty-eight feet above the rive), at North Stratford, 119. Where the
river now descends 101 feet the stratified drift of the valley shows a slope
of ouly thirty feet, or about three feet to a mile. After we pass this steep and
narrow portion, and enter a wide valley again where the river is compara-
tively level, we find the upper terrace falling much more rapidly, or nine
feet to a' mile. At Groveton it has again descended to a height fifty feet
above the river. As we approach Fifteen-mile falls the upper terrace slopes
very slowly down to the lower and they can scarcely be distinguished as
separate heights below South Lancaster. The wide river-pJain here rises
gradually from five to ten to perhaps twenty or thirty feet above the river.
In Stratford and Brunswick both heights of the alluvium are well
shown, the highway being on the upper terrace and the railroad on the
meadow. The former is about 100 feet above the river, and at Brunswick
springs, and for much of the way through Stratford, is from one fourth
to one-third of a mile wide. At Stratford Hollow depot the railroad has
cut through a narrow spur of this terrace, which escaped erosion by water.
Here the alluvium of the main valley has been excavated into secondary
terraces by Bog brook. In the south part of Stratford, and in Northum-
berland, the meadow or interval occupies more space than the terrace,
which has its greatest extent in the level, swampy plain west of Groveton
Deltas. — At Lancaster the upper terrace of Connecticut river is only
fifteen or twenty feet above the interval. The only higher modified drift
has been brought down by tributaries. Part of Lancaster village is built
on one of these deltas, formed by Israel's river on its south side, fifty feet
above the terrace of the main valley. This delta sloped rapidly westward,
and formerly occupied the whole area of the village; a portion of it, twenty
feet lower than the former, remains at the cemetery, opposite the court-
house. Similar deposits also occur two miles southwest from Lancaster,
and on John's river.
Between South Lancaster and Fifteen-mile-falls the broad river-plain is
unterraced. It seems probable that a lake existed here while the original
high plain northward was being deposited. *
When this was channelled out by the river, so as to leave only terraces
as we now see them, the materials excavated were sufficienl to fill up the
lake. It would be interesting to know the depth of the stratified drift in
this basin; it is probably deeper than the height of the highest modified
drift northward above the rivar
Kame-like materials of small extent were noticed at North Stratford,
*The Connecticut river, geologists consider, left this lake by a channel which passed up the
present valley of John's river to Whitefleld, from there across to Lower Ammonoosuc below \Ving
Road, and struck its present bed at Wells River, by following down the Aimuonoosuc valley.
26 History of Coos County.
forming the high bank on the east side of the railroad, one-fourth mile
southeast from the station, and in Guildhall, about two miles north from
Lancaster bridge. A remarkable moraine of granite bowlders occurs in
Stratford, covering a large area of hillside just above the upper terrace,
one mile south from what was Beattie's station. Two miles northwest from
Groveton a ridge of till, from sixty to 100 feet above the river, projects half
a mile westerly into the valley, or half way across it, appearing like a ter-
minal moraine. Horse-shoe pond, on the northwest side of this ridge, occu-
pies a portion of a deserted river- channel. These ancient river-beds are
frequently shown by such ponds, commonly called sloughs or moats, of
which Baker's pond, near Lancaster, is another example.
The Water Sheds — Carriage Roads— Lumber Roads — The Water Basins — The Streams, Con-
necticut, Magalloway, Androscoggin— Source of the Connectirut — Description andScenery — Second
Lake, Connecticut Lake — Tributaries of the Connecticut— Lake Magalloway — Magalloway River
— Androscoggin River — Their Tributaries— Country along the Maine Line — Bogs and Peat
FROM Professor Huntington's elaborate description we extract : The
extreme northern part of New Hampshire is covered by a continuous
primeval forest; and the surface of the country is broken by undulat-
ing ridges, which here and there rise to mountain heights. In these forests,
almost on the boundary of Quebec, is the source of the Connecticut river;
and in the extreme northeast corner of the state is a small lake, which is
the principal source of the Magalloway river. Scarcely anything more is
known to the dwellers on the banks of the Connecticut as to its source,
than they know of the source of the Nile. Hence a somewhat minute de-
scription will be given.
Water-Sheds — Along the water-shed that separates the headwaters of
the Connecticut and Magalloway from those of the St. Lawrence, runs the
boundary-line between New Hampshire and Quebec. Although its general
direction from Crown monument to the head of Hall's stream is a little
south of west, yet so crooked is it that in its course it runs towards nearly
every point of the compass, making the distance nearly twice as great as
it is in a direct line between these points. At Crown monument the height
of the water-shed is 2,568 feet. It descends gently for a short distance as
Topography 27
we go west, but soon rises again, until, near Lake Magalloway, it has an
elevation of 2,812 feet. The summit of the ridge here is 587 feel above the
lake just mentioned. Then, northwest of the lake, there is quite a gap,
but it soon rises again into a mountain ridge. But two miles west of the
lake is another depression: in this rises the most northwesterly branch of
the Magalloway. West of this the ridge rises again, and forms a moun-
tain range which extends west two miles to the gap near Third lake.
Extending south from this height of land is the water-shed between the
Connecticut and Magalloway. The gap at Third lake has a height of 2, 140
feet. Then there is a slight rise, and again a depression of about the same
height as the last. Then the water-shed rises again to the summit of Mt
Prospect, and an elevation of 2,62!) feet. It then descends, but continues
with varying undulations, until, near the head of Hall's stream, it spreads
out into an immense plateau.
The water-shed that separates the waters of the Connecticut from
the Magalloway, Androscoggin, and Saco rivers, runs as follows: Starting
from the boundary of Quebec, five miles southwest of Crown monument,
and not far from three miles east of Third lake, the line runs nearly south
four miles; then it turns almost directly east, and extends to Mt. Kent,
on the boundary between New Hampshire and Maine; thence it follows
the boundary to Mt. Carmel; thence it runs a little south of west, to a
point two miles south of Second lake; thence south to the Magalloway
mountain; thence it follows a ridge, west, nearly a mile; thence it
runs southwest to Mt. Pisgah ; then it bends still to the west, and reaches
its western limit near the Diamond ponds in the eastern part of Stewarts-
town; thence it runs southeast to Dixville notch; thence a little east of
south, through the western part of Millsfield; thence south through Milan,
Berlin and Randolph; thence over the White Mountains to the Notch.
Along this water-shed is some of the highest land in New Hampshire; but
there are occasional gaps where roads are, or can be, constructed. Some
of these passes are well known. Going north from the Net eh. the first is
in Randolph: the next is where the Grand Trunk railway passes; then
there is the road through Dixville notch; but north of this no carriage road
has ever been constructed, — and there are only three winter roads, and
these for lumbering purposes. The first of these roads crosses the Con-
necticut three and a half miles south of Connecticut lake, and runs south-
east. After passing the height of land, it strikes one of the brandies of
the Swift Diamond, and following this, it extends down to the Magalloway.
The second road begins at the last settlement in Pittsburg, crosses the Con-
necticut one mile north of Connecticut lake, and strikes the Magalloway
four miles south of Parmachenee lake. It is several }rears since either of
these roads was used, but through the evergreen forests they are as dis-
tinct as when first made, — yet through the deciduous trees the underbrush
2S History of Coos County.
has so obstructed the way that it is almost impossible to pass, even on foot.
Along either of these routes there is nothing to hinder the construction of
a carriage-road, and probably along the most northern, one will never be
called for; but it may be opened again as a "tote" road when lumbering
is carried on along the Upper Magalloway. The third, a "tote'1 road to
the Magalloway by the way of Second lake, is the one latest used, and
strikes farther up the river. (The supplies now are mostly taken from
Berlin up the Androscoggin and the Magalloway.) The water shed itself,
and the country east, is broken up into irregular groups of mountains and
hills, but no two groups have exactly the same kind of rocks. The axis of
all the higher groups is either gneiss or schist.
The Water Basins. — The northern portion of the water basin of the
Connecticut, the Magalloway, the Androscoggin and the Saco is embraced
in this section. North of latitude 45°, it embraces nearly the whole of
that of the Connecticut. West of the Connecticut river, and north
of latitude 45°, there are three nearly parallel ridges. The first,
going west, is somewhat irregular, and is cut off where Perry's
stream turns east and flows into the Connecticut. But two, — one
between Perry's and Indian streams, and the other between Indian and
HalFs streams, — are more uniform, and they have a mean height of about
600 feet above the streams. South of latitude 45°, and east of the Con-
necticut, the ridges are everywhere irregular. North Hill, in Clarksville,
rises 1,971 feet where the road crosses. South Hill, in Stewartstown, is
2,000 feet, ascending to Jackson. In Colebrook, and below, the high ridges
branching from the water-shed have generally a westerly trend. South of
Sims' stream, the ridge extends nearly to the Connecticut, as, also, the one
in Stratford, south of Lyman brook. Below North Stratford the ridges
run more to the south. In Northumberland, south of the Upper Ammo-
noosuc, they again run more nearly west, and continue thus until we reach
Dalton, where the principal ridge runs north and south.
Seven miles south of Crown monument the water-shed touches the
boundary line of Maine. The portion of the water basin of the Magallo-
way north of this is a level tract of country, penetrated by spurs from the
boundary line towards Quebec. South of the point mentioned above, the
water basin of the Magalloway occupies a large tract of country in New
Hampshire. It is everywhere broken into irregular mountain ridges, but
these have generally a southern trend until we reach the Swift Diamond
in Dartmouth College grant. South of this stream there is a high contin-
uous ridge from Dixville notch to the Magalloway; then there is a high
ridge that runs south, parallel with the stream last mentioned. The tri-
angular area embraced by the Swift Diamond, Clear stream, and the
Magalloway and Androscoggin, is a succession of hills and mountain
ridges. The high point north of Dixville notch forms the apex of the tri-
Topography. 29
angle; and Mt. Dustan is in the northeast angle. South of Clear stream
the hills are, if possible, more irregular in their contour than those north-
The Streams. — The principal streams are the Connecticut, the Magal-
loway, and the Androscoggin. Almost on the very northern boundary of New
Hampshire, and nearly on the very summit of the dividing ridge that sep-
arates the waters of the St. Lawrence from those that flow southward, there
is a small lake containing only a few square acres; and this is the source of
the Connecticut river. It has an elevation of 2,551 feet, and is only sev-
enty-eight below the summit of Mount Prospect; and so remote is it from
the habitations of men that it is rarely seen. A place more solitary is not
known in northern New Hampshire. Surrounded as it is by dense forests
of evergreen, you can see only these and the waters of the lake. Almost
the only sound that relieves the monotony of the place is the croaking of
the frogs, and this must be their paradise. A few steps to the summit of
Mt. Prospect, and we can overlook thousands and thousands of square
miles of forests in Quebec, while in the extreme distance to the northwest
can be seen the habitations of men. Southward the view is not extensive.
This lake is half a mile directly south of the boundary, and has an area of
three-fourths of a square mile, and its height is 2,038 feet. It is trapezoidal
in shape, and has its greatest width in the south, while its northern shore is
not more than a quarter of a mile in length. Its outlet is at the southeast
corner, and its width is eight feet, and its depth six or seven inches.
Besides the spruce and firs and cedars of immense size, it has a sub- Alpine
vegetation. Labrador tea, the led inn pahtstre, is found in abundance
along its shores. In early summer, before the swarms of insects come, it
is charming to stand upon its border, when not a ripple disturbs its placid
waters, and the trees are mirrored along its shores. On every side except
the south, the hills, which rise to mountain heights, approach almost to
its very shores. The Connecticut, which is its outlet, is nowhere remark-
ably rapid. About five miles from the lake it receives a tributary from the
east, the principal branch of which rises near the boundary. This stream
is nearly as large as that into which it flows. A mile and a half from
where it receives this tributary, it flows into Second lake, lis area is about
oneand three-fourths square miles, and it is two miles and three-fourths in
length, and in the widest part is a little more than a mile, and I he heighl
above the sea is 1,882 feet. It is one of the most beautiful of our northern
lakes. The graceful contour of its shores, the symmetry of its projecting
points, the stately growth of its primeval forests, (he carpel of green that
is spread along its border and extends through the long vista of the woods,
the receding hills and the distant mountains, presenl a combination of the
wild, the grand, and the beautiful that is rarely seen. Near its northern bor-
der, besides the Connecticut, it receives two t ributaries, one from 1 lie north-
30 History of Coos County.
east and one from the northwest. Its outlet is on the west side, near its
southern limit; it is forty feet in width, and has a depth of eighteen inches.
Twenty rods from the lake it has a fall of eighteen feet or more; then its
descent is quite gradual, but forms here and there deep eddies. A mile
from the lake it becomes more rapid, and rushes down between precipitous
walls of rock in a series of wild cascades, which continue for half a mile.
It receives two tributaries from the west before it flows into Connecticut
lake. Here we find a sheet of water exceedingly irregular in its outline.
Its length is four miles, and its greatest width two and three-fourths, and
it contains not far from three square miles. Its general direction is east
and west, but near its outlet it turns towards the south. None of these
lakes contain islands to any extent. Second lake has only one, and this
has two, but they are very near the southeast shore. On the west shore
of this lake the country is settled, and the grassy pastures extend down to
its border; but for the most part it is still surrounded by a primeval forest.
As many of the neighboring hills are crowned with deciduous trees, par-
ticularly the maple, in autumn, when the frost comes and these have put
on their crown of beauty, of crimson and scarlet, of yellow and gold, and
mingled as they often are with the dark foliage of the spruce and fir, we
have a scene which, in brilliancy and beauty, is rarely if ever excelled.
There is another element characteristic of this high elevation, for the lake
is 1,619 feet above the sea. It often happens, when the forest has put on
this robe of beauty, that all the neighboring heights are of immaculate
whiteness from the frozen mist that clings to every spray of the evergreen
foliage. Embraced in the picture are the blue waters of the lake, the belt
of deciduous forests, with their brilliant, gorgeous colors, the dark bands of
the evergreens, and the snow-white summits- The water at the outlet flows
over a rocky barrier, the stream falling abruptly nearly thirty seven feet.
The fall is quite rapid for two miles and a half; then the flow is more gen-
tle for about four miles; then it becomes more rapid again, and continues
thus until after it passes West Stewartstown. It is then nowhere a slug-
gish stream, and has rapids in many places until it gets below the falls of
Northumberland; then it is the most placid of streams until it reaches the
Fifteen-mile falls, which begin in Dalton. The fall from Connecticut lake
to Lancaster is 785 feet. In Pittsburg, below Connecticut lake, the Con-
necticut river receives three large tributaries, — Ferry's stream, which
rises near Third lake, and has a rapid descent, including two falls, three
and five miles from its confluence, a mile and a half from the lake; Indian
stream, which rises on the boundary, has a very rapid descent for five or
six miles, when it becomes a very quiet stream until it flows into the Con-
necticut about eleven miles from the lake; Hall's stream, which also rises
on the boundary, and is the dividing line between New Hampshire and
Quebec. Besides these there are several smaller streams. The principal
Topography. ;:i
streams from the east ai^e Cedar stream in Pittsburg, Labrador brook and
Dead Water stream in Clarksville, the Mohawk in Colebrook, Sim'sstream
and Lyman brook in Columbia, Bog brook in Stratford, the Upper Ammo-
noosuc in Northumberland, Israel's river in Lancaster, and John's river in
The Magalloway has its principal source in Lake Magalloway, about a
mile and a half southwest of Crown monument. This lake is one of the
most romantic in New Hampshire. It has an elevation of 2,225 feet above
the sea. Its area is not far from 320 square acres, and is surrounded by
hills that rise to mountain heights, the elevation on the northeast being 587
feet above the lake, and from its summit we look immediately down upon
it. The stream which is its outlet forms, a few steps from the lake, a
beautiful cascade some twenty feet in height. Of all the men who have
hunted in these forests, I have found only one who had ever seen this lake.
If it were within the reach of travel, it would no doubt attract many per-
sons, for in wildness and grandeur it is not surpassed. Its outlet is soon
augmented by streams both from New Hampshire and Maine.
The Magalloway, soon after it enters the state of Maine, forms one of
the peculiar streams in this northern country. It flows for a time with a
rapid current, and then for a long distance it is the most sluggish of
streams, often deeper than it is wide, while on either side there are numer-
ous ponds and bogs. Parmachenee lake, into which it flows, is about the size
of Connecticut lake. For four miles below Parmachenee the stream is very
rapid, and then, for almost the entire distance to Escahos falls, the descent
is slight. Upper Magalloway settlement lies above the falls. The
Magalloway enters New Hampshire in Dartmouth College grant.
It flows about a mile and then goes into Maine, but enters New
Hampshire again in the northeast corner of Wentworth's Location,
and flows into the Androscoggin a mile and a quarter from Umbagoglake.
Although the river is very crooked yet the water is of sufficient depth so
that a steamer runs up nearly to the Maine line, and down the Androscog-
gin to Errol dam; below this, the Androscoggin is for the most part quite
rapid, and, in the sixty-six miles of this river in New Hampshire, the fall
is 464 feet. The tributaries of the Magalloway and Androscoggin from
New Hampshire are the Little Magalloway, four and a half miles south of
Parmachenee lake, and the Swift Diamond, which has its source in the
Diamond ponds in Stewartstown, and has a tributary, the Dead Diamond,
which rises two and a half miles southeast of Second lake, and flows into
the Swift Diamond a mile and a half from its confluence with the Magal-
loway in Dartmouth College grant. Clear stream flows into the Andros-
coggin in Errol. In Gorham the tributaries are Moose and Peabody rivers,
the latter of which rises in the Great gulf between Mt. Washington and
Mt. Adams. A considerable tributary, Wild river, rises in Bean's Purchase.
32 History of Coos County.
but flows into the Androscoggin in Maine. Besides these from the west,
the Androscoggin has three tributaries in New Hampshire from the east,
the Molichewort in Errol, and the Chick walnepy and Stearns brooks in
Country Along the Maine Line. - - The northern extremity of New
Hampshire is a mere point of upland — sterile and comparatively destitute
of lumber of value. In those townships formed from the Carlisle grant
large spruces are now standing, and the different branches of the Magal-
loway are so located as to afford for them egress without excessive expense.
The tracts on Stearns brook and Chickwalnepy river in Success, afford
good settling land. Considerable pine is still standing upon the township.
Standing upon Mt. Ingalls the eye takes in a valuable tract of this land and
the adjoining town of Riley in Maine, which, situated as they are, near the
Grand Trunk Railroad, and possessing the advantages of the Androscoggin,
besides excellent water-power, must at no distant clay be of increased value.
No better land can be found than some of that in the towns of Chatham
and Stowe, while more northerly the farms in Errol and Wentworth's
Location, possess natural advantages, which, together with those of the
rich bottom meadows on the Diamond in the second grant to Dartmouth
College, are of a high order. Although the general surface of the ground
along the line is uneven and broken, yet there are large tracts of fertile
lands which must at some period yield a handsome remuneration to their
holders. The eastern portion of New Hampshire lying north of Mt. Royce,
is drained by the Androscoggin and Magalloway rivers, the former of
which, after serving as the outlet of those great lakes extending from
Umbagog far into the wilderness to the northeast, debouches from this lake,
receiving, one mile below, tribute from the Magalloway, a stream equal in
size to the Connecticut at Hanover, which, taking its rise on the boundary
range, drains that whole water-shed north and west of Umbagog.
The soil along the valley of the Magalloway. Androscoggin, Diamond
and their branches, is rich and alluvial. The highlands are characterized
by an argillaceous formation entirely different from the granitic structures
of the White and other mountain ranges in our State. Mineral wealth
exists in the township of Riley, Success and Shelburne, and probably along
that portion of the line lying between Lake Umbagog and the Androscog-
gin, at the latter town. Spruces of fine proportions were frequently met in
large tracts north of Umbagog, while the maple, the birch, the beech, and
those other forest trees indigenous to our latitude flourish in regal lux-
uriance in the forests north. The cedar is found in great quantities on the
low lands around Umbagog. In fine, the country and its natural charac-
teristics are such as to warrant the belief that it will be at some time
reclaimed from its present state and yield ample remuneration for the labor
Topography. 33
Bogs and Swamps. — Bogs and peat swamps are very numerous in the
northern part of this county. These are often of greal extenl and found
in every town. Sometimes they present a broad surface, without a tree or
shrub, except along their borders, the whole surface being covered with a
luxuriant growth of grass. One of the largest of these bogs is at the head
of Bog brook, a mile and a half west of Second lake, and has an area of
fifteen or twenty acres. West of Perry stream there is another extensive
bog, directly west of the one previously described. Near the head of Perry
stream there are several, more or less occupied by shrubs and trees; here
and there a hackmatack or larch rises from the surface covered with lau-
rels, Labrador tea, and other swamp plants. North of Second lake is a very
extensive swamp where, besides the laurel, Labrador tea and larch, we fre-
quently find the cedar and alder. A short distance south of Connecticut
lake are two small open bogs, on which cranberries grow abundantly. The
peat here is not more than six feet in depth. One of the most extensive
swamps in the State is in the Dartmouth College grant. The distance
across it, north and south, is about three hundred rods, and the distance
east and west is much greater. Several interesting peat deposits exist
along the Androscoggin. One in Milan contains many well-preserved
trunks of fallen trees, principally tamarack. In Shelburne the reclamation
of a peat-swamp has been quite successfully carried on.
These bogs when drained and dressed with sand or sand and lime are
excellent soils, very productive in hay and oats. Many of them may in
this way be reclaimed, for, in time, the peat will be used as fuel and as a
fertilizer. Peat makes a valuable fertilizer. It absorbs and retains water
and ammonia, promotes the disintegration of the rocks, renders light soils
more productive, and acts valuably in other ways. Those who have experi-
mented with it, and compared its properties with ordinary stable manure,
find that it gives, in a certain quantity, an equal amount of lime and nitro-
gen and one-third more organic matter, but is deficient in magnesia, potash,
phosphoric and sulphuric acids. These elements may be given by add i ng to one
hundred pounds of fresh peat one pound of commercial potash, or five
pounds of unleached wood ashes, one pound of good superphosphate, or
one pound each of bone-dust and gypsum.
In view of the small amount and the cheapness of the materials to bring
peat to the fertilizing standard of stable manure, it would appear as if our
farmers could greatly enrich their lands at small expense.
34 History of Coos County
Pittsburg — Crown Monument— Megantic Mountain— Head waters of St Francis and Chaudiere
Kivers— Along the New Hampshire and Quebec Boundary— Third Lake— Mt. Carmel— Mt Agiz-
coos — Cascades— Little Diamond Falls— Hoggins Branch — Dixville Notch— " The Old Man of
Dixville" — The Flume — Cascade Brook — Huntington Cascade — Scenery of Errol — West Stewarts-
tow n to North Stratford — Groveton — Stark — Milan — Lancaster — Jefferson — Randolph — Dalton —
Shelburne — Gorham.
PROFESSOR HUNTINGTON says that the lovers of the grand, wild
and picturesque in nature, will especially delight in the primeval for-
ests of Coos county. A journey of a day and a half in Pittsburg,
from Connecticut lake through an unbroken forest, will take one to Crown
monument, which is at the extreme northeast corner of the state. It is
on the water- shed between the waters of the St. Lawrence and the streams
running south into the Atlantic, and it is so called because a monument
was placed there by the commissioners who established the boundary
between the states and the provinces. From a ridge of land 2,568 feet
above the level of the sea, where, looking northward, the land slopes
toward the St. Lawrence, and southward, toward the Atlantic, the view
must be extensive. In either direction we look over only illimitable for-
ests, except that in the dim distance, a little to the east of north, there is a
small settlement, probably at the north end of Megantic lake, — otherwise
the view embraces a boundless forest. Immediately north, the slope is
quite gradual, and, as it stretches northward, the country seems like a
plain extending to the horizon. To the northeast is Saddle mountain, with
hills and ridges, to the north wrest, Megantic mountain rises as from an
immense plain. Embraced in the view- northward are the headwaters of
the St. Francis and Chaudiere rivers, while east and west is the high ridge
that forms the water-shed. The view directly south is limited, for a moun-
tain ridge runs from the Magallow^ay directly west into New Hampshire.
To the southwest, the high ridge that encircles the basin where the many
branches of the Magalloway have their source, obstructs the view in that
direction. To the southeast there is nothing, as far as the eye can see, but
high ridges and mountain peaks, which follow each other in rapid succes-
sion until in the far distance they seem to pierce the sky.
If we should follow along the boundary between New Hampshire and
Quebec, there w~ould be many points where wre should wish to stop and
view the grand panorama spread out before us. Two of the most remark-
able outlooks we will notice. Not far from three and a half miles south-
Scenery of Coos. 35
west from Crown monument there is a point of land 2,812 feel in height.
The distant view is not unlike that from Crown monument,but the immedi-
ate surroundings are much more grand; among the attractions is a moun-
tain lake, which lies in a depression to the west 800 feet below the sum-
mit, and it is so near that we seem to look directly clown upon it. Another
point of interest is in the vicinity of Third lake. The view northward
embraces a continuous forest, extending fifty miles or more; and in the
distance, Megan tic mountain stands massive and alone. The only habita-
tions to be seen are one or two houses in Ditton (Canada).
South, half a mile distant, we look down on Third lake. On a bright
day in early summer, when the stately forests are mirrored in its clear
waters, it presents a scene of quiet beauty that cannot be surpassed. Gen-
erally the view southward is not extensive, but on some of the higher
points we can overlook the nearer hills, and some of the peaks of the
White Mountains can be seen.
Mt. Carmel. — Mt. Carmel rises 3,711 feet above the level of the sea. It
is on the line of New Hampshire and Maine, and consists of a long ridge,
on which there are two points of nearly equal height, half or three-quar-
ters of a mile apart; from the point east there is a gradual slope for half a
mile, then the descent is almost perpendicular down to the debris formed
from the fallen rocks. Before we reach this precipitous height, there is a
ridge that branches off and runs towards the northeast; and along the east
side of this there are perpendicular walls of rock. As Mt Carmel is some-
what isolated, the view from the summit is extensive.
Immediately northward is the great basin where rise the many streams
that unite to form the Magalloway. Beyond is the ridge that forms the
boundary between the states and the provinces, and, through gaps in this,
we can see a peak far to the northeast. To the east the view is fine, while
near at hand you look down into the valley of the Magalloway. Here you
catch glimpses of the stream, and, save here and there, where the water
reflects the sunlight, the valley is a dark forest of evergreen. Eastward
from the summit of Mt. Carmel we can see far beyond the valley, and such
an array of hills, ridges, and mountain is rarely seen. Hero a mountain,
irregular in outline and broken abruptly off ; there two, similar in shape,
while beyond, and farther south, is a mountain summit that has a grace-
ful contour in its curving lines of beauty. Southward for twenty miles the
view is unobstructed down the Magalloway; then from the east, Mt. Agiz-
coos, with its bare summit, extends partly across the valley. Southward,
sixty-five miles distant from our view-point, wo can see the dim yet per-
fect outline of the White Mountains. In some respects the view to the
west and southwest is the most interesting. Here is a succession of undu-
lating ridges and hills, which, with their shadows and ever-changing color,
give a peculiar charm to the scene; then, in the midst of the forests we can
36 History of Coos County.
see the Connecticut lakes. There is not probably another mountain-peak
in New Hampshire of this height, where oue feels so entirely away from
the habitations of men. In every direction, the whole country, embracing
thousands of square miles, is one vast wilderness, except at the outlet of
Connecticut lake. From the summit of Magalloway mountain, three miles
east from Connecticut lake, there is a fine view of mountains, hills and
Cascades. — Though not numerous in the northern part of Coos county,
there are two or three cascades that should be mentioned. On one of the
western branches of Indian stream, near the north line of the Colebrook
Academy grant, there is a cascade which, on account of its rare beauty,
deserves especial notice. It is in a deep ravine, and on either side there is
a, dense forest of evergreens. Here the extreme heat of summer is unknown,
for the coolness of the water tempers the atmosphere. The cascade has a
height of forty feet, — the first twelve feet the water is broken by jutting rocks;
for the remaining twenty-eight it flows over a ledge, which has a descent
of sixty degrees. At the top the stream is four feet wide, and at the base
twenty feet. The pure water, the white spray, the dark, moss-covered
rocks, the cool, delicious atmosphere, the shimmering light through the
trees, the mossy banks of the stream, the perfect stillness, broken only by
the music of the waters and the songs of birds, form an attractive combi-
East from Connecticut lake, and southeast from the summit of Magal-
loway mountain, the Little Diamond falls in a series of rapid, wide cascades.
The rapids extend for half a mile; and the fall in that distance is 150 feet,
with perpendicular falls of from three to ten feet. Southwest of the same
mountain there is a fall on Huggins's branch. There are rapids for half a
mile before we come to the falls; then a slope of fifty degrees and a fall of
fifteen feet; then a fall of twelve feet perpendicular; then a slope of forty-
two degrees and a fall of about forty feet, confined between nearly perpen-
dicular strata of rock, and the water finally rests in a great basin at the
base. Just below the stream turns east, with a fall of ten feet. This is a
beautiful cascade, and well worthy of a visit.
Dixville Notch is one of the most remarkable exhibitions of natural
■scenery in the state, equaling, if not surpassing the White Mountain notch
in picturesque grandeur. The angular and precipitous appearance of the
rocks, rising hundreds of feet, almost perpendicularly, on either side, is
strikingly different from the rounded and water worn appearance of most
of the crystalline rocks throughout the northern part of the United States,
and seems to come nearer to the scenery of the Alps than anything else in
New England. This notch is easy of access, being only ten miles from
Colebrook village; and although the highest point in the road through the
notch is 830 feet above that village, yet the ascent is so gradual that few
Scenery of Coos. 37
would believe they had reached so great an elevation. It surpasses most
other notches in the vertical height of its walls, one point being 560 feet
above the highest part of the road. Sonic of the highest precipitous masses
stand out in bold relief from the sides. Table rock projects 167 feet, while
the ragged, serrated edges every where form projecting points. One can
easily imagine that he sees here the turrets and spires of some ruined cathe-
dral, or the battlements and towers of castles of the medieval age; or, as
one stands on Table rock, he can imagine that a bridge once spanned the
chasm below, and that these masses of rock standing in the debris are the
ruins of piers on which it might have been built. The rock here differs in
cleavage from that of similar composition elsewhere in New Hampshire.
It splits in huge longitudinal fragments; and Nature has here quarried
posts that equal in just proportion those wrought by human hands.
On Table rock the view embraces a wide sweep of country. One can see
quite a distance in Maine, a part of Vermont, and, when clear, places in
Quebec can be recognized; and from Table rock the view down through
the Notch is always grand. After passing the height of the Notch, going
east on the right, we can see a profile, — '' The Old Man of Dixville," — which
has very fair proportions. On the left, still farther east, there is an excel-
lent representation of the walls and turrets of a ruined castle.
The " Flume " shows itself on the north side of the road, thirty or forty
rods back in the forest. It is a chasm, in granite, about fifteen feet wide
and fifteen rods long; and the stream running through it falls about thirty
feet in cascades. In one place there is a pot-hole seven feet deep, with a
diameter of four feet. The granite is divided try two vertical sets of seams
or joints, so that large columnar blocks could be taken out without quar-
rying. The excavated rock seems to have been a trap-dyke, part of which
may still be seen. Nearly opposite the Flume, but farther down the val-
ley, is "Cascade brook," a branch of Clear stream. Upon this may be
seen a series of cascades for more than half a mile. They were named ' ' Hunt-
ington cascades" by the New Hampshire Press Association. The top of the
most interesting cascade is 274 feet above its base. Here the stream is
divided by a trap-dyke two feet wide; and the water falls on each side a
distance of forty feet. The rock here is the same argillaceous schist as in
the Notch; besides there is an interesting trap-dyke, containing glassy
feldspar and basaltic hornblende, which, Dr. Jackson says, resembles more
a volcanic rock than any other found in the state. Most other notches
we can see a long distance before wereach them, hut here we have scarcely
any intimation that there is such a vast rent in the mountain until we are
almost in the very gap itself.
Errol. — In Errol there is one of the grandest outlooks in New Hamp-
shire, which can be seen while driving along the road. In the distance are
the grandest of mountain summits. After crossing the Androscoggin.
38 History of Coos County.
from Errol Dam to Upton, Me., the road winds along and over the ridge
of land between that river and Umbagog lake. As we ascend the hill the
grandeur of the scenery begins to unfold itself. On our right, and a little
south of west, is the Androscoggin, which pours along over rapids until it
rests in a quiet bay, where the river widens to receive the waters of Clear
stream. After leaving the bay, the river becomes rapid again, and pours
along between the hills, and soon is lost to sight. Westward, among the
hills, is Aker's pond, and, following up the valley of Clear stream, the
view is limited by the high ridge running through Dixville. A little farther
south we look over the hills in Errol and Millsfield, and we can see a few
peaks in Odell. To the southwest there is nearly thirty miles of unbroken
wilderness. For a distant view, I know not where the White Mountains
can be seen to such advantage as just south of this height of land; neither
do I know of any distant point where they appear so high.
On the Connecticut there are many places where the scenery is enchant-
ing. At almost every turn in the road, from West Stewartstown to North
Stratford, there is something that attracts the attention, — a mountain of
grand proportions, a hill with graceful outline, the trees, the forests, or
the river, as it runs through grassy meadows or along a wooded hillside.
There is some remarkable scenery in the vicinity of Groveton. Coming
from the south towards the village, Percy peaks will attract the attention
for their symmetrical form and color. The village itself is surrounded by
mountains. The summits of those that are farthest away are scarcely
more than ten miles distant, while Mt. Lyon, on the south, is not more
than four. Although the hills and mountains are so near, yet, on account
of the broad interval of the Connecticut, we do not feel as though the out-
look had too narrow limits, but rather that in the whole view there is a
beautiful symmetry. It is especially grand to watch the moon as it rises
above the Pilot hills, breaks through the passing cloud, and throws its
gentle light across the forests. There are hills on every side, climbing
which we have distant views. From Percy peaks, northward, we have
forests and wooded summits; southeast, the White hills rise in all their
grandeur; south, we have the long line of the Pilot hills; and, a little west
of south, we look down the valley of the Connecticut, and, in the distance,
Moosilauke rises against the sky.
The summit of the south peak is easily gained from the southeast, but
the western slope of this, as well as the north peak, is so steep that it would
require an expert in climbing to be able to reach the summit of either peak
from that direction.
Stark is a town of mountains and hills. Approaching Stark station,
either from the east or the west, the points of the mountains from the
opposite sides of the valley, project by each other so that there seems to be
an impassable barrier across the valley; but we know that the stream
Scenery of Coos. 39
must pass through the mountains, and Stark station is in the gap of 1 lie
mountain through which it passes. On the north is a perpendicular wall
of rock forming a vast amphitheatre, while on the opposite side of the val-
ley, and a little east, is Mill mountain. Although in every other din ction
surrounded by high mountains, yet, looking a little west of south, we can
see in the distance some of the high peaks of the Pilot range.
West Milan. — Here the peaks of the White Mountains begin to appear,
and besides, there is quite an array of mountains westward. In the south-
east part of Milan, near the line of Berlin, and about a mile east of the
Androscoggin, we have one of the most striking views of the White
In Lancaster the view is always grand. Mt. Lyon to the north, and
thence eastward the broad sweep of the Pilot range, and the group of
mountains of which Starr King is the culminating point, are so situated
that every fine sunset gives to them that deep coloring which is the charm
of mountain scenery. Most of the White Mountain peaks can be seen
from the village, but two miles east, on the road to Jefferson, to a point
between three and four hundred feet above the Connecticut, brings them
out in bolder relief, and at the same time gives a charming view of the
Connecticut valley and the village of Lancaster. FromMt. Pleasant, which
is easv of access, the view is more extended, and embraces the mountains
From Jefferson hill and thence on the road to Randolph, we get a nearer
view of the mountains. At the Mt. Adams the broad sweep of forests, reach-
ing from Israel's river almost to the summits of the mountains, gives us
one of our grandest views. From Dalton mountain we have the sweep of
the whole horizon; westward, the mountains in Vermont; the Connecti-
cut valley northward; the mountains of Stratford, Mt. Lyon, the Pilot
range, Starr King, all of the White Mountains, the chief of the Franconia
mountains, and Moosilauke, southward.
Shelburne. — The scenery is varied and lovely to those artistic enough
to appreciate it. Artists say that nowhere have they seen such rich
autumnal coloring as in Shelburne. Several picturesque spots may be
found on the Lead Mine brook, and the little flat called The ( rarden is used
as a camping ground by tourists. On the north side of Mt. Winthrop is
Moses1 rock, so-called, sixty feet high, and rising at an angle of fifty
degrees. In the winter water trickles over it, forming a beautiful ice cas-
cade. Near by was the Granny Starbird rock, where the old doctress held
her horse by the bridle through a stormy night. It has since been split up
for railroad bridges and underpinnings. On Peabody brook, between Ked
hill and Baldcap, are Shelburne falls. In the spring they can be seen two-
thirds the length of the town, appearing like a great drift of snow. The
Falls are one of the objects of interest to summer visitors.
40 History of Coos County.
Baldcap, as its name implies, is a bare ledge at the top, and in height
ranks next to Moriah. It is easy to ascend and affords a delightful view.
A little pond of clear, cool water near the summit was christened Dream
lake by some romantic visitor.
Gorham. — The mountain scenery here is not surpassed in the whole
mountain region. At the southeast, distant but a few miles, stand Mounts
Moriah and Carter, each about 5,000 feet in height; at the west can be seen
Mt. Madison; at the northwest the Pilot range, while at the east are the
Androscoggin hills, the most prominent of which is Mt. Hayes. It is only
eight miles to the Glen House at the base of Mt. Washington.
Aborigiual Indians — Iroquois — Mohawks — Algonquins — New England Tribes — Wigwams
— Social Life, Government, and Language — Food — Religion — The St. Francis Indians — Gen.
Amherst — Rogers' Expedition — Destruction of St. Francis Village — Retreat and Sufferings of
the "Rangers."
WHEN the Europeans first landed on the Continent of America, the
Indians who inhabited the Atlantic slope, and dwelt in the valleys
of the Connecticut and St. Lawrence, in the basin of the Great
Lakes, and the fertile valleys of the Alleghany region, were composed of
two great nations and their sub-divisions. These were soon known to the
whites under the French appellation of Iroquois and Algonquins. These
nations differed in language and lineage, in manners and customs, in the
construction of their dwellings and boats, and were hereditary enemies.
The Iroquois proper, who gave their name to one division, the ablest
and most powerful of this family, were the Five Nations, called by them-
selves the Ho de-no-sau-nee, "the people of the long house.'' They com-
pared their union of five tribes, stretched along a narrow valley for more
than two hundred miles in Central New York, to one of their long wig-
wams containing many families. Among all the Aborigines of America
there were none so politic and intelligent, none so war-like and fierce, none
with such a contrasting array of virtues and vices as the true Iroquois.
All surrounding tribes, whether of their own family, or of the Algonquins,
stood in awe of them. They followed the war-path, and their war-cry
was heard on the banks of the Mississippi, on the shores of the Gulf of
Indian History. 4t
Mexico, and where the Atlantic breakers dash in Massachusetts Bay.
"Some of the small tribes were nearly exterminated by their ferocity and
barbarity. They were more cruel to the Eastern Indians than those [ndians
were to the Europeans. " The New England tribes, with scarce an excep-
tion, paid them tribute; and the Montagnais, fai north on the Saguenay,
called by the French " the paupers of the wilderness, " would start from
their midnight slumbers at dreams of the Iroquois, and run, terror-st ricken,
into the forest. They were the conquerors of the Mew World, and justly
carried the title of "The Romans of the West." The .Jesuit Father.
Ragueneau, wrote, in 1650, in his " Revelations des Hurons, " "My pen
has no ink black enough to paint the fury of the Iroquois." The tribe
which guarded the eastern door of the typical long house, was the si
active and most blood-thirsty one of this fierce family, the dreaded Mo-
hawks, to whom the Connecticut River Indians gave the appellation of
Ma-qua hogs, or Maquas— "Man-eaters." The Mohawk country proper
was west of the Hudson river, but, by right of conquest, they claimed all
the country between the Hudson and the sources of the north and easterly
branches of the Connecticut, and, by virtue of this claim, all the Indians
of the Connecticut valley paid them annual tribute.
The few tribes of the Iroquois were surrounded on all sides by the much
more numerous Algonquins, to which family all the New England trib< -
belonged, Along the valley of the St. Lawrence dwelt the Algonquins
proper, the Abinaquis, the Montagnais, and other roving tribes. Th
tribes were often forced, during the long Canadian winters when game
grew scarce, to subsist on buds and bark, and sometimes even on the
wood of forest trees, for many weeks together. From this they were
called in mockery by their bitter enemies, the Mohawks, "Ad-i-ron-daks"
tree-eaters. The New England tribes of the Algonquin family dwelt along
the sea, and on the banks of the larger streams. The Et-it-che-mi-as
dwelt farthest east in the St. Croix region. The confederation of Abina-
quis, and their kindred tribes, the Taratines, had their hunting-grounds in
the valleys of the Penobscot, Saco, and Piscataqua, and held possession of
Northern New Hampshire. The Anasagunticooks, a powerful tribe, con-
trolled the territories of the Ameriscoggin (Androscoggin). Savage, and
given to war, they dwindled away, until in 1747. they could number but
160 warriors. The Pequawkets (Pigwackets) occupied the Saco valley. In
the southeastern part of New Hampshire and northeastern Massachusetts
dwelt the Penobscot or Pawtucket tribe; while the Massachusetts occupied
the lands around the bay known by their name, and the neighboring islands.
In what is now the state of Vermont, no permanent home existed of any
Indian tribe. It was the beaver- hunting country of the [roquois, but also
claimed, and at times occupied, by the Abenaquis.
Wigwams. — The Algonquin Indians made their wigwams small and
42 History of Coos County.
round, and for one or two families only; while the Iroquois built theirs long
and narrow, each for the use of many families. The Algonquin wigwam
was made of poles set up around a circle, from ten to twelve feet across.
The poles met at the top, forming a circular frame- work, which was cov-
ered with bark-mats or skins; in the center was the fire, the smoke escap-
ing from a hole in the top. In these wigwams men, women, children, and
dogs, crowded promiscuously together in complete violation of all our
rules of modern housekeeping.
Social Life, Government, and Language. — The government of the Indian
was completely patriarchal. The only law was the custom of the tribe;
conforming to that, he was otherwise as free as the air he breathed to fol-
low the bent of his own wild will. In his solitary cabin he was the head
of his family, and his "squaw" was but his slave to do the drudgery.
Over tribes were principal chiefs called sachems, and lesser ones called
sagamores. The direct succession was invariably in the female line. The
war-chiefs were only leaders in times of war, and won their distinction only
by their valor on the war-path. The Indian language, in the language of
modern comparative philology, was neither monosyllabic like the Chinese,
nor inflecting like that of the civilized Caucasian stock, but was agglutin-
ating, like that of the northwestern Asiatic tribes, and those of south-
eastern Europe. They express ideas by stringing words together in one
compound vocable. The Algonquin languages were harsh and gutteral;
not euphonious like that of the Iroquois. Contrast the Algonquin names
A-gi-o-cho-ok, Co-os, Squa-ke-ag, Am-os-ke-ag, Win ne-pi-se-o-gee, Waum-
bek meth-na, with Hi-a-wath-a, O-no-a-la-go-na, Kay-ad-ros-se-ra, Ska-
Food. — The Indians had fish, game, nuts, berries, roots, corn, acorns,
squashes, a kind of bean called now "seiva bean," and a species of sun-
flower, with roots like an artichoke. Fish were speared or taken with
lines, nets or snares, made of the sinews of deer, or fibres of moose-
wood. Their fish-hooks were made of the bones of fishes or of birds.
They caught the moose, the deer, and the bear in the winter season by
shooting with I tows and arrows, by snaring, or in pitfalls They cooked
their fish by roasting before the fire on the end of a long stick, or by boil-
ing in closely woven baskets, or stone or wooden vessels. They made
water boil, not by hanging over the fire, but by the constant immersion of
hot stones. The corn boiled alone was "hominy;" with beans, "succo-
Religion. — The aborigines had but a vaguely crude idea, if an idea at
all, of religion. They had no priests, no altars, no sacrifice. They had
"medicine-men " -mere conjurors— who added nothing to the mysterious
awe and superstition which enveloped the whole race. The Indian spirit-
ualized everything in nature; heard ' k aery tongues on sands and shores
Indian History. i:;
and desert wildernesses," saw "calling shapes and beckoning shadows
dire" on every hand. The flight or cry of a bird, the humming of a bee,
the crawling of an insect, the turning of a leaf, the whisper of a breeze,
all were mystic signals of good or evil import, by which he was guided in
the most important undertakings. He placed the greatest confidence in
dreams, which were to him revelations from the spirit-world, guiding him
to the places where his game lurked, and to the haunts of Ins enemies.
He invoked their aid on all occasions to instruct him how to cure the sick,
or reveal to him his enemies.
Three centuries of contact with our civilization has unchanged him,
and he is still the wild, untamed child of nature. "He will not."' says
Parkman, "learn the arts of civilization, and he and his forest must per-
ish together. The stern, unchanging features of his mind excite our
admiration from their immutability; and we look with deep interest on
the fate of this irreclaimable son of the wilderness, the child who will not
be weaned from the breast of his rugged mother.*'
St. Francis Indians. — The central metropolis of the Abenaquis Indians
was situated on the St. Lawrence river at the mouth of the St. Francis.
This was midway between Montreal and Quebec, and in easy communica-
tion with the New England frontiers. These St. Francis Indians were
strong in numbers, power, and enterprise, and the staunch allies of the
French. Here was planned expedition after expedition against the border
English settlements, and here was paid the bounties offered for scalps and
prisoners. Here, too, was a city of refuge for all the outlawed savages
driven from the English country. Among these were what remained of
the followers of Philip, Paugus, Mesaudowit, Kancamagus, and Wahawah.
From this strong protected citadel for many years went out war parties,
thirsting with revenge, to glut it in the blood of the New Englanders.
"Hundreds of people had fallen by the rifle and hatchet, burnished and
sharpened at the hearth-stones of this village " These Indians claimed the
"Cowasse" country as their own. They enjoyed the rich profusion of
game and fish of the upper Connecticut. The bear, moose, and feathered
game were of a superior quality, while from the clear, cold waters of the
streams they brought ample supplies of those delicate fish— salmon and
trout. The fertile soil yielded large crops of corn wherever their rude
planting covered the kernels. It was a select and paradisaical country,
this "Cowasse"— and no wonder that they stoutly resisted all encroach-
ments of the English or their attempts to occupy their last hold upon New-
England. Here the Indians, during the strong rule of the French in
Canada, and blest by their aid, grew fat and uumerous. Through this
country passed their trails when they carried death and destruction to the
frontier settlements of lower New Eampshire, and their jubilant cries, as
they returned laden with spoils, scalps, and prisoners, resounded along the
44 History of Coos County.
"Notch," and other defiles of the White Mountains, and among the tall
white pines of the upper Connecticut. Until the power of the French was
broken, and while the St. Francis Indians preserved their strength, no
paleface, except a captive, was allowed even a lodging, or an occupancy in
the "Coos."
After the fall of Louisburg, in 17T.S. Gen. Abercrombie was recalled to
England, and General Amherst made commander of the British forces
warring against the French and Indians in America. He took personal
command at Lake Champlain, brought order out of confusion, called for
seventeen hundred more recruits from the already depleted numbers of the
colonists, and gained success by the excellence of his judgment, his circum-
spection, and other needed qualities for winning conquests and preserving-
acquisitions. In 1750 Gen. Amherst ordered two measures of great
importance to New England. One was the construction of a military road
from Crown Point to Number Four (Charlestown) on the Connecticut
river. This improvement was of great value, and opened a large territory
to immediate settlement. The other measure was of full more importance.
It was the destruction of the chief village of the St. Francis tribe. The
daring Indian-fighter, Major Robert Rogers, with two hundred of his fam-
ous Rangers, was selected for the undertaking. A large part of this
detachment, both of officers and men, was from New Hampshire, and
chosen, by Rogers himself, for their bravery and experience. Starting
from Crown Point, they passed down Lake Champlain to Missisquoi Bay,
and there left their boats in charge of two Indians, who were to remain
until the party returned, unless the enemy discovered the boats. In such
case the guard was to follow and inform Rogers of the fact. Major Rogers
and his party, reduced by casualties to one hundred and forty-two, the 23d
of September, left the bay and struck boldly into the wilderness, but, on
the 25th, were overtaken by the Indians left in charge of the boats, with
the disheartening intelligence that the enemy had discovered them and
were in pursuit. There was no alternative but to push on, outmarch the
pursuers, destroy the fated village, return by Lake Memphremagog and
the Connecticut, and thus accomplish their object and elude their pursuers.
Lieut. McMillen was sent back across the country to Crown Point, to
inform Gen. Amherst of their situation, that he might order provisions to
be sent up the Connecticut to the Lower Coos for the use of the party,
should they live to return that way. The Rangers then, nothing daunt-
ed, continued their march through the wet, marshy ground for nine days;
sleeping nights upon a sort of hammock made of boughs to keep them
from the water. The tenth day they arrived within fifteen miles of the
doomed town. The place was reconnoitred by Rogers and two of his
officers on the 6th of October, and the Indians were discovered in the great-
est glee, celebrating a wedding. Rogers returned to his part}', and, at
Indian History. i:.
three o'clock the next morning, the Rangers advanced to within four hun
dred yards of the village. Before sunrise the attack was made by an
advance in three divisions. The surprise was so complete thai the [ndians
had no time to rally, defend, or escape. Two hundred were killed upon
the spot; twenty of their women and children were taken prisoners. I ^ay-
light revealed to the victors the horrible sight of more than six hundred
scalps of both sexes and ail ages floating from the lodge-poles of the wig-
wams. Nothing can give us a more vivid picture of the honors of an
Indian war, or the dangers besetting the early days of the pioneers of this
country. If the massacre of this village of surprised savages seem a cold
and blood-thirsty deed, the discovery of these dread trophies of savage
atrocity showed it to be but a just reprisal. All of the houses were burned,
except three, and, it was supposed, many Indians. Upon roll-call it was
found that seven were wounded and one killed. They then commenced
their march for Connecticut river. It was Rogers' intention to occupy for
a time the fort he had built in 1755, in what is now Stratford. After
marching eight days their provisions failed upon the shore of Lake Mem-
phremagog, and they separated into parties, the better to obtain game,
and made for " the mouth of the Ammonoosuck" as best they might. It
was a march for life. Twenty were killed or taken prisoners. Rogers
took one party with him by the way of Magog lake and the Passumpsic
river. Another party was to gain the upper Connecticut and follow down
that stream. Other parties took independent courses. ;: Some, after
months of weary journeying, reached the settlement, while others perished
in the wilderness. A Toledo blade, found on Meeting House hill, Lancas-
ter, no doubt belonged to one of the "Rangers." In the early settlement
of the country gnus were found on the Fifteen-mile falls, and it is sup-
posed one of the parties was overtaken by Indians here, that a tight
ensued in which several were killed, that the whites were victorious, and
that they put the guns of those who were killed in the river so they would
not be found by the Indians. One historian says that many died at the
head of the Fifteen-mile falls from exhaustion and hunger. They had in
vain tried to appease their hunger by boiled powder-horns, bullet-pouches,
leather-aprons, bark of trees, ground nuts and lily pads. There can be no
doubt that some of them even ate human flesh.
There is a tradition that relics of Rogers' " Rangers" have been found
on the north side of the White Mountains. (See Jefferson.) The party which
arrived at the Lower Coos found the fresh embers of the tires Left by the
party which Gen. Amherst had sent there with provisions, which had.jusl
a few hours before, returned to Charlestown without leaving supplies.
* According to James W. Weeks, the old settlers of Co5s had a tradition thai most of the
parlies, with Major Rogers, met at Fort Wentworth, and waited three days foi stragglers to come
in, before starting down the river.
46 History of Coos County.
Months elapsed before the scattered men were reunited at Crown Point.
Fifty of the gallant-band were reported lost. From this time the St. Fran-
cis Indians were scattered in small bands, and in different localities. Their
spirit was broken, their prestige gone. Major Rogers and his ''Rangers"
had humbled them, and as the war had made them British subjects, " they,
with silence and sorrow, permitted new coming whites to live among
them," and the whole extent of the "Cowasse" was ready for English
occupancy and settlement.
Topography — Mt. Starr King Group — Mt. Carter Group — Mt. Washington Ratige — Cherry
Mountain District — Mt. Willey Range— History — Mythology — First Visited— Winthrop's Account
—Darby Field's Route up the Mountains — Josselyn's Description of Scenery — The Chrystal
Hills — Later Visits — Western Pass, or " Notch'"— First Settlement — Scientific Visitors— Scenery
of the Notch — Nash and Sawyer's Grant — "A Horse through the Notch " — Sawyer's Rock —
First Articles of Commerce — Tenth New Hampshire Turnpike — Scientific Explorations — First
Settlers Among the Mountains — Nancy's Rock and Brook — First House in the Notch — Craw-
ford's Cabin on the Summit — Summit House — Tip-top House — Carriage Road — Glen House —
Mt. Washington Railway — Mountain Tragedies — "Among the Clouds " — Signal Station — Sum-
mer Hotels.
THE White Mountains cover an area of 1,270 square miles, bounded
by the state line on the east ; the Androscoggin river and the Grand
Trunk Railway on the northeast and north ; the Connecticut river
valley, or an irregular line from Northumberland to Warren, on the west ;
the region of Baker's river on the southwest ; the Pemigewasset river and
the lake district on the south. The Saco river cuts the White Mountains
into two nearly equal parts. Prof. Huntington groups the mountains in
ten sub-divisions : 1. Mt. Starr King group. 2. Mt. Carter group. 3. Mt.
Washington range, with a Jackson branch. 4. Cherry mountain district.
5. Mt. Willey range. 6. Mt. Carrigain and Osceola group. 7. Mt. Pas-
saconnaway range. 8. Mts. Twin and Lafayette group. 9. Mts. Moosi-
lauke and Profile division. 10. Mt. Pequawket area. The first five em-
brace all really connected with this county. These mountain groups differ
much in geological character, age, and topographical features.
1. Mt. Starr Kin'/ < ! roup is embraced in the remote portions of the towns
of Gorham, Randolph, Jefferson, Lancaster, Stark, Milan, Berlin, and the
W'niTK Mountains.
whole of Kilkenny. It is bounded by the Upper Ammonoosucand Andro-
scoggin rivers on the north and east, by Moose and [srael's livers on the
south, and the Connecticut slope on the west. The longest diameter of
this group is sixteen miles ; the greatest width thirteen miles. The shape
of the area is oval elliptical, more pointed at the north than south, and
comprises about 150 square miles. The Upper Ammonoosuc river Hows in
a broad valley in Randolph and Berlin, and thereby divides the group into
two parts. The source, called the "Pond of Safety,1' is nearly! feel
above Milan water-station, and there is a depression in the ridge in the
south towards Jefferson. Geologists state that the northern portion of the
Starr King region was once a large plateau through which water has cut
the numerous valleys now found. Not less than seven streams have cut
notches into this plateau, — the three most prominent ones being from
Berlin, Stark (Mill Brook), and Lancaster. There is a central ridge through
Kilkenny, the Pilot mountain range, connected by a valle}7 with Mt. Stan-
King in Jefferson. A branch diverges from this range to Pilot mountain
in Stark. Green's ledge and Black mountain are spurs to the east from
the Pilot range. From Mt. Starr King to Berlin Falls runs an irregularly
curved range, composed of Pliny, Randolph, and Crescent mountains, and
Mt. Forest. Mts. Starr King, Pilot, and Randolph, are the culminating
points, being in height 3,800, 3,640, and y>j"'i?> feet respectively.
2. Mt. Carter Group lies in Shelburne, Bean's Purchase, Chatham, and
Jackson. There is a heavy range from Gorham to Jackson, quite near the
Peabody and Ellis valleys, while, on the east, the slope towards the Andros-
coggin is quite gradual. Mt. Moriah is one of the most northern peaks of
this chain. Rev. T. Starr King says " Mount Moriah should be seen from
the bend of the Androscoggin, a little more than a mile north of the hotel
(in Gorham). Here its charming outline is seen to the best advantage.
Its crest is as high over the valley as Lafayette rises over the Profile House."
Mt. Moriah and Mt. Carter are separated by Imp mountain Wild river
occupies a broad valley in Bean's Purchase, trending northeasterly. The
highest part of Carter range is next Peabody river. The western slope
is much steeper than the eastern. Several tributaries How to Wild river
from the south, from the range which runs easterly to form the entire
western and southern edge of the Wild river basin. This range curves to
the north, near the Maine line, where Mt. Royce stands immediately on
the border. Some of the wildest, grandest, and most beautiful scenery of
the White Mountains is in this district.
3. Mt. Washington Range. — The main range of Mt. Washington extends
from Gorham to Bartlett, about twenty-two miles. The culminating point
is central, with a deep gulf towards Gorham, a slope on the north, formed
partially by the westerly Mt. Deception range, which also produces the
broad Ammonoosuc valley on the west, in connection with the axial line
48 History of Coos County.
of summits. There are two principal valleys on the south, the more
westerly occupying the depression of Dry or Mt. Washington river, and
the easterly passing down the slope of Eocky branch, which travels easterly
near its termination, and parallel with the Saco in Bartlett. Starting with
the Androscoggin valley, the range commences in the low Pine mountain.
In the southeast corner of Gorham this is intersected by the pass of the
Pinkham road between Randolph and the Glen House. Next, the land
rises rapidly to the top of Mt. Madison, 5,400 feet. The range now curves
westerly, passing over the summits of Adams, Jefferson, and Clay. From
the gap between Clay and Washington the best view can be obtained
of the deep abyss in which the west branch of Peabody river rises. From
Washington the east rim of the Great Gulf is easily discerned, for on it
the carriage road to the Glen House is located. From "Blue Pond," or
" Lake of the Clouds," and the height south of Tuckerman's ravine to
Madison, it is easy to imagine an elevated plateau out of Washington,
which rises, say S00 feet. Tuckerman's and Huntington's ravines have
been cut out east of Washington. Tuckerman's runs easterly, holding
the head waters of Ellis river. Huntington's commences at the southern
angle of the carriage road, at the fifth mile post, and runs towards the first.
Past Mt. Washington the main range drops to the pass of the Lake of
the Clouds, — the source of the Ammonoosuc river. The first mountain is
Monroe, then comes Mts. Franklin, Pleasant, Clinton, Jackson, and Web-
ster, as named. Mt. Webster is a long mountain with a steep side towards
the Saco, and being directly opposite the Willey House, forms one of the
chief features of the Notch. From Monroe to Webster, the east flank of
the mountains is washed by the powerful Mt. Washington river, the proper
continuance of the Saco valley, which formerly was called Dry river. This
heads in Oakes's gulf, from the east side of which two ranges run south-
erly. The western one follows the Saco to a point opposite ki Sawwer's
rock," having, in the lower part of its course, Giant's Stairs, Mt. Resolu-
tion, Mt. Crawford. Mt. Hope, and "Hart's ledge." The eastern one is
not conspicuous, and not named.
4. Cherry Mountain District. — Mt. Deception range consists of four
peaks, — Mt. Mitten, Mt. Dartmouth, Alt. Deception, and Cherry mountain.
It is separated by a considerable valley from Mt. Jefferson, and its gentler
slope lies on the northern flank towards Israel's river. The road from Fa-
byan's to Jefferson passes between Cherry and Deception. Cherry moun-
tain lias a northerly spur of large dimensions, called Owls Head, where
occurred the great slide of L885.
5. Mt. Willey Range starts from near the White Mountain House in
Carroll, and ends in Mt. Willey. Its northern terminus is low, the highest
peak being at the southern end of the range. Six granitic summits appear
before reaching the high summit of Mt. Tom, just back of the Crawford
White Mountains. i:t
House. The stream forming " Beech er's Cascade" passes between Mt.
Tom and the next summit south, which was named Mt. Lincoln, but, as
that name was already occupied by a peak in Franconia, was re-christened
Mt. Field by Prof. Huntington. From Mt. Field to Mt. Willey, the high
land is continuous, reaching an elevation of 4,300 feet. It then drops off
abruptly, and terminates. Ethan's pond, the head of the Merrimack river
waters, lies a little to the southwest of the precipice. The Field- Willey
range is directly opposite Mt. Webster, and the valley between is the most
striking part of the White Mountain notch, the head of which is formed
by Mt. Willard, only about 550 feet above the Crawford plain.
History. — The first mention of the White Mountains in print, occurs in
Josselyn's "New England Rarities Discovered," printed in 1672. This
writer, in his " Voyages," published a year or two later, gives us the best
part of the mythology of our highest hills. The story, as Josselyn tells it,
is curious enough; and its resemblance to one of the most venerable of
Caucasian traditions should seem to suggest some connection of the peo-
ple which transmitted it with the common Asiatic home of the bearded
races. "Ask them," says Josselyn, "whither they go when they dye?
they will tell you, pointing with their finger to Heaven beyond the White
Mountains, and do hint at Noah's Flood, as may be conceived by a story
they have received from father to son, time out of mind, that a great while
agon their Countrey was drowned, and all the People and other Creatures
in it, only one Poivaw and his Webb foreseeing the Flood fled to the White
Mountains carrying a hare along with them and so escaped; after a while
the Poivaw sent the Hare away, who not returning, emboldened thereby,
they descended, and lived many years after, and had many children, from
whom the Countrie was filled again with Indians." The Indians gave the
mountains the name of Agiocochook. The English name of our moun-
tains, which had its origin, perhaps, while as yet they were only known to
adventurous mariners, following the still silent coasts of New England,
relates them to all other high mountains, from Dhawala-Giri, the White
Mountain of the Himmalayah to Craig Eryri of Snowdon of Wales; but
it is interesting to find them also, in this legend, in some sort of mythical
connection with traditions and heights of the ancient continent, the first
knowledge of which carries us back to the very beginnings of human his-
tory. Dr. Belknap says that Capt. Walter Neale, accompanied by Josselyn
and Darby Field, set out, in 1632, to discover the " beautiful lakes " report
placed in the interior, and that, in the course of their travels, they visited
the White Mountains. Merrill, in 1817, after an examination of the
best authorities, concludes that Walter and Robert Neal, and others, visited
the mountains in 1631, but it is to Darby Field, of Pascataquack, that the
credit is now generally assigned of being the first explorer of the White
Mountains. Accompanied by two Indians, Winthrop tells us, Feld climbed
50 History of Coos County.
the highest summit in 1(>42. We believe with C. E. Potter that Belknap's
account is correct, and Field's first visit was in 1682. It appears that
' ' within twelve miles of the top was neither tree nor grass, but low savins,
which they went upon the top of, sometimes, but a continual ascent upon
rocks, on a ridge between two valleys filled with snow, out of which came
two branches of Saco river, which met at the foot of the hill where was an
Indian town of some 200 people. * * * * By the way, among
the rocks, there were two ponds, one a blackish water, and the other a red-
dish. The top of all was a plain about sixty feet square. On the north
side was such a precipice, as they could scarce discern to the bottom. They
had neither cloud nor wind on the top and moderate heat." Tins appears
to have been in June, and a short time-af ter he went again, with five or six
in his company, and "the report he brought of 'shining stones,' etc.,
caused divers others to travel tither, but they found nothing worth their
pains." It is passing strange that men, reputed honest, could make such
a wild report of regions that required no invention to make them attrac-
tive and wonderful. Among those who expected rich treasure from these
mountains were the proprietors, Mason and Gorges, and no discourage-
ment could lessen their hopes. The Spaniards had found riches in the
mountains of Mexico and Peru; why should not these New Hampshire
mountains prove equally rich in the precious metals ? In August, of the
same year, another party, led by Thomas Gorges, Esq., and Richard Vines,
two magistrates of the province of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, set out on foot
to explore "the delectable mountains." (Winthrop's History calls this
" Darby Field's second visit.") "They went up Saco river in birch canoes
to Pegwaggett, an Indian town. From the Indian town they went up hill,
mostly for about thirty miles in woody lands, then about seven or eight
miles upon shattered rocks, without tree or grass, very steep all the way.
At the top is a plain about three or four miles over, all shattered stones.
and upon that is another rock or spire, about a mile in height, and about
an acre of ground at the top. At the top of the plain arise four great riv-
ers, each of them so much water, at the first issue, as would drive a mill,
Connecticut river from two heads, at the N. W. and S. W., which join in
one about sixty miles off, Saco river on the S. E , Amascoggin which runs
into Casco bay at the N. E, and Kennebeck, at the N. by E. The moun-
tain runs E. and W. thirty miles, but the peak is above the rest."
There can be but little doubt that Darby Field, the first explorer, enter-
ing the valley of Ellis river, left it for the great southeastern ridge of
Mt. Washington, the same which has since been called Boott's Spur. This
was the " ridge between two valleys filled with snow, out of which came
two branches of Saco river," and it led him, as probably the other party
also, to the broadest spread of that great plain, of which the southeastern
grassy expanse, of some forty acres, has long been known as Bigelow's
White Mountains. :>1
Lawn, and the "top,1' to the north, where the two ponds arc, furnished
Gorges with a part, no doubt, of the sources of his rivers.
" Fourscore miles," says Josselyn, "(upon a direct line) to the north-
west of Scarborow, a ridge of mountains run northwest and northeast an
hundred leagues, known by the name of the White Mountains, upon which
lieth snow all the year, and is a Land-mark twenty miles off at sea. It is
rising ground from the seashore to these Hills, and they are inaccessible
but by the Gullies which the dissolved Snow hath made, in these ( ! allies
grow Savin bushes, which being taken hold of are a good help to the climb-
ing discoverer; upon the top of the highest of these Mountains is a large
Level or Plain of a day's journey over, whereon nothing grows but Moss; at
the farther end of this Plain is another Hill called the Sugar loaf, t< > out ward
appearance, a rude heap of massie stones piled one upon another, and you
may, as you ascend, step from one stone to another, as if you were going
up a pair of stairs, but winding still about the Hill till you come to the top,
which will require half a day's time, and yet it is not above a Mile, where
there is also a Level of about an acre of ground, with a pond of clear water
in the midst of it; which you may hear run down, but how it ascends is
a mystery. From this rocky Hill you may see the whole Country round
about ; it is far above the lower Clouds, and from hence we beheld a Vapour
(like a great Pillar) drawn up by the Sun Beams out of a great Lake or
Pond into the air, where it was formed into a Cloud. The Country beyond
these Hills Northward is daunting terrible, being full of rocky Hills, as
thick as Mole-hills, in a Meadow, and cloathed with infinite thick Woods."
Gorges and Vines' party named these mountains the " Crystal Hills," but
their provisions failed them before the beautiful lake was reached, and
though they wTere within one day's journey of it, they were obliged to
return home. Josselyn also says : "One stately mountain there is, sur-
mounting all the rest, about four-score miles from the sea; between the
mountains are many rich and pregnant valleys as ever eye beheld, beset
on each side with variety of goodly trees, the grass man high, unmowed,
uneaten, and uselessly withering, and within these valleys spacious lakes
or ponds well stored with fish and beavers; the original of all the great
rivers in the countrie, the snow lies upon the mountains the whole year
excepting the month of August; the black flies are so numerous thai a man
cannot draw his breath but he will suck of them in. Some suppose
that the White Mountains were first raised by earthquakes, but they are
hollow, as may be guessed by the resounding of the rain upon the level on
the top." The pond on the top in this account, may have been due to
extraordinary transient causes; it is not mentioned by the other visitors of
the seventeenth century, and has not been heard of since.
We next hear of an ascent of the White Mountains by a '" ranging
company," which "ascended the highest mountain, on the N. W. part."
52 History of Coos County.
so far, as appears, the first ascent on that side, April 29, 1725, and found,
as was to be expected, the snow deep, and the Alpine ponds frozen. Another
ranging party, which was "in the neighborhood of the White Mountains,
on a warm day in the month of March," in the year 17-i^, had an interest-
ing and the first recorded experience of a force, which has left innumer-
able proofs of its efficiency all through the mountains. It seems that this
party was " alarmed with a repeated noise, which they supposed to be the
firing of guns. On further search they found it to be caused by rocks fall-
ing from the south side of a steep mountain."
The Western Pass (Notch) of the mountains was undoubtedly known
to the Indians, but we have no account of its use by the English, till after
1771, when two hunters, Timothy Nash and Benjamin Sawyer, passed
through it. It is said that Nash, in pursuit of a moose, drove it into a deep
gorge, and expected an easy capture. The moose, however, took an old
Indian trail, which brought it safely to the other side of the mountain. A
road was soon after opened by the proprietors of lands in the upper Cohos,
and another, through the Eastern Pass, was commenced in 1771. Settlers
began now to make their way into the immediate neighborhood of the moun-
tains. The townships of Jefferson, Shelburne (which included Gorham),
and Adams (now Jackson), successively received inhabitants from 1773 to
1779, and the wilderness, if as yet far enough from blossoming, was
opened, and, to some extent, tamed.
It was now that the first company of scientific inquirers approached the
White hills. In July, 1784, the Eev Manasseh Cutler, of Ipswich, a zeal-
ous member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Eev.
Daniel Little, of Kennebunk, also a member of the Academy, and Col.
John Whipple, of Dartmouth (now Jefferson), the most prominent inhabi-
tant of the Cohos country, visited the mountains, "with a view to make
particular observations on the several phenomena that might occur The
w; iv by which Cutler ascended the mountain is indicated by the sti earn
which bears his name in Belknap's and Bigelow's narratives, and was
doubtless very much the same taken and described by Bigelow. President
Dwight passed through the Notch in 1797, and a second time in 1803, and
his beautiful description of the scenery is still valuable and correct. He
says: "The Notch of the White Mountains is a phrase appropriated to a
very narrow defile extending two miles in length between two huge cliffs,
apparently rent asunder by some vast convulsion of nature. The entrance
to the chasm is formed by two rocks, standing perpendicularly at the dis-
tance of twenty-two feet from each other; one about twenty, the other
about twelve feet in height. Half of the space is occupied by the brook,
the bead stream of the Saco; the other half by the1 road. When we entered
the Notch we were struck with the wild and solemn appearance of every-
thing before us. The scale, on which all objects in view were formed, was
White Mountains. :,:;
the scale of grandeur only. The rocks, rude and ragged in a manner hardly
paralleled, were fashioned, and piled on each other, by a hand operating
only in the boldest and most irregular manner. As we advanced, these
appearances increased rapidly. Huge masses of granite of every abrupt
form, and hoary with a moss which seemed the product of ages, recalling
to the mind the c Saxmn vetustum1 of Virgil, speedily rose to a mountain-
ous height. Before us the view widened fast to the southeast. Behind us
it closed almost instantaneously; and presented nothing to the eye but an
impassable barrier of mountains. About half a mile from the entrance
of the chasm, we saw in full view the most beautiful cascade, perhaps, in
the world. It issued from a mountain on the right, about eight hundred
feet above the subjacent valley, and at the distance of about two miles
from us. The stream, which I shall denominate the ' Silver cascade/ ran
over a series of rocks, almost perpendicular, with a course so little broken
as to preserve the appearance of an uniform current, and yet so far dis-
turbed as to be perfectly white. At the distance of three quarters of a mile
from the entrance, we passed a brook known as the 'Flume.' The stream
fell from a height of 240 or 250 feet over three precipices; down the first
and second it fell in a single current, and down the third in three, which
united their streams at the bottom in a fine basin immediately below us.
It is impossible for a brook of this size to be modelled into more diversified,
or more delightful, forms; or for a cascade to descend over precipices more
happily fitted to finish its beauty. The sunbeams, penetrating through the
trees, painted a great variety of fine images of light, and edged an equally
numerous, and diversified, collection of shadows; both dancing on the
waters, and alternately silvering and obscuring their course Purer water
never was seen. Exclusively of its murmurs, the world around us was
solemn and silent. Everything assumed the character of enchantment;
and, had I been educated in the Grecian mythology, I should have be»'ii
scarcely surprised to find an assemblage of Dryads, Naiads, and Oreades
sporting on the little plain beneath our feet. As we passed onward through
this singular valley, occasional torrents, formed by the rains and dissolv-
ing snows, at the close of winter, had left behind them, in many places,
perpetual monuments of their progress in perpendicular, narrow, and irreg-
ular paths, of immense length; where they had washed the precipices
naked and white, from the summit of the mountain to the base. Wide
and deep chasms, also, at times met the eye, both on the summits and the
sides; and strongly impressed the imagination with the thought, that a
hand of immeasurable power had rent asunder the solid rocks, and tum-
bled them into the subjacent valley. Over all, hoary cliffs rising with
proud supremacy, frowned awfully on the world below, and finished the
This incident connected with the re-discovery of the Notch is interesting.
51 History of Coos County.
On the report of its re-discovery to Governor Wentworth. he warily
agreed to grant Nash and Sawyer a tract of land if they would bring him
down a horse from Lancaster, through this Notch. By means of ropes they
succeeded in getting the horse over the projecting cliff, and down the rug-
ged pathway of the mountain torrent, and brought him to the governor.
When they saw the horse safely lowered on the south side of the last pro-
jection, it is said that Sawyer, draining the last drop of rum from his junk
bottle, broke the empty flask on the rock, and named it "Sawyer's rock,"
by which name it has ever since been known. The earliest articles of com-
merce taken through the Notch appear to have been a barrel of tobacco,
raised at Lancaster, which was carried to Portsmouth, and a barrel of rum
which a company in Portland offered to any one who should succeed in
taking it through the pass. This was done by Captain Rosebrook, with
some assistance, though it became nearly empty, "through the politeness
of those who helped to manage the affair." The difficulty of communica-
tion was often the occasion of serious want, and it was no rare thing to
suffer from scarcity of provisions.
The first person passing through the Notch to settle in the lands north-
west was Col. Joseph Whipple, who came from Portsmouth in 1772. He
brought tackles and ropes by which his cattle were brought over the preci-
pices along the way. In 1803 the legislature authorized a lottery for the
building of a turnpike through the Notch of the White Mountains, twenty
miles in extent, at an expense of forty thousand dollars. (It was custom-
ary in the early history of the country to raise money by lottery for the
general welfare. Roads were built, literary institutions founded and religious
societies aided, by such questionable means.) Tickets were issued exceed-
ing the prizes by the sum of thirty -two thousand one hundred dollars; but,
through the failure of agents, the loss of tickets, and the expense of man-
agement, only fifteen hundred dollars came into the state treasury. This
road, winding down to the west line of Bartlett through this gigantic cleft in
the mountains, presents to the traveller "some of the most sublime and
beautiful scenery which the sun, in his entire circuit, reveals to the curious
eye." In July of this year, Dr. Cutler visited the mountains a second
time, in company with Dr. W. D. Peck, afterwards Professor of Natural
History at Cambridge, Mass. In 1816 Dr. Bigelow, Dr. Francis Boott,
Francis C. Gray, and Chief Justice Shaw visited the mountains. In 1819
Abel Crawford opened the footway to Mt. Washington, which follows the
southwestern ridge from Mt. Clinton. July 31, 1820, Messrs. A. N. Brack-
et!, J. W. Weeks, Charles J. Stuart, Esq., Gen. JohnWillson, Noyes S.
Dennison, and S. A. Pearson, Esq., of Lancaster, with Philip Carrigain, and
Ethan Crawford as guide, ascended the southwestern ridge by the new
path, from the head of the Notch, and explored the summits of the whole
range as far as Mt. Washington. They took the height of the mountains
White Mountains.
with a spirit-level, and were seven days in this slow, fatiguing labor. They
must have been the first party which passed the night upon the summit.
Benjamin D. Greene, Esq., collected the plants of the southwestern ridge
in 1823, and the same year, Henry Little, a medical student, explored this
part of the mountains. In 1825, William Oakes, Esq., and Dr. Charles Pick-
ering, made, together, extensive researches of much interest. Dr. J. W.
Bobbins explored carefully the whole range in 1829, descending into and
crossing the Great Gulf, and traversing for the first time, so far as scien-
tific interests were concerned, all the eastern summits. Rev. T. Stan-
King, whose artistic appreciation and eloquent writings did so much to
bring this region into notice, came here in 1837. In 1840, a party, includ-
ing Dr. Charles T. Jackson, reached Mt. Washington on horseback by the
way of the Notch.
First Settlers. — The first settlers among the mountains came from below,
and settled Conway in 1704, Jefferson in 1772, Franconia in 1774, Bartlett
in 1777, Jackson in 1778, Bethlehem in 1790. In 1792 Captain Rosebrook
established himself and home on the site of Fabyan's, and opened the
first house for summer visitors there in 1808. Abel Crawford settled at
Bemis in 1793. Ethan A. Crawford succeeded to the Rosebrook place in
1817. But thirty years before any of these thought of making a home in this
wild region, so runs the story, Thomas Crager sought among the solitudes
of the mountain rocks, relief for a grief so intense as almost to craze him.
His wife had been executed as a witch ; his little daughter Mary, his only
child, had been carried into captivity, and after a long and unavailing
search, he went up to the mountains, and lived for a long time, where the
pure water and air of the region brought health and strength, protected
from the evil intent of the Indians by their belief in his being the adopted
son of the Great Spirit. After long years, he found his daughter among
the Indians of eastern Maine, married, and living as a squaw. Many
wild legends are told of Crager and the Indian captor of his daughter, but
the fact of his existence and residence here is all we need record.
Nancy's Brook and Nancy's Bridge take their name from a girl who
perished here in 1778. Her tragic story has so often been told, that we
only allude to it.
The First House in the Notch was the historic Willey House. It was
kept as a public house for some years, then abandoned, and again occupi< d
in 1825, by Samuel Willey, Jr., who, with his wife, five children, and two
hired men, perished in the great slide of August 28, L826. As there would
be a dozen people desirous of visiting the mountains coming to Ethan A.
Crawford's hostelry, in 1821 he most effectively advertised it. by cutting a
path, which shortened the distance, and made it easy to go up the moun-
tain. Soon after this, increased travel brought a demand for some place
jon the summit where visitors could pass the night, and Ethan constructed
56 History of Coos County.
a stone cabin, near the large spring of water, and furnished it, first with
a large supply of soft moss for beds ; and afterwards with a small stove,
an iron chest to hold the blankets, and a long roll of sheet lead, as a reg-
ister of names of visitors.
The first hotel on Mt. Washington was the old Summit House, built in
1852, by L. M. Eosebrook, N. R. Perkins, and J. S. Hall. The Tip Top
House was built in 1853, by John H. Spaulding and others. He was part
owner of that and the Summit House, and conducted them for several
years. The present Summit House was built in 1872. The old Summit
House was torn down in the spring of 1881, to give place to a new build-
ing, used as lodging rooms for the employees of the hotel.
The first winter ascent of Mt. Washington was made by Lucius Harts-
horne, a deputy sheriff of Coos county, and B. F. Osgood, of Gorham, De-
cember 7, 1858. John H. Spaulding, Franklin White, and C. C. Brooks,
of Lancaster, made the ascent February 19, 1862, and were the first to
spend the night on the mountain in winter.
The carriage road from the Glen House to the summit of Mt. Wash-
ington was begun in 1853, under the management of D. 0. Macomber, C.
H. V. Cavis being surveyor. The first four miles were finished the next
year. Financial troubles stopped the work for a time, but the road was
finally opened August 8, 1861. It is eight miles long, and has an average
grade of twelve feet in 100. The ascent is made by stages in four hours,
and the descent in an hour and a half.
George W. Lane drove the first Concord coach that ever ascended Mt.
Washington over this road, August 8, 1861.
The Glen House in Pinkham Notch, at the eastern base of Mt. Wash-
ington, is fifteen miles north of Glen station, near North Conway, eight
miles south of Gorham, on the Grand Trunk railway, and has a full and
unobstructed view of the highest peaks of the Mt. Washington range. Mt.
Washington is ascended from the Glen by the carriage road, eight miles
long. Glen Ellis Falls, and Crystal Cascade, near the Glen, are two of the
finest water-falls in the mountain. Tuckerman's Ravine is most easily
reached from the Glen House.
Pinkham Notch takes its name from Daniel Pinkham, an early resident
of Jackson. In 1821 he commenced a road through the wilderness
between two ranges of the White Mountains ; this road was about twelve
miles in length, and connected Jackson with Randolph, and in two years
time it was completed. The Notch is situated at the Glen Ellis Falls, and
the mountains here are only a quarter of a mile apart.
The Mt. Washington railway was projected by Sylvester Marsh. The
building of the road was begun in 1866, and finished in 186U.
The ascent is made by the railway from the west side, and the carriage
road from the east. The railroad is three miles long, and has an average
White Mountains. 57
rise of one foot in four, the steepest being thirteen and one-half inches to the
yard. The grade is overcome by means of cog-wheels working in a cog-
rail in the center of the track, and powerful brakes on engines and cars
insure safety. No passenger has been injured since the road was opened.
The running time is one and one-half hours, and only one car is run with
each engine.
Mountain Tragedies.— The destruction of the Willey family by a land
slide in the White Mountain Notch, occurred August 28, 1826. Frederick
Strickland, an Englishman, perished in the Ammonoosuc Eavine, in Oc-
tober, 1851. Miss Lizzie Bourne, of Kennebunk, Me., perished on the
Glen bridle-path, near the Summit, on the night of September 14, 1855.
Dr. B. L. Ball, of Boston, was lost on Mt. Washington, in October, 1855,
in a siiow storm, but rescued after two days' and nights' exposure, with-
out food or sleep. Benjamin Chandler, of Delaware, perished near
Chandler's Peak, half a mile from the top of Mt. Washington, August 7,
1856, in a storm, and his remains were not discovered for nearly a
year. Harry W. Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., perished on the Crawford
bridle-path, September 3, 187-1, a mile from the Summit. His remains
were found nearly six years later, July 14, 1880. On the north side of
Cherry mountain occurred the noted landslide of July 10, 1885. This was
the largest slide ever known in the mountains. Donald Walker was the
only one who lost his life. July 24, 1886, the great snow arch in Tucker-
man's Eavine, near Mt. Washington, X. H., fell, and instantly killed
Sewall Faunce, the fifteen-year-old son of Mr. Faunce, of the law firm of
Faunce & Wiggin, School street, Boston.
The first number of Among the Clouds, the first daily newspaper pub-
lished in the W7hite Mountains, and the only one printed on any mountain
in the world, was issued July 18, 1S77, by Henry M. Burt, of Springfield,
Mass. The paper records much that pertains to the exploration of the
W7hite Hills, and the development of its unexplored resources. Almost
every week something worth preserving about the mountains is printed
in its columns. It is indispensable to the enjoyment of those who
reside for the season among the mountains. When the season is fairly
open, Mr. Burt receives, by telegraph, the full list of the daily arrivals at
the principal hotels in the mountains, and publishes it in the following-
issue. Two editions are published daily, one at 1 p. m., and and one at .'•
a. m., each summer, from July to the close of the season. The afternoon
edition contains the names of the arrivals on the morning train from Faby-
an's, and on the stages from the (lien House. The publication office is
the old Tip Top House, nicely fitted up, and equipped with a steam engine
and Hoe cylinder press.
The signal station at the Summit was established in 1870. Prof. J. H.
Huntington, of the State Geological Survey, was at the head of the party
58 History of Coos County.
that spent the first winter here. The building now occupied by the ob-
servers was erected in 187*3.
For descriptions of Fabyan House, Crawford House, White Mountain
House, and Twin Mountain House, see Carroll.
The Mt. Washington Summit House, with nearly one hundred sleep-
ing rooms, is a commodious and comfortable hotel, under the manage-
ment of Col. Oscar G. Barron.
Trees — Shrubs — Grass 3S — Introduced Plants — Alpine Plants.
THE vegetation of Coos county contrasts strongly with that of the
southern counties of the state. The somber colors of the Canadian
evergreens largely take the places of the light foliage of the deciduous
trees, and the Canadian flora occupies almost wholly the entire county to
the exclusion of the more southern or Alleghanian division.
Trees. — " Our arbor vitas is," says Prof. Gray, "the physiognomic tree
of our cold swamps at the north and in Canada.'" It is generally incor-
rectly called " white cedar," and enters as a prominent element into the flora
of Coos county, growing most abundantly along the borders of slow
streams and in swamps, and varying from thirty to fifty feet in height.
White spruce grows extensively in the region of Connecticut lake, but is
rarely found below Colebrook. The balsam fir and black spruce, growing
together in about equal numbers, give to the scenery of the White Moun-
tains one of its peculiar features. " The stiff, spiked forms of the one are
mingled with the blackish-green foliage of the other almost universally
along the mountain sides, and are the last of the arborescent vegetation
to yeld to the increased cold and fierce winds of the higher summits." North
of the mountains, they, with arbor-vitas, are the predominant evergreens.
The hemlock, so graceful when young, has its northern limit in the neigh-
borhood of Colebrook and Umbagog lake. The American larch (hack-
matack or tamarack) is chiefly found in small swamps. When the county
was first known to civilization, the Connecticut valley was filled with a
stately growth of the highly prized white pine, many of them fit for the
"broad arrow " mark of the British Crown as mast trees sacred to the
Plants. 59
King's service. Now a few specimens, occuring mostly at the head waters
of the streams, are all that remain of the original profusion. Second growths
of this tree here are of rare occurrence, even when the cleared land is
allowed to return to forest. The Canadian yew, or " ground hemlock. ** is
present in the swamps, while the savin and juniper occupy higher ground.
The red maple gives the brilliant scarlet color to our autumnal scenery.
The rock, or sugar maple, is the largest of the maples and is an important
economic factor, producing as it does maple sirup and sugar, and much
valuable timber. The beech and the sugar maple are the most common of
the deciduous trees of this county, making up most of the "hard-wood " for-
ests. The black, yellow, and canoe birches are common, the latter being-
conspicuous, high on the sides of the mountains, its white bark showing in
striking contrast with the dark trunks and foliage of the firs and spruce.
Dalton, Berlin, Gorham and Shelburne are in the red oak zone. The
American elm is native to the alluvial soil of the larger rivers, and, owing
to its majestic appearance, wherever it is found it is very prominent. The
black poplar grows quite large, has dark colored bark on the trunk, and is
much used in making "wood-pulp." A small variety of poplar, which
sometimes springs up in great abundance in cleared land, never attains
large growth.
Shrubs.— The mountain ash clings to the mountain sides and streams,
and its red berries hang brilliant in autumn. Blackberries and raspberries
are present, the red raspberry being one of the most numerous plants of
the county. The blueberry genus is well represented by the Canadian and
dwarf blue-berry, the cowberry, and the swamp cranberry. In the swamps
we often find the Canadian holly and winter berry, while on the poorer soil
of the hills the sumach matures. The alder, willow, witch hazel, high bush
cranberry, Labrador tea, common and red-berried elder, moose wood.
American yew, with currants and gooseberries are found in the localities
for which nature has fitted them.
The shrubs grow smaller and smaller as the mountains are ascended.
The mountain aster and golden rod, the white orchis, the white hellebore,
the wood-sorrel, and Solomon's seal ascend into the black growth, while
the clintonia, bunch berry, bluets, creeping snowberry, purple trilliums
keep them company and cease to grow at the same altitude.
Grasses. — "Blue joint" (Calarnogrosti</ Canadensis), is the principal
native grass, and grows luxuriantly. " Herd's grass " (P. Pratensis), not
indigenous, grows in the lumber roads throughout the county as an intro-
duced plant, and can be traced along the carriage mid on Mt. Washington
far above the limit of trees.
Introduced Plants. — The white willow of Europe, which brought to
some place in the Connecticut valley as a shade tree, has extended itself
along the river, and is as much at home in Stewartstown and Pittsburg as
60 History of Coos County.
by the borders of European streams. The Canadian plum is much culti-
vated, and grows frequently where man has never planted it. The hemp-
nettle has come in some way from the Merrimack valley through Fran-
conia Notch and made itself at home from Whitefield to the clearings
around Connecticut lake. The garden wormwood finds in the slaty con-
stituents of the soil of Pittsburg the needed elements for its life and flour-
ishes in the open air without cultivation.
Alpine Plants. — An Alpine or Arctic vegetation is found on the treeless
region of the upper heights of Mt. Washington and adjacent peaks, where
alone are found the conditions favorable to their growth. They are of great
hardihood and sometimes bloom amid ice and snow. This region which
they occupy is a windswept tract above the growth of trees and about
eight miles long by two miles wide. About fifty species are strictly Alpine
and found nowhere else in the state. About fifty other species accompany
them, and are also found at the base of the mountains and other parts of
the state. These are called " sub- Alpines," and occupy the ravines and lower
parts of the treeless region, but not the upper summits. In ascending the
mountains, the firs and spruces become more and more dwarfish, at last
rising but a few feet, while the branches spread out horizontally many feet,
and become thickly interwoven. They present an almost even upper sur-
face, strong enough to walk upon. At last these disappear giving place
to the dwarf birch, Alpine willows, Labrador tea, and Lapland rhododen-
dron, which spread out over the nearest rocks after rising a few inches
above the ground, thus gaining the warmth which enables them to live in
spite of cold and storm. On the top of the summits these are succeeded by
the Greenland sandwort, cassiope, the diapensia, azalia, Alpine bearberry,
with Arctic rushes, lichens and sedges.
Beaver — Dams — Moose — Description, Food, Etc. — Deer, Caribou, Etc. — Horns — Bear —
Wolverine — Lynx — Otter — Fisher — Sable — Raccoon — Grey Squirrel — Wild Geese and Ducks
— Ruffed Grouse or Partridge — Canada Grouse or Spruce Partridge — Wild Pigeons.
EAVER.— It does not appear that the Indians ever cultivated the lands
or wintered on the Connecticut farther north than Haverhill, conse-
quently the wild animals were not so constantly beset by them in
early times as they were farther south, or on the St. Lawrence. An old
Game of Coos County. 61
writer says above the mountains was a "paradise for hunters." The
beaver inhabited this region in immense numbers. This animal, with
instinct almost human, was in shape, except the tail, like the muskrat,
but weighing twenty or twenty-five pounds. The tail, six or eight inches
long, covered with thick scales, was very strong, broad at the extremity,
and some three inches wide. It not only assisted the animal in swimming
but in sitting at his work. The beaver's tail and nose of the moose were
considered the greatest of delicacies, each being cooked in the same way
wrapped in bark or leaves, and buried in the embers of the camp-fire till
thoroughly roasted, when the skin was pulled off, and the feast commenced.
It is said that the Indians cooked the whole beaver in this manner, thus
losing the skin. The beaver was substantially exterminated prior to the
settlement of Lancaster.
With regard to the beaver marks in this section, Major Weeks said
there were dams on Martin's meadow " fifty rods long and five feet high *'
in his day. Their meadows were found in every brook ; and their canals
were cut from every pond surrounded by bogs, to the highlands. In a
pond of a few acres in the north part of Whitefield, a canal was cut
through the bog back to the high ground. This was as straight and true
as if done by a spade and line. It was twenty inches or two feet wide,
and so deep that in winter the beavers could pass to and from the pond
under the ice. Their home was on this canal from which they reached the
high ground, entering so deep down as to be below the frost. These canals
served a double purpose ; they were the means of reaching the deciduous
trees, the bark of which served them for food, and as a concealment from
their enemies. These pond-beavers had holes along their canals, below
the frost, that extended long distances and struck high land, where they
dug up to where it was dry, and made their homes. From these burrows
they could reach the pond and feed upon the roots of the cow lily, which
was a favorite food of the beaver as well as the moose. East of Lancaster
are two beaver meadows, containing a hundred acres or more, the upper
one, of thirty or forty acres, at the junction of two considerable streams,
has canals cut through it in various directions, some of them ;~lill eighteen
inches deep, and the banks of earth thrown up along the sides in some
places over two feet high These canals, unlike those cut from the natural
ponds, were for the purpose of passing from place to place under the ice,
and for storing their food, which consisted, in those artificial ponds, mostly
of the bark of deciduous trees which grew along the banks, and werecul
into pieces eighteen or twenty inches long, and sunk in the bottom of the
canal. At the extreme upper end of this pond, on the main branch, is a
mound about sixteen feet over and live feet high, with a deep trench
extending nearly around it, and a canal running directly from it across the
meadow to the opposite brook. This canal is more than twenty-five rods
long, and the mound was evidently their house.
62 History of Coos County.
I have never but once seen where the beaver were at work. This was
in the fall of 1844, in the forest in the northern part of the state, on Perry's
stream. There was a new formed dam spanning the stream, which was
fifteen or twenty feet wide at the place. This dam was three feet or more
high, composed of brush at first, with the tops down stream, then filled in
with stones, sticks, mud, and other material. It was considerably arched,
so that the pressure of the current on its center crowded the ends against
the banks and strengthened the structure. Near by was a white or river
maple, three to four inches through, cut down, and several pieces cut from
it eighteen or twenty inches long, and others partly cut. How such a mass
of sticks, stones, gravel, and mud, as composed this dam were ever con-
veyed there, is a mystery to me. When a boy, I often saw beaver cuttings
about the ponds, once lagoons, but they were always old and seemed to be
done by wandering animals ; a tree would be cut down and left Avhere it
fell. The beaver, in felling a tree, cuts around it, cutting above and below,
and tearing, or splitting out the chips, leaving the stump in the shape of
a cone, tapering to a point at an angle of about forty-five degrees.
The Moose was not destroyed before the settlement of this northern
country. The hunters killed them only to supply themselves with food
when they were unsuccessful in trapping the beaver. The large extent of
fertile soil, with its numerous streams and ponds, made this a favorite
resort for all game that roamed a northern forest, more particularly of that
strange and uncouth animal, the moose. He seems to have come down
from a former period of time. No naturalist with whose writings I am
acquainted, has given an adequate description of the habits and peculiar
characteristics of this creature. Judge Caton, who has written a most
exhaustive work on the " Deer of America," treats him as a herbivorous
animal like the common deer, when his habits are much different from the
caribou or reindeer. His long forelegs and short neck preclude his feeding
from the ground without bending them or getting on his knees ; the long
prehensile nose serving the purpose of the elephant's trunk, dropping three
inches or more over the mouth, which is wholly out of sight as you stand
beside or in front of him, with nostrils capable of being distended to an
enormous size, or of being entirely closed, yet constantly vibrating, and
usually narrowed to the merest slit when the creature is at rest. The little
deep, and villainous looking eye, with its false, transparent lid, at one time
half covering the sight, and then withdrawn, like that seen in aquatic
animals or birds, show that the moose is not a grazing animal like the deer,
and not destined to subsist on the common herbage of the forest.
I suppose the moose in the summer season feeds largely upon the twigs
and branches of deciduous trees; but their favorite food is aquatic plants
and roots Hunters, who have seen him eating, have told me that he
would wade in the mud and water up to about midside, and put his head
Game of Coos County. 63
below the surface, feel around, and, when he got hold of the righl root,
would pull it up, shake it in the water, and munch it as il floated around
him. His flexible nose was very useful to foci and bring up the favorite
roots, and the power to perfectly dose his nostrils togel her with the trans-
parent lid protecting his eyes, left those organs in perfect condition to per-
form their offices when the head was raised above the surface.
Perhaps it may not be amiss to say something of the root of the cow-
lily, which formed so important an article of food for the moose. Most
people have seen the pads and large yellow blossoms. The roots of the lily
are nearly the size of a man's arm, and lie horizontally a few inches below
1 1 ie si i rface of the mud, forming a net- work so strong that a man may walk
upon them. From appearance they last for ages, each season sending out
feederroots, leaves, and flower stalks, that fall away at the commencement
of cold weather. These roots are quite porous, are as easily cut as a potato >,
and have a pungent but not unpleasant smell. The winter food of the
moose was principally the bark of the mountain ash (which grows very
large and in great abundance upon the mountains), although I have been
told that at times they used the bark of the white maple. The moose
strikes his teeth into the bark like a set of gouges, cuts diagonally across
the wood, and upward, and gathers the bark into his mouth, as it falls,
with his long, pliable, upper lip I never saw where the bark was taken
from a tree nearer than two feet of the ground, but have seen them peeled
as high as eight or nine feet.
T have never hunted the moose, but business has led me into his imme-
diate neighborhood, where for days I would not be out of sight of his
marks on his feeding grounds. At one time I had the good fortune to be
able to study a tame one. This was a fine animal, about two years old,
not quite as large as a colt of the same age. It was perfectly gentle and
enjoyed being petted as much as a colt.
The moose were not wantonly destroyed by the respectable inhabitants
of the country, as they considered them as a never-ending supply of meat.
but by the vagabonds who always infest a new settlement. Some idea of
the vast numbers of these animals may be gained from the fact (as stated
by Edward Spaulding and Major John W. Weeks) that Nathan Caswell
took it into his head to kill a hundred moose on the crusl in one winter,
and actually did kill ninety-nine, and *Spanlding said he chased the hun-
dredth one into the Burnside meadow, in Fast Lancaster, and lost him.
Caswell lived on the noses and other nice bits, and only saved a part of the
skins. He did this upon the same principle that wolves kill sheep for mere
wickedness. It is said that the inhabitants were so incensed at this that
they refused him shelter in their houses and drove him from the settle-
ment. [This Caswell was not Capt, Nathan Caswell, the first settler and
prominent citizen of Littleton, but probably was his son. a man of roving
64 History of Coos County.
habits.] Other persons probably killed as many more, bat they increased
rapidly, and I have heard James B. Weeks say, that in 1808 or 1810,
"there came a very deep snow, and, in March, a sharp crust, so that
there were killed in Lancaster and surrounding towns as many as ninety
moose, mostly wantonly.1' The few that survived this devastation moved
to safer quarters.
Among the early settlers of Lancaster who occasionally hunted the
moose were Stanley, Bucknam, and Blake. The two latter were remark-
able for their deadly aim with the long smooth-bore. Stanley was also
noted for the accuracy of his shots. At one time he killed four moose in
Cherry pond by making five shots in quick succession, and bringing down
four of the animals. Stanley owned and lived on what was later called
the Bellows place, and afterwards owned by Capt. Beattie. Bucknam
resided near the brick school-house in Lancaster, and Blake, near the
mouth of John's river.
I should not do justice to this subject if I did not speak of the manner
in which the hunters brought in their meat when they killed it at a dis-
tance from home. Whether the toboggan is a modern invention or not I
will leave for others to decide. The hunter kills a moose, takes off the
skin, spreads it out, strips the flesh from the bones, and wraps it in the
skin, which lies full length, and of equal widths (perhaps a foot and a half
wide), binds it up with thongs cut from the edge of the skin, being sure
that the thongs as they go round the pack are beneath the hair, and turns
up the neck in the shape of the dasher to the toboggan. To this he fast-
ens a withe, and lets the whole freeze, if it will. The slightest crust will
bear this toboggan, and no sled ever ran smoother.
Deer. Caribou, Etc. — When the Creator formed the animals to inhabit
the earth, lie made them to serve certain purposes in the courses of nature,
one to fill this place, another that, but, at last, when he wanted a thing of
beauty, he made the American deer, and he must have been well pleased
with the work of his hands.
Very few deer ever found their way north of the White Mountains till
the moose were substantially exterminated. In conversation, many years
ago, with Edward Spaulding and James B. Weeks upon this subject, Mr.
Spaulding, who came to the country in 1767. said, when he was a boy, a
deer used to come and feed with his father's cattle in Northumberland, and
aftera time his father killed it. Mr. Weeks said that in 1810 there weresome
deer about Cherry pond, and two or three were killed on the crust by Lan-
caster men. They must have been considered extremely rare at that time
or men would not have gone eight miles through an unbroken forest to
hunt them.
About 1818 oi- 1820 a deer was seen in the road near Prospect Farm. The
boy who saw it described the animal and there was much questioning as
Game of Coos County. 65
to what it was. From this time their increase in Lancaster and vicinity
was very rapid. They were seen about the ponds and streams, in the fields,
and their marks were in the forest. The inhabitants did not know how to
hunt them, and the deer were unmolested for a long time. A few were
killed on the crust, but their meat was worthless at that season, and pub-
lic opinion was against the killing of them for mere sport. After a time
the people learned to still-hunt and trap them in the fall, and their meat
and skins was quite a source of profit. The section with which I was best
acquainted was South Lancaster, Dalton and Whitefield. It was said that
Samuel Barker, of Dalton, killed forty with his rifle one fall, most of them
he sent to market. A farmer who lived on the farm now owned by George
P. Rowell killed fifteen one season, within a mile from home. In some
well-to-do families venison was the most common fresh meat.
The reason for the great number of deer in the locality spoken of was
probably the fact that they were not chased by hounds, for if one pursued
a deer into that region he was killed. They were chased in Vermont and
at Littleton, It will be noticed when the deer were so numerous, Lancas-
ter was well occupied by farms, and the towns south well dotted with set-
tlements. The deer, during the summer and fall, lived largely about the
clearings, feeding on the tender herbage that sprung up after the running
of the fires, or in the fields of the settlers. Whatever was palatable to a
sheep was agreeable to the deer. Growing grain, wheat or oats did not
come amiss; peas, potatoes, turnips, apples, and anything that a sheep
would eat, the deer craved, and, in some instances, they were more than
half domesticated. I will give an example: Since 1850, they would in the
spring of the year be often seen on my meadow, a mile east of the village,
as many as four at a time, but would generally disappear after the herbage
was well started, but there was a doe that remained three years in succes-
sion and raised a pair of fawns, which she kept hid in the small piece of
woods west of the river, directly below E. F. Connor's. In August the
fawns, then fine little animals, would appear with the mother. Of the
last pair she raised there, one was perfectly white, except its nose and the
back of its ears, which were tinged with red. The next March, 1854, some
hunters from Manchester, hearing of these deer, came up with their hunt-
ing shirts, their hounds, snow-shoes, long-range rifles, and all the parapher-
nalia of city sportsmen to hunt the deer we did not know what to do with.
They made their headquarters at the American House, and the next morn-
ing, after fortifying their inner man (gentleman, I mean,) and raising their
courage to a pitch necessary to so great and hazardous an undertaking,
they went up and put their dogs after those inoffensive and helpless animals.
They drove the white one up across the meadow and caught it by the side of
the road a little west of where John Jerome now lives; they took it down to
the American House in great state, and thence to Manchester. Whether
6Q History of Coos County.
the people of Manchester turned out en masse to welcome the gentlemen
back after so hazardous an enterprise I never learned. What became of
the other two deer I do not know, but they never returned to that neigh-
borhood. It will be inferred from what I have written that if the deer
could be protected from being chased by dogs in summer, and from brutal
men killing them on the crust in the winter, hundreds of these beautiful
and useful animals might inhabit every township of northern New Hamp-
The deer, as mentioned before, made its appearance in Coos about 1818
or 1820, and its increase was very rapid. About 1830, when there were the
greatest number here, the wolves came among us, and were terribly
destructive both to sheep and deer, and the farmers soon came to the con-
clusion that the deer were the cause of the wolves1 appearance, and they
gradually withdrew their protection, and many persons killed twenty or
more in the spring, wantonly as ever dogs or wolves killed sheep. Their
numbers of course diminished, but in some localities they were numerous
till after 1850. About that time, in the fall, after the snow was on the
ground, I saw thirteen paraded on the porch of the old Cushman tavern
in Dalton, taken with hounds by a party from Massachusetts, with Tom
Jerrold, of Littleton, as guide. The deer, however, remained in consider-
able numbers long after the wolves left.
I am thoroughly acquainted with the deer in all its habits and pecul-
iarities of life. Of the fawn I would say it is the most beautiful little ani-
nal that can be imagined. It is a little larger than the common lamb,
with a pale red coat, like that of the doe in summer, ornamented with two
rows of white spots on each side, the whole length of its body. Its grace-
ful motion, its perfect limbs and its innocent and inquiring face, make it a
most interesting creature. I never saw a fawn abroad with the doe while
wearing its first or summer coat; they are hid by the mother while young
and do not follow her till August. While the deer were plenty it was not
an uncommon thing to find the fawns where the mother had left them
when they could be easily captured. I have killed a large number of deer.
but never was so mean or so unfortunate as to kill a doe while she was
rearing her fawns in summer, but I saw one that was killed in the latter
part of June, the udder of which indicated that she gave more milk in pro-
portion to her size than a cow. The quantity a doe usually gives must be
very great, as the fawns, wdien they begin to go out with her, are about
half her size. The doe and her fawns remain together the first winter, but
not after. Old bucks are seldom seen with the does or smaller deer. They
remain exceedingly quiet while their horns are growing, and often become
very fat. but after their horns harden, they feed little and range almost
continually, soon becoming thin, and their venison is not good.
Of the caribou I know little, having never seen a live one, and never to-
Game of Coos County. 67
my recollection heard them spoken of by the early settlers, but it appears
that, some sixty or seventy years ago, a herd came down from the north-
east, and spread over the northern Androscoggin country, but did not come
as far west as the Connecticut. I have never seen any of their natural
feeding grounds, on any of the Connecticut waters southwest of Second
and Third lakes. I have seen some very fine specimens of heads and horns
taken in the extreme northeastern part of New Hampshire and Maine.
Horns. — The horns of the moose, deer, and caribou are strongly related
to each other. I have noticed the horn of the deer, in all its stages, from
the time it commences rising from the head till it dies and falls off in early
winter. I will describe one taken from a buck of very large size. It was
about eight inches long and an inch and a half in diameter at the base,
where it was hard, and had taken its normal shape. About two and a
half inches from the head the first prong was sent out, and was perfectly
shaped and hard. From this point to the end the horn varied in density.
until, at the extremity, it was a mere pulp, with a very small amount of
bony substance. The second or largest prong had just begun to be formed.
Across the end it was somewhat flattened, more than two and a half
inches wide, and as thick as the horn would be when matured. When
dried, the end shrunk and shriveled like some soft vegetable, and, when cut
after drying, was nearly as porous as a sponge.
The horns of all these animals are, doubtless, extremely sensitive, for
the bucks that wear them are seldom seen while they are growing, nor
until well hardened. We seldom see horns that are damaged during
growth, still I have noticed them broken down and healed. I have also
seen where a knot had been broken off in a horn, and afterwards covered
by a new growth. The skin, or velvet, on the horn of the live animal
seems as tough as the skin on the other parts. I have seen large horns
with the ends of all the main prongs pulpy. On the final hardening of the
bony substance the skin dies and is rubbed off.
Some naturalists try to classify animals of the deer kind by their horns,
and determine their ages by the number of prongs on each; but the excep-
tions to this rule are many and marked. Edward Spaulding. who lived in
Lancaster when the moose were in their glory, told of one with horns a
foot wide and seventeen prongs on each. In the fall of 1848, on the head
waters of Hall's stream, I saw the bones of a moose of the largest size, that
had died when the horns were in the velvet. The carcass had been torn
and the horns much eaten bv the bears. These horns were about two and
a half feet long, shaped likeapalm almost from the head, and ten or eleven
inches wide in the widest place. The next February (1849) John H.
Spaulding went into that immediate vicinity and killed a bull n se, one
of the horns of which I have examined. The shaft was t wenty-one inches
long and rounded almost as perfectly as that of the deer. It was broken
6S History of Coos County.
off and rounded. About nine inches from the head was a well-rounded
and sharp prong eight inches long. At thirteen inches was another prong,
broken off when soft, leaving about four inches, and still another nearer
the end three inches long and very sharp. Judge Caton concludes that the
American moose is a separate animal from the Scandinavian elk. because
his horns are more pal mated; this moose had horns precisely like the animal
represented in Judge Caton's work. The time of moulting, or shedding
the horns, by the deer, moose, and caribou, depends much on circumstances.
I have known a buck to shed his horns in November, and 1 have heard of
one that wore a large pair of white horns in the spring. The moose seldom
carries his antlers so late as the one killed by Mr. Spaulding.
I have horns of the deer of the normal shape: Shaft seventeen inches
long, spread at points eleven inches, three prongs on each, aside from main
shaft, rounded, and very sharp. I think I have seen four prongs on a
single horn, but no more. I have another pair of horns, with the head,
taken from one of the largest bucks I ever saw. These are about an inch
and a half in diameter at the base, and nineteen inches in length. About
four inches from the head is a very sharp prong on each, one about three,
the other about two inches long. On the left horn is a small prong about
one inch long, five inches from the end of the main shaft, very sharp.
These horns are flattened to an edge on the upper side, and about two inches
wide in the widest place. The shaft is otherwise of the usual shape and
handsomely turned. I once killed a buck not one-third the size of the one
above mentioned, having well- developed horns with three or four sharp
prongs on each. I have seen a deer above the common size with only
spike horns, six inches long, nearly as sharp as the tines of a pitchfork.
The Bear. -The bear was one of the original proprietors of the soil of
this northern country, and still holds his own against all odds. The vaga-
bond hunters had much rather expend their superfluous courage on deer
and kindred animals than on such ''rough things" as bears. I would say
of "bruin" that I have known him from the little, crawling, blind cub,
not larger than a large rat, brought forth in February or the first of
March, to the old " sheep -killer " weighing four or five hundred pounds.
Each she bear produces two and sometimes three cubs, which in their
earliest stages are the most insignificant little things imaginable. They
fasten at once upon the mother, and for about two months draw their sus-
tenance from her without her partaking of any food; consequently she
comes oat of her den the last of April, or the first of May, extremely thin,
while the cubs are as large as woodchucks. These cubs follow the mother
the first season until it is time to den up in the fall, when they are driven
off and den together, and, if they survive, remain near each other the fol-
lowing season. If all the cubs and young bears lived, bears would be so
numerous that the country would be overrun with them, but I think many
perish during their first winter, and many more in the spring, when they
first come out. I have known of several instances where they have been
found in a tarnished condition and almost helpless. They arc, when a year
old, not much larger than a collie dog, but they grow very rapidly after
vegetation starts. No animal fights for her young with more goodwill
than the bear, and woe to the man, boy, or dog, that interferes with her
cubs. I do not know of any wild animals of the same species where there
is such a diversity of size and appearance as in the black bear ; those of the
largest size being truly formidable animals, and often a terror to neighbor-
hoods. The ordinary bear lives mostly on roots, green herbs and berries,
seldom killing sheep or doing other mischief, and if let alone is as harmless
as fawns. In the early settlement of Lancaster there was one who con-
cluded to live on the inhabitants, and if he could not find what he liked in
the pastures or fields would tear off boards from the barns and walk in and
help himself to sheep or calves as best suited him. He continued his
depredations for a long time and was shot at often but to no effect. At
last, Isaac Darby trapped and killed him. He was of monstrous size. I
have had a strong passion for hunting the bear, and of some fifteen, that
I have killed in the last twenty or thirty years, only one has been of the
largest size of those old "sheep killers." This animal (I think in 1854) killed
not less than fifty sheep and many young cattle during the summer and
fall. The spring following he returned to the scene of his former depre-
dations before the stock was out to pasture, and I was requested to try my
skill on him, as all others had failed. He made it his home in the swamp
east of where Capt. Beattie now lives. On our way up to set some traps,
we met a noted hunter, and he told us in great excitement that he had
seen him, and ''he didn't care a thing about me. He was as big as a cow.
I cracked a cap on him, but my gun wouldn't go " He did not seem inclined
to go back with us, and "crack another cap," or to majjfe the distance one
foot less between him and "bruin." We trapped the bear one Saturday
night, about the 1st of May. The next day, the churches were thinly
attended, and, after a chase of several miles, " bruin " was killed. He was
as fat as a well fatted hog. I had no means of ascertaining bis weight,
but a friend of mine took these measurements: From his tail to bis nose,
six feet two inches; lying upon his back, his fore legs by bis side, and bis
hind legs stretched out like those of a man, he measured eight feet from
the end of his toes to his nose; he was twenty-two inches across his breast ;
his "arms" were twenty-one inches round near the body, and apparently
as hard as a piece of beech- wood; across the ball of his fore foot was rive and
three fourths inches; his longest nail was three inches outside the bend. His
skin made a good sized sleigh robe without tanning.
The bear is stealthy, and never approaches bis victim in a direct line, bul
in zigzag courses, as if he would pass by his prey, till sufficiently near, when
TO History of Coos County.
he darts upon it with lightning speed, and at once proceeds to eat his game
alive. He will eat decayed flesh only when reduced to great extremity by
hunger. Bears are seldom seen in the forest, as they lie close to the ground
and allow persons to pass very near them without moving. There is
no doubt but that the large male bears kill the smaller ones, and
each other, when they can. I caught a large one whose skin had been
torn in two places across the back the width of a man's hand, and length-
wise, two or three inches; it appeared as if the animal had attempted to
escape from his antagonist, which struck both paws upon his back and
tore his hide as he escaped.
Wolverine. — Among the game animals of Coos first to disappear was
the wolverine. This was the natural enemy of the beaver, and the beavers,
in order to protect themselves from its depredations, would, after freezing
weather commenced, cover their houses with a coat of soft muck that
becam3 a crust that the wolverine could not break through. I have heard
hunters complain of wolverines following their lines of sable traps and
robbing them of the bait and game caught in them. It was a rare animal
after the disappearance of the beaver, and could not exist after the destruc-
tion of the moose and deer.
Lynx. — The "bob-cat," or Siberian lynx, was common while the deer
remained, but he, with his shaggy coat, and the ugliest face that ever
stared at a human being, is gone, I trust, never to return.
Otter. — Among the first and most valuable of furred animals was the
otter, but as it was a wandering, solitary animal, living oh fish, the num-
ber was never great. There are some still remaining, but, being nocturnal
in their habits, they are seldom seen. They might live for years in our
streams and ponds and their presence only be detected by persons familiar
with their habits.
The Fisher is another of the furred animals of former days. He flour-
ished while the deer remained, but disappeared when he could no longer
eke out a cold winter upon the carcasses of the superannuated old buck,
doe, or fawns killed by hunters or the "bob-cat." This animal is of the
weasel family, of much value, and about two-thirds the size of the fox.
Sable. — Next to the beaver in importance as a furred animal was that
beautiful little creature, the sable. It was near the size of a half-grown
house-cat, but much longer in proportion, of the weasel kind, head and ear
like the fox. It lived upon what would satisfy a small carnivorous animal
of the forest. Nocturnal in its habits, it was seldom seen, except when
caught in a trap. The sable was secured by the hunters setting lines of
traps. The trappers would start from a given point and go into the woods
often several miles, and, at intervals of forty or fifty rods, make a wooden
trap which they would bait with a piece of flesh or fish, then make a cir-
cuit, and finally return to their starting point. They would pass over this
Game of Coos County. 71
line once in three or four days to secure their game and keep their traps
in order. For a long period within my remembrance sable skins have
been a very considerable source of income to the inhabitants of Coos.
They were much used to make muffs and capes for the women, in my day.
The muff of Mrs. Major Weeks was large enough to let her arms in to the
elbows, and contained more than thirty prime sable skins, and with her
cape seventy or eighty. My mother's muff contained thirty skins of choice
quality. They always bore a good price in cash. A month spent in the
fall by an experienced trapper would often secure a hundred or more. The
sable, like the fisher, was dependent on the larger game, like the moose
and deer, to carry them through our northern winters. So what was left
by the hunters ceased to thrive, and only a few remain.
The Raccoon and Grey Squirrel are only visitors of Coos. In former
times, when beech-nuts were plenty, they made their appearance in con-
siderable numbers.
Wild Geese, Ducks, Etc. — Fifty years ago wild geese were plenty about
the ponds and in Connecticut river near Lancaster. They often came in flocks
of ten or a dozen, in September, and remained till freezing weather in the
late fall. They were frequently killed by experienced sportsmeu. Black
and wood ducks were here in vast numbers, and some remained to within
a few years. They made their nests and raised their young about the
meadows, and in the fall were hunted by those who liked canvass backs
but were willing to accept black or wood in place thereof. Perhaps the
hunting was not according to the rules of sportsmen, but it filled the bag
with game. The old Dutch gun, or Queen's arm, charged with two fin-
gers of powder and an ounce of BB shot would sweep a space on a pond or
river a yard and a half wide, and kill at a distance that would strike a
modern sportsman with envy. The ducks are gone with the geese.
Grouse. — The ruffed grouse, or partridge, was found in great numbers
in all our woods, but lately they are seldom seen, even in the dee}) forests
where they are not hunted. The Canada grouse, or spruce partridge, was
quite common. Although called a game bird, it would require a strange
palate to call its flesh delicious. All naturalists in treating of the ruffed
grouse describe his drumming, but make no mention of that of the ( anada
grouse which instead of sitting upon a log and beat ing regular strokes with
his wings, making a sound like the beating an inflated ox bladder
upon a log, reaches the top of a tree by hopping from branch to
branch, then hops off and makes a drumming noise as he descends to the
ground. I will describe one I saw that much interested me. I heard what
I supposed to be the drumming of a common partridge, and went to shoot
it, butsawitwas a Canada grouse, and sat down and watched him. lie was
on the ground, his feathers standing so many ways he hardly retained the
shape of a bird. No dandy ever made a greater display. He began to
72 History of Coos County.
ascend the bushes and limbs of the small trees about, by hopping and flying
up a foot or two at a time, retaining his brustling and pompous mood.
When he was up twenty or thirty feet, he hopped off a limb and came
down almost perpendicularly making a fluttering, drumming noise as he
descended. I watched him go through this performance several times.
Thinking it a pity to spoil so much good feeling I left him to his enjoy-
Pigeons. — In my boyhood I have seen flocks of hundreds of thousands,
if not millions of wild pigeons. My father had a net and I have baited it
and caught them till I was tired. They used to breed on the mountains
in the vicinity. I once saw one of their "roosts." I was projecting a line
through the forest on the highlands between this state and Canada, some-
time in the " forties," and noticed egg shells on the ground. Looking up
we saw that in the tops of the trees every place where sticks could be placed
was occupied by a pigeon's nest. Some trees had as many as twenty or
thirty. We camped in the midst of them, and the next morning went at
least half a mile before we came to the end. Pigeons came in reduced
numbers till within a few years, but they are now gone with the other
game animals and birds; and Coos, from being the finest sporting ground
in the world, is now about the poorest.
Early Trappers and Hunters— Indian Threats — Capture of Stark and Eastman — Powers'
Expedition — Extracts from Journal — Fort Wentworth — First Settlers — Townships, and Date
of Grants — Early Population.
T"T ARLY Trappers and Visitors.— After the exploration of Field and
|ff others (1632— 1:2) it was more than a century before we again hear of
'Hf white men within the limits of Coos county. The English were push-
ing their settlements up the valleys of the Connecticut and the Merrimack,
trappers penetrated the wilderness far above the settlements, and they
often met the Indians on these hunting excursions and evidently were on
friendly terms witli them. John and Israel Glines came here very early,
prior to 1750, several years before any expedition of discovery was sent to
explore the wilds of Upper Cohos. These men came to get a part of their
means of support, working on their land through "springtime and har-
Early History. ;:>,
vest," and then repairing to this wilderness in the autumn to gel the where-
withal to supply their families with greater com forts than were then obtain-
able from the meager soil of their rough farms.
John Glines had his camp near the mouth of the river which bears his
name, while Israel had his headquarters near the placid Connecticut,
Israel's river, and Beaver brook, where the traces of two distinct beaver
dams are still to be seen. Here he carried on his hunting and trapping
operations successfully.
Benjamin Nash, Willard, Thomas Barker, Edwards Bucknam, and
others, followed the Glineses, and the almost mythical Martin, who gave his
name to Martin Meadows. The Glineses became involved in trouble with
the Indians by shooting one of them, and left to return no more. The
later ones came, no doubt, more than once, on their hunting expeditions,
to the upper Connecticut. But the French as well as Indians were becom-
ing jealous of the extension northward of English settlements. As the
English contemplated laying out two towns in the spring of 1752, which
should embrace the lower Coos meadows, the Indians remonstrated and
threatened. It is probable, however, that their threats were not known to
all the settlers, for four young men from Londonderry were hunting on
Baker's river, in Eumney, and two of these, John Stark and Amos East-
man, were surprised and captured by the Indians, April l;s, i 752. They
were taken to Lower Coos where two of the Indians had been left to kill
game against their return. The next day they proceeded to the Upper
Coos, from which place they sent Eastman with three of their number to
St. Francis. "The remainder of the Indians employed themselves for
some time in hunting upon a small stream called John's river." — [Stark's
Memoirs.] They reached St. Francis June 9th, when Stark joined his
companion, Eastman. They were soon after ransomed and returned to
their homes.
Powers'' Expedition. — The best known of all the expeditions to Coos,
was that of the company under command of Capt. Peter Powers, of Hollis,
N. H., Lt. James Stevens, and Ensign Ephraim Hale, of Townsend, Mass.
They commenced their tour Saturday, June 15, 1754. Starting from
Concord, they followed the Merrimack river to Franklin, the Pemigewas-
set river to Plymouth, Baker's river to Wentworth, and then crossed over
to the Connecticut, via Baker's pond. They were ten days in reaching
" Moose Meadows," which were in Piermont.
We extract from their journal: —
" Thursday, Junt 21th. — This morning it was cloudy weather, and it began (o rain, the sun
about an hour high, and we marched, notwithstanding, up the river to [ Lowe? | Amonoosuck Ri\ er,
and our course was about north, distance about live miles; and we camped here, for the River
Amonoosuck was so high we could not go over il without a canoe; for it was swift water, and
near twenty rods wide. This afternoon it cleared off fair, and we went about our canoe, and
74 History of Coos County.
partly built it. Some of our men went up the River Amonoosuck, to see what discoveries they
could make; and they discovered excellent land, and a considerable quantity of large white pines.
" Friday, June 28th. — This morning fair weather, and we went about the canoe, and completed
the same by about twelve of the clock this day, and went over the river; and we concluded to let
the men go down the river in the canoe, who were not likely to perform the remaining part of the
journey, by reason of sprains in the ankles, and weakness of body. They were four in number;
and we steered our course for the great interval about east, northeast; and we this day marched,
after we left the river, about ten miles. And the land was exceedingly good upland, and some
quantity of white pine, but not thick, but some of them fit for masts.
" Saturday, June 29th. — This morning was cloudy, but we swung our packs, and steered our
course about northeast, ten miles, and came to Connecticut River. There it came on rainy,
and we camped by the side of the-river, and it rained all this afternoon, and we kept our camp all
this night. [This was in the southern part of what is now Dalton.] The land was, this day's
march, very good, and it may be said as good as ever was seen by any of us. The common growth
of wood was beech and maple, and not thick at all. It hath a great quantity of small brooks.
This day and the day past, there were about three brooks tit for corn mills; and these were the
largest of the brooks that we saw.
"Sunday, June 307/j. — This morning exceeding rainy weather, and it rained all the night
past, and continued raining until twelve of the clock this day; and after that, it was fair weather,
and we marched up Connecticut River; and our course we made good this day was about five
miles, east by north, and there came to a large stream, which came from the southeast. This river
is about three rods wide, and we called it Stark's River, by reason of Ensign John Stark's being
iound (captured) by the Indians at the mouth of this river. [This is John's river.] It comes into
the Connecticut at the foot of the upper interval, and thence we travelled up the interval about
seven miles, and came to a large river which came from the southeast; and it is about rive rods
wide. Here we concluded to go no further with the full scout, by reason of our provisions being
almost all spent; and almost all our men had worn out their shoes. This river we caded Powers'
River, it being the camping place at the end of our journey; and there we camped by the river.
[The river they named Powers' river is Israel's river.]
"Tuesday, July 2d. — This morning fair weather, and we thought proper to mend our shoes,
and to return homeward; and accordingly we went about the same; and whilst the men were this
way engaged, the captain, with two of his men, marched up the river to see what further discov-
eries they could make, and they travelled about rive miles, and there they discovered where the
Indians had a large camping place, and had been making canoes, and had not been gone above
one or two days at most; and so they returned to the rest of the men again about twelve of the
clock; and then we returned, and marched down the river to Stark's River, and there camped.
This afternoon it rained hard, but we were forced to travel for want of provisions. This interval
is exceedingly large, and the farther up the larger. The general course of this river is from north-
cast by east as far as the interval extends. [The captain and his two men penetrated, probably,
as far as Hay Camp meadow, in the north part of Lancaster, and travelled nearly 140 miles beyond
the habitations of civilized men. At Hay Camp meadow, or below, they first fell upon the trail
of Indians, where they had, probably, been preparing canoes to descend upon the frontier settle-
" Wednesday, July :)J.— This morning cloudy weather, and thundered; and after the sun an
hour high, it rained hard, and continued about an hour, and then we swung packs, and steered
cur course west-southwest, aiming for Amonoosuck River, and this day we marched about four-
teen miles, and camped.
" Thursday, July 4(//.-We marched on our course west-southwest, and this day we marched
about twenty miles, and camped-
" Friday, July 5th —We marched about three miles to our packs, at Amonoosuck, the same
course we had steered heretofore; and we afterwards went over Connecticut River, and looked up
Well's River, and camped a little below Well's River this night.
"Saturday, July Qth.— Marched down the great river to Great Coos, and then crossed the
Early History. 75
river below the great turn of clear interval, and there left the great river, and steered south by
east about three miles, and there camped. Here was the best of upland, and some quantity of large
white pines."
The journal is fragmentary and meagre, and the comments made by
Rev. Mr. Powers have not given us any additional light, but have rather
added obscurity to the original narrative. He says that Ihe object of the
expedition was discovery; but if Captain Powers' company was the one
referred to by Governor Wentworth in a message of May 4, 1 7.">4, and in
one of December 5, 17r>4, they certainly went to see if the French were
building a fort in the Upper Coos. As this was the only expedition fitted
out during the year that went in this direction, it is quite certain that this
is the one to which the message referred. But it is something to be able
to say that Capt. Peter Powers, with his command, was the first body of
English speaking people who camped on the broad intervals of Coos
county. It would seem as if they were not of such stuff as pioneers were
made of, for their conclusion to return seems to have been reached about
the time they saw signs that indicated a probable proximity of Indians.
Fort Wentworth. — In 1755 so little was known of the geography of the
country, that the "Coos Meadows," on the Connecticut, above Lancaster,
were supposed to be on the direct route from "Salisbury Fort " to Crown
Point, and Colonel Blanchard was to march his regiment through the "Coos
Meadows " to Crown Point. Supposing that there was to be opportunity
for a passage of the troops, some, if not most of the way, by water, by the
Merrimack, Connecticut, and other rivers, the regiment in rendezvous
were kept busily at work building batteaux for transportation of the
troops and stores, whilst Capt. Robert Rogers was sent forward to " Coos
Meadows " with his company to build a fort for the occupation of the regi-
ment, and for resort in case of disaster. Capt. Rogers executed his com-
mission, and built, or partially built, a fort on the Connecticut about three
or four miles above the mouth of the Upper Ammonoosuc river. This was
called " Fort Wentworth."* After Rogers' return, and the regiment had
spent some six weeks in building batteaux that could not be used for want
of water, Gov. Wentworth discovered his error, and ordered the regiment
to proceed across the Province to "Number Four." and then to Crown
Point by way of Albany. — Adjutant GeneraVs Report, 1866.
Settlement. — After fifteen years of war and bloodshed, by the conquest
of Canada peace came to the New Hampshire frontier. The people began,
once more, to be inspired with hope of better days.
Besides those who are known to have been on the Upper ( 'oos Meadows,
undoubtedly many trappers of whom there is no record had visited them
^Remains of this fort were to be seen but a few years ago. It was built at the narrowest place
of the Connecticut valley in that section, opposite a very high bluff on the Vermont side
76 History of Coos County.
and given glowing accounts to the lower country. At least in the years
succeeding the French war, the colonists had opportunities for exploration
they never had before. From Holland's map of this state published in
London in 1784, it would seem as if an accurate survey of the Connecticut
and Androscoggin rivers had been made for that work, or previously. The
country back of the rivers is not so well defined.
In the autumn of 1763, Emmons Stockwell, a young man only twenty-
two years old, of great muscular power and physical endurance, who had
survived the sufferings to which he had been exposed as one of Rogers' Ran-
gers, and David Page, Jr., aged eighteen, made the first actual settlement of
whites in Coos county, at Lancaster. It required an amount of nerve which
our modern youth may well admire, to plant themselves here at the beginning
of a rigorous northern winter, without prospect of food save what their
rifles provided, and separated by fifty long miles from the nearest house
of a white man. They received additions the next year, and, in 1767,
Thomas Burnside and Daniel Spaulding came with their families and set-
tled in Northumberland. Not only in these two towns but in many other
localities did the people of the old towns of Massachusetts, Connecticut,
and lower New Hampshire, make an effort to settle, or at least secure
grants, many of which lapsed. In quick succession Gov. Wentworth
made more than eighty grants in Vermont and New Hampshire along the
Connecticut. The Androscoggin and Saco valleys received the same atten-
tion, for these were the days in which townships were made.
Townships Granted. — Shelburne was chartered in 1768, and re-char-
tered in 1771. In 1770 Cockburne (Columbia) was granted; in 1771 Maynes-
borough (Berlin), Paulsborough (Milan); in 1772 Bretton Woods (Carroll),
Durand (Randolph), and Dartmouth (Jefferson), the last re-granted to M.
H. Wentworth and others, it having been granted to John Goffe in 1765;
in 1773 Durnmer, Cambridge, Success, a tract to S. Wales & Co., one to
Nash and Sawyer, and Baker's Location; in 1774 Whitefield, Millsfield,
Errol and Kilkenny. Besides these, Colebrook, Stuart (Stewartstown),
Woodbury, re -granted as New Stratford (Stratford), Piercy (Stark),
Apthorp (including Dalton), Martin's Patent, Green's Location, and Shel-
burne Addition (Gorham).
Early Population. — In 1770 there were a few people in Lancaster, some
in Northumberland. Capt. Whipple came to Jefferson in 1772 through
the " Notch." This was the condition of affairs at the beginning of the
Revolution in 177.~>. In Lancaster they had built a mill that was worked
by horse-power, and Capt. David Page had built a saw-mill on Indian
brook, but this had been burnt, and the number of inhabitants was sixty-
one; while in Northumberland there were fifty-seven; in Stratford there
were forty-one; Cockburne (Columbia) had fourteen, and Colebrook con-
tained only four. In the last town Capt. Eleazer Rosebrook was one of
Early Settlers, 77
the pioneers. The total population in 1775 of the territory afterwards
Coos county, was '227. In fifteen years it had quadrupled, being 882 in
1790. The ratio of increase was not quite so great for the next decade;
this century beginning with 2,658 inhabitants in the bounds of the county.
Character of Early Settlers of New Hampshire — Characteristics of Pioneers of Coos — Hard-
ships Endured — Religion and Education • — Traditional Stories — Improvement in ' Condition —
Primitive Houses Furniture, Etc. — Manners, Customs, Labor, Dress, Fare, Etc. — Description
of Early Homes, Kitchens, Utensils, Stoves, Etc.
rjHARACTER of Early Settlers of New Hampshire.— -The people of
I j*\ Coos county, as well as the lower counties of the state, have a
\j personal interest in the characters and aspirations of the early set-
tlers of Xew Hampshire. It is of interest to them and their descendants
whether the early proprietors and settlers were actuated merely by a sordid
love of gain, or whether, back of the business enterprise they manifested,
there was not a design to plant on these lands the Christian religion, and
to uphold the Christian faith. Were we to believe all that was said by the
men of the Massachusetts Colony, we would pronounce them Godless, law-
less persons "whose chief end was to catch fish " Rev. James DeNor-
mandie, in his excellent " History of Portsmouth," in speaking of the long
and bitter controversy on this subject, says: "All of the proprietors inter-
ested in the settlement were of the Established Church, and it was only
natural that all of the settlers who came out with them should be zealous
in that faith. Gorges and Mason, Godf rie and Xeal, Gibbons and Chad-
bourne and Williams, and all the names appearing on the Colonial records,
were, doubtless, of this faith. Among the earliest inventories of the ( <>1
ony's goods we find mention of service books, of a flagon, and of cloths for
the communion-table, which show that provisions for worship were not
neglected, and of what form the worship was." Gorges, in defending his
company from various charges before the English Mouse of Commons,
asserts that "I have spent £20, 000 of my estate and thirty years, the whole
flower of my life, in new discoveries and sett lements upon a remote Conti-
nent, in the enlargement of my country's commerce and dominions, and
in carrying civilization and Christianity into regions of savages." In
78 History of Coos County.
Mason's will were instructions to convey 1,000 acres of his New Hamp-
shire estate "for and towards the maintenance of an honest, godly, and
religious preacher of God's word, in some church or chapel, or other public
place appointed for divine worship and service within the county of New
Hampshire ;" together with provisions for the support of a "free grammar
school for the education of youth." No better proofs could be given that
the aims of those energetic men from whom many of the citizens of Coos
county claim descent were fully as high, moral and religious, as such
enterprises have ever been.
Characteristics of these Pioneers. — Two classes of persons, with very
distinctly marked characteristics, penetrated these northern wilds. The
leaders were men of intelligence, energy, shrewdness and property.
They had two objects in view: to furnish permanent homes for them-
selves and their posterity, and to acquire wealth by the rise of their lands.
They were men of strong religious principle, and early made provision
for the preaching of the gospel. They brought cows, swine and sheep,
and were soon able to supply their tables with meat; they also had in
a short time comfortable houses and furniture. The second class were
people so poor as to need help to reach the settlements. They came on
foot, bearing all their worldly goods upon their shoulders, and, without
the aid of the more prosperous, many of these latter would have per-
The first settlers of Coos, in common with the pioneers of adjoining
counties, endured many privations, hardships, and discouragements not
known at the present day, and it is well that the present and coming gen-
erations should read of these experiences.
Living at a distance of more than a hundred miles from the coast, all
heavy articles, such as salt, iron, lead, and, in fact, everything indispensa-
ble to civilized life that could not be procured from the soil, or found in
the woods or streams, was obliged to be transported upon the backs of
men or horses, not even having the convenience of roads, and their only
guides through the forests were marked trees. They had to ford the
streams that ran across their route, which often were swollen so as to be
impassable except by swimming. The nearest mills, either for the manu-
facture of lumber or of grinding their corn and wheat into meal or flour,
was Charlestown, N. H., a distance of 110 miles, and the surrounding
country a wilderness, and in addition to all these privations, they were
surrounded by the hostile Indians, who might at any time pounce upon
them with the tomahawk and scalping-knife; thus their lives were passed
mostly in hard labor and danger. Their sleep was unsound, as they were
fearing an attack from their enemies; and, all in all, their situation was
not an enviable one. However, these early settlers seem to have been
Early Settlers. ;:>
endowed with strong and vigorous constitutions and to have cultivated a
spirit of endurance so necessary to their condition in life.
It is difficult for us to conceive the hardships of the pioneers who, a
hundred and more years ago, invaded "the forest primeval," and deter-
mined to wring a livelihood from lands upon which, at morning or even-
ing, the shadow of Mt. Washington lay. The perils of isolation, the
ravages of wild beasts, the wild wrath of the rapid mountain torrents, the
obstacles to communication which the vast wilderness interposed — every
form of discomfort and danger was apparently indicated by these grand
mountains as impervious barriers to intrusion and occupation. But the
adventurous spirit of man implanted by the Supreme Being lor his own
wise purposes— carries him into the tangled foiest, into new climates and
to foreign shores, and the great work of civilization goes on from year to
year, from decade to decade, from century to century. This spirit of — what
shall we call it? adventure? enterprise? induced whole families dming
the last century, when there was land enough within the bounds of civil-
ization unoccupied and unclaimed, to move into an unbroken wilderness.
The horses, even, of some of the settlers would not remain, and struck due
south in the direction from which they had been taken, and perished in
the forests before spring. Many pioneers would start for their new homes
in the winter, as if to get the hardest experience of their new life at first.
One couple went eighty miles on snow shoes, the husband carrying their
furniture on his back, and they nearly starved in their new place of abode.
Page's colony found the snow two feet dee]) in April, 1764. Joseph Pink-
ham and his family removed to Jackson in 1790, when the snow was five
feet deep on a level. Their hand-sled, on which their provisions,, clothing
and furniture were packed, was drawn by a pig in harness. Another
couple went a great distance in the same inclement season, the wife tiding
on a feeble horse, with a feather bed under her, and a child in her arms,
while the husband dragged the rest of their household goods over the snow.
Pluck, perseverance and persistency were the cardinal virtues of the early
settlers. Many lived for years without any neighbors for miles. The
pioneer would go miles to a mill, and carry a bushel of corn on his shoul-
der and take it back in meal. Ethan Crawford's grandfather once wenl
eighty miles through the woods to a lower settlement for a bushel of salt,
the scarcity of which had produced sickness and suffering, and returned
with it on his back. Not from the lack of salt only did these brave peo-
ple suffer; few of them owned cows, and could not even have " milk por-
ridge," or "pudding and milk." Meal and water, and dried fish without
salt was often their diet for days, when game was shy, or storms pre-
vented hunting. Sometimes, when threatened with famine, they would
send deputations thirty, fifty, and even sixty miles to purchase grain. And
we have read that in times of great scarcity, the hardy men wore a wide
80 History of Coos County.
strap of skin, which as they grew more emaciated was drawn tighter, to
alleviate if possible the horrible gna wings of hunger, in order that they
might hold out till relief came. Besides occasional famines, these families
suffered from freshets. Their rude bridges were torn up, barns and even
their houses swept off, and often when by their industry or good fortune
they had accumulated provision for the future, the bears would come down
upon them and steal their pigs, or anything else they could take.
As soon as possible after these people had made for themselves rude
habitations in which to abide, they would organize a church and establish
a school, comprising the families in a radius of six to ten or twelve miles.
The ministers would work at clearing land and hewing trees during the
week, writing their sermons by the blaze of pine knots, or preach extem-
pore (which was more often the case). The school-house was merely a
rude structure of rough logs, lighted by an occasional pane of glass placed
singly in the wall, and many had but a hole for the light, protected by
a piece of cloth or oiled paper, from the cold and rain. But the same desire
for learning was kindled and fed within these cabins as in richly endowed
and pretentious schools and institutions. The mind — the will — the hope —
and the passion for learning— is stimulated to stronger efforts — when it
has but few props and helps to climb the hill of knowledge, and many a
man has taken his place in the hall of Congress in the Nation's capital,
who was taught his "A, B, C's" in just such a school-house.
In the ''locations," or "grants," there were but few settlers, and often
there would be but one family. There is a story that a man once made
his appearance in the state legislature, and took a seat. He was asked for
his credentials as the choice of the people. "Whom could they put up
against me?" he said; "I am the only man in my town." His claim to a
seat was allowed.
There must have been a few more inhabitants in the settlement in
upper Coos, which was said to be legally warned to have training. After
the officers were chosen, there was but one soldier, and he said, " Gentle-
men, I hope you will not be too severe in drilling me. as I may be needed
another time. I can form a solid column, but it will rack me shockingly
to display."
After the first twenty rive years of settlement the settlers were for the
most part independent, self-reliant, healthy farmers, who lived upon the
produce of their own soil raised by the work of their own hands; warmed
by fuel from their own woods, and clothed from the flax from their fields
or wool from their flock. They had but little money, and but little was
needed, for their trade was carried on chiefly by barter. The mechanics
were not established in one place— but went from settlement to settlement
where they were needed, receiving for their labor the products of the farm
or loom. Prof. Sanborn says: "The primitive log-house, dark, dirty and
Early Settlers. 81
•dismal, rarely outlived its first occupant. The first framed houses were
usually small, low and cold. The half -house, about twenty feet square, sat i s-
xied the unambitious. The double-house, forty by twenty feet in dimensions,
indicated progress and wealth. It was designed for shelter, not for com-
fort or elegance. The windows were small, without blinds or shutters.
The fire-place was sufficiently spacious to receive logs of three or four feet
in diameter, with an oven in the back and a flue nearly large enough to
allow the ascent of a balloon. One could sit in the chimney-corner and
see the stars. All the cooking was done by this fire. Around it, also,
gathered the family at evening, often numbering six to twelve children.
The furniture was simple and useful, all made of the wood of the native
forest trees. Pine, birch, cherry, walnut, and the curled maple were most
frequently chosen by the ' cabinet-maker.' Vessels of iron, copper and tin
were used in cooking. The dressers, extending from floor to ceiling in the
kitchen, contained the mugs, basins and plates of pewter which shone
upon the farmer's board at the time of meals. The post of the housewife
was no sinecure. She had charge of the dairy and kitchen, besides spin-
ning and weaving, sewing and knitting, washing and mending for the
'men folks.' The best room, often called 'the square room,' contained a
bed, a bureau or desk, or a chest of drawers, a clock, and possibly a brass
fire-set. Its walls were entirely destitute of ornament. It was an age of
simple manners and industrious habits. Contentment, enjoyment and
longevity were prominent characteristics of that age. Prior to 1826, there
were nearly four hundred persons who died in New Hampshire between
the ages of ninety and a hundred and five years. Fevers and epidemics
sometimes swept away the people; but consumption and neuralgia were
then almost unknown. Their simple diet and active habits were conducive
to health.
" ' The meeting house ' was a framed building. Its site was a high
hill; its shape a rectangle flanked with heavy porticos, with seven win-
dows upon each side. Every family was represented here on the Sabbath.
The clergymen were settled by major vote of the town, and tax-payers
were assessed for his salary according to their ability. The people went
to church on foot or on horseback, the wife riding behind the husband on
a 'pillion.' Chaises, wagons and sleighs were unknown. Sometimes whole
families were taken to ' meeting ' on an ox-sled.
" Traveling was difficult and laborious. Neither men nor women were
ever idle. Books were few, newspapers were seldom seen at the country
fire-side. News from England did not reach the inland towns till five
or six months after the occurrence of the events reported. Intelligence
from New York reached New Hampshire in a week. In 1815 travel was
mostly on horseback, the mail being so carried in many places. Inns or
taverns were found in every four to eight miles. Feed for travelers' teams
82 History of Coos County.
was, half-baiting of hay, four cents; whole-baiting, eight cents; two quarts
of oats, six cents. The bar- room fire-place was furnished with a ' logger-
head,' hot, at all times, for making ' flip.' The flip was made of beer made
from pumpkin dried on the crane in the kitchen fire-place, and a few dried
apple skins and a little bran. Half-mug of flip, or half -gill 'sling,' six
cents. On the table was to be found a ' shortcake,' and the ever-present
decanter or bottle of rum.
" Women's labor was fifty cents per week. They spun and wove most
of the cloth that was worn. Flannel that was dressed at the mill, for
women's wear, was fifty cents a yard; men's wear, one dollar. Farmers
hired their help for nine or ten dollars a month — some clothing, and the
rest cash. Carpenters' wages, one dollar a day; journeymen carpenters,
fifteen dollars a month; and apprentices, to serve six or seven years, had
ten dollars the first year, twenty the second, thirty the third, and so on, and
to clothe themselves. Breakfast generally consisted of potatoes roasted in the
ashes, a ' bannock ' made of meal and water and baked on a maple chip set
before fire. Pork was plenty. If ' hash ' was served, all ate from the same
platter, without plates or table-cloth. Apprentices and farm boys had for
supper a bowl of scalded milk and a brown crust, or bean porridge, or ' pop-
robbin.' They had no tumblers, nor were they asked if they would have
tea or coffee; it was 'Please pass the mug.' "
The dress of these early settlers was very simple, and of their own man-
ufacture. The women were obliged to work very industriously in order
to be able to accomplish the many duties required of them, and they had
neither the means nor opportunity for fine clothes, but they were dressed
neatly and generally scrupulously clean. A striped loose gown with blue
and white check apron, well- starched and ironed, was considered a dress
pretentious enough to appear in any company. Many of these women
would frequently work eighteen to twenty hours a day. They would card
and spin the wool from their sheep, weave and color it (in some primitive
way), then cut and make their plain garments. Before they raised sheep,
the men wore garments made of moose-skin, and tow cloth was also used
largely for both men and women. No luxuries, no laces, no "lingerie,"
in wmich the women of to-day take so much pride. Linen and tow was
used instead of cotton, and dressed flax was to some extent an article of
Hardwood was cut from large tracts of land, and burned to obtain
ashes, which the early settlers leached and boiled into salts, and carried
where they could find a market. Those that had a horse would make
what was called a "car," by pinning cross-pieces to two light poles of
suitable length, putting the horse in as into the thills of a wagon, the back
part dragging on the ground, and the load fastened on just behind the
horse. Those that had oxen, used a wide spread crotched stick like a cart
Early Settlers. 83
tongue, this they called a " go-cart." Those who had no team either drew
their load by hand, or carried it on their hacks; and the man that could
not cany a hundred pounds on his back was not fit for a pioneer. Money
was so scarce the most that could be obtained went for taxes, and for want
of it, they wTere taken to jail. Hence poverty was the rule, and riches the
exception. In winter the snow was so fearfully deep that the few families
with their homes at some distance from each other could not keep the road
or marked ways open, and consequently great suffering often ensued.
There were almost no roads for many years. Mills were so distant that
grain was sometimes purchased at the mills and ground and brought to
their homes; most of the grinding was done with pestles in huge mortars,
manufactured from short logs of large hard wood trees, sometimes two or
three feet in diameter. Excellent crops of wheat were raised on the new
land; usually good corn, and a large amount of potatoes, which, baked in
the coal beds of their great kitchen fire-places, made many a good meal.
James W. Weeks thus describes the early homes of Lancaster : " The
kitchen was a large room, perhaps 15 by 24 feet: one door opening
directly out of doors; an immense fire-place 7 feet wide and 3 feet deep.
To this fire-place a hardwood log is brought about 3| feet long, and twenty
inches in diameter. The brands of yesterday's back log are drawn for-
ward with the long handled fire shovel, and the back log rolled into the
fire-place against the brick-work. On this another log is placed, as large
as will lie, called a back stick. The fire dogs are now set up. and en these
is laid a large stick called a fore stick, then is filled in the brands of yester-
day's back log and the old fire, together with small wood You soon have a
fire that will throw a glow and a warmth to every part of the room: a
crane of sufficient strength to hold a five pail kettle filled with water, is
hung to the left jamb; on this is a trammel with hook to take up or let
down, and other hooks on which pots and kettles may be hung when used
for cooking. A capacious brick oven is built on one side of the fire-place,
which is heated once a week, and the family baking done. The long-
handled fire-shovel, and a large pair of kitchen tongs complete the ti r< i
arrangements of the kitchen.
"There were also a dozen kitchen chairs framed with seats of elm hark
or basket stuff; a long pine table that could be moved, capable of seating-
ten or twelve; a table or board turned down againt the wall, on which to
work dough for bread.
"The family, with the exception of the small children (who had bread
and milk night and morning), took their meals at the large table in the
kitchen. At dinner the larger children came to the table with their par-
ents. The buttery and sink-room opened out of the kitchen.
"Now about the cooking utensils. Firsl was the large dinner pot, in
which the suet or berry pudding was boiled, and the bean or pea porridge
84 History of Coos County.
was made; a broad, flat-bottomed kettle, in which to fry doughnuts; a
smaller one in which to boil potatoes, etc., and a large dish kettle. Then
the gridiron; the heavy-handled frying-pan for frying meat and griddle
cakes. The Dutch oven held its own a long time, but was superseded by
the tin baker. This oven was a broad, flat iron kettle with long legs,
and an iron cover with a rim turned up about one and a half inches; there
was a ' loop ' in the middle of the cover, by which to handle it with the
tongs. To use this oven, a bed of coals was drawn forward and the oven
set over them, the biscuits put in, the cover put on, and a few shovelsfull
of coals put on the cover, and the biscuits, when taken out, were sure to
be nicely browned. Potatoes were roasted in the ashes, and the Christmas
goose was cooked by being suspended by a string that would swing and
turn before the fire, and was basted every few minutes, with a long-
handled spoon, from the dripping-pan. The first cooking stove came into
town about 1825 or 1826. The first stove of any kind that I ever saw was
in the old Court House. It was a brick structure, about 5 feet square and
2 and a half feet high, surmounted by an immense potash kettle upside
down, with a hole in the bottom, over which the smoke pipe was set.
"Adjoining the kitchen was the sanctum of the mistress of the house,
where noisy boys did not enter, except by permission. There was the
cradle for baby and the young children, and if the mother had not a little
girl of her own, ten or twelve years old, to look after the baby, she bor-
rowed one of some friend who had more than she could make useful. In
this room the mother taught and cared for the children, and made ' ole
claithes amaist as good as new.' Here was a fire-place half as large as that in
the kitchen; a bed turned up against the wall in a corner; some strong
wooden chairs; a table in the middle of the room; a desk, and a small table
or stand under the looking glass at one side of the room, on which was the
Bible and a few other books. The clock had its place here, and every hour
gave notice of the flight of time. In the more pretentious houses there
was another apartment similar to this, with some valuable furniture, with-
out a carpet, but, later, one of home manufacture covered the floor. There
was generally a small bed-room, with a spare bed, out of the way of the
noise of the kitchen, with a fire-place, which was used only on special
occasions and in case of sickness. The children occupied the second floor.
All the beds, except those of the very poor, were of feathers."
War of the Revolution — Frontier and Scouting Parties — Proposed Expedition — Convention
of Towns — Orders, Receipts, Etc. — Early Roads — Petitions Concerning Roads and New-
County — Roads in 179T and 1803 — Tenth New Hampshire Turnpike — Jefferson Turnpike, Etc.
Revolutionary Period.
THE Indians h*ad a trail from Canada to the Penobscot river, in Maine.
After crossing the Memphremagog, they would take the Clyde river,
which would lead them to Island Pond, Art., then cross to the Nul-
hegan river, and down that to the Connecticut, thence down this river to
the upper Ammonoosuc, and up this to some point in the present town of
Milan, where they crossed to the Androscoggin, thence down the last
named river. They were a great source of annoyance to the inhabitants
through whose settlements they passed. During the Revolutionary war,
the Indians received $11 bounty for each scalp and $55 for each live cap-
tive taken by them. The Tories were leagued with the Indians in opposi-
tion to the Revolutionists, and as the latter could get no assistance from
the government, they were obliged to rely entirely upon their own insuffi-
cient resources for self-defense. The inhabitants of both sides of the
Connecticut river united for the purpose of self -protection, chose a "com-
mittee of safety," and built forts for the protection of the women and
children. There were three built — two in Northumberland, one at the
mouth of the Ammonoosuc river, one on the Marshall farm, and one in
Stratford, in the north part of the town. Whenever the "alarm" was
given that the "Indians" or " Tories were coming," the women and chil-
dren would flee to the forts. An incident showing somewhal of the trials
and hardships to which mothers were subject in those days of tin remit tin-
fear and anxiety, is this: The young wife of Caleb Marshall, on whose
farm one of the forts was built, after providing for the safety of the most
valuable of her household goods by having them buried in the earth,
mounted her horse, and, with a child of two years and an infant of three
weeks old, went unattended through the wilderness and sparsely settled
towns to her parents in Hampstead, a distance of 160 miles, where she
arrived in safety.
The history of New Hampshire's services in the Revolution has never
been written. Other states have claimed honors that were justly hers,
and no field is more deserving the pen el' a painstaking and accurate his-
torian, or would bring a better reputation; and it is to be hoped that soon
86 History of Coos County.
some able writer will treat of this subject fully, and show that the Granite
State was not the least one of the original thirteen in devotion, ability and
From the commencement of the Revolution the hardy pioneers of Coos
stood as an advance guard and picket company, not only to protect their
own settlements, but to warn and defend the lower settlements against
attacks from the north.
This document from Hammond's Town Papers shows better than any
eulogy of ours the patriotic spirit actuating them.
"Petition for Soldiers. — Whereas we the inhabitants of Lancaster, Northumberland, Guildhall
& Stratford are fully sensible of the dangers of being attacked by the Canadians which are the
worst of enemys & although some of our neighbors have Quit the ground, yet we the Subscri-
bers Do Jointly & severly promis & ingage to Stand our ground providing the Honab'le Coun-
sel 1 sees Fitt to grant our request That is this, that you will please us your petitioners so far as to
appoint Mr. Jere'h Ames of Northumberland our friend & Neighbour, Commander of our Fort
which with a great deal of fatage we have almost accomplished & likewise for him the s'd Ames
to have orders to inlist as many men as the Honab'le Cort in their wisdom will see fit, we do
ingage to inlist ourselves & obey his orders as long as he is stationed in upper Coos and Com-
mander of the Fort. / Thomas Blodgett, James Curtiss, Archippus Blodgett, Emmons Stockwell,
"July 6, 1776. \ Josiah Blodgett, Joseph Barlow, Nathan Caswell, Sam'l Nash, Abijah
Larned, Moses Quimby, Ward Bailey, James Blake, David Larned, Sam'l Page, Abner Osgood,
Dies Sawyer, Abel Larned, John Frickey, Elizer Kosbrook, Abner Barlow.
During the war, Lancaster reports 457 days' service on "alarms,"
"scouting, guiding, andforting."
Capt. Jeremiah Eames was on the frontiers here from July 5, 1776,
with fifty men and officers for some time; and from October 14, to Decem-
ber 1, 1776, with twenty-six Rangers. Again, he had command of ten men,
on a like service, from December 2, 1776, to April, 1777. A scouting party
of five men was "stationed at or near the Upper Coos" (probably at
Northumberland), from July 15, to October 1, 1779, by order of the " Com-
mittee of Safety,7' under command of Lieut. Josiah Chapman.
After the capture of Col. Joseph Whipple, at Jefferson, in August, 1781,
the town of Conway raised scouting parties, consisting of Capt. James
Osgood and three men, Lieut. Ezekiel Walker and nine men, and Elijah
Dinsmore and two men. These were on duty from ten to twenty eight
days from August 16, 1781, at Conway and adjacent towns. At the same
time "The Committee of Safety" took immediate measures for the
defence of the inhabitants of that section, placing a force there, under the
direction of Col. Joseph Whipple and Col. David Page, for the protection
of the northern frontiers, consisting of forty-nine officers and men. They
were in service from August 29, 1781, to November G, 1781, and commanded
by Capt. Jacob Smith and Lieuts. Josiah Sanborn and Peter Gilman.
Sergeant James Blake's party of eleven men "for the defense of the
Upper Coos." was in service seven months and eighteen days from April
Eevolutionary Period and Early Roads. n7
13, 1782. Serg't Philip Page and five men were drafted for duty at
"Androscoggin River/' in 1782, and were in service from August 19 to
November 25, LY82.
In July. 1 77*.*, Joseph Barlow and Hezekiah Fuller were captured by
Indians at Stratford, and two families were plundered of everything valu-
A party of six Indians, August 3, 1781, took four prisoners at Bethel,
Me., killed James Pettingill, at Gilead, and shot Peter Poor, in Shelburne,
besides destroying property.
No great military operations were carried on on a large scale here dur-
ing the Revolution, and no battle was fought. The nearest approach to
strategic operations is probably given in these communications from Gen.
Moses Hazen to Col. Bedell, which explain themselves.
" Albany 26th April, 1777.
" I have a favor to beg which is that you will let me have a Particular account of the Dis-
tance rout and Difficulties attending the march of a Body of men from your house or the upper
settlements on Cohaas, to St. Franciis in Canada, which I am sure you must have a perfect knowl-
edge of. I should also be glad of a plan or sketch of that Country in any rough way, even if it
was Drawn by an Indian. I leave you to gess the reason of my being so particular on this head,
assuring you only that I am anxious to see once more my own country which probably may be
the case before the end of this campaign.
"As man}- letters miscarry you will be particular careful to write by a safe opportunity as soon
after the receipt of this as you Possibly can. Direct to Col. Hazen in Camp at Head Quarters. I
hope you will not neglect the opportunity put into your hands of serving yourself and Country.
"Gen Moses Hazen
" To Colonel Bedle at Cohaas in the State of New Hampshire."
From Gen. Hazen to Col. Bedle, December 12, 1778 : —
" There has not been any expedition ever fixed upon from your Quarter, some preparation
was ordered, and magazenes provided in order that we might Take the advantage of our enemy in
case an opportunity should offer — the great difficulty which now appears to me, is that we have
no money, or at least that which we have will purchase nothing."
Convention op Towns in Coos.
" Northumberland July 10th 1779
"At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Lancaster Northumberland & Stratford to hear the
Report Joseph Peverly Esq'r and also to agree upon Sum Proper Place for the Scouting Perty to
Be Stationed, Viz — first —
"Chose maj'r Jonas Wilder moderator —
" 2d Choose Cap't Edw'ds Bucknam Clark
"3d Voted that the Place for the Scouting Party to Be stationed, at M'r James Browns In
"4 Voted that Every man In Each town Viz. Lancaster Northumberland and Stratford to
work one Day at the fort In Stratford Immediately —
" 5 Chose Nathan Caswell Captain over these three towns for the Present
" 6 Chose Nathan Barlow Lieut
"7 Chose Dennis Standley Ensine
"8 Chose maj'r Jonas Wilder the man to go Down after men to Exeter
"9 Chose Joseph Peverly Eiq'r Capt EJw'ds Bucknam and M'r John Holdbrook a Com-
88 History of Coos County.
mittee to Give Directions to rnaj'r Jonas Wilder and draw a Purticion to the General Court to-
Send by maj'r Wilder
"10 Voted that m'r John Gamsby m'r James Blake and Mr John Holdbrook a Committee to
Plan out the fort at Stratford " — Hammond's Revolutionary Rolls.
Capt. Eames' Company's Order for Pay.
" Northumberland October 12: 1776 —
' Col'e Nicholas Gilman Treasurer for the State of New Hampshire
" Please to Pay to Capt Jeremiah Eames the whole of the wages for the time of Service in his
Company as shall be found Due on the Said Capt Eames's Roll
" John Trickey, Jon'a Willard, Abner Osgood, Samuel Page, John Page, Zebulon Colbey,
Zechariah Parker, Abijah Wright, David Brown, Ebenezer his (x) mark Kemprield, Moses Page,
Edmund Eastman, David Cunningham, Alexander Craig, Daniel Spalding, Jonathan Craford,
David Earned, Abel Larned, Abijah Larned, WTilliam Patee, James Whiting, Abel Lovejoy, John
Willoughby, Benj. Preson, Benj. Pegley, Jon'a Clark, Jacob Draper, Jonah Chaptman, Joseph
Palmer, Samuel Marsh, Edward his (x) mark Taylor, Gardner Duston, Nathan Caswell, Nathan
Barlow, Gideon Smith, William Curtiss. Thomas Blogget, Archippus Blogget, Josiah Blogget, Johc
Gibson, John Haselton, Caleb Marshall, Dill Sawyer, William Amy, James Blake, Ward Bailey,
Thomas Peverly, Benj'a Sawyer, Abner Barlow.
"Captain Eames'' Scouts. — Captain Eames's Scouting Party, from December 2, 1776, to April
15th, 1777, Head Quarters Great Coos, received for services £110, 19s. 9d. The pay was as fol-
lows: Captain, £6 per mouth; Sergeant, 48 shillings; Private, 40 shillings per month. The com-
pauy consisted of Capt., Jeremiah Eames, Serjeant, Abner Osgood, Privates, Thomas Peaverly,
Jonathan Willard, John Trickey, Haines French, William Amy, Nathan Caswell, John Gibson,.
Dill Sawyer, Abner Barlow; all serving the full time excepting the latter, whose service was one
month .
"Receipts. — State of !New Hampshire, Northumberland, 24 July, 1779. Then we the subscribers
received of Joseph Peverly the sum of twelve pounds, which sum is in full for one month's ad-
vance pay, and the sum of six pounds each as a bounty.
" (Signed,) Abraham Buee, Dav'd (x) Cunningham's mark.
"Peter Keyes, Jabed Church, Jn'o his (x) mark Martin."
" We the Subscribers have received the sum annexed to each maus name of Joseph Peverly,
Esq'r, for our travelling money from each mans place of abode to said Peverly's house— Jonah
Chapman 100 miles £10. Abraham Buell 100 miles £10. Dav'd Cunningham 100 miles £10. Peter
Keyes 100 miles £10. Jno his (x) mark Martin 80 miles £8. Northumberland, 24 July, 1779. Then
rec'd of Joseph Peverly the sum of thirty -three pounds, 6s. L- M'y, which sum is in full for one
month's advance Jonah Chapman Lt Stratford Sep 1779 Then rec'd of Joseph Peverly the
rations in full allowed for six men from July 24. to Oct'r 23d 1779 Jonah Chapman "
" Northumberland Oct'o 1, 1779. Received of Joseph Peverly fifty-eight dollars & four shil-
lings which is in full for the allowance of Rum while scouting — per Jonah Chapman
" EnlistmenU— James Hardy enlisted in Capt Jno. House's Co. of Col. Morey's Regt in July
1777 from Lancaster Eleazer Rossbrook, Josiah and Thomas Blodgett Nathan Barlow Joshua
Lamshier and Samuel Page enlisted in Capt. Whitcomb's Co in July 1777, from Lancaster,
Northumberland & Stratford. Eleazer Rossbrook enlisted in Maj Benj Whitcomb's Independent
Company of Rangers Dec 28 1776 from Lancaster. Edward Mardean, James Rosebrook,
Haynes French, and Henry Tibbetts at the same time as privates in the same company. They
served until Dec. 31, 1779. John Trickey of Northumberland enlisted in Col. Thos. Stickney's
Co from Boscawen Aug. 1, 1779 for one year."
Roads occupied much attention of the early settlers. The Indian trails,,
kept somewhat worn in most of the distance by the hunters and trappers,.
Revolutionary Period and Early Roads. 89
were better than a trackless wilderness; yet it surprises us to see it stated
in Power's journal their company marched as many as twenty miles a
day, the same distance allowed foot soldiers as a day's march in a civilized
country. It is quite probable that Capt. Rogers cut out a road to convey
his supplies to construct Fort Went worth, in 1755. Three ways were in
existence early to reach the Upper Coos from below. One, and the princi-
pal one, was the Connecticut river, with canoes and "earns" in summer,
and on the ice in winter. Another was on the highlands, west of the
Ammonoosuc, passing by Streeters pond, in Lisbon, and the east part of
Littleton. The valley of the Ammonoosuc was the third route. The
early roads were cut about eight feet wide, and "corduroyed." They were
not much like our later roads, but the pioneers seem to have been able to
traverse them on foot, on horseback, or to drive cattle over them without
serious detriment to their progress. But these trails were unsuited to the
needs of an increasing population. In all town and proprietors' meetings,
roads was the most important subject of discussion. Little progress was
made for years. Edwards Bucknam, Timothy Nash, David Page, David
Page, Jr., of Lancaster, were appointed, March 12, 1 7 ♦ » 7 , members of a
committee to lookout and mark roads to the "Ameroscoggin," Pickwackett,
and the first settlements on the Connecticut.
At a special meeting of the governor and council at Portsmouth, March
13, 1772, a petition was presented by the proprietors of Lancaster, North-
umberland, and Shelburne, setting forth the utility of a road from Conway
to the Connecticut river, and praying His Excellency would be pleased to
order the surveyor-general of lands to mark out a proper road, and issue
such other orders as would " effectuate " the same.
Nothing tended so much to cause a demand for a new county, as the
badness of the roads between Upper Coos and Haverhill.
About 1775 the proprietors of Apthorp offered two tracts of land of
100 acres, to any one who would cut away the trees and bushes on the
most direct route between Haverhill and Lancaster line, a distance then
considered as fifty miles, and make a road passable for a one-horse wagon
containing two persons. This offer was accepted by -Moses Blake, who <lul\
executed his contract, and was deeded the two nearest lots to tin1 mouth of
John's river.
These petitions from Hammond's Town Papers tell their own story:
" To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives for the State of Newhampshire
(humbly Sheweth) The Inhabitants of A Place Called LTper Cods Thai they began Setelmenl at
that Place more than twentithree Years ago and ever since have Continued their Setelment through
many Difficulties Especially on account of the Badness of the Roads through Littleton and Dal
ton which have never been properly Cleared nor bridged by which means wagons or Sleighs p
with the greatest Danger and never more than half a Load which Subjects the inhabitants of Said
Coos to very Large Expence in transporting necessary foreign articles and others in Removing with
their faraileys and Efects from Conne-tiei it Massachusetts and the Easterly pari of New Eamp
90 History of Coos County.
shire to the Same Difficulties which very much Impedes & hinders the Setelment of the Towns on
Connecticut River etc Lying above S'd Littleton & Dalton Your Petitioners beg Leave to farther
Sugjest that the Townships of Littleton aud Dalton being owned by only a few Gentlemen and
the Towns not Vested with Power nor the Inhabitants of ability to Lay out Clear bridge and make
Passable Said Road through which Your Petitioners must Pass on any Business belonging to the
Probate, or County Matters, Wherefore your Petitioners Pray Your Honors to take their Case into
Your wise Consideration and order that the Road be made Passable and keept in good Repair
through Said towns of Littilton & Dalton to the acceptance a Commitee to be appointed for that
Purp »se or by Some other way as your Honors Shall See fit and Your Petitioners Will Ever Pray
"May 10th 17d8
Inhabitants of Lancaster
"Jonas Wilder, Aamasa Grout, Jonas Baker, Joseph Brackelt, Edw'ds Bucknam, Phinehas
Hodgin, Francis Willson, John Weeks, Abijah Darby, Walter Philbrook, Samuel Johnson, Hope-
still Jenison, David Page, Emons Stockwell, Ephraim Griggs, Will'm Johnson, Jonathan Hartwell.
" Northumberland — Jer'h Eames Ju'r, Tho's Eames, Joseph Peverly, Abner osgood, J. Whip
pie, Daniel Spauiding, Abel Bennett, thomas Burnside, James Burnside.
"Stratford.— Hez'i Fuller, David Jnoson, Hetli Baldwin, Elijah Hinman, Joshua Lamken,
Archippus Blodget, Jabez Baldwin, Elijah Blodget, Oliver Lamkin, James Curtiss, Josiah Blod-
get, James Brown, Nuc >mb Blodget, Benj'n Strong, William Curtiss
" Piercy. — John Cole, Caleb Smith.
" Relative to the Formation of Coos County, 1790 To the Honourable senate and house of
Representatives of the State of Newhanipshire, to be convened at Concord on the first Wednesday
in Jan'y next,
" The petition of the select Men of the towns of Lancaster Northumberland and Stratford, for
and in behalf of the respective towns, Humbly Sheweth; That our located situation in the north-
ern part of the state is such, that it will be perticularly beneficial for us, to have Conway and ad-
jacent towns annexed to us, in the formation of the northerly County in s'd State, not only on ac-
count of the occupancy and improvement of our most advantageous road to seaport, but in order
to promote emigrants, and agriculture in this fertile & healthy territory; the promotion of which,
we humbly conceive will be of publick utility, and the state to which we owe our allegiance, will
receive emolument in proportion to the opulency of this part of the state— And your petitioners as
in duty bound will ever pray — Lancaster Dec'r 29 1790
" Edw'ds Bucknam,
"Emmons Stockwell,
"Francis Willson,
Select Men
for Northumberland,
" Joshpii Pkverly, Lancaster
" Jer'm Eames,
"Elijah Hinman,
" Jamls Brown.
Petition for a new county, 1791.
"To the Honorable the General Court of the State of New Hampshire— The petition of the In-
habitants of Lancaster in the County of Grafton
" Humbly Sheweth
" That your Petitioners live at the distance of near sixty miles from the nearest shire Town in
this County
" That a very considerable part of the Inhabitants of this part of the County live above us and
are under similar disadvantages with us,
"That the Roads to Haverhill our nearest shire Town are exceedingly bad and at some seasons
of the year impassable, Wherefore we your petitioners pray that we may be seperated from the
said County of Grafton and made a new County by a line drawn from Connecticut River between
the Towns of Concord alias Guuthwait and Littleton and on Eastward taking in the Towns of Con-
wa, Eaton &cto the Province line so call'd and we as in duly bound shall ever pray —
" Lancaster Nov'r 22nd 1791.
Revolutionary Period and Early Roads. 91
"Edw'ds Bucknam, William Bruce, Stephen Willson, Jeremiah Willcox, Emmons Stockwell,
Robert Gotam, Francis Willson, Joseph Bruce, Jonas Wilder, junur, Asaph Darby, Jonas Baker,
Jonathan Cram, Edward Spaulding, Will'm Moore, Joseph Brackett, Epbraim Wilder, .John
Weeks, Jon'a Ilartwell, Nathan Lovewell, Joseph Wilder, Samuel Johnson, Dennis Stanley, Isaac
Darby, Phinehas Bruce, Elisha Wilder, John Rosbrook, E/.ra Reves, Benj'a Twombly, Walter
Philbrook, Moses Page, John Mackintire, Abijah Darby, Bradfor Sanderson. Zadock Samson,
Jonathan Ros, Daniel How, David Stockwell, Daniel Chany, John Wilder. Jonas Wilder, Manas-
seb Wilder, Charles Rosbrook, David Page, James Twombly, Coffin Moore, Phinehas Hodgdon,
William Johnson,"
President D wight came to Lancaster on horseback in 1797. He says
the roads were good from Haverhill to Concord (Lisbon). "Here he first
found 'causeys' or 'corduroy' roads (not in good repair)." He came up
the Ammonoosuc until he reached what is now Littleton village, when
they commenced ascending the mountains of that town toward Dalton.
"The mire was often so stiff and so deep that our horses scarcely strug-
gled through it. The roots, also, the stumps, rocks, stones, and ' causeys '
multiplied upon us in almost every part of our progress." The road con-
tinued "on the same mountainous ground, and embarrassed with the same
disagreeable circumstances " until within six miles of Lancaster. Of the
Dalton mountains he says that "the height and rudeness of these moun-
tains must prove a serious obstruction to all traveling for pleasure from
the country below to the country above." Going from Lancaster through
Jefferson, via "RosebrookV and the "Notch," he makes no complaint
of bad roads, except that the first two miles of the " Notch " is so steep as
to make riding on horseback seriously inconvenient, but says from Bart-
lett to Conway they passed " through a good road.*'
This alone is sufficient to show that the communication between
" Upper Coos " and the Saco valley and points below was much easier than
with Haverhill, and shows why the people were so anxious to be united
with Conway in a new county.
In his account of his visit to Canada line in 1803, Dr. Dwight says
the roads in Stratford exhibit strong indications of a lax and inefficienl
spirit in some of the inhabitants. Through Wales Gore, between Strat-
ford and Cockburn (Columbia), the road was very imperfectly made. In
Cockburn "for so new a settlement well wrought, dry and hard." Through
Cockburn and Colebrook and Stewart the road is very good. The most
important legislation for Coos county in its early existence was the incor-
poration of the Tenth New Hampshire Turnpike from the west line of
Bartlett through the Notch of the White Hills. This was done December
28, 1803. The distance was twenty miles, and the expense of building it
$40,000. This furnished an avenue to the sea] mils, and became one of
the best paying roads in all northern New Hampshire. Until the
advent of railroads, this was the great outlet of Coos county, and the
thoroughfare over which its merchandise came from Portland, hi win-
92 History of Coos County.
ter, often, lines of teams from Coos, over half a mile in length, might
be seen going down with tough Canadian horses harnessed to " pungs " or
sleighs, loaded with pot or pearl ash, butter, cheese, pork, lard, and peltry,
returning with well assorted loads of merchandise, or filling the caravan-
saries of Crawford, Rosebrook, and others with a wild hilarity. Before
this time most of the incorporated towns were well provided with roads;
but wagons, carriages, and "one-horse chaises " could not roll along their
level surfaces with as much enjoyment to the occupant as can be taken
to-day, until about 1820.
Tbe Jefferson Turnpike, fourteen miles in length, from Lancaster
through Jefferson, Bretton Woods to the Tenth Turnpike, was incorpo-
rated December 11, 1804, and cost $18,400, and was of much value to the
"North Country."
As early as 1803 a road had been laid out from Colebrook to Hallowell,
Me., ninety miles, via Dixville Notch, Errol, etc., but for years nothing
came of it. The following by J. W. Weeks, concerning the roads of Lan-
caster is of value : —
" What seemed to impress the first settlers most was the matter of roads. Hardly a meeting
of the proprietors took place without some action upon this matter. First to look out and mark
roads. March 12, 1767, a committee was appointed, consisting of David Page, Timothy Nash,
Edwards Bucknam, and two others, to look out and mark the road to ' Picwackett (Conway), to
the Androscoggin, and to the nearest settlement on the Connecticut River.' Whether the roads
followed for many years after were marked by this committee is unknown. But roads were
marked out and the routes followed, sometimes near where the present highways run, but in many
places very different. The remains of rude bridges, corduroys and their like, mark the course of
some of them to day. The route down the river from the head of the island or ' Stockwell's
Bridge,' has evidently never been changed, but the road to Picwackett, through Dartmouth (Jeffer-
son), has been changed more than once. The first road followed close upon the bank of Israel's
river to Jefferson Mills, thence to ' Whipple's Meadow,' ^Jefferson Meadows); the next followed the
high ground, considerably west of the present road, to Jefferson Mills. These roads can still be
traced. The route to Ameroscoggin passed over the hills east of the river and connected with the
present road near Geo.W. Webster's, and passing through Jefferson, ran some twenty -five rods east
of Samuel Mardin's and William J. Chamberlain, passing near the Waumbek and high up the hill
beyond. The first road to Northumberland, after leaving North street, passed near the top of the
high bank, by the house of E. D. Stockwell, and striking the bank of the river near Capt. A. M.
Beattie's, thence following the river bank to near the Northumberland line.
" These roads or highways were rude affairs, often very crooked, and passing over high hills
for the sake of dry ground, very little attempt being made for drainage. The small streams and
swampy places were passed by ' corduroys,' that is by laying two parallel timbers lengthwise of
the road, six or seven feet apart, and covering them with cross-timbers or poles laid crosswise, cut
eight feet long. These roads sufficed for the time, as there was little transportation over them ex-
cept on horseback, and by sleds in winter. They were usually, however, wide enough and firm
enough for ox carts, and for the lumbering two-horse wagons. The use of the plow and scraper
was probably as great an event as was that of the road machine, later.
" The road down the river seems to have called forth the greatest solicitude. In all the peti-
tions for a new county from 1790 to 1805, it was set forth that the roads were nearly impassable,
as a principal cause why this northern section be set off. The road to Conway was evidently
made passable quite early. Col. Whipple was said to have come to Jefferson in 1764, and he,
without doubt, came through the Notch. Nash and Sawyer's Location was granted in 1773r
Survey of Maine Boundary, &c. 93
for building a road through that tract, and in 1786, in petitioning the Legislature for assistance ,
it was set forth that the road was out of repair from recent freshets, indicating then- was
a road previously. At that time a committee was appointed to sell State lands and build and
repair roads. Large tracts of land were sold at extremely low prices, from time to time, and if
the road was built it did not stay built. After more than ten years a sort of settlement with the
committee was effected by the Legislature. The gentlemen got their discharge and most of the
land, but the public no road, or a very poor one. The age of turnpikes had now arrived, and in
1803 the tenth New Hampshire turnpike was chartered, twenty miles through the Notch, and
built at great expense. The following year the Jefferson turnpike was chartered, some fourteen
miles, to the Rosebrook place. This road was well laid out and splendidly built. Up Israel's
river it was straight as a line, was well drained, and worked twenty-two feet wide, in such a
manner as to seem to defy the effects of time. From the time of building these roads Coos peo-
ple had as good highways to Conway as could be maintained through the Notch, till the time
of the great freshet, in 1826.
" Prior to the four wheeled carriage, which was about 1822, the ordinary road was not much
better than a bridle-path, although passable for the chaise, ox cart and team wagon.*'
Boundary Surveys— Smuggling, Etc., 1812-1815— Boundary Commissions — "Indian Stream
Territory "— Indian Stream War— Musters and Militia.
THE report of the commissioners appointed by King George, in Coun-
cil of February 22, 1735, and confirmed by his order of August ...
174<), established " that the dividing line between the two provinces
(N. H. ec Mass.) shall pass up through the mouth of Piscataqua Harbor,
and up the middle of the river Newichwannock, (part of which is now-
called Salmon Falls,) and through the middle of the same, to the farthest
head thereof, and that said dividing line shall part the Isles of 'Sholes'
and run through the middle of the Harbor, between the Islands to the Sea.
on the southerly side, &c," and, in 1740, a survey was made in accordance
thereto. Again, in 1789, the line was run and marked by spotting trees,
in the then wilderness, from the head of Salmon Falls river to the High-
lands of Canada. The course of the line thus run was. north 6 degrees
east, and is the same line familiarly known to the residents tin 'icon as the
"Province Line."
In 1820, Maine, until then a portion of Massachusetts, be ante a state.
and the boundary line between Maine and New Hampshire had become so
obliterated and uncertain in its location, that in L827 the two states
appointed a commission to "ascertain, survey and mark, the line between
i»4 History of Coos County.
the States of New Hampshire and Maine, and to erect suitable monuments
to designate it as the true boundary line of said States." Hon. Ichabod
Bartlett, of Portsmouth, and Hon. John W. Weeks, of Lancaster, were
appointed commissioners for New Hampshire, and Hon. William King, and
Hon. Hufus Mclntire, commissioners for Maine. Work was commenced
October 1, 1827, at the head of Salmon Falls river, and the line run that
fall forty-seven miles, to the Androscoggin river. The next year the line
was completed to the Canada Highlands. Three stone monuments were
erected north of the Androscoggin river, and the rest of the way the line
was shown by marked or spotted trees. The spots on the trees became
effaced and destroyed by fires, by wind, and natural growth, and the clear-
ings of the settlers. For years surveyors could not follow it save by com-
pass, as for miles there were no marks in many places. Disputes arose in
consequence, and owners of wild and timber land were in doubt as to their
boundaries. To rectify this, New Hampshire and Maine, in 1S5S, created
another commission "to ascertain, survey, and mark the dividing line
between said States, from Fryeburg to the Canada line." Henry O. Kent,
of Lancaster, was appointed commissioner for this state, and John M.Wil-
son by Maine. The boundary to be established nearly all lay in an unbroken
wilderness, and extended about eighty miles in length. During the con-
tinuance of the work the weather was unfavorable in the extreme. In a
space of thirty -eight days, including the stormy weather, in a country
where supplies could not be had, with a small force, the line was run by
the commissioners personally, a series of monuments erected, and a per-
manent line between the two commonwealths established, at an expense
which must be considered economical when the magnitude and importance
of the work is considered. The survey was commenced in September,
1858. James S. Brackett and John G. Lewis, of Lancaster, were assist-
ants, and Adjutant-General Joseph C. Abbott, of Manchester, was a vol-
unteer member of the company,
The line was marked by the erection of stone monuments at all road
crossings and noticeable points where none before existed, and by retouch-
ing the old monuments. Many large and prominent trees were blazed and
marked on either side "N. H." "M.," and the names of various members
of the party were added, together with the date, " 1858."
Aside from the monuments described above, the whole course of the
line was marked by spotting the old marked trees, and all others on the
route, and by marking the spots with a double cross, thus X, and the
under brush was cleared away so as to enable one to follow the line by a
continual observance of the spots.
It is believed that the line above described is now sufficiently marked
and designated to afford a distinguishable and permanent dividing liner
Survey of Maine Boundary, ecc. :•;.
which will subserve all the purposes of the two states equally as a more
expensive system.
The treaty of L783 denned the northwest boundary of New Hampshire
as "the most northwestern head of the Connecticut rivet.'" The country
was wild and unsurveyed. The British considered that their title under
this treaty extended down to the forty-fifth parallel of latitude, and th<
real head of the Connecticut, while Xew Hampshire did not concern itself
with the subject. In 1789, however. Col. Jeremiah Eames was on a com-
mission appointed by the legislature to survey and establish the boundaries
between Maine, New Hampshire, and Lower Canada, and his journal shows
that they made the head of Hall's stream, the northwest bound of this
state, and established it by suitable monuments. Hall's stream is the north-
western branch of the Connecticut, and this survey brought all the land
between Hall's stream and Connecticut river, including the fertile valley
of Indian stream, within this state. The advantages of this region becom-
ing known, in 178!> two settlers made their homes on Indian stream.
Others followed, led hither by the richness of the soil; others, to seek in
this remote district an asylum from pressing creditors or punishment for
Smuggling, etc.— In 1*1.! this territory was the paradise of smugglers,
who could readily bring from the closely-lying Canadian settlements the
most valuable articles into the '•' States," without the slightest fear of hin-
drance from the far-off, older New Hampshire settlements.
The history of smuggling as carried on between this country and Canada
from the enactment of the embargo at the close of 18<>7, and especially
from the enactment of the more stringent non-intercourse law of 1810, to
the declaration of war in 1812, and even, to a greater or less extent, to the
proclamation of peace in 1815, is a portion of our annals almost wholly
unwritten. The upper towns of New Hampshire and Vermont, from
the close contiguity to Montreal and Quebec, the only importing cities
of Canada, afforded the most tempting facilities and the best chances
for success, while the high price of beef and cattle in the Provinces
was a great allurement to the Coos farmer whose fat herds were
almost valueless in the home market. The Federalists or opponents
of the Administration wrere in a large majority in this section, and they
could see no harm in selling cattle at a good profit on Canadian soil, while
not all friends of the Government could resist the inducements offered.
A man, also, could readily bring hundreds of dollars of silks and satins
in his pack, and an Indian sledge in winter would carry ten times
as many of the same valuable commodities through the woods. No
one would be the wiser except the accomplice, who lived this side of the
line, and knew howr to secrete and take to market the rich goods. This
96 History of Coos County.
illegal trade attained such proportions that the United States stationed a
detachment of militia at Stewartstown to suppress it in 1812.
Canaan and West Stewartstown were often centers of wild excitement,
and, along the line, almost an incessant campaign and warfare existed,
for years, between the custom-house officers and their assistants, with
their reserve force of U. S. soldiers, and the smugglers and their friends,
both parties being armed 'k to the teeth." In these skirmishes many were
at different times killed outright; many more were missing, even on the
side of the officials, for whom dark fates were naturally conjectured; while
others, on both sides, were crippled or otherwise seriously wounded. As
nearly seventy-five years have passed since these occurrences, it is impos-
sible to accurately detail them or the motives of the actors. We find no
source of information but tradition, and that is so affected by ties of con-
sanguinity, personal feeling and partisan animosity as to render it an
unsafe guide. Eeference must be made, however, to some matters, which,
even to this day, are kept fresh in the mind of the public. In September,
1813, Samuel Beach, of Canaan, Vt., owning and operating a saw-mill in
Canada, obtained a permit to take over oxen. The officers were informed
that more cattle were taken over than were brought back, and that they
were sold to the British. One day, Oliver Ingham, United States custom
officer, instructed Lieutenant John Dennett in charge of the militia guard-
ing the line not to allow Beach to take over any more cattle. Beach soon
attempted to cross the line with a yoke of oxen, and Dennett forbade his
doing so. He endeavored to go on, however, and finally was shot dead.
Dennett was arrested by the civil authorities for murder and confined in
jail at Guildhall. He escaped the next spring, and the friends of Beach
made search for him, and in August following surprised him while cutting
wood for his camp. He was shot in the back and disabled, then brought
out of the woods, placed in a two-horse wagon and driven rapidly over the
rough roads to Guildhall, where he soon died. Many believe that he was
most inhumanly treated by his captors, and maliciously abused while on
the road to Guildhall.
The Federal Government now sent Capt. Hodson with a company of
regular soldiers to relieve the militia. Capt. Hodson soon stopped the
smuggling and the treasonable acts and utterances. He arrested Saunders
W. Cooper, one of the militia, who was a nephew of Beach, and sent him
to Windsor, Vt., to be tried for treason. He was accused of being a smug-
gler, and of having joined the militia that he might give assistance to those
desiring to aid the enemy. He was not tried, however, on account of his
youth and the close of the war, and, after his death, years later, his
widow obtained a pension for his services as a soldier. The smugglers and
their friends hated Hodson, and once, while he was at Lancaster, they
endeavored to get hold of him by arresting him for some alleged breach of
Survey of Maine Boundary, &c.
the civil law. He was aware of their object, however, and had a suffi
cient number of soldiers with him to frustrate their des gns. He tva an
. able officer, and, later, a prominent citizen of Maine
Indian Stream Territory and War.-ln 1819 the British and Ameri
can commissioners attempted to jointly establish the boundary line between
Canada and this state, but they could not agree. The American con mk
sioners held to Fames' survey and Hall's stream as the bound made by
the treaty, while the British commissioners contended for lines aTcoroW
to their construction. From the survey in 1789, the settlers Ce had
known nothing else than that they were in New Hampshire territory and
n 1" ueeLIeof 7vnaf 4° "" 'T' acknowledged that of fcS
in consequence of this disagreement, the Canadian local authorities
Te'ritorv " TheP ^ -°f **"" ^^ ^^ °f "**-
lemtoiy. The Provincial government of Canada at one time located a
township on this territory and called it "Drayton;" built a road from
Hall s Stream to Indian Stream, and assumed occupancy. The lawW
element before mentioned was still in large force, and'as iLas more con
venient for then personal safety to be out of the jurisdiction of American
aw, many advocated the Canadian claim. Up to this time New Ham p
shire officers had served the processes of New Hampshire courts and the
majority of the settlers were faithful to this state
In 1824 Indian Stream Territory was inhabited by about fifty-eight set
about t7\ r fammeS' mad6a P°pulatio» °f 285 Persons Ct
about 847 acres under improvement. These settlers claimed, under certa n
Indian deeds the principal of which was that of Philip, an okTchiefof
he St. Francis tribe, dated 1790. The general government as eariy as that
toe prohAited purchases of land from the Indians; but it was daimed
that the grantors living without the jurisdiction of the United States m™de
his case an exception to the rule. By the convention of 1827 the ues
ton of the whole northeastern boundary was referred to the King of the
Netherlands, whose award in respect to this part of the line thiew t s
whole tract upon the Canada side. But, as « the head of the Connect cut "
which he adopted did not approach the highlands, the people of New
Hampshire were dissatisfied, and, as the award was rejected by the United
States, the whole question was left open to further difficulty
In 1820 the state owing to the settlers here resisting process issuing in
Coos county, of which the tract was regarded as forming a part 1, a
asserted a title and a jurisdiction, by a resolution directing the attorney
general to proceed against intruders; and again, in 1824, by an express
declaratory act, in which also it released title to every actual settler of wo
hundred acres, reserving, of course, all other portions to itself
The settlement, in 1830, numbered ninety voters, and there wasalanre
enough number of disaffected men to lead them to talk of resistance to
98 History of Coos County.
the long acknowledged authority. The two great powers had agreed, that,
until the boundary question should be settled, neither should extend their
jurisdiction over the disputed lands. The Canadian officers continued their
attempts at control, and even compelled some of the people to do military
duty in 1831. Those loyal to this state were alarmed, and applied to their
friends below for help, which was not readily forthcoming, and an inde-
pendent government was mooted. At this juncture, two Federal customs
officers threw a firebrand into this combustible mass by exacting duties
from all the Indian Stream people who brought produce into New Hamp-
shire or Vermont, thus declaring them beyond the United States. These
illegal and ill advised measures excited the people intensely, and gave the
discontented a good chance to work in the interests of Canada. A majority
of the inhabitants concluded, however, to form an independent govern-
ment to be in force until the boundary was decided. July 9, 1832, the
voters of the disputed tract met, by notification, formed the government
of " The United Inhabitants of Indian Stream Territory," adopted a con-
stitution, which created an assembly and a council. The new government
determined to resist the service of processes from New Hampshire courts.
Hon. John H. White, sheriff of Coos county, hearing of this, detailed the
state of affairs as he heard them to the secretary of state at Concord, and
asked instructions. The governor and council called for the opinion of
the attorney-general, and a copy of this, asserting jurisdiction over, and
right to, the territory, with a letter from the governor, saying the laws
should be executed in Indian Stream, was sent to Sheriff White, who thus
informed the residents and officials of Indian Stream. This was in Decem-
ber, 1834, and had its effect with the people until Alexander Rea. a justice
of Hereford, L. C, who lived near the disputed ground, and who had been
active in fomenting strife, advised resistance; under his influence, and
with the expected aid of the province, the people voted to resist the laws
of this state, and abide by their constitution and laws. March 12, 1835,
Deputy Sheriff William M. Smith, from Colebrook, attempted to arrest
C. J. Haines and Eeuben Sawyer, and was violently beaten and driven
from the Territory by several men. March 13, Milton Harvey and an
assistant were assaulted while trying to attach some property, and also
driven from the Territory. Wild reports came down to Lancaster of this
resistence; it was asserted that the Territory was organizing a military
force, had made an alliance with Indians for war, and were building a
block-house for an intrenchment, under the name of "jail."
About this time the people of Indian Stream Territory chose John
Haines to properly present their position to Col. White. He was instructed
to say that they had unanimously "resolved to abide by and support our
own constitution and laws, agreeably to our oaths, until known to what
government we properly belong, when our constitution is at an end." Col.
Survey of Maine Boundary, &c. 99
White»gave no satisfaction to Mr. Haines, saying, merely, that he would
lay the situation before the governor, and he at once wrote a letter, giving
the rumors prevalent concerning the action of the people, as well what
had been done, and asked for a detachment of militia to enable him and
his officers to properly discharge their duties. It is evident from the
names of the councillors of Indian Stream, that up to this period many of
the people had only intended to keep a neutral position, and really consid-
ered themselves under no jurisdiction, save that of their own laws, until
the boundary question should be decided, and they allotted to New Hamp-
shire or Canada. It was to prevent disorder and anarchy, not to cause it,
even if the influence of Rea had developed its formation, that the " Terri-
tory" was organized. Ebenezer Fletcher, Richard I. Blanchard, Jeremiah
Tabor and others, who were members of the Council, were never disloyal
to the United States, but they could not hold in check the lawless element
which favored union with Canada. April 18, 1835. — The assembly of
Indian Stream passed acts making it perjury to violate the oath of alle-
giance to their constitution, with a penalty of confinement in the stocks
united to disqualification as a witness in the territorial courts; also, for-
bidding any sheriff, or sheriff's officers, residing in Indian Stream, or the
United States, not appointed by the government of Indian Stream, per-
forming any official duties within the Territory under the penalty of tine
and imprisonment. This clear distinction against the United States and
in favor of Canada alarmed the American residents, and the same day they
drafted and sent a petition to Gov. Badger, asking protection from the
action of these laws. Shortly after, the majority who passed the obnox-
ious laws, also sent a memorial to Gov. Badger acknowledging that they
had kept the Canadian government informed of their acts, and begged for
favorable consideration. In June, 1835, Gov. Badger presented the case
and papers to the legislature, at Concord. This body resolved to main-
tain jurisdiction over Indian Stream Territory, and to hold its possession
until the boundary dispute should be fully settled: and authorized the
governor to render all necessary aid to the executive officers <>f Coos
county in executing the laws of New Hampshire in that Territory.
This legislation was at once communicated to Sheriff White, and by him
to the people of Indian Stream. Quiet was produced for a lime, but the
Provincial government again interfered, and the discontented began t<>
make preparations to resist the execution of New Hampshire laws, while
they allowed Canadian warrants to be served in the Territory. The afore-
mentioned Justice Rea. net content with issuing writs to be served in
Indian Stream, made various speeches urging resistance t<> American laws,
and promising help from Canada. In October, 1^».~>. William M. Smith, a
deputy- sheriff of Coos county, with Richard I. Blanchard and John M.
Harvey as assistants, attempted to serve a writ on John H. Tyler. Tyler
100 History of Coos County.
refusing to turn out property for attachment, Smith arrested him, and in
taking him away, Tyler was forcibly rescued by several of his neighbors.
Alexander Rea, on being informed of this arrest, issued a warrant against
Smith, Blanchard and Harvey, in the name of the King of Great Britain,
for attempting to serve processes not granted by Canadian courts. Blan-
chard, the only one residing in Indian Stream, was arrested on this war-
rant, October 22, 1835, by an armed posse of from twelve to fifteen men,
and taken by force from his dwelling, to be tried in Canada for doing his
duty as a deputy sheriff of the county of Coos.
As the news of this outrage was immediately spread, great excitement
prevailed in the upper towns of Coos. Clark J. Haines started at once on
horseback for Colebrook, giving notice at Clarksville and Stewartstown.
As fast as notified the men of the various towns armed and hastened to
the relief of Blanchard. Many took their arms and accoutrements as
militia men. Nearly three hundred assembled in Canaan; citizens aroused
by an outrage upon the rights of one of their number, and determined to
rescue him. Several parties started to intercept Blanchard and his captors,
and we give Blanchard's own language of the rescue: "When I was
within a mile of the house of Alex. Rea, to which place I understood they
were conveying me, we were met by a party of eight men from New
Hampshire on horseback, all, or most of them, armed. They demanded
my release from the party having custody of me, which was refused, but,
after some further talk, the party demanding resolutely my release, I was
at length released, without any force being used on either side, and I went
with the party down to the store of Parmelee & Joy, in Canaan, Vt."
The rescuing party consisted of E. H. Mahurin, J. M. Harvey, J. P.
Wiswell, J. M. Hilliard, Horatio Tuttle, I. B. Blodgett, Samuel Weeks,
Jr. , and Miles Hurlburt. At the store in Canaan mention was made of
J. H. Tyler, the former prisoner of Smith, as being one of the party in
charge of Blanchard. Ephraim C. Aldrich and Miles Hurlburt, taking
with them an advertisement offering five dollars reward for the capture of
Tyler, started in search of him, and, shortly after crossing the Canada
line, they were met by Rea, who, highly excited, ordered them off the
king's highway and his (/rounds. Rea had over a dozen men whom he
called upon to arrest Aldrich and Hurlburt. The latter drew a pistol, and
Aldrich advised Rea not to approach Hurlburt as he might shoot. Turning
to Aldrich, Rea ordered a man to take his horse by the bridle, and he
.attempted to arrest Aldrich, who drew a sword and defended himself.
Rea and his party began to throw stones, two of which hit Hurlburt with
force. He discharged his pistol, wounding Young, and as, by this time,
thirty or forty men had come up from Canaan, Rea, becoming alarmed,
ran for the woods, Aldrich pursuing him. After a short skirmish, Rea
Survey of Maine Boundary, &c. mi
surrendered, was placed in a w.-igon and taken to Canaan, where, after
being detained some hours, lie was released.
The legislature, by an act approved June L8, 1836, authorized the gov-
ernor " to appoint commissioners to repair to Indian Stream and collect
and arrange such testimony as may be obtained to rebut and explain the
charges and testimony obtained and preferred against the authorities and
inhabitants of this state by Lord Gosford, Governor of the Province of
Lower Canada." Gov. Badger appointed as members of this commission
Adjutant-General Joseph Low, Ralph Metcalf and John P. Hale, who
made a report, November 23, 1830.
As the excitement increased, and the adherents of New Hampshire
feared for their safety, Gov. Badger instructed Gen. Low "to take such
steps as might be found necessary to maintain the integrity of the state
and its laws, and, if necessary, to call out so much of the Twenty-fourth
Regiment as will enable the executive officers of the county of Coos to
execute the laws, and suppress and put down all insurrectionary move-
ments." Necessity arising, Gen. Low ordered Col. Ira Young to "detach
and order into service, and place at the disposal of John H. White, Esq.,
sheriff of the County of Coos, one captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, four
sergeants, two musicians, and forty-two privates, for three months unless
sooner discharged." This order was handed to Col. Ira Young, November
13, 1835, about six o'clock in the evening, and, as Capt. Mooney and some
men were already at Indian Stream, an express immediately sent by him
to Ensign Drew, of the Stewartstown company, with directions to collect
his force at once and report without delay. By three o'clock in the morn-
ing of the next day, about twenty men had assembled, some having trav-
eled nineteen miles on foot to join Capt. Mooney."
* Roll of Copt. Mooney'8 Company, 24th Regt. , N. H. M., serving at Indian Stream. —
James Mooney, Captain, Stewartstown; Haines French, Lieutenant, Columbia; Amos W. Drew,
Ensign, Stewartstown; Joseph Durgin, Sergeant, Northumberland; William Covel, Sergeant.
Colebrook; Robert Tirrell, Sergeant, Stewartstown; Isaac Miner, Sergeant, Whitefield; George
Hight, Sergeant, Jefferson; Privates, Asahel Aldricli, Whitefield; David Alls, Colebrook;
James H. Balch, Lancaster; Thomas Batchelder, Whitefield; Ephraim F. Bartlett, Whitefield;
Phill C. Bickford, Northumberland; Linus Blakeslee, Dalton; Arnold Bolls, Dalton; Henry Bout-
well, Dalton; William W. Brooks, Colebrook; Volney M Brown, Stratford; Jesse Carr, Jefferson;
Jesse W.Carr, Columbia: Nathan S. Carr, Indian Stream, Sub., Colebrook: Hazen Chamberlain, Cole-
brook: William Curtis, Stratford; Nathaniel G. Dodge, Stark: Ahaz S. French, Columbia; Orisa-
mus Frizzle, Colebrook; William Grimes, Dalton; Alfred Greenleaf, Jefferson; Samuel G. Grout, Dal-
ton; Horatio Grover, Colebrook; Alexander, Gullen, Sub., Colebrook or Columbia; Silas Huntoon,
"Whitefield; Duglas Ingerson, Lancaster; Enoch C. Jewell, Whitefield; Dennis .bines. Lancaster;
Abiel C. Kidder, Stewartstown: Eli Kinerson. Stratford; Leaviii Loud, Dalton; William G. by-
man, Columbia; Clark McFarland, Stark; Joseph Morrill. Jr., Whitefield; John Perkins, Lancas-
ter; William Price, Whitefield; Benjamin Stilling, Jefferson; Ira Stilling, Jefferson; Charles F.
Stone, Lancaster; John Sweat, Columbia; William Wallace, Jr., Dalton or Columbia; Asa 8.
White, Whitefield; Samuel Whittemore, Colebrook.
102 History of Coos County.
Very early, say two or three o'clock, on the morning of November 14,
1835, Captain Mooney, with a guard, accompanied deputy sheriff Blan-
chard to arrest a number against whom warrants had been issued for the vio-
lation of our laws, and who were supposed to be at Applebee's. After stop-
ping a short time at Perry's Stream, Ensign Drew crossed with twenty
men to surround the house (a large two story frame building), with orders
to keep quiet until daylight. Two horses at pasture were alarmed by the
soldiers, and ran to the house arousing the inmates by their excited snort-
ing and neighing. Emor Applebee came to the door, and going back into
the house returned with a gun, and his son, Benjamin, also armed. He
warned the officers and guard not to approach. The sheriff announced
his office and mission, and ordered them " in the name of the state " to lay
down their arms and submit; upon this they levelled their guns and said
they would shoot the first one who came near them. They were covered
at once by twenty rifles. Captain Mooney said that his instructions were
to take them alive or dead; when the elder Applebee ordered the whole
company to leave his farm ' ' in the name of the King,'' and started his wife
as a messenger to notify his associates of his peril. By this time, however,
the soldiers had cut off communication with outside parties, and Mrs.
Applebee was driven back to the house. Gen. Lewis Loomis, who had
accompanied the soldiers, now advised the Applebees that their escape was
impossible, and that it was their wisest course to surrender and go with
him to the officers, when, if they could satisfy them of the rectitude of
their intentions, they should be permitted to return. The Applebees under
his plausible diplomacy consented to do this, gave up their arms and ammu-
nition, and were made prisoners. They, with others of the malcontents
captured, were taken to Lancaster, and lodged in jail. After six months
and three days imprisonment, Benjamin was released upon his own recog-
nizance. Emor Applebee was released in the same manner after an
imprisonment of a year. The other prisoners were discharged in time,
and none were ever brought to trial.
The guns captured from the Applebees were heavily charge with powder,
ball, and large buck-shot or pistol-bullets. One gun contained seventeen
bullets, one rifle seven bullets, and the spare guns an ounce ball each, and
from seven to twelve pistol-bullets. This prompt arrest followed by others,
crushed opposition by force, but the British party continued to make
threats, and the vicious and law-escaping element of the territory labored
with them. On learning these facts, Gov. Badger issued an order calling out
more troops, if quiet was not restored, and the turbulent ones thought bet-
ter of the situation and either emigrated to Canada or quietly submitted
to .New Hampshire law.
The national government refunded the expenses incurred by the state
in this campaign, and, by this action, the militia engaged became "veteran
Survey of Maine Boundary, &c. 103
soldiers of the United States," and were granted 160 acres of government
land each. In 1819, Congress satisfied the state's claim by paying $7, <>i mi.
The next year an attempt was made to recover interest on this sum from
the year 1836, which, after being more than once refused, was allowed by
Congress in January, 1852, with a proviso that the amount should not
exceed the sum of $6,000. But, in disposing of the questions growing
out of the claims on the part of the settlers here, resort was had to the
superior court of New Hampshire. In a decision given in this court in
1810, by Chief Justice Parker, the jurisdiction asserted by the state was
affirmed, and was held to refer back, in the absence of any subsequent grant
to the period of separation from Great Britain, and consequently carried
with it all title to the lands. This decision settled the question; and the juris-
diction thus maintained was acquiesced in by Great Britain and the United
States in the Webster-Ashburton treaty made the next year, which laid
down the line as claimed by the state. The stamp of right and justice was
thus placed upon the prompt action of the New Hampshire officials.
Masters, Trainings, and Militia* — There are very few people now living
who remember the old-fashioned muster and May trainings in New Hamp-
shire. These came down from colonial days and were looked upon by young
and old as the " great days " of the year— by the old, to rehearse and keep
alive the patriotic spirit — by the young, to view the scenes of mimic war
and glory. These militia " trainings " and " musters " were the only pas-
times for the year. For days before these occasions, preparations were
made to attend by the whole country around. So, early in the morning
on these days, in carriages, on horseback, and on foot, all, save the aged
and decrepit, were seen wending their way to the training-and-muster-
fleld. Little do the boys of the present, who have picnics, excursions,
base ball, circuses, and scores of diversions, realize the poverty of pastimes
in those early days; and how they were enjoyed — almost reverenced.
Every "free, able-bodied, white male citizen of the state, resident
therein, of the age of eighteen years and under the age of forty-five years,
unless exempted by law," was liable to do military duty in the company
within whose limits he resided or into which he may have enlisted. Each
company was obliged " to meet on the third Tuesday of May annually," for
inspection and military drill, "armed and equipped as the law directs,"
and on one other day, by order of the captain. The annual regimental
muster was in September, and called by the general; and this embraced
all the companies in the regiment.
The law required that "each enrolled man should be armed with a mus-
ket with a flint lock, two spare flints, with a steel or iron ram-rod, a bay-
onet, scabbard and belt, a priming-wire and brush, a knapsack and can-
teen, and a cartridge-box that contains twenty-four cartridges."
*By Hon. B. F. Whi.I.lui.
104 History of Coos County.
The militia companies, or, as they were sometimes called, " flood-
wood companies," embraced all the enrolled men who did not enlist into
an independent company. In every regiment there was a company of
cavalry, sometimes called "troopers," a company of artillery, one or two
companies of light infantry, and a company of riflemen.
The officers were a captain, a lieutenant, and an ensign, except in the
cavalry, where the ensign was called a cornet. To each company there
were four sergeants, four corporals, one bass-drummer, and usually two
tenor-drummers and two fifers, except in the cavalry, whose music was
the bugle.
The parade-ground, or " muster-field," as it was called, was selected by
the field officers in some central portion of the "lines" of the regiment,
and " must be smooth and level and contain not less than twenty acres "
in order to give room for the evolutions of the companies in line or column
of attack. Early on the morning of muster, from all the country round,
came pouring into town, companies, officers, soldiers and citizens, young
and old, preceded only by those building booths and tents on the outskirts
of the field the night before. Joy, mirth, patriotism, and good cheer usher
in the day; veneration, the martial spirit, parade, the love of tinsel and
show, had not yet died out.
The militia, or infantry companies, were generally large and considered
the solid branch of the service. The officers were armed with a sword
with belt, and w^ore a cap with plume. The riflemen were more preten-
tious and dashing. They wore, generally, a blue coat and "pants," trimmed
with red cord or silver braid, with red cuffs and collars, and high gaiters.
Their caps were generally black velvet, with plumes. They were very
attractive, either at rest or in motion. The artillery represented strength.
Their uniform was blue, trimmed with red. They were armed with a
sword and belt, and equipped with a knapsack and canteen. They wore a
cocked hat having a black plume with red top. Their six-pound brass can-
non wras polished to its brightest. The trappings of their horses and ammu-
nition carriage were of the gayest style known. The light infantry com-
panies were the most showy part of the regiment. Their uniform was a
black coat with white " pants." They wore high leather caps with white
plumes. Their motion was quick and effective, and they wrere greatly
given to surprises in the evolutions of the day. They usually had from
eight to ten pioneers, armed with the necessary tools, who were in front
when marching by flank, to clear the way of all obstructions, span a ditch
or raise a tent. But the cavalry on their prancing steeds, with the gayest
of uniforms and housings, bear-skin cap, pistols, sabre, boots and spurs,
was the delight of all. The bugle-notes which heralded their movements
will never die away with those who saw that day.
The most gorgeous display of all w^as when the adjutant had formed
Survey of Maine Boundary, &c. lor.
the regiment in line, the colonel with his staff came on parade to take com-
mand, and receive the brigadier-general with his staff for review. These
officers were mounted on the gayest of chargers, and were caparisoned at
great expense in all the paraphernalia of war to excite the admiration of
the thousands who came to witness the annual display. These field officers
all wore the Napoleonic cocked hat. The colonel and staff wore a white
plume and silver trimmings. The general and his stall' wore black ostrich
plumes and gold trimmings.
After the inspection and grand review by the general, sometimes the
regiment was divided for the mimic show of war — a "mock battle" —
when the cavalry and light infantry showed their skill in quick move-
ments, the riflemen as scouts, the artillery at bombardment, and the militia
at the charge, till the waning sun and the bugle called to quarters. So
passed this day of days in "ye olden time." < >ne who was there to see
gives you this account while it is fresh in memory.
The writer lived some two miles from this enchanted ground. He had
annually heard in the distance the booming of cannon, the rolling drum, the
screaming fife and the rattling musketry, and one bright September morn-
ing he was taken to the muster and training. Sixty years have since
passed by, and yet he has never been so thoroughly enraptured as when he
reached a height overlooking the field where he could see the long line of
companies in their rich attire stretching across the field; the vast concourse
of spectators outside the line of guards, and hear the music and the voice
of command with a distinctness that was fascinating as it fell on the ears.
Farther on, just outside, he became absorbed in the cries of peddlers
hawking their wares, the baker selling his gingerbread; and passed by
booths where were sold lemonade, candy, and " new rum at four-pence a
glass. "
As the day closed and the ranks were broken, and the vast crowd were
reluctantly turning their faces homeward, squads of men, before taking a
soldier's leave, were seen around the tents, or sitting on the ground sing-
ing patriotic songs, among which was sure to be " Yankee Doodle." The
spirit, style and even the manners of the Revolution were still a possession
among the people; but, as time passed on. and new pastimes and holidays
were created, the law requiring active militia service was repealed in L851.
Under the old law there were three regiments in Coos county — the 24th,
the 41st and 42nd; and these three, with the 13th and 32nd in Grafton
county, constituted the " Eighth Brigade " of New Hampshire.
106 History of Coos County.
Upper Cohos— Coos— Abenaquis— " Captain Joe" and " Captain John "—King Philip— Metal-
lak — Robbins and Hinds — Mountain Ranges — Lakes— Rivers— Fish and Game— Moose — Wolves
—Deer— Bear— Fox— Salmon— Trout— Summer Travel— Railroad Facilities— Protection of For-
ests—Sports— Game Laws — True Legislation.
UPPER COHOS.— When Col. John Goffe, of Goffstown (for whom, I
assume, was also named Goff's falls, on the Merrimack,) raised, in 1763,
under authority of Benning Wentworth, royal governor of the province
of New Hampshire, his regiment, forming a part of the force intended,
say the old commissions, " for the conquest of Canada," under command
of Gen Amherst, his corps was filled by hardy pioneers and adventurers,
ready to seek new homes on the borders of the receding wilderness. At
the expiration of service in Canada, four of his officers, with a portion of
his command, sought their homes on the Merrimack, by the Indian trail
from Champlain to the Connecticut, and across the highlands of New
Hampshire to their own river. Eeturning thus, they struck the Connecti-
cut at the broad meadows now in Haverhill and Newbury, then known in
Indian legends as the "Cohos," and returned to aid in founding the towns
referred to. As settlements extended up the stream, and broad meadows
were found and occupied on the present site of Lancaster, that region was
called the "Upper Cohos;" and later, when quaint Philip Carrigain, the
genial Irish secretary of state, whose map is even now the most desirable
authority on New Hampshire as it was, visited the more recent settlements
under the shadow of the lesser Monadnock at Colebrook, forty miles north
of Lancaster, he bestowed upon that section the title of " the Cohos above
the Upper Cohos,1' the territory designated thus, being the old home of
the Coo-ash-auke Indians, and now nearly all included in the limits of
Coos county.
Cods. — The name "Coos" is derived from the Indian word "Cohos,"
of the dialect of the Abenaquis, a confederacy of tribes once inhabiting
New Hampshire, western Maine, and northerly to the St. Lawrence river.
The word is further derived from "coo-ash," signifying pines. It is known
that the Indian inhabitants of a section were generally entitled by some
*Adapted from an address delivered before the N- H. Fish and Game Association.
Resources, Attractions, Traditions, &c. L07
name descriptive thereof, and the tribe occupying this region was known
as the Coo-ash aukes, or "Dwellers in the pine tree country," from coo-
ash, pines, and auke, place. This title applied especially to the locality
and inhabitants north of the mountains and along the Connecticut valley
above Moosilauke.
The outlet of Massabesic lake is still known by its Indian name, "Cohos
brook," and the country around was once a dense forest of pines — coo-ash.
It seems probable that this name — coo-ash — was carried north by Indian
exiles from the lower Merrimack, when driven from their old abodes by
the advance of the whites, to seek, as says the chronicler, a new home
"around the head waters of the Connecticut;" and we learn, in corrobo-
ration of Indian occupancy of this section at this period, that after the
massacre at Cocheco (Dover) in 1680, instigated by Kan-ca-ma-gus, he and
his followers fled north, "and joined the bands at the sources of the Saco,
Ameroscoggin, and Connecticut" — the coo-ash region. The streams in this
section abounding in trout — their native food — all the way from the Lower
to the Upper Cohos, the territory became known as their Namaos-coo-auke,
or pine-tree fishing-place, a nomenclature transformed and perpetuated in
the modern name "Ammonoosuc," still held by three streams within this
ancient domain.
The wild and picturesque river, rushing down from the slopes of Waum-
bek Methna through the rich meadows of Lancaster to join the Connecti-
cut, is said to have borne the Indian name Sin-gra-wac; but as this word
is unknown in derivation, it is probable that the name Siwoog-an-auke,
itself a corruption of Saiva-coo-itauke, signifying "burnt pine place," is
nearer, if not the exact name, thus defined and corrected. It is easy to
believe that away back in the dusk of tradition, the country had been
despoiled by fire of its growth of pines, the legend only remaining to sup-
ply the name.
Abenaquis. — The Canadian home or head village of the Coo-ash-aukes
was at Abenaquis, or St. Francis, as their settlement is still called, on the
St. Lawrence. After the defeat of the Pequawkets by Lovewell, in 1725,
the broken remnant of that tribe retired to St. Francis; and the bands
invading or occupying our present territory were more frequently known
as the " St. Francis Indians" than by their original designations as Aben-
aqu is pv Coo -a sit -an kes.
Descendants of these broken tribes still live in the village of St. Francis.
Among those who returned to their old hunting grounds in New Hamp-
shire were two families of distinction, of which the chiefs were known as
" Captain Joe " and "Captain John." They were active in pre Revolu-
tionary days, and both took part with the colonists in that struggle. " Old
Joe" died at Newbury, in the Lower Cohos, in lsiu, and is buried in the
original cemetery of the town at the Ox Bow. Captain John led a small
108 History of Coos County.
party of Indians, enlisted from Cohos and vicinity, and received a captain's
commission. He died a violent death after peace had been restored, and
was also buried at the Lower Cohos. He was known among the Indians
as Soosiqi or Sussup, and left one son called Pial Sussup, " Pial " being the
Indian for Philip. There is some reason for the helief that this "Pial,"
son and heir of Captain John, an original Coo-ash-auke chief, who went
from the Upper Cohos to St. Francis or Abenaquis, and who returned to
aid the patriots, with a small band of Cohos Indians, was the "Philip,
Indian chief, resident in Upper Cohos and chief thereof," who gave to
Thomas Eames, of Northumberland, the now famous deed of June S, 1796,
conveying to him and his associates the present county of Coos, together
with a portion of the county of Oxford in Maine, then a part of Mas-
sachusetts, being the instrument known as the "King Philip deed."
While it is a source of regret that the descriptive and euphonious
nomenclature of the aborigines has largely disappeared from the hills and
streams of their hunting-grounds, it is a source of pleasure that it is occa-
sionally retained. Whittier, in his " Bridal of Penacook," has embalmed
in imperishable verse several of the ancient designations, two of which
pertain to the county of the Coo-ash-aukes. He says, —
" They came from Sunapee's shores of rock —
From the snowy source of Si-woo-ga-nock,
From rough Coos, whose wild woods shake
Their pine cones in Umbagog lake."
That the white settlers of modern Coos were of English origin is evi-
dent from the nomenclature of the towns, which, indeed, granted by an
English governor-general, would naturally be of English derivation.
Hence the name of the ducal and royal house of Lancaster applied to the
earlier and principal settlement, Northumberland, Percy, Dartmouth, and
Cockburne, while the name of the family manor of the Wentworths at
Bretton, in the county of York (the ancient seat being " Bretton Hall "),
is duplicated in " Bretton Woods," now Carroll, where there is reason to
believe it was the original intent to erect an American barony.
Metallak. — Before bidding farewell to the aboriginal inhabitants of
Coos, the earliest hunters when fish and game did so abound, shall I weary
your patience if I give to you the story of Metallak as it was told to me in
boyhood in the woods— Metallak, the last of the Abenaquis in Cohos, the
final hunter of the Coo-ash-aukes over the territory of his fathers ?
Sportsmen who voyage up the Magalloway, to or through Parmachene,
or over those delightful bodies of water prosaically known as the "Range-
ley lakes," hear frequent mention of the word "Metallak." It is preserved
in the name of the point once running out into Molly-chunk- a-munk, now
submerged by the accumulated waters of the "Improvement Company
Resources, Attractions, Traditions, &c. 109
in a brook running into the Magalloway, and in an island in the lower
It is true that Capt. Farrar, with rare denseness of appreciation, has
bestowed the name "Metallic," in his guide-books, alike upon chief and
localities, as though the one were really a specimen of native copper, and
the other the location of mineral deposits. Yet there are those who knew
these woods and waters before the invasion of the vandals, or the days of
guide-books, and to them the old nomenclature is dear, to be perpetuated
when the days of the iconoclasts are ended. And so. despite guide-books
and modern "discoverers," we retain the memory and the name of Metal-
lak, and tell his story here.
Metallak was the son of a chief, and from his earliest youth was taught
the use of weapons and the craft of the woods. He grew up tall, lithe,
and active, the pride of his tribe, and, after its custom, took to his
wigwam the fairest fawn among its maidens. He built his lodge in the
old home of his tribe, the Coo-ash-aukes, on the waters of the Ameroscoggin,
and for her ransacked the woods for the softest furs and the choicest game.
The children, a son and daughter, came to them, and gave to the parents'
hearts the joy that is born of offspring. Years sped: the old chief by the
St. Lawrence died, and Metallak was the head of his tribe. The frown of
the Great Spirit was dark upon his people. One by one its warriors in the
woods sickened and passed away. Metallak, in his lodge on the point in
the lake, watched and mourned the down-fall of his race, and swift run-
ners told him how the stately tree of his tribe was stripped of its branches;
but his mate and his children were left to him, and he vowed to the Great
Spirit to remain on the hunting-grounds of his tribe until he should be
called to the happy hunting-grounds of his fathers. Gradually, as fall the
leaves of the forest when the winds of autumn are abroad, fell the once
mighty Abenaquis, until Metallak and his family were alone The son.
not sharing the stern feeling of the sire, as he grew older sighed for the
society of the pale faces, and left the lodge in the forest to find a home
with the new companions of his choice. The daughter had visited at St.
Francis, and had joined her fate with a young warrior of the tribe before
the great sickness that decimated them. And he, with the English goods
easy of attainment, had robed his dusky bride in garments that a white
woman might envy. She is represented as strikingly beautiful, and when
she visited her father in the wilderness he was almost awed by her charms
and her queenly attire.
About this time, while closing a moccasin, Metallak had the misfortune
to lose an eye. Time sped. The bride of his youth sickened and died— a
sad hlow for the desolate chief. She who entered his lodge when youth
was high and his tribe had a place in the land, who had with him endured
long year-- of adversity, was called, ami he was alone.
110 History of Coos County.
Mournfully he laid the body in his canoe, together with the trinkets
which in life had been dear to her, and, gliding out from the sheltered
shore, tooks his way across the narrow strait and down its course to the
broad reach of Molly-chunk-a-munk, past the whispering pines and sunny
beaches, guided by the roar of the Ameroscoggin, where he shoots his
crested waters toward the more quiet expanse of Umbagog. Entering
the rapids he sat ei^ect in the stern of his canoe — his beloved and lost com-
panion in repose before him — and with skillful hand guided the frail bark
with its precious burden through the seething waters, past dangerous rock
and whirling eddy, until it shot out upon the sunlit expanse of the lower
lake; still down, past where the river debouches on its way to the sea, to
where, in the broad expanse, rises the green island that now bears his
name. Here he dug her grave, and buried her after the fashion of his
people, and without a tear seated himself upon the mound. Night came,
but he moved not: the wolf howled from the mainland, the song of the
night wind was on the air, but he heeded not: morning came and passed,
night again and morning, and still he sat upon the grave. It was not
until the morning of the third day that he left the sacred spot. He built
him a hut near it, leaving it only to procure necessary sustenance. Years
went by, during which he was occasionally seen by the hunters and trap-
pers who visited the region; but his eye had lost its fire, and his step was
less firm than of old. In the year 1846 two hunters came across him in
the woods. It was in November, and a very rainy time. He had fallen
down, and upon a stub, thus extinguishing his remaining eye. He was
without fire or food, and upon the point of starvation. They built a fire,
collected wood, gave him provisions, and left him for assistance. With
this they returned, and carried him to Stewartstown, where he lingered a
few years, a public charge on the county of Coos. He now rests apart
from the wife he loved so well, but his name and memory linger in the
haunts of his manhood, and reference to the modern hunting-grounds of
Coos would be incomplete without the story of Metallak, — the last of his
race within our present boundaries, the last hunter of the ancient Coo-ash-
auk es."
To the story of Metallak let me append the story and the, tragedy of two
white hunters on the same grounds — the story of Robbins the murderer,
and his victim Hinds.
Where the Diamond glances down from the forests of College Grant,
entering the Magalloway under the shadow of Mount Dustin, is a farm,
originally cleared by a hunter named Robbins. He was a stern, vindictive
man, and wild stories were early abroad concerning his deeds. In the fall
of 1826, in company with several companions, — Hinds, Cloutman, and
See Colebrook.
Resources, Attractions, Traditions, &c. Ill
Hayes, — all hunters by profession, he went upon the Androscoggin waters
to trap sable. The party continued their hunt successfully until the first
snows fell, when, leaving Robbins in care of the property, his comrades
started on a last visit to the traps, extending over a line of twenty miles.
On their return the camp was found burned, and Robbins and the furs
gone. They were without provisions, and sixty miles from inhabitants,
but with great privations and suffering they were able to work their way
into the settlements. On their return they instituted a suit in the courts
of Coos county against Robbins, which was carried to a successful conclu-
sion, and execution was issued. Spring again came around, when Robbins
proposed to Hinds to hunt once more, promising to turn his share of the
proceeds towards the extinguishment of the adjudged debt. Hinds con-
sented, and taking with him his son of fifteen years, proceeded to the
hunting-grounds around Parmachenee lake. Again they were successful,
when one day, as Hinds was returning to camp, he was met by Robbins
and shot. The boy was killed by a blow from a hatchet, and Robbins was
left with the bloody spoil. The bodies were found, and a search instituted.
Robbins was arrested in the woods by Lewis Loomis and Hezekiah Parsons,
of Colebrook, after a desperate resistance, and lodged in Lancaster jail.
Having some confederate, he obtained tools and commenced preparations
for his escape. Working diligently at the window of his room in the old
Elm Tree jail, he succeeded in loosening the gratings, each day concealing
his work by hanging over it his blanket, under the pretext that the room
was cold and the window admitted air. When all was in readiness he
made his exit, and the night before his trial was to have commenced he
was missing, nor was any search successful. Public opinion was strongly
against the jailor as being in league with the prisoner, and was near mani-
festing itself in a rude manner. Strange rumors were afloat for years
concerning his whereabouts and career, but nothing definite was known
by the public of his subsequent life or final decease.*
With these narratives of the older and ruder days of Cohos, we take
leave of the past and enter upon the Coos of to-day, with its relation to
the state.
Let others tell of golden hues, that paint Italia's sky,
Of ivied tower, of ruined hall, of Tiber rolling by, —
Or proudly point to sculptured bust, and storied column rare,
In days of yore that stood within the Eternal City fair:
Let ancient courts again be viewed where pride and power held sway,
Where revelled high each prince and peer on monarch's festal day: —
Their stately walls shall erst decay, their names live but in song,
As history's lore and classic tale their memory prolong; —
Let others sing of storied lands with songs of loving praise,
But there's a fairer spot to me — home of my childhood's days —
*See Colebrook.
112 History of Coos County.
My own Coos!— thy hoary peaks sublimely towering high,
Are grander than the works of man 'neath brightest foreign sky;
Serene, sublime, unchanging, since the course of time began.
Solemn and lone amid the clouds their stately crests that span.
These are no human handiwork, to waste and pass away —
Almighty God, the architect, their grandeur his display.
When ages yet to come are lost in the vale of time gone by,
When ivied tower and sculpture rare in dust unnoticed lie,
Thy granite peaks, my own Coos, still heavenward shall tower,
Grim sentinels, untiring, set from old earth's natal hour.
Mountains.— Coos county embraces several mountain chains, notably
the Presidential range, the Waumbek Methna, or "Mountains with the
snowy foreheads " of the aborigines, the White Mountains of the tourist,
with all the attractions of savage grandeur and picturesque beauty in
nature, supplemented by the modern comforts and elegancies of palatial
hotels and palace cars; the Dixville range, stretching in desolate grandeur
across the northern section and between the waters of the Connecticut and
Androscoggin, riven by the gorge at Dixville, whose spiky sentinels rise
800 feet above the windy pass that admits to the shining levels of Errol
and the placid expanse of Umbagog; the Pilot range, unapproachable for
beauty, reaching from Cape Horn, near Groveton, to Starr King in Jeffer-
son; the Pliny range, stretching southerly across old Kilkenny and reach-
ing out toward Agiochook, with detached peaks, as Mount Carmel in the
northern wilderness; Pondicherry, rising from the meadows of Jefferson;
and the white cones of the Percy peaks on the upper Ammonoosuc, which,
from the peculiar topographical contour of the region, are visible from so
many points.
Lakes. — The lake system is on a scale of equal grandeur, although pre-
senting features of less rugged and desolate aspect, and as pleasantly lovely
as that of Winnipesauke's self, "The smile of the Great Spirit.'1 Far up
in the everlasting woods, in solitude and sylvan loveliness, nestle the two
upper lakes of the Connecticut, joined to the lower or larger lake at Pitts-
burg, on the outskirts of civilization in this direction, the head waters of
the " Eiver of New England." On the eastern border, Umbagog, half in
Maine, gives New Hampshire the other moiety of her area, and sends down
the rushing Androscoggin, vocal with the sighing of the forests and the
winds of the far off border, to turn the wheels of the great mills at Berlin,
and fertilize the intervals of Dummer, Milan, Berlin, Gorham, and Shel-
burne. Of ponds, that may with reason be called lakes, there are many, as
the Diamond ponds in Stewartstown, Back lake in Pittsburg, Millsfield pond
in Millsfield, Trio ponds in Odell, Dummer ponds in Dummer, North and
South ponds in Stark, Success pond in Success, Pond of Safety in Ean-
dolph, Pondicherry in Jefferson, Martin Meadow pond in Lancaster, Pound
pond, Burns pond, and Blood's pond in Whitefield. and others of less area
in almost every township.
Eesources, Attractions, Traditions, &c. 113
Hi vers. — The Connecticut river receives, as tributaries from New Hamp-
shire, the Mohawk atColebrook, the Ammonoosuc at Northumberland, the
Sawacoonauk or Israel's at Lancaster, and the John's river at Dalton,
while the Androscoggin has tribute from the Diamond at College Grant,
the Magallowav at Went worth's Location, Clear stream at Errol, and Mouse
and Peabody rivers at Gorham. All these tributary streams take their rise
in the primeval forests, and many of them flow their entire distance away
from sight of man save he be the prospecting lumberman or eager spoils-
man. The lakes are all in the wilderness, while most of the bodies of
water classed as ponds are within the forest, or remote from towns or cul-
tivated lands.
Fish and Game. — These waters all abound in fish, as do the forests
around in game. While it is entirely true that the larger game, — the
moose, the bear, the wolf, — is now more rarely found, the two former still
have their abiding places in the deep recesses of the remoter hills and
denser forests, while smaller game still exists in abundance. The ponds
and streams in the older towns are not as good fishing-grounds as formerly,
and the pickerel and chub have therein, in some cases, taken the place of
the once universal trout; but the waters of the deeper woods, from spark-
ling brooks to swelling lakes, are still prolific in this admired and admir-
able fish, the trout.
I well remember, as a boy, that a fine string of trout could always be
easily taken from the bridge on Main street across Israel's river in Lancas-
ter, and that a local character, one Tinker Wade, was accustomed fre-
quently to secure a peck or more of these luscious fish by the clumsy pro-
cess of mixing powdered cocculus indicus with bran, making pellets, which
thrown at random upor; the water from this bridge, would be speedily de-
voured by the jumping trout, to intoxicate them, when they would leap
out of the water, or float upon its surface, an easy spoil to the hand or
stick of the Tinker.
The entire Cohos country, at the time of its settlement by the whites,
abounded in fish and game, and, indeed, was among the most prolific of
the hunting-grounds of the aborigines. For many years after settlers had
opened up the forest all over this extent of territory, and. indeed, after
considerable towns had sprung up therein, the game of the woods and the
fish of the streams existed in profusion, but the advance of clearings, the
lumber operations, and the century of hunting and fishing that has fol-
lowed,have materially diminished the supply and exterminated some sp< ■■ ;i< s
Of the larger game it is rare to find a moose or caribou, a wolf or a beaver.
Salmon have entirely disappeared, and trout, in many once prolific locali-
ties, seem to be vanishing as did the salmon and shad. It is only in the
secluded ponds, and in the small streams above the mills in the forests,
that trout are now taken.
114 History of Coos County.
When the settlers from the lower Cohos penetrated the wilderness
covering the present county of Coos, they found in abundance the moose,
caribou, deer, the wolf, the bear, the lynx, the otter, the beaver, the red and
cross fox, the marten or sable, the mink, the musk-rat, the hedgehog, the
woodchuck; of birds, the partridge or ruffled grouse, and pigeon; and of fish
the salmon, and perhaps the shad and trout. So common were the mooser
that it was not unusual for scores to be slain by a single hunter in a season.
The greatest destruction of this animal occurred annually in March, when
the snow was deep and had stiffened after a thaw. They were then de-
stroyed by professional hunters, who took only the skin, tallow, and noser
which last named part, together with a beaver's tail, were favorite tidbits
to the epicures of the forest.
Later, moose were plenty around the head waters of the Connecticut,
but being hunted with dogs and on the crust, they were soon practically
exterminated. It is told that one of the Hilliards destroyed eighty in one
season, after which wholesale massacre they practically disappeared. South
of Lancaster village, and in the town limits, rise three conical peaks, —
Mounts Orne, Pleasant and Prospect, known as the ' ' Martin Meadow
hills," and south of Mounts Pleasant and Orne is a sheet of water of about
four hundred acres, known as "Martin Meadow pond;" this was a favorite
resort for moose and deer, and an unfailing rendezvous for the settler when
the family was "out of meat." This pond was in the low pine territory
extending through parts of Dalton, Carroll, Whitefield and Jefferson, in
which last named town is " Pondicherry,', or Cherry pond, at the north-
ern base of Cherry mountain, the entire region, in the early clays, being a
favorite resort of the moose. To illustrate their abundance, I quote from
an old manuscript in my possession, written by the late Hon. John W.
Weeks : —
"An early settler, by the name of Dennis Stanley, a lieutenant in the continental army, and a
man of strong mind and perfect veracity, informed the writer that being ' out of meat,' and want-
ing a moose skin to buy a certain luxury then much used, and too often at the present day (New
England rum), went alone to Cherry pond for a supply, carrying his old gun, that had been so
much used that by turning powder into the barrel it would prime itself. He had scarcely struck
fire in his camp when he heard several moose wading from the shallow side of the pond toward
deep water. He then uncorked his powder-horn, put several bullets in his mouth, and waited until
the moose in front was nearly immersed in water. He then waded in where the water was about
one foot in depth, and took his position, not in the rear of the moose, less they should swim over
the pond, but at a right angle with their track and at easy musket shot from it. On his apearance
the moose— four in number — as he had anticipated, chose rather to wade back than to swim over,
and commenced their retreat in the same order in which they had entered the pond; that was, one
behind the other, at some distance apart. In a moment the moose that had been in the rear was
now in front in the retreat, and coming within reach, he was shot at; the powder-horn was then
applied to the muzzle of the gun, a bullet followed from his mouth with the celerity which hun-
ters only know, the second moose was fired at, the third and fourth in rapid succession, when
Lieutenant Stanley found time to give a fifth discharge at the moose in the rear. Three fell at the
water's edge, the other staggered to the top of the bank, where he fell dead."
Resources, Attractions, Traditions, &c. 115
The moose seems almost to have been an antediluvian animal, and out
of place in the highlands of New England. The long forelegs precluded
grazing from level ground, or from drinking from the level of its feet. It
could only browse on twigs and trees, sometimes inserting its teeth
through the bark, stripping it off and masticating as it raised its head. I
remember, while on the state boundary in L858, after seeing moose signs,
coming upon a mountain-ash that had been stripped in the manner indi-
cated to a height of thirteen feet from the ground. Another peculiarity of
the moose was the uncouth long upper lip, prehensile almost like a trunk,
the broad nostrils that could be tightly closed, the false lid to the eye, all
indicating the adaptability of the animal to feed under water; and. indeed,
it is their custom, as is well known, to congregate in the soft, muddy
margins of the ponds, feeding largely on lily pads and the roots of the
pond lily, which they tear up from beneath the water.
Major Weeks's manuscript gives this description of the horns of this
forest monarch : " Nothing can exceed the symmetry and beauty of the
limbs and horns of the moose. The round part of the horns, or that next
the head, is about fourteen inches in length, when it becomes palmated,
and is in some instances twelve inches broad, surmounted in one instance,
told me by Edward Spaulding, now living (1839), by 'seventeen spikes on
each horn. A horn now before me is one and one-half inches in diameter
at the base, and eight inches in length, terminating in a point. The largest
class of horns spread five feet, and weigh about two hundred pounds.
The last moose familiar to Lancaster people was one owned and kept by
Louis Annance, a St. Francis Indian, who forty-five years ago had a lodge
a mile east of the village, near the Sawacoonauk, or Israel's river. Annance
was a tame Indian, and a member of the ancient Mason's lodge at Lancas-
ter. He, however, lived in the style of his fathers: his pappooses were
strapped to boards and hung up in the lodge or carried on the back when
traveling, and the moose was kept for exhibition. *
Beaver. — There are many beaver meadows all along the Connecticut val-
ley and on the tributary streams. In 1858, while upon the eastern boundary
*The mention of the moose brings to mind the famous anecdote of Thomas Jefferson and the
great French naturalist, Buffon. Mr. Jefferson, in his "Notes on Virginia," pointed out some
errors in the published works of M. Buffon, and, when afterwards the gentlemen met in Paris,
Buffon presented Mr. Jefferson a copy of his Natural History with this remark: " When Mr. Jef-
ferson will do me the pleasure to read this, he will acknowledge that I am not in error." Mr.
Jefferson, still unconvinced, determined to demonstrate to Buffon that the Virginia deer was not
the red deer of Europe, nor the American moose the Lapland reindeer. He engaged Gen. Sullivan
to obtain for him a New Hampshire moose that he might have the stuffed skin and skeleton sent to
Paris, with the horns of a Virginia deer which he had procured. Gen. Sullivan raised a company
of twenty men and captured ainoose near the White Mountains. The cost of the bunt, tin- taxi-
dermist's bill, and the prepaid freight to Paris was $200, which the triumphant Jefferson cheer
fully paid.
116 History of Coos County.
of our state, in the apex of the triangle made by the boundary range and
the mountains on the New Hampshire line, in a little glen only sixty rods
from the iron post in the northern wilderness that marks at once the terri-
tory of Canada, of New Hampshire, and of Maine, I came upon a secluded
pond inhabited by a family of beaver. Marks of recent work were plenty:
a few trees, six inches or more in diameter, cut down by their teeth, and
chips therefrom, fresh and green, smooth-cut as by a carpenter's gouge,
w^ere scattered about. This was doubtless the last family of beaver in
Coos, and I learned a few years later that they had all been trapped and
destroyed. Lancaster was formerly a favorite haunt of the beaver, where
they were trapped in great quantities. From the manuscript of Major
Weeks I copy a description of the location of these animals, together with
some hints as to their habits
" About two miles southwest of the town centre is a large tract of
alluvial land called ' Martin meadow ' (the meadows in the present school
district No. 2), from an early hunter whose name was Martin. He
caught an immense number of beaver from Beaver brook, which mean-
ders through the meadow. Beaver dams on this brook can yet be traced,
in one instance for about fifty rods in length and near five feet in height.
There are others of less extent, yet all exhibiting extraordinary skill and
ingenuity, superior to some bipeds who attempt the erection of dams. The
banks of this brook are perforated in hundreds of places, which show the
former residences of bank beaver, a kind smaller than those wonderful
architects who build dams and erect houses several feet in diameter, with
a layer of poles through the middle which divides them into two stories, in
one of which their food for winter, consisting of bark and small poles, cut
about two feet in length, is deposited, while the other, covered with leaves,
is their resting-place during the inclement season. The entrance to both
kinds of habitation is always below low-water mark, from which point
they ascend through a subterranean passage, often several rods long, to
their dark yet comfortable abode.
The Beaver brook here referred to, from the clearing up of the land
around its sources, has much shrunk in volume, and now flows sluggishly
through the low meadows known to their owners as the bog. It enters
the Connecticut near the " brick school-house5,'' near which was the resi-
dence of Edwards Bucknam, a follower of "Governor Page," the first set-
tler of the town.
Wolves were frequent in the Cohos country at the time of its settle-
ment, and did not entirely disappear until within the last thirty years. Old
residents of Laucaster have informed me that they frequently heard, thirty-
five years ago, the howl of the wolf from the woods east of the village,
not more than half a mile distant. The last wolf captured in that town
was about 1840, and by Mr. Edward Spaulding, then an old man and one
Resources, Attractions, Traditions. &c. 117
of the first white persons in town. He had set a trap on the northern slope
of Mount Pleasant, near his farm-house, and south of the village, and
repairing to it found therein a large gray wolf. The animal, by its s\ nig-
gles, was in danger of freeing himself, when Mr. Spaulding attacked him
with a stake which he carried, and succeeded in disabling and finally kill-
ing him. I well remember, as a child, the sight of the skin as shown in
the village, and the wondering interest with which I listened to the story
of the battle between the old man with his club and the gaunt monster of
the forests.
As exhibiting the numbers and ferocity of these dread animals during
the earlier settlement of the Cohos country, I give the following incidenl
told me by my mother, who had it from her great-grandfather. .John
Mann, the first settler of Orford, in the Lower Cohos, who came to that
town in 1765, commencing his first house and clearing on the Connecticut
interval, a little west of where the present homestead stands, on the broad
main street running through that pleasant village: —
Mr. Mann was engaged in clearing, and had in his employ a stalwart
negro, who is remembered by tradition as especially powerful and fearless.
Wolves abounded, and were exceedingly fierce: indeed, it was the custom
to leave the woods where choppers were engaged, each day before sun-
down On the occasion referred to, the sun going down behind the hills on
the west side of the Connecticut, and the shadows beginning to darken the
recesses of the forest, grandfather shouldered his axe, telling the negro to fol-
low him in his return to the house and security. The man was engaged on a
giant tree, and hesitated, saying that he meant to lay that low before leaving
Telling him that it was unsafe to remain, and bidding him follow. Mr.
Mann started for home, expecting the black to obey him. Arrived there, he
discovered that he was alone, but momentarily expected the arrival of the
other. Night came, but not the negro, and a great noise of wolves was
heard in the woods he had left. It would have been death to return in the
darkness alone, and through the hours of that long night, amid the howls
from the forest, he waited, powerless to help or save. With the morning
light he hastened to the spot where he left the man the day before, to find
seven wolves lying dead, a bloody axe, and the ghastly relics of thedaring
fellow who had remained at his work too long. He had been attacked by
a ravenous pack, selling his life after a terrific struggle. I have never seen
this incident in print, but I heard it in my childhood, and recently, it was
again told me, as it came from the aged pioneer who told it to his great-
grandchild in her girlhood.
Deer abounded, but are now rare. They were finally driven away by
chasing them with dogs; nor will they be plenty in the deep woods that
yet remain, if this practice is continued. Dogs follow them on the crust.
as the wolves used to pursue and exterminate them; and the more limited
IIS History op Coos County.
forest area, and the increased number of hunters in later years, have
accomplished what the wolves failed to do — driven the deer absolutely from
broad areas of our county. It is believed that where deer still remain,
hunting with firearms alone will not depopulate or drive them away, but
they fly from the lands when dogs are put upon their trail.
Deer formerly existed in vast numbers in the pine forests of Jefferson,
Carroll, Whitefield, Dalton, and the southern part of Lancaster. This abun-
dance was largely due to an agreement among the people of those towns
to keep dogs off the deer, and many dogs were killed that they might not
chase them. Another reason for the plentiful supply, aside from their natural
fecundity and increase when in a manner protected, was because they fled
from hunters and hounds used for their capture around Littleton and in the
adjacent forests of Vermont. One hunter in Lancaster took forty deer in
one season; and Mr. James B. Weeks, one year, without effort or chase,
shot fifteen from his farm on the southern slope of Mount Prospect.
The black bear was very common, and indeed is now frequently taken
in Coos. A summer rarely passes wherein one or more are not captured
on the slopes of the Pilot range and Starr King, not more than four or five
miles from Lancaster village. The animal lives on roots and weeds, with
occasional variations of diet, comprising berries, green corn, or a fat sheep
from the outlying flock. He enjoys the wild turnip and other indigenous
roots, digging them with one claw as neatly as a man would run his fore-
finger around them in mellow ground;— briefly, the food of the bear is
whatever a hog eats, with mutton extra. They seldom attack men,
unless in defence of their young.
Partridges, or ruffled grouse, were once, and until quite recently, very
plenty; just now, however, they are rare. This scarcity is attributable to
the large increase of the red fox, who preys upon him with devastating-
effect. Reynard is not now poisoned as formerly, and hence has largely
multiplied. His pelts abound in the country stores, and his tracks, after
a light snow, trace a labyrinth over every field and hillside. Partridges
have disappeared before him.
The Wild Pigeon, once also very plenty, is now comparatively rare.
Thirty years ago every buckwheat field, in the fall, swarmed with pigeons.
They had regular roosts, from which they swarmed down on the fields.
An old device was, to have a "pigeon-bed" for a decoy, with a net so
arranged as to be thrown over the bed at will, when the birds had alighted.
I have the experience of a present citizen of Lancaster, who informs me
that when a boy he caught forty dozen pigeons one autumn, from a bed
on his father's farm on Mount Prospect.
Salmon ceased in Cohos about 1808. Up to that time they came up the
Connecticut at least as far as Stewartstown, forty -five miles north of Lan-
caster, there being a notable place there known as the "'Salmon hole."
Resources, Attractions, Traditions, &c. L19
They abounded in Lancaster, and ascended the Ammonoosuc as far as
the Fabyan place in the White Mountains. Mr. Edward Spaulding, of
Lancaster, used to say that the early settlers relied as much on catching
and salting down an annual barrel of salmon, as later farmers did upon
salting down the yearly supply of pork. In the great eddy at the head of
the Fifteen-Mile falls, in Dalton, near the mouth of John's river, the loca-
tion of Captain John Stark's capture by the Indians, was a famous salmon
hole, where the noble fish apparently rested, in the somewhat cooler water
discharged by the smaller stream, after the ascent of the falls. Here people
resorted from all the region round about, as they did to Namoskeag, and
for a similar purpose. At the mouth of Isreal's river in Lancaster was a
similar salmon hole.
The first dam across the Connecticut in Massachusetts was built about
the end of the last century; but these early dams, lower and equipped with
"aprons," did not offer the obstacles to the ascent of the stream by these
vigorous fish which was presented by their successors; and so the salmon,
in lessened numbers, continued to return from the sea, until higher dams
impeded their progress.
. Recent efforts to re-stock the Connecticut and some of its tributaries
with this fish have been only moderately successful, and can never be of
practical avail until generous fish-ways are constructed at all the obstruct
ing dams.
There is little absolute certainty that shad were once common to our
waters, although at Littleton, in Grafton county, there is a record, in 1792,
of the election of "Inspectors of salmon and shad," leaving the presump-
tion that shad were then known there. If so, they doubtless came higher
up the streams.
Trout, the natural and delicious fish of New England, once peopled in
crowded abundance every stream of our hills and every pond of our valleys
They have in some places disappeared before the voracious pickerel; but
the sawdust of the lumberman is more fatal to them than the hunger of
this destroyer, or the arts of the angler. The day has passed when the
local bard could truthfully record, that
"In the silent hollows
The red trout groweth prime
For the miller and the miller's son
To angle when they 've time;''
for then, lulled, almost, by the drowsy monotone of the grist-mills, the
trout slumbered in each alder-shaded pool of all our streams.
Wherever there is a saw-mill the dust clogs the stream, and the trout
disappear from below it. For trout to propagate and multiply, clear water
is essential, with a reasonably large reach of still, dee}) water for a winter
retreat. Obstacles removed, they suddenly reappear, and rapidly multiply.
120 History of Coos County.
A few years ago an old dam on the Otter brook in Lancaster was down,
and free egress given to the waters of the stream; sawdust also ceased. A
gentleman, Hon. James W. Weeks, going his rounds on the meadow
below, saw, in a shallow pool in the grass, several trout. Procuring a
handful of shingles, by sticking them down he cut off their retreat, and,
by gradually advancing them, worked the fish upon the dry land, when he
took eighteen fine trout, half filling a Shaker pail, and weighing about one
pound apiece. These fish had come down through the broken dam on the
first opportunity, and, in the absence of obstructions and the fatal sawdust,
had multiplied and thriven. If the day ever comes when our streams are
pure, they will again be filled with this delicious fish.
The great area open to sportsmen is of course one of the attractions for
the ever increasing tide of summer travel, so-called, to the highlands of
Coos, and, in addition to the strictly pleasure or health-giving resorts, it
is a factor in the argument that brings to us the annual hegira from the
cities, enriching our immediate markets, and adding very largly to the
revenues of the state. The great caravansaries at the Crawford Notch, at
Fabyan's, at Twin Mountain, at the Glen, are well know, and receive the
annual pilgrimage of thousands; the charming location of Lancaster in the
Connecticut valley, the sunny slopes of Jefferson hill, and the " long white
street'' that always recalls to me the Alba Longa of Macaulay's muse, —
" The home of King Amulius, of the great sylvan line,
Who reigned in Alba Longa, on the throne of Aventine, — "
as it glistens in the sun along the northern slope of the Bethlehem hills,
attract other thousands, while every sunny meadow or breezy hillside
has its cottage for the reception of invalids, of pleasure- seekers, of tourists,
and of sportsmen.
A good-natured rivalry exists between some of these towns, relative to
their desirability of location, as offering greater inducements to the guest,
height above the fogs being a desideratum. Such was for years the kindly
contest between Jefferson and Bethlehem, respectively championed by that
most generous and public-spirited citizen among the men of the moun-
tains, Hon. Nathan R. Perkins, and our ever genial friend, Hon. John G.
Sinclair, who, like a new Ponce de Leon, has invaded Florida in his search
for the new fountain of perpetual youth, that bursts from plethoric pockets,
incidental to owners of orange groves and Floridian lands. The big sur-
veyor's level, always ready for duty in Nathan's front porch, persistently
shot over Bethlehem street, just saluting the crest of Mount Agassiz in
its rear, while John was always ready to demonstrate, both by plane
trigonometry and alleged plainer common-sense, that Bethlehem sat high
above her rival in the sanhedrim of the hills.
Resources, Attractions, Traditions, occ. IiM
There comes to me remembrance of a day, when a crowded train of
Democratic delegates from the Gibraltar of the party in New Hampshire
was speeding on to a congressional convention at Woodsville. Sinclair, as
was usual on such occasions, was the life of the party, and joke and repar-
tee flew briskly around. Bent on the pre-eminence of Bethlehem, he assailed
Perkins and asserted its greater elevation. Facts and figures were hurled
promiscuously between them, each asserting the superior altitude of his
town. Neither receded, and the crowd, enjoying the fun, gathered closer,
when "John," who had been for a few minutes perusing a railroad cir-
cular inviting mountain travel, which chance threw in his way, exclaimed
in jubilant exultation, "This settles it; hear this!" as he proceeded to read
therefrom: "On the route toward the Androscoggin, and eight miles below
Bethlehem, lies the pleasant village of Jefferson." "Fight miles! Nate,
do you hear that? Will you give it up now?" The crowd roared, and the
altercation ended, but we much doubt if to this day Councillor Perkins
admits Jefferson to be eight miles, or eight feet, below its mountain rival.
The demands of summer travel bring increased railroad facilities. No-
where are finer trains run, than, during the season, into the lake and
mountain region of New Hampshire. The home market is exhausted of
supplies to sustain this grand incursion, and it is altogether within the
bounds of reason to estimate that a sum varying from five to eight mil-
lion dollars per annum is expended within our state limits upon the lines
of conveyance, the hotels and boarding houses, and the necessaries essen-
tial to the comfort and enjoyment of these welcome visitors. So large an
expenditure of course involves large permanent investments, requiring the
support and protection of legislative enactment. So large a revenue
should be fostered by every proper means, as ensuring to the state and its
people increased prosperity, with attendant benefits.
As the abundance of game and fish in our woods and waters is an
important factor, inducing the tide of travel toward us. with its consequent
augmentation of our revenues, it follows that it is a matter of imperative
public policy, as well as of personal inclination, to protect our forests from
destruction, and the fish and game therein from wanton waste; and in
this aspect we may here properly refer to the denudation of our woods
now progressing. Incident to the consideration of the annual cut from
lumbering operations, and the almost countless cords of wood used for
local and locomotive fuel, to supply the charcoal kilns of New Zealand,
and also to the protection of the area wherein game may thrive and fish
multiply, arises the vital question of the preservation of ourtimber supply
from spoliation, with the attendant disasters of barren lands, irregular
water supply, failure of springs, and disastrous freshets.
That the wise consideration of this question is beset with difficulties
that accumulate as investigation progresses is perhaps evident. The rights
122 History of Coos County.
of the individual to the products of the soil, natural and cultivated, that is
absolutely his, can be suspended only by an overreaching public necessity,
that perhaps is not now present. It would seem that some system, appeal-
ing at once to the good judgment and self-interest of land and timber
owners, may be evolved by discussion, whereby less waste may transpire
in cutting, while propagation by tree-planting, that may not again make
verdant the exact areas desolated, may induce new plantations, that in
their turn will restore to us the climatic, healthful, and financial advan-
tages of which we are being so rapidly deprived, and add to the game-
producing area of the state.
The relation to, and the effect of, sylvan sports upon a people are well
known, both as developing character and affording recreation, with the
consequent increased capacity for mental and physical labor.
To range the woods, to climb the mountain, to ply the oar — all these, a
love for which is transmitted from our Saxon, Norman, or Celtic progeni-
tors, is to reinvigorate brain and body, relaxed from prolonged application.
To ply the chase or throw the fly is to call out new and exhilarating desires,
to kindle new interests, and open new channels of thought or investiga-
tion, while communion with nature is always ennobling, always elevating,
and always welcome. Devoted, as too many of our people are, to seden-
tary pursuits, the active exercise of out-door life is essential alike to lon-
gevity and to the healthful action of mind and body. It follows, then, that
the greater the reasonable interest that can be awakened in healthful out-
door sports and exercise, the higher we rise above the worries and the
fatigues of life, and the greater our capacities at once for enjoyment and
The food supply of a people is an economic and political problem, affect-
ing not only their increased prosperity as a resultant of cheap food, but
their character, through the nature of the food assimilated and the exertion
requisite for its procurement. Hence the necessity of legislation, and also
the wisdom thereof, to properly protect fish and game, both that cheap and
healthful food may be within the reach of the poor, whose enjoyment of
the bounty of nature is as keen as that of the more prosperous, and that
they may also have the recreation attendant upon its procurement, as well
as to offer additional inducement for pleasure-seekers, tourists, and sports-
men to visit the state.
As, in a republic whose laws are properly conceived and administered,
all legislation is based upon the consent of the people, and enacted for their
benefit, it again follows that the game laws should not restrict but rather
properly extend their privileges. There are certain inalienable and natural
rights, the exercise of which, although apparently trivial, involves the
gravest political questions as to the status of the citizen ; and among these
the game laws may be given a place of prominence.
The Timber Interests of Northern Cons. 123
Decended from Saxon, Norman, or Celtic ancestors, whose vocation lay
largely in the chase, and whose sustenance was once wholly derivable from
wood and stream, occupying a territory two centuries ago a primeval
wilderness, the hunting-grounds of aborigines, coming to us as a people
by conquest and adverse occupation rather than by feudal tenure or pur-
chase, we claim the forests and the waters of our state to be free to her
people, who are all tenants in common, to enjoy the invigorating breezes
of her hills, to capture the game of her forests and the fish of her waters.
As society advances from the ruder state, the people, in consideration
of the greater advantages received from organized government and the
rule of rational law, surrender certain inherent and natural personal rights
for the greater benefits thus received, but they adhere perhaps with
increased tenacity to those rights not surrendered and still remaining.
Hence legislation relative to the fish and game within our limits should
be for their protection and increase, that the people, instead of curtailment
in the exercise of the natural right to their capture, may receive more
abundant return; that food maybe more cheap and more plenty; that the
exhilarating pleasures of hunting and fishing may be more generally and
more keenly enjoyed; and that our list of attractions for invalids, tourists,
and sportsmen may be augmented.
The true province of legislation on this subject I take to be to increase
and multiply the products of our woods and waters, protecting during the
months essential to that increase, to the end that all the people may share
properly in these added benefits.
Spruce Belt— Hard Wood Timber— The Sugar Maple— Other Woods— Resources and Manu-
facture— Opportunities for Investment.
UP TO and during the first quarter of the present century, all build-
ings were supposed to require large timbers for frames, and eight
and ten inch hewed and sawn timber was the least that it was
deemed safe to use for posts and beams. The new departure, by using
balloon frames, resulted in the discovery that spruce was preferable to pine
124 History of Coos County.
for covering-boards, and the scarcity of pine soon brought sj)ruce lumber
into use for finishing. The prospective demand for spruce lumber was
foreseen by Josiah Little, of Portland, then president of the Atlantic &
St. Lawrence R. R. Co., and about 184-1 he purchased the water-power at
Berlin Falls, and turned the direction of the railroad up the Androscoggin
river. Soon after, large lumber mills were built at Berlin, and the busi-
ness of cutting and manufacturing spruce was inaugurated for the first
time in Northern Coos. The entire ' ' black growth " of that part of the
county north of the railroad, was substantially spruce. The little pine
originally growing in the valley of the Androscoggin, mostly in Errol, had
been previously cut and floated down the river by Maine lumbermen. The
head waters of that river being in Maine, the comparatively little pine
manufactured at Berlin came from that state.
The shrewdest and best informed lumbermen had a very erroneous idea
of the amount of spruce standing in Northern Coos. Lots that they esti-
mated would cut from 75,000 to 100,000, actually cut from 300,000 to 400,-
000. Spruce trees, though less in size, stand much nearer together, and
the man that could give a close estimate of standing pine to the acre,
utterly failed in his estimate of spruce, and it was only after experience
gained by actual cutting and scaling, that anything like a correct estimate
of standing spruce could be made by the most experienced lumbermen.
The state line passes through the entire length of Umbagog lake, and
crosses the Magalloway river some ten miles north of it, running through
this immense tract of spruce timber, leaving the larger portion of it in the
state of Maine. A trip to the summit of Es-cho-hos mountain (the name
is of disputed orthography, but I give that corresponding to the universal
local pronunciation,) will give a better view of it than any other. Escho-
hos mountain rises from the Magalloway river about a mile east of the
state line, and from its summit is seen a vast tract of country extending
eastwarclly and northwardly as far as the eye can reach, covered with a
dense spruce growth, on mountain and valley alike, in its natural state.
This spruce timber belt at one time covered Northern Coos, a portion of
the province of Quebec, and the northwestern part of the state of Maine.
There are railroads on all sides of it, but none penetrate it as yet, and
only those portions of the timber standing within ten or twelve miles of
the Connecticut and Magalloway rivers, including their tributaries, are
available for market at present; ten miles being considered about as long
a haul as will ensure a profit at present prices. This distance, however,
covers nearly all of Northern Coos, and at the rate of its present destruc-
tion, the time is coming in the near future when spruce in the county will
be as scarce as pine is now. From Milan, Success, Dummer, Cambridge,
Millsfield, Dixville, Errol and Wentworth's Location it floats, or has
floated, down the Androscoggin; from Columbia, Colebrook, Stewartstowm
The Timber Interests of Northern Coos. 125
Clarksville, Pittsburg and the unsettled grants down the Connecticut : and
steam mills and the Grand Trunk railway are fast executing the same
destruction for East Stratford and Stark. On the east, Milan is largely
settled, Dumraer and Errol partially so, while the other towns are sub-
stantially a wilderness, and of little value after the spruce timber is gone,
until the manufacture of hard wood is inaugurated; there being little pros-
pect that the hardy back-woodsman will make his home there until some
such inducement is held out to him. Some of these townships are good
settling lands, but they lie too far back at present to encourage settlement .
When the spruce timber in Coos county is all destroyed, a railroad will
ex necessitate and run up the Androscoggin valley into the Maine forest
spoken of, and this will probably cause some of them to be partially
On the west, Columbia is about half settled, a range of precipitous,
ledgy hills passing through the centre of the township, which will never
make farms or be of any practical value except for the wood and timber
growing upon them. The spruce has been mostly taken off, and the pres-
ent winter that portion of Odell that was recently annexed to the town is
being cut; one man having taken a contract to put 5,000.000 feet upon the
river, at a haul of about ten miles. Others are putting in smaller quanti-
ties, aggregating as much more. Colebrook (the only town in the county
that can be called wholly settled, and probably the only town in the state,
of which every lot, with proper cultivation, will make a good farm,) has
not sufficient spruce or pine timber to supply the prospective needs of its
own inhabitants. Stewartstown and Clarksville have two or three tiers
of lots on the east end that are not as yet settled, but have been operated
to some extent by lumbermen. Pittsburg, whose territory embraces all
the remainder of the state north of Clarksville, is settled in the southwest
corner, the remainder of its vast territory being timber land, owned mostly
by the " Connecticut River Lumber Company," a New York corporation
whose policy is to "gobble up" every little tract of spruce timber that
they can lay their hands on, and that policy has succeeded far too well for
the present or prospective interests of the inhabitants. The high tariff
on foreign lumber, which is virtually prohibitory, at least, so faras Cana-
dian lumber comes in competition with the lumber of Northern Coos, tends
to accelerate the already swift destruction of the spruce lumber of this
The waterway that transports this vast amount of natural wealth em-
braces the three Connecticut lakes, Perry's stream, Indian stream, and
Hall's stream, which empty into the Connecticut on the west, and Dead
Water, which empties into the Connecticut on the east side. Hall's stream
takes its rise in Canada, and for a portion of itscourse forms the boundary
hue between Canada and the United States, and though its mouth, where
126 History of Coos County.
it empties into the Connecticut, is in Vermont, much of its course is well
adapted to receive the lumber growing on the western border of Pittsburg.
Indian stream takes its rise near the boundary line, and empties into the
Connecticut a few miles east of Hall's stream. Perry's stream takes its
rise between the headwaters of Indian stream and Third lake, and, flowing
more eastwardly, empties into the Connecticut a few miles below the out-
let of Connecticut lake. Third lake lies but a few miles from the boundary
line, and a glance at the map will show that these four waterways are so
situated as to easily receive all the spruce lumber in Coos county west of
the Connecticut lakes and Connecticut river. These streams are all com-
paratively small, but by means of dams, sufficient water is retained from
the melting snows, and let out as needed, to so prolong the spring freshets
as to float out the lumber into the Connecticut the second season after it is
landed on the streams. This, however, is subject to contingencies Deep
snows and continued rains may keep the water up so as to prolong the
driving season, and a light fall of snow, or a short warm rain, followed by
hot, fair weather, may materially shorten the driving season, and soon
leave the timber high and dry upon the rocks above the water. Whenever
this takes place, the operation of driving ceases, and the timber remains
until the next spring freshet. The depreciation of the timber, thus left
over the summer, is estimated at from five to ten per cent. The Dead
Water, which takes the lumber from the east part of the towns of Stew-
artstown and Clarksville, is a small stream, and the results of driving it,
uncertain. The territory lying east of the Connecticut lakes, with the
exception of a strip bordering on the state line, which will go down the
Magalloway waters, will be hauled to the lakes. Thus it is that this vast
growth of spruce timber, intended by nature to enrich Northern Coos,
when railroad facilities for transportation should be furnished to convey
it to market in a manufactered state, is cut and transported, by a foreign
corporation, down the Connecticut to Massachusetts and Connecticut,
where its manufacture serves to build up cities and villages, while the
county of its growth receives no benefit, but does receive a serious injury
to its river farms by the prolonged high water, every spring, caused by the
flow of water from the reservoirs which the corporation has built on nearly
every stream that flows into the Connecticut. For this injury the farmers
along the river are virtually without remedy. The corporation is legally
liable to make compensation, but the farmer, to obtain it, has generally to
resort to an expensive litigation, the costs of which sometimes exceed the
amount which he eventually recovers. In contrast to this, the Berlin Mills
Company, by the manufacturing of its lumber at Berlin, has been the means
of building up a large and flourishing village, which is a permanent benefit
to the county. This company manufactures at Berlin, and has done so
since its first establishment, on an average some twenty or twenty-five
The Timber Interests of Northern Coos. 127
million feet of lumber each year, and there are two other companies al
the same place which use a large amount of spruce lumber, annually, in
making paper stock, the employees of all these com panies being largely
residents of Berlin. These manufactures all find a market by way of tin
Grand Trunk Railway. The manufactures of the lumber mills in Strat-
ford and Stark find their way to market by the same road.
The Connecticut River Lumber Company cut and drive down the Con-
necticut river, on an average, about seventy five million feet of lumber a
year. Their employees are mostly transient men from Maine and Canada,
who work in the woods in the winter and on the drive in the spring, but
few, if any, ever become permanent residents of the county.
We have thus far confined ourselves to spruce lumber, and possibly
may have, unintentionally, conveyed to the casual reader an impression
that spruce is substantially the only growth of this section. Such is not
the fact. There are small sections that have no other growth, and larger
sections having a mixed growth, while still larger sections have no spruce
at all.
In every town there is more or less cedar, which is very valuable, but,
as it can be floated down the rivers the same as spruce, and is included in
the estimates of the companies above named, it requires little further
mention. It has, however, a home value for fencing, that no other lum-
ber possesses. In Northern Coos, which is substantially free from granite,
stone fences are almost a curiosity, and cedar for posts and rails (where
rails are used), is in universal, and nearly exclusive use. When the Atlantic
& St. Lawrence, and the St. Lawrence & Atlantic railroads were first
built, cedar was exclusively used for ties, but experience soon proved that
the grain of the wood was not dense enough to hold the spikes, and they
were taken up, and spruce, hemlock, and oak substituted. But for fenc-
ing and shingles, cedar is the most valuable of any timber used.
The hard wood timber, consisting mostly of maple, birch and beech,
growing upon this section, exceeds in quantity all the soft or black growth,
and there are few, if any lots in any town that does not bear more or less
of it. This timber, being more dense than water, soon sinks, and cannot
be floated down the rivers, and, if ever manufactured, it must be done
within hauling distance of where it grows. This can be done, and will be,
whenever an outlet is found for it. It is of greater value for many pur-
poses than spruce, but the home market, as yet, is not great, and it cannot
be brought into any other, until there are railroads to convey it, and even
then little will be moved except in a manufactured state. Much of the
maple is valuable for sugar purposes as it stands. As a rule, the pioneer,
when clearing up his farm, sought out, and left standing, a "sugar
orchard," and there are few farms that have not retained them. Probably
no section of New England, with the same number of inhabitants, makes
128 History of Coos County.
more maple sugar than this. Many of these orchards produce from five
hundred to twenty-five hundred pounds of sugar annually, according to
the number of trees tapped, and the character of the season. This sugar,
over and above the home consumption, finds a ready and favorable mar-
ket everywhere. These " sugar orchards " are permanent, self -renewing,
and, if properly attended to, inexhaustible. When a tree becomes old,
and shows signs of decay, it is cut out, and others spring up to take its
place. The trees vary in size from the young sapling to trees twenty-four
and thirty inches in diameter. The young trees are of rapid growth, and
in a decade will grow from a young sapling to a tree suitable for the tap-
ping iron and the tin bucket. Another peculiarity of these sugar maples
is, that constant tapping by the present method, neither exhausts nor
injures the tree. The holes soon grow over, the tree continues as thrifty as
ever, and the tapping being done near the ground, it produces no injury
to the tree when used for timber, for it remains as clear and free from de-
fects as if no sap had ever been drawn from it. The beech, birch, and ash
have not the same faculty of producing a revenue to their owner while
standing and growing, and with the exception of natural growth, pro-
duce none. Like the maple, they are now largely used for fuel, but are far
more valuable for lumber, and the time is coming in the near future when
this value will be utilized. Hardwood lumber enters into the construction
of nearly every article that can be named, from the backwoodsman's
cabin with its rude furniture, to the palatial residence of the city million-
aire, with its wainscoting and cabinet work of oriental magnificence. The
ax of the common laborer, the various tools of the mechanics, and the
machinery of the largest manufactories, are alike dependent upon this
article for construction. It is found in the common farm wagon; the
palace cars upon our railroads, and the magnificent steamers that plough
the rough ocean. In brief, it will be difficult to mention many articles in
common use in city or country, that are not wholly or partially com-
posed of this valuable article.
Why then are the vast quantities of this valuable timber still standing
untouched upon the hillsides and valleys of this enterprising people? The
answer is obvious. It cannot be floated down the rivers, and the expense
of conveyance to' market by teams will more than eat up its market value.
A limited quantity of this lumber may be in future transported in the
log, but the great bulk of it must be manufactured near its place of growth.
[This conveyance can only be done by steam, and the means of obtaining
railroad facilities, has been, and still is, the most important question of
any that ever agitated this community. By means of promises, which they
could not or would not fulfill, the Boston, Concord & Montreal railroad,
obtained, and for many years held a virtually exclusive charter through to
Canada, and, like the dog in the fable, would neither eat the hay, nor let
The Timber Interests of Northern Coos. 129
the ox; or, in plain English, would neither build the road, nor let any one
else. But the long suffering patience of the people gave away at last, and
they rose in their might and demanded a different state of things. When-
ever the people of Northern Coos unitedly and earnestly set out to accom-
plish any purpose, they usually succeed, and they did so in this case. In
18S3 they secured to themselves a charter which they now hold and cou-
trol. This charter took effect January 1, 1884. About this time the rail-
road interests of the state became involved in litigation, which was not
settled until March, 1S87. Since then a movement has been set on foot,
which has resulted in the building, this season (1887), a road from Strat-
ford to Colebrook.* This movement will soon produce developments in
this section that will surprise every one who has not carefully studied
the subject.]
It is sometimes said that Northern Coos is destitute of water-power, but
this idea originates in a superficial view and an utter ignorance of the fad s.
On the Connecticut river between the outlet of Connecticut lake and West
Stewartstown bridge are at least four sites where sufficient power can be
obtained for the manufacture of hard wood to any extent desired. South
of there you cannot now travel ten miles in any direction without passing
one or more mills of more or less capacity. These small water-powers,
occupied and unoccupied, dot the country like dandelions in June. Some
of them may not hold out the year round (as some of the largest factories
in the state fall short of water in the dry season of summer), but suppose
the lesser of them run but six months out of twelve, while the remain-
der of the season is devoted to getting the lumber in winter, and other
pursuits in summer, and then the result will not be inconsiderable in the
product of any of the small articles of manufacture from hard wood.
But it is too late in the age to assert that this or any other section of
country is dependent upon water as a motive power. Steam has become its
competitor, even on its own ground, and it is a disputed question as to
which is the cheaper and more economical; but, for manufacture of wood,
where the refuse goes so far towards supplying fuel to feed the engine, it
is claimed that steam is the more economical, even where water can be
obtained. The extensive cotton factories of Dover are run wholly by steam,
as are the large lumber mills at Whitefield, and not only this, but they run
their own railroad miles and miles into the woods for the purpose of trans-
porting the logs to their mills. Their mills are built where they are, that
is on the railroad, for the convenience of sending away their manufactured
lumber, and whenever that railroad extends to the Connecticut lakes, little
spruce or cedar will float down the river. When that is done, the hard
-—----—-—■-- — —
* See railroads in another chapter.
130 History of Coos County.
wood timber will be worth more than the soft. It not only exceeds it in
value per thousand, but in this section it far exceeds it in quantity.
Comparatively few people have any definite idea of the growth of the
northern part, where the hard wood growth stands in its native state
undisturbed by the woodman's ax. In the settled towns much of this
growth has been cut off in clearing land and for fuel, but east of the lakes,
in the unsettled townships, are large tracts of "birds eye " maple and birch,
the trees of which are of the largest size, standing straight, smooth, and
free from knots and limbs for a half hundred feet at least. In easy reach
of this valuable timber, steam mills can be erected not only for the pur-
pose of reducing it to coarse sawn lumber, but for making the innumerable
articles that are made from it. This will be done as soon as railroad facili-
ties are furnished. The possibilities in this line are incalculable.
When the spruce was first operated, the idea attained to some extent
that it was inexhaustible; that by cutting out the large trees and leaving
the small ones, the natural growth of the small trees would supply the
vacuum. Experience has proved this idea to be erroneous. The large
spruce trees have over a century's growth upon them, and when these are
removed, the small trees grow short, knotty and knurly, and are of very
little value for timber. Especially is this the case where it is cut, as is now
the practice, down to four and five inches.
Though birch and maple, in their natural state undoubtedly attain a
very great age, they are of very rapid growth while young, and obtain
their size substantially in a short period. The writer has seen a strip of
three or four acres, on the outskirts of an old pasture, thickly covered with
birch trees from eighteen to twenty-four inches in diameter, standing
straight, smooth, and without limbs, for forty or fifty feet and holding their
bigness remarkably for that distance. Being upon the ground with the
owner, then a man between sixty and sixty -five, he was told by him that
he once cleared the land on which these trees then stood, and reaped on it
as stout a crop of rye as he ever saw growing. These trees must have
attained this remarkable growth from the seed in less than forty years.
The rapid growth of maple is also clearly demonstrated in their use for
ornamental and shade trees, where the middle-aged man may set out trees
that he can carry in one hand, and live to enjoy the coolness of their shade
and eat maple sugar made by himself from their sap.
The man who looks only at present gains and immediate returns may
see little encouraging in all this; but he who looks to the future benefit and
prosperity of the country, conscious of the fact that untold generations are
yet to follow us, and alive to the fact that all this material must necessarily
be manufactured on the spot, and that this enterprize will result in the
rapid settlement of the country, especially those portions denuded of their
spruce growth, will see a hardy, enterprizing and prosperous people cover-
Coos County Press — Agricultural Societies- - Railroads. 13 i
ing this now dense wilderness, who will continue to sustain the reputation
which New Hampshire has already acquired, of raising men capable of
competing successfully with the men of any section of any land, and that
this vision is not a mere chimera, but will be, in the near future, an accom-
plished fact.
White Mountain ^E^is— Coos County Democrat — Coos Republican— Prohibition Herald —
Independent (now Lancaster) Gazette— Coos Herald, Etc.— Northern Sentinel — Colebrook Weekly
News — News and Sentinel — Whiterield Blade — Coos Advertiser — The Mountaineer, Etc. — Coos
Agricultural Society — Coos and Essex County Agricultural Society — Railroads: Atlantic and St.
Lawrence — White Mountains— Portland and Ogdensburg — Upper Coos.
THE White Mountain JEgis was the first newspaper of the county.
It was issued in the spring of 1838, by an association composed
of Royal Joyslin, Richard P. Kent, Gen. John Wilson, and Apollos
Perkins, as an organ of the Whig party. Apollos Perkins was editor.
After an existence of one year it was removed to Haverhill and became
the Whig an<t JEgis. The paper was published in the old Masonic Hall
in C. E. Allen's building on Main street.
The Coos County Democrat was the next paper established; its first
issue being dated in the summer of 1838. The Democrat, like the JEgis,
was started by an association of the prominent men of its party, chief
among whom were Hon. John W. Weeks, Jared W. Williams, John S.
Wells, Hon. John H. White, and others of subsequent state reputations,
but it afterward passed under the control of Mr. Rix, until his death in
1856, when its shares were disposed of by the original holders or their rep-
resentatives. The imprint bore the names of James M. Rix and James R.
Whittemore as publishers, Mr. Rix for the first year working at the casi
in addition to preparing the editorial labors of the journal. After this year
Mr. Rix gave up the case, retaining editorial management until his death.
The Democrat was first issued from the second story of a building on
Main street, then owned by John S. Wells, now the ell of the store of
Richard P. Kent & Son. In 1851 it was removed to the store building of
JamesA. Smith. After Mr. Rix's death at the City Hotel, Huston, March 25,
132 History of Coos County.
1856, the office was moved to the " Postoffice building," now the Shannon
building, on the south side of Israel's river. Jared I. Williams, Esq., being
editor, and Joseph W. Merriam, Esq., a native of Stratford, subsequently
one of the editors of the Patriot, being assistant editor.
In 1859 the Democrat was moved to North Stratford under the control,
as editor, of Charles D. Johnson, Esq., then but recently admitted to the
bar of Coiis county. Mr. Johnson died October 29, 1860, and after his
death, the paper, as a party organ, practically ceased to have existence.
The material was purchased by sundry parties, members of the opposing
organization, and for a time the Democrat was a nondescript. Frequent
exhibitions of the internal dissensions among its owners, such as placing a
cut of a bull bottom-side up, entitled " A man overboard " at the head of
its columns by its nominal editor, followed the next week by denunciations
of said manager from the owners, characterized its last days. Ultimately,
about 1862, the material was sold to A. J. Walker, of Lunenburg, Vt.
The roster of employers and employed of the Democrat is long and hon-
orable. Hon. James M. Rix, subsequently president of the state Senate,
was a nervous, vigorous writer, and acute politician well known to the
public of the state. His death occurred from consumption, aggravated
beyond doubt by the cares of editorial and political life.
Among the Democrat employees was Edward E. Cross, of Lancaster,
who " served his time justly and legally " as an apprentice, and then assumed
management of the office as foreman. From Lancaster, Cross went to Cin-
cinnati, entering the Dollar Weekly Times office. Soon he appeared as
traveling correspondent of that paper, and for several years his letters writ-
ten from all parts of the land, under the nom de plume of " Edward Ever-
ett," were among the most agreeable matter in its columns. Charles
Francis Brown, better known as " Artemas Ward, " began his career of
letters as an apprentice in this office. From here he went to Cleveland,
Ohio, where, on the Plaindealer, he acquired his world-wide reputation as
a humorist. He died in Southampton, England, March 7, 1867. Col. Rich-
ard E. Cross, another valiant soldier of the Civil war, was an appren-
tice. Albert B. Davis, so long manager of McVicker's theater, Chicago, was
also an apprentice. It is but justice to say that under the management of
Mr. Rix, the Democrat was one of the ablest and best country newspapers in
New England. He had a brilliant mind, strong reasoning powers, and a
great taste for the preservation of local history.
In October, 1881, the Democrat was revived by F. A. Kehew, who began
its publication in Eagle block, Lancaster, and sold it in May, 1887, to Willard
C. Colby, the present proprietor, who took possession June 1st.
The Cods Republican. — This paper, next in date of issue, was estab-
lished in December, 1851. It was first published in the Town Hall build-
ing, Daniel A. Bowe, of Middlebury, Vt., for several years principal of
Coos County Press -Agricultural Societies- Railroads. 133
Lancaster academy, being editor, and David B. Allison, an old Concord
printer, manager, the two uniting in the firm of Bo we ec Allison. The
Republican was started as the organ of the party of that name. The
health of Mr. Bowe was not firm, and in the autumn of L857 he was com-
pelled to abandon business. He died the April following. Col. Allison
continued the publication until December. L858, when the establishment
was purchased by Henry O. Kent, who removed it to rooms in the Kent
building on Main street. Col. Kent says : —
" For twelve years, from December, 1S58, to October, 1870, the paper
was owned by me, and was under my direct control, save dining the period
of my absence with my regiment, when it was leased to Daniel C. Pink-
ham, Esq., then clerk of the courts for the county.
" During this time it was my endeavor to establish the concern as a
business enterprise and to labor for what I conceived the interests of jour-
nalism; I never regarded money expended for an energetic, local paper, or
for judicious advertising or job work, as a gratuity for which the proprie-
tor was to be under deep obligation, nor did the receipt of stale public doc-
uments or garden seeds, constitute utterly conclusive evidence of the emi-
nent fitness of the donor for further public advancement, — integrity and
capacity being, in my belief, equally essential requisites."
Among the apprentices under the administration of H. O. Kent, were
Henry B. Berry, afterward in the army; George H. Emerson, Henry W.
Denison, Richard H. Emerson, now of Gorham; George H. Colby, and
Harry C Hartshorn, of Lunenburg, Vt., who, with George H. Emerson,
conducted a job printing office in Lancaster for some time.
Col. Kent sold the Republican to Chester B. Jordan & Co., in October,
1870, and the office was moved to the Postoffice building. Subsequently
the "' Cods Republican Association" was formed, and assumed control of
the paper, which it conducted until it was sold in August, 1*71, to F. E.
Shaw, who soon let it go back into the possession of the association.
Chester B. Jordan, Esq., first assumed, but temporarily, the editorial
chair. On his retiring, Wesley W. Pasko, of New York, a writer for the
Press of that city, entered upon the duties, to him followed successively
Josiah H. Benton, Jr., Benjamin F. Whidden, Jonathan Smith, F. W.
Williams, W. C. Mahurin, F. E. Shaw, W. C. Mahurin again for a time
after Mr. Shaw relinquished his possession. From July. Is77. when Mr.
Mahurin vacated the editorial chair, a Miss Kingslev was editor for the
association until April, 1878, when the office was destroyed by fire.
During the next month (May) James S. Peavey removed his office from
Littleton to Lancaster, and continued the publication of the Republican
from the store opposite the old American House on Elm street, until Octo-
ber, when he moved his office to the new Eagle Hall block. In December,
18S0, Mr. Peavey sold the Republican to A. F. Rowell and C. D. Batchel-
134 History of Coos County.
der, who admitted C. L. Griffing as a partner, in September, 1881, forming
the firm of Rowell, Batchelder & Griffing, which continued until June,
1882, when Rowell and Batchelder retired. In September, 1883, C. D.
Phelps & Co. (J. H. Baird) became the owners. Soon after Mr. Baird pur-
chased the entire office, and, in 1881, the publication of the paper, which
had been the Lancaster Republican since 1881, was discontinued. The
press, type, etc., were sold at auction to F. A. Kehew, and used by him in
the Democrat office.
The Prohibition Herald, the state organ of the temperance party, was
published at the job printing office of Emerson, Hartshorn & Co., from
January 1, 1871, for one year, when it was removed to Concord. The edi-
tors were Rev. L. D. Barrows and Dr. John Blackmer.
The Independent Gazette, independent in politics, was published at
Lancaster, the first number being issued in January, 1872, George H.
Emerson and Harry C. Hartshorn, publishers; James S. Brackett, editor.
The editorial chair was soon occupied by Mr. Emerson, who conducted it
till August, 1877, when I. W. Quimby and W. F. Burns became proprie-
tors. Mr. Burns sold his interest to Joseph Roby, Jr., after a few months,
and Mr. Quimby soon became sole owner. He continued to publish the
paper (changing the name to Lancaster Gazette, January 1, 1870,) until
November 10, 1883, when he sold it to the Lancaster Printing Co., George
P. Rowell, the well known advertising agent of New York city, being the
real owner, and it was carried on under his ownership until September 25,
1885, when Mr. Quimby again became proprietor and has since been pub-
lisher. It is a bright, neat, newsy local paper, and is well worth double its
price (one dollar a year, cash in advance). Publication day, Tuesday.
The Cods Herald was a little sheet edited, printed and published at
Lancaster, in the winter of 1S56, by Charles N. Kent, then aged thirteen.
Mr. Kent, who was an amateur printer only, is now a member of the
advertising firm of George P. Rowell & Co., New York.
The Journal of Familiar Science was a quarto issued during 1870, at
Lancaster, by S. Randall & Co., druggists.
The Northern News, a sheet 8x12, was edited and published by Fletcher
Ladd, when a lad of eight years.
The Norther u Sentinel, democratic, was established at Colebrook,
November, 1870, by James S. Peavey, who published it until the month
of April, 1872, when he was succeeded as proprietor and editor by Albert
Barker, Esq., who showed great ability. E. S. Cummings purchased it in
June, 1884.
The Colebrook Weekly News was founded in 1875 by Charles A. Bridge,
who, after a year or two, sold it to his brother, John D. Bridge.
Coos County Press — Agricultural Societies -- Railroads. 135
The above papers were consolidated in December, 1884, forming The
News and Sentinel, the Colebrook Publishing Company becoming the pub-
lishers. E. S. Cummings has been manager and editor from that date.
Independent weekly, $1.00 per year in advance.
In 1876 N. A. Burnham published a small sheet, the Whitefield Blade,
for a few months. In 1S80 W. C. McCausland, an amateur printer,
established the Cods Advertiser; it was published about a year. The Coos
County News has just been started.
The Mountaineer, weekly, $1.00 a year.— V. V. Twitchell began the
publication of this spicy and interesting journal in April, 1877. It very
soon attained a high reputation for humor, and a circulation which
extended to every state in the Union, and to England. Much of the lit-
erary matter, which forms quite a specialty, is written expressly for
the Mountaineer. With all these outside matters, it has kept up a rep-
utation as a good local newspaper. Mr. Twitchell has built up a fine busi-
ness, passed through one disastrous fire, and although never in robust
health, is good, we hope, for many years' editorial service.
The Messenger, an amateur paper, was published a short time in 1881,
by Fred Ingalls, who, in 1887, became associated with V. V. Twitchell in
the publication of the Mountaineer.
For Among the Clouds, see General History — White Mountain chapter.
The Cods Agricultural Society was organized in 1821, and existed four
years. For its brief life it accomplished much good. In an address deliv-
ered before this body, October 17, 1821, Adino N. Brackett shows the very
high aims of the founders of that society. He says it was formed to
"encourage agriculture and domestic manufacture." To the farmers he
says: "To draw forth your activity and your exertions, for your own
benefit, is the object of this institution. Not a cent which you contribute
is to be sent out of the county; but the whole returns to you in premiums,
the honorable reward of your industry. In addition to which, if you
raise and expend one hundred dollars for premiums, the state has in its
treasury funds to an equal amount, to be laid out in the same manner.
Thus is every inducement held out to raise and expend the sum above
mentioned. The man who pays two dollars, immediately adds other two
to the wealth of the county; and this beyond the indefinite amount which
will be accumulated by the increased activity which will exist in the
departments of agriculture and domestic manufactures." Concerning the
latter, Mr. Brackett asks: "What is the exact state of domestic manufac-
136 History of Coos County.
tures among us ? Are we principally clothed with articles of this kind ?
It is believed, that of the male population, at least three-fourths are
clothed in articles manufactured within the county or within the United
States. But the observation, if extended to the female part of society,
would not hold true to the same extent."
The Cods and Essex Counties Agricultural Society was organized in 1870,
and embraced all the towns and places in Coos county, and the tier of towns
in Essex county, Vermont, lying upon the Connecticut river, north of the
town of Concord. The object of the society is stated to be the "improve-
ment of agricultural productions, useful domestic animals, domestic man-
ufactures, and the mechanic arts." The first officers were as follows:
President, William D. Weeks, Lancaster; vice-presidents, John W. Harts-
horn, Lunenburg; Hazen Bedel, Colebrook; secretaries, Charles E. Benton,
Guildhall; George H. Emerson, Lancaster; treasurer, Henry O. Kent,
Lancaster. In addition to these, there was a large executive committee
from the various towns. List of presidents: William D. Weeks, Lancas-
ter, 1870-1; John W. Hartshorn, Lunenburg, 1872-3-1-5; Edward Spauld-
ing, Lancaster, 1876-8-9; Josiah H. Benton, Maidstone, 1877-8; J. G.
Crawford, Lancaster, 1879-80; George E. Carbee, Lancaster, 1881-2;
George P. Rowell, Lancaster, 1881; J. W. Dodge, Lunenburg, 1885-6.
The society has had successful and unsuccessful fairs, but has kept up an
organization, and at the present time is in a prosperous condition. The
officers for 1886 were: President, J. W. Dodge, Lunenburg; vice-presi-
dents, William C. Spaulding, Lancaster; L. T. Hazen, Whitefield; Sidney
B. Whittemore, Colebrook; secretary and treasurer, I. W. Quimby, Lan-
caster; executive committee, George M. Stevens, Jason H. Woodward,
George P. Eaton, Joseph Winch, H. J. Guernsey, the president, secretary
and treasurer being ex- officio members.
Patrons of Husbandry.— This order has a following of earnest and
wide-awake agriculturists, with granges in Lancaster, Whitefield, and
other towns, but has not a great numerical strength in the county.
Railroads. — Few railroads have been constructed in Coos county, and
there is not much to be said of them, but if we should write of all the
futile efforts made to obtain railroads, the hopes that have been raised and
blasted concerning the railways that were to be made, but were never
completed, there could much be written which we must omit.
Atlantic & St. Lawrence R. R.—ln 1817, while Hon. Jared W. Williams
was governor of New Hampshire, the Atlantic & St. Lawrence railroad
was incorporated. Its length from Portland to Island Pond was 119 miles,
fifty-four of which lay in this state. This was leased by the Grand Trunk
railway in 1853, at a rental of six per cent, upon the cost of construction,
or $6,003,900. In order to get possession of an existing charter covering
the ground it pledged itself to construct a branch to Lancaster. It broke
Coos County Press — Agricultural Societies -Railroads. 137
its pledge, and appeal was taken to the legislature, but a compromise was
effected by payment of sis. ik id to the citizens of Lancaster, who, after
reimbursing a few people for money spent in trying to secure the road,
used the balance, about $15,000, in building the Lancaster House. This
road was completed to Gorham in L850, the trains beginning to run regu-
larly to and from Portland on the " Fourth of July," 1851. Trains ran to
Northumberland and North Stratford from Gorham, in 1852: to Island
Pond, Vt., in 1853; connecting with the St. Lawrence & Atlantic at the
Canadian boundary in July, 1853. This road has done much to develop the
resources of the country along its line, and has created several prosperous
villages, —Gorham, Berlin Falls, Groveton, and North Stratford.
The White Mom/ fain R. R. was chartered December 15, 1848. Among
the incorporators were Royal Joy si in, R. P. Kent, James W. Weeks, W.
D. Spaulding, William Burns, Presbury West, Jr., N. D. Day, L. John-
son, T. Montgomery, John M. Gove, Morris Clark. This was an extension
of the Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R,, from Woodsville to Lancaster,
and was opened to Littleton in August, 1853; to Lancaster in November,
1870; to Groveton (51.95 miles from Woodsville) in August, 1872; to Fa-
byan's in July, 1874; to the base of the White Mountains, July 6, 1876.
This railroad was consolidated with the Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R.
in 1873, its owners receiving $300,000 in six per cent, consolidated bonds for
their interests. From June, 1884, to June, 1887, it was under the manage-
ment of the Boston & Lowell R. R., which leased the B., C. & M. road for
ninety-nine years. The Boston & Lowell, in 1887, leased it to the Boston
& Maine R. R.
Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. — A charter was granted in 1869 to build
a railroad from the west line of Maine through Conway, Bartlett, White
Mountain Notch, Carroll, Bethlehem and Littleton, with the proviso that
if it were found impracticable to build a railroad from Littleton to St.
Johnsbury, they might locate and build the road from Carroll to White-
field, Dalton, and the east line of Vermont. The road was completed to
Fabyan's from Portland August 7, L875, making a connection with the
Boston, Concord & Montreal and White Mountains roads there. De-
ciding that the road could not be built by the Littleton route, the Port-
land & Ogdensburg company constructed two and one-half miles between
Scotts and Lunenburg, Vt. , making a western connection there with the
St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain R. R. by using the track of the Boston,
Concord & Montreal, and White Mountains roads from Fab van's to Scotts,
for which an arrangement was made and still continues. In ls77 the legis-
lature confirmed the Portland & Ogdensburg road in the right to the two
and one-half miles of road between Scotts and Lunenburg.
Upper Cods Railroad. — During all the years from the settlement of the
town to the year 1887 there was no railroad to Cole-brook, the nearest
138 History of Coos County.
point on the railroad being North Stratford, thirteen miles away. In the
legislature of 1883 a charter for a railroad was obtained from Stratford to
Pittsburg, and in April and May, 1887, a subscription for a narrow gauge
railroad was raised, stock to the amount of forty-five thousand dollars
being taken. The corporation was organized with J. H. Dudley, presi-
dent; Albert Barker, clerk; and Sherburn R. Merrill, treasurer; and
about $11,000 paid into the stock subscription, when Frank Jones, Charles
A. Sinclair and George Van Dyke offered to build a standard gauge road
through Colebrook and Stewartstown, if the people would raise a gratuity
of $25,000. This was quickly done. The old directors resigned, and a
new board, consisting of Frank Jones, of Portsmouth, J. B. Cooke, of Salem,
Mass., G. W. Armstrong, of Boston, I. W. Drew, of Lancaster, Enoch
Sweat, of Woonsocket, R. I., Charles A. Sinclair, of Portsmouth, and George
Van Dyke were chosen. Van Dyke was chosen president, Cooke treasurer,
and Sweat, general manager. It was voted that the capital stock do not
exceed $350,000.
Work at once commenced and the road was formally opened from
North Stratford to Colebrook November 29, 1S87, giving the people greatly
increased facilities for business It will be extended ten miles farther to
the Canada line, early next summer, by which time the Canadian Pacific
will be ready to touch iron with it, thus opening a new and shorter
route to Quebec It also renders practicable the utilization of numberless
water privileges on the Connecticut and other rivers, heretofore unavail-
able for manufacturing purposes, owing to the difficulties attendant upon
shipping manufactured products. Facilities for manufacturing lumber
unequalled in New England can also be found and utilized, which will
obviate largely the labor and expense of " driving" millions of logs down
the rivers to a market.
If ever a railroad proved a blessing to a section of country, this Upper
Coos railroad seems destined to become pre-eminently such. Sharp-eyed
capital will surely be attracted to Northern New Hampshire, and one need
stretch his imagination but little to people the northern valleys with thriv-
ing manufacturing villages, monuments of New England thrift and enter-
Masonry in Coos. 139
North Star Lodge, Lancaster — Templar Masonry in Northern New Hampshire — North Star
Chapter, Lancaster — Evening Star Lodge, Colebrook — Gorham Lodge, Gorham — White Mount-
ain Lodge. Whitefield — Officers of Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter and Grand Commandery from
Coos county.
/\T ORTH Star Lodge, No. 8. — Lancaster is the mother of Masonry in
I N Northern New Hampshire and Vermont, these lodges owing filial
V. allegiance to her: Evening Star, Colebrook; Kane, Lisbon; Burns,
Littleton; Gorham, Gorham; White Mountain, Whitefield; Passumpsic,
St. Johnsbury; Island Pond, Island Pond. It was instituted at Northum-
berland under this ancient charter in 1797.
" To all the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons to whom, these presents shall come.
" The Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons for the
State of New Hampshire, sends GREETING.
" [ L. &] Wnereas, a petition has heen presented us by Brothers George Kimball, John J.
Nath'l Adams, French, John Weeks, William Cargill, Mills De Forest, Nathaniel Wales, Thos.
Gr. Master. Burnside, Holloway Taylor, Edmund Heard, Josiah Sawyer, Jabez Parsons, James
Chamberlain, Samuel Phelps, Azariah Webb and Warren Cook, all Ancient, Free and Accepted
Masons, praying that they with such others as shall hereafter join them, may be erected and con-
stituted a regular Lxlge of Free and Accepted Misons, which petition appearing to us as tending
to the advancement of Masonry and good of the Craft.
" Know ye, therefore, that we, the Grand Lodge aforesaid, reposing special trust and confi-
dence in the prudence and fidelity of our beloved brethren, above named, have constituted and ap-
pointed, and by these presents do constitute and appoint them, the said George Kimball, John Weeks,
Mills De Forest, Thomas Burnside, Edmund Heard, Jabez Parsons, Samuel Phelps, John J. French,
William Cargill, Nathaniel Wales, Holloway Taylor, Josiah Sawyer, James Chamberlain, Azariah
Webb and Warren Cook, a regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons under the title and desig-
nation of the North Star Lodge, No. 8; and we do hereby appoint our said brother George Kimball,
Master; our said brother John J. French, Senior, and our said brother John Weeks, Junior Wardens
of said Lodge, hereby giving and granting unto them and their successors full power and author-
ity to covene as Masons, within the town of Northumberland, aud County of Grafton and State
aforesaid, to receive and enter Apprentices, pass Fellow Crafts, and raise Master Masons,
upon the payment of such moderate compensations for the same as may be determined, by the said
Lodge, also, hereby authorizing them in future to make choice of a Master. Wardens and other
office bearers annually or otherwise as they shall see cause, to receive and collect funds for the
relief of poor and distressed brethren, their widows or children, and in general to transact all mat-
ters relating to Masonry, which may to them appear to be for the good of the Craft, according to
the ancient usage and custom of Masons.
" And we do hereby require the said constituted brethren to attend the Grand Lodge at their
Quarterly Communications and other meetings, by their Master and Wardens, or by proxies regu-
larly appointed, also to keep a fair and regular record of all their proceedings, and to lay the same
before the Grand Lodge when required.
" And we do enjoin upon the brethren of said Lodge, that they be punctual in their quarterly
payments of such sums as may be assessed for the support of the Grand Lodge, thai they behave
140 History of Coos County.
themselves respectfully and obediently to their superiors in office, and in all other things conduct
themselves as good Masons.
"And we do herebjr declare the precedure of the said Lodge in the Grand Lodge and else-
where, to commence from the eighteenth day of December, A. L., 5797.
" In testimony whereof, we, the Grand Master and the Grand Wardens, by virtue of the power
and authority to us committed, have hereunto set our hands, and caused the seal of the Grand
Lodge to be affixed, at Portsmouth, this eighteenth day of December, Anno Domini, 1797, and of
Masonry, 5797.
"Joseph Cillet, Dept G. M.
"Moses Woodward, Sen'r ) p ^-
"Samuel Sherburne, Jun'r J '
I! J°SEP" H™ S?n'r l G. Deacons.
" John Adams, Jun r )
" Rec'd the fees for this Charter,
"Samuel Adams, Gr'd Treasurer.
" Edw'd. St. Loe Livermore,
Grand Secretary.
" Recorded from the original,
' ' Edw'd. St. Loe Livermore,
Grand Secretary."
The first meeting of which we have record was held in the hall over the
Cargill store, September IS, 1793. There were present James Chamber-
lain, W. M. ; John J. French, S. W. ; Nathaniel Wales, Sect. ; Benoni
Cutler, Charles Cutler and Edwards Bucknam. The first complete list of
officers preserved is of those elected January 21, 1800: Samuel Phelps, W.
M.; Daniel Dana, S. W. ; Stephen Wilson, J. W. ; Arte mas Wilder, Treas. ;
R. C. Everett, Sect. ; Warren Cook, S. D. ; Joseph Dyer, J. D. Special com-
munications were then frequent, and much work was done. Between
January 21, 1800, the date of the last meeting in Northumberland, and
February 11, 1800, the lodge was moved to Lancaster and held its meet-
ings in a Masonic hall owned by the lodge which stood nearly on the site
of the present residence of Hon. Jacob Benton. [This building was later
moved down town, contained the postoffice under the administration of
Charles E. Allen, and is now used for business purposes. Masonic
emblems are now to be seen on the attic ceiling.]
St. John's Day was celebrated for the first time in 1801, with fitting,
although private ceremonies. In 1815 occurred the first public observance
of the day, the brethren marching to the meeting-house, listening to an
address by Rev. Dyer Burge, then repairing for refreshments to "Bro."
Benjamin Hunking's hall.
Stephen Wilson was elected Worshipful Master, January 10, 1802. He
held the office over eight years. In 1807, August 1, it was voted to
"return the charter;" but the lodge was subsequently revived, by vote of
the Grand Lodge.
In 1814, Jeremy L. Cross had become a resident of the place, and was
employed at his trade— a hatter. He had taken the degrees of the York
Eite in St. John's Lodge, at Portsmouth; E.\ A.'. September 2, 1807, F.\
Masonry in Coos. 141
C.\ April 6, 1808, M. '. M.\ July 6, 1808, and in 1813 was Junior Deacon
of that lodge. It may be presumed that he was instrumental in the reor-
ganization, which occurred in 1814. He became Senior Deacon in that
year, but took a demit October 25, 1S14. It was just previous to this time
(in 1810) that he had entered upon the broader field of Masonic labor as a
lecturer, organizer and writer, which largely occupied the remainder of
his life. The extent of his influence on the work of the York Eite may
be partially indicated by the fact that his Hieroglyphic Monitor passed
through at least sixteen editions, between the years 1819 and 1860, the
date of his death.
The custom of wearing white aprons in the lodge was adopted April 1,
1817, when it was voted that a number be procured for the use of the
The communication of February 11, 1S2G, is the last recorded in the
" First Book of Records," the report being signed by Asahel Going, Sec-
The Masters to 1826 were George Kimball; James Chamberlain, two
years; James Phelps, two years; Stephen Wilson, eight years: Abel Moore,
two years; William Lovejoy, five years; Richard Eastman, one year;
James Batchelder, one year.
This lodge continued its work through the most venomous period of the
anti-Masonic crusade, but surrendered its charter in June, 1844. The ogan-
ization did not long remain dormant. While there were yet a large num-
ber of survivors of the troublous times for freemasonry, the charter was
returned to the revived lodge. This occurred in 1853. The lodge " organ-
ized with the former officers." Eliphalet Lyman, W. M. ; Ephraim Cross,
S. W. ; Charles Baker, J. W. ; Jacob E. Stickney, Sect. ; Benjamin Hunking,
Treas. ; George Ingerson, S. D.; Allen Smith, J. D.; John Savage, Tyler. In
1854 Ephraim Cross was elected Master, J. W. Barney, Sect. The lodge was
moved to rooms over R. P.Kent & Son's store, September 6, 1854, in July,
1855, to the hall over Burnside's store, and in April, 1856, to its present loca-
tion in the Town Hall building, which, in 1881, in connection with the other
Masonic bodies of the place, the lodge purchased for a permanent home.
In June, 1855, the treasurer was authorized to "procure for the lodge
twenty-nine working aprons, with appropriate insignia upon them for the
officers, also a square and compass of solid silver." The seal of the char-
ter having been lost, the Grand Lodge was asked, in May, 1856, to affix a
new one, which was done.
A donation of twenty-five dollars was voted to Bro. Annance, January
27, 1867, as he was in indigent circumstances. Annance was an Indian,
the only one admitted to this lodge, and was much respected by the crafts-
men for his Masonic virtues.
The first public installation (according to the records) took place in the
142 History of Coos County.
town hall. May 5, 1868. The set of silver jewels, now in use, were pro-
cured the next December. In June, 1880, Silas Hurlburt, the oldest and
a venerated member, disappeared mysteriously while walking near Lan-
caster, and, although a reward was offered for tidings of him, and friends
searched far and near, " no trace or semblance of him has since been seen
among men or Masons. " The Masters,from 1852, have been Eliphalet Lyman,
two terms; Ephraim Cross, two terms; Charles Baker, one term; Jared I.
Williams, two terms; James D. Folsom, two terms; Henry 0. Kent, six
years; William Burns, one term; B. F. Hunking, live terms; George S.
Stockwell, one term; Edward Savage, five terms; Frank D. Peabody, one
term; Thomas S. Ellis, two terms; Henry J. Cummings, one term; Charles
E. Mclntire, three terms; Moses A. Hastings, one term; John H. Smith.
The last return to the Grand Lodge shows that 268 members have been
made since 1855, and a membership of 132 in good standing at the date of
the report.
On the rolls of this ancient lodge are the names of the ablest, wisest
and best citizens, whose influence has been for good in both the commu-
nity and in Masonic circles. A spirit of harmony and of zeal has per-
vaded its counsels, and it is a power in the land.
Templar Masonry in Northern New Hampshire. — At the commence-
ment of the year 1857, there were but two Commanderies of Templar
Masons in the state of New Hampshire, viz. : St. John's, at Portsmouth,
and Trinity, at Manchester. All others of the old organization had become
extinct, and the Grand Commandery had returned its charter to the Grand
Encampment of the United States. A few Master Masons of North Star
Lodge being desirous of receiving and perpetuating the benefits of Chris-
tian Masonry, obtained the honors of Knighthood at Portland, Me., and
Manchester, N. H., and uniting with themselves Curtis Cleaveland, an old
Sir Knight from Burlington, Vt., who at that time was residing at North-
umberland, sent a petition to Hon. William B. Hubbard, then Grand
Master of Knights Templar in the United States, asking for a dispensation
to organize a Commandery at Lancaster, N. H. On May 8, 1857, a dis-
pensation was issued, and on May 11th, the Sir Knights met and organ-
ized a Commandery with the following officers: Jared I. Williams, Em.
Commander; LaFayette Moore, Generalissimo; George C. Williams, Capt.
General. Immediately after organization they conferred the orders of
Knighthood upon James A. Smith and James D. Folsom.
At this time there was no Chapter of Koyal Arch Masons in this juris-
diction nearer than Concord, N. H., and by consent obtained of Blazing
Star Chapter, an arrangement was made whereby Haswell Chapter of St.
Johnsbury, Vt., could confer the Royal Arch degrees upon candidates
from Northern New Hampshire. In this manner the Commandery con-
tinued work under its dispensation until November 24, 1859, when it was
Masonry in Coos. 143
organized under a charter from the United States Encampment as North
Star Commandery, No. 3, of New Hampshire. During this time it had
increased in membership from eight to fifteen. Under the charter the fol-
lowing officers were elected and installed: Jared I.Williams, Em. Com-
mander; LaFayette Moore, Generalissimo; George C Williams. Capt.
General; Henry 0. Kent, Prelate; John W. Barney, Senior Warden;
David A. Burnside, Treasurer; Henry 0. Kent, Recorder; James A. Smith,
Standard Bearer; Curtis Cleaveland, Sword Bearer; Benjamin F. Hunk-
ing, Warder, Alex. Thompson and Danforth Willey, Captains of Guard.
In I860 North Star assisted in the organization of the Grand Com-
mandery of New Hampshire. The same officers were re-elected in 1860-
61-62-63. In December, 1863, the Commandery was free from debt for
the first time since its organization. In January, 1861, a change was made
in the officers by electing George F. French, Prelate; LaFayette Moore,
Recorder; Nathan R. Perkins, Standard Bearer; Jared W.Williams, Sword
Bearer; John S. Ockington, Ezra B. Bennet, and Charles L. Plaisted,
Captains of Guard.
March, 1861, L. F. Moore having resigned as recorder, D. C. Pinkham
was elected his successor. The Commandery added to its numbers two in
1860, eight in 1863, eighteen in 1861, and three in 1865, making thirty one
Sir Knights enrolled in its ranks with a loss of one, by the death of Gov-
ernor Williams, thus having a membership of forty-five Sir Knights on the
23d of January, 1865, when the following officers were elected and installed :
Henry 0. Kent, Em. Commander; LaFayette Moore, Generalissimo; George
N. Dale, Captain General; Benjamin F. Hunking, S. Warden; T. T. Cush-
man, J. Warden; George F. French, Prelate; David A. Burnside, Treas-
urer; Daniel C. Pinkham, Recorder; Nathan R. Perkins, Standard Bearer;
James D. Folsom, Sword Bearer; Ezra B. Bennett, Warder; John S. Ock-
ington, Captain of Guard. In this year there were eleven members added
to its rolls, and one lost, by the death of George C. Williams. On January
23, 1866, the old officers were re-elected with a change of John W. Barney,
Captain General; George S. Stockwell. Prelate; James A. Smith, Treas-
urer. During this year thirteen new members were added to the roster,
and one lost by the demit of Rev. E. R. Wilkins.
In 1867 the following changes were made in the offices: Benjamin F.
Hunking, Captain General; Alexander Thompson. Treasurer; Edward R.
Kent, Warder. During this year twelve Sir Knights wore added to the roll,
and one lost, by the death of David A. Burnside. In 1868 the same officers
were re-elected. This year three were added to the roll, and twelve lost, de-
mitted to form St Gerard Commandery at Littleton, N. H. In July, 1868,
the Royal Arch Chapter was established at Lancaster. On January 1 :'.. L869,
Benjamin F. Hunking was elected Commander, and continued in office until
January, 1873. John S. Ockington was elected Recorder at this meeting.
144 History of Coos County.
and continued in this office until his death, May 6, 1884. Three Sir Knights
were added to the roll in 1868, four in 1869, one in 1870, and one in 1871,
with a loss of one by the death of James W. Abbott, and in 1872 two
names were added to the roster.
January 23, 1873, Henry 0. Kent was again elected Commander, and
continued in office until 1875. In 1872 two were added to the roll, and
three lost by demit. In 1874 seven new members were added to the Com-
On January 23, 1S75, Edward R. Kent was elected Commander, and
continued in office until January, 1885, a continuous term of ten years,
during which period orders of Knighthood were conferred on sixty-four
Masons, with a loss from the Commandery roll by death, in 1880, of Dr.
Frank Bugbee; in 1882, of Alexander Thompson; in 1883, of Charles L.
Griswold; in 1884, of John S. Ockington, and Past Commander Benjamin
F. Hunking. In 1881 Dr. B. T. Olcott was lost by demit. In 1885 Thomas
S. Ellis was elected Commander, and re-elected in 1S86. The honors of
Knighthood were conferred on two in 1885, and seven in 1886, with a loss
in 1885, by the death of Jared H. Plaisted.
In January, 1887, the followiDg officers were chosen: Moses A. Hast-
ings, Em. Commander; Charles A. Cleaveland, Generalissimo; Thomas S.
Underwood, Captain General; Nelson Sparks, Prelate; Fielding Smith,
S. Warden; Erastus V. Cobleigh, J. Warden; James B. Morrison, Treas-
urer; Charles E. Mclntire, Recorder; Peter N. Shores, Standard Bearer;
Ira E.Woodward, Sword Bearer; Frank Spooner, Warder; Amos F. Rowell,
Willie E. Bullard, Ivan W. Quimby, Guards.
In 1886 the Commandery returned a hundred and ten acting members
in its report to the Grand Commandery. Included in this number are
many of the most influential citizens of Coos, prominent alike in the pro-
fessional and business interests of the county.
North Star Chapter, No. 16, R. A. M., Lancaster. — The history of
North Star Chapter, No. 16, Royal Arch Masons, is not a very long or
eventful one. It was instituted in Lancaster in 1868, the dispensation,
signed by Nathaniel W. Cumner, G. H. P., bearing date of July 8th of
that year. Dr. George 0. Rogers was the prime mover, and it was mainly
through his efforts that the chapter was at last successfully and soundly
The charter is signed by Daniel R. Marshall, G. H. P., and bears date of
June 8, 1869, the following being the names of the charter members:
George 0. Rogers, Samuel H. LeGro, Ezra B. Bennett, E. V. Cobleigh,
J. S. Ockington, Henry 0. Kent, Edward Savage, Philo S. Cherry, Rich-
ard Hovey, Edward R. Kent, Daniel C. Pinkham.
The first convocation was held under the dispensation July 8, 1868, in
the office of Dr. Rogers, corner of Main and Middle streets, now occupied
Masonry in Coos. 145
by Dr. Wellington, at which were present companions Geo. 0. Rogers,
H. P.; Samuel H. LeGro, K.; Edward Savage, S. Grand Council named
in dispensation J. S. Ockington, H. O. Kent, Daniel Thompson, E. Y.
Cobleigh, Ezra B. Bennett, E. R. Kent. W. H. N. Prince, Alex Thomp-
son, Philo S. Cherry.
The first annual convocation was held at Masonic Hall, May 19, 1869,
at which the following officers were elected: Edward Savage, E. H. P.;
Samuel H. LeGro, E. K.; W. H. N. Prince, E. S.; Edward R. Kent, C. H.;
Chester B. Jordan, P. S. ; Daniel Thompson, R. A. C. ; Philo S. Cherry,
M. 3d A7.; William L. Rowell, M. 2d V.; Abner Thompson, M. 1st Y. ;
John S. Ockington, Treas. ; Alexander Thompson, Sect.; Richard Hovey,
Tyler; and who were subsequently installed by the M. E. G. H. P., D. R.
Marshall, at the special convocation held September 22. At this time the
chapter was duly dedicated.
The organization has been for the most part self-sustaining, a system
of dues, fifty cents per capita per annum, having been in vogue but a short
time, and is now on a solid financial basis, owning one-third part of the
Town Hall building, and having a handsome sum in the treasury.
The companions who have served as High Priest, since the chapter was
organized, are as follows: Edward Savage, 1870-1-2-3-4; Charles A.
Cleaveland, 1875-6-7-8-9-83; Nelson Sparks, 1880-1-2; John H. Smith,
1884-5-6-7; Ivan W. Quimby, 1887, present incumbent.
From the secretary's books we learn that 158 companions have been
exalted, and that there are now 119 in good standing, on whom grand
chapter dues are paid.
Evening Star Lodge, No. 37, A. F. & A. M., Colebrook*— The early
history of this lodge is somewhat obscure, all the actors therein having
passed away, and most of the incidents passed into oblivion. All that
remains, which is authentic and reliable, is the few facts which are to be
gathered from records and official documents. A thorough research of
what remain of these necessarily requires much time and patience, and
with all that, the results are meagre, and a source of regret that more full
and perfect records were not kept. Sufficient, however, has been obtained
to show that its early days were attended by a sharp struggle for exist-
ence. To fully realize this, it is necessary to take into consideration that
sixty-five years ago, when the lodge was established, what is now North-
ern Coos, embracing a territory of nearly 2,000 square miles, was then
little better than a dense wilderness, dotted here and there with clearings
of its first settlers, which were many miles apart, and that from these
were taken the material with which to erect the edifice. Could those old
veterans return once more among us, many a tale could they unfold of
*By R. W. Albert Barker.
146 History of Coos County.
how they traveled ten or fifteen miles on foot to attend the meetings of
the lodge, and returned the same way "in the wee short hours ayont the
twal " of the early morn. But they have passed away, and having no
purpose to deal in tradition or speculation, this article will deal with dry
fact gleaned from authentic records.
An extract from the proceedings of the M. W. Grand Lodge of New
Hampshire, which convened at Concord, June 13, 1821, reads as follows: —
"Petition for a new Lodge at Colebrook referred to the committee on
new Lodges."
Whether this petition was made to the Grand Master, M. W. Joshua
Darling, in the first instance, or directly to the Grand Lodge, or who the
petioners were, does not appear; but at the same communication the com-
mittee reported: " That a dispensation be granted for a new Lodge at
Colebrook, to be called Evening Star Lodge;"1 which was accepted by vote
of the Grand Lodge. The dispensation was granted, but neither that nor
the petition appears in the record, though they are probably in the files of
the Grand Lodge.
The first record now in the archives of the lodge gives the proceedings
of the lodge as follows: —
"Records of Evening Star Lodge, (the first.) At a regular communication of the Evening
Star Lodge holden in Colebrook on Wednesday, the 5th day of September A. L. , 5821,— Brethren
present: —
"Francis Flanders, W. Master pro tern,
" Jeremiah Eames, S. Warden pro tern,
" William M. Smith, J. Warden pro tem.
' ' Lodge opened by the above brethren. No business before the Lodge. Proceeded to lecture on
the first degree. Lecture given by Worshipful Master and brethren. Lodge closed in due form.
"David L. Isiiam, Secretary."
From the above it would seem that the secretary was the only legiti-
mate officer present. But from the record of the next meeting (Oct. 10th)
it appears that Lewis Loomis was the first Master, Francis Flanders, Sen-
ior, and Jeremiah Eames Junior Deacons. At this meeting the petition of
Dr. Lyman Lombard was presented and referred, though he was not raised
until February 19, 1823. Working under dispensation, they had no
by-laws, and it would seem no regular day of meetings. The date of the
communications was as follows: September 5, 1821, October 10, 1821,
January 30, 1822, March 6, 1822, April 3, 1822, May 1, 1822, and May 30,
1822. May 30, 1822, the lodge voted to "request a letter of dispensation
for six months, unless sooner installed," and chose their Master "proxy"
in the Grand Lodge. This request for a dispensation was presented to the
Grand Lodge at the annual communication, in June, and referred to the
committee on new lodges. The committee made a report thereon which
was accepted.
The report does not appear, but the result was that on the very next
Mason in' in ( 'of>s. 147
day, June 13, 1822, a charter was granted to the petitioners, Lewis Loomis,
Francis Flanders, Jeremiah Eames, Jr., and others, constituting them "A
regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons under the title and designa-
tion of Evening Star Lodge, No. 37." The next meeting of the lodge was
holden July 3, when it voted to pay Lewis Loomis, W. M ., eight dollars,
advanced by him to the Grand Lodge. July 31, the only business done
was to pass a vote that the lodge be removed to the house of John Smith.
August 28, David L. Isham and Lyman Lombard were chosen a commit-
tee to petition the Grand Lodge to "install the Lodge.1'
The Grand Lodge convened at Colebrook on the fifteenth of < >ctober,
1822, when an oration was delivered by Bro. John L. Sheafe, the lodge
duly consecrated and the officers installed as follows: Lewis Loomis,
W. M.; Jonathan E. Ward, S. W.; Jeremiah Eames, Jr., J. W. ; Ebenezer
Blossom, S. D. ; Ezra B. Rider. J. D.; David L. Isham, Sect.; MarcenaBlod-
gett, Treas. ; William M. Smith, Tyler. There were twelve Masons present
besides the grand officers. Meetings were held regularly until January
22, 1823, when new officers were chosen as follows: Jonathan E. Ward,
W. M.; David L. Isham, S. W.; William M. Smith, J. I).; Marcena Blod-
gett, Treas ; John L. Sheafe, Sect., who were installed March lit. As to
the other officers the record is silent. Considerable work was done during
the year 1823, especially on the first degree, in which all the business of
the lodge would seem to have been done. At the annual meeting in Janu-
ary, 1824, the old officers were re-elected, but were not installed until
April 16.
June 10, 1824, David L. Isham was granted a demit, he having moved
to Connecticut. The records show that he was present at every communi-
cation of the lodge from the first in 1821, to April, 1824, when he moved
In 1872 a letter was received from the Grand Secretary of Connecticut,
stating that he still resided there, upwards of ninety years of age. physi-
cally feeble, but in the full possession of his mental faculties, expressing
his affection for the lodge he helped to create, was one of its charter mem-
bers and its first secretary, a half century previous. There was not at
that time a member of the lodge that ever knew him, or had any idea that
such a man was ever a member of the lodge, but upon searching the
early records of the lodge, they found that his statement was true, and as
an appreciation of his fidelity to Masonry and faithfulness to the lodge in
its infancy, the lodge voted to send him twenty dollars. The acknowl-
edgement of its receipt was profuse in his professions of gratitude and
thankfulness for the recognition. It is safe to say that the lodge never
parted with a similar sum with greater pleasure to its members, or that
was better appreciated by the recipient. He has not been heard from
since, but it is more than probable that he now resides in those " mansions
148 History of Coos County.
above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides." His
removal was a loss to the lodge of one of its most zealous members.
At the annual meeting in 1825, Ward was re-elected Master, and his
death, which occurred June 5, 1825, was another severe blow to the lodge.
A special communication was held June 7, to attend his funeral, after
which votes were passed to abandon the celebration of St. John's Day, to
pay the expenses of the funeral, and that the thanks of the lodge be ten-
dered to Rev. C. G. Thatcher for his able discourse delivered at the funeral.
The lodge continued to work, with a small attendance, up to and in-
cluding November, 1S25, the last entry in the record book being as fol-
" In December there was not members to open the Lodge on the regular communication day.
" Lyman Lombard, Secretary."
If any records were kept in the lodge after this they were lost, but it
appears from the records of the Grand Lodge, that the lodge continued to
meet for work, and made returns to the Grand Lodge until 1828, and in
that year was represented therein by P. M. Lewis Loomis.
The next decade was one of great depression throughout the state and
few lodges did any work. A glance at the records of the Grand Lodge at
this period will not be uninteresting in this connection. In 1838 the Grand
Lodge passed a resolution requesting the Grand Secretary to make a state-
ment, showing when each lodge made returns, and report at the next
annual meeting. In 1839 the Grand Secretary made a report in accord-
ance with the resolution, which showed that twenty-seven of the fifty sub-
ordinate lodges, then on the rolls of the Grand Lodge, had done no work
for the past eleven years, that is, since 1828. Evening Star was among the
twenty-seven. Quite a number of these lodges had made no return for
the same length of time. This report was referred to a select committee,
who, in 1810, reported a list of twenty-six lodges, including Evening Star,
that had neglected to make returns to the Grand Lodge within the time
required by the Grand Regulations; whereupon it was, on motion of Bro.
"Resolved, That the several Lodges named in the foregoing list, for the causes assigned in said
report, be, and they hereby are, stricken from the books of the Grand Lodge, and that the District
Deputy Grand Masters be authorized and directed to procure and forward to the Grand Secretary
the several charters that have been so declared forfeited and ordered to be stricken from the Lodge
Evening Star was in District No. (3, of which, for many years, Jared
W. Williams had been District Deputy, but who made no report, and
probably visited no lodges, or did any of the duties of the office. This
year Eliphalet Lyman was appointed Deputy for the Sixth District. He
made his report to the Grand Lodge in 1811, and the following extract
Masonry in Coos. 140
therefrom is an important link in the history of Evening Star Lodge.
He says: —
'• In January last I visited Colebrook, in the county of Coos, where, in June. 5822, Evening
Star Lodge, No. :J7, was duly installed; could find none of the members. [ proceeded on to
Stewartstown, where I found the last secretary, who presented me with the records of the L< dge.
On examination, I found they had not assembled for business since 1828. I procured their charter
and herewith transmit the- same to the Grand Secretary."
Thus, twenty years after the lodge was established, its charter was sur-
rendered to the Grand Lodge, where it remained dormant for eighteen
years. In this condition Evening Star stood not alone. Half the lodges
in the state were at that time in the same condition, and quite a number
remain so yet. At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in 1S44,
the following resolution was passed: —
" Resolved, That upon petition to the Grand Master of seven or more Master Masons, in regular
standing, requesting the restoration of any charter, which has become void by surrender, or an
omission to be represented, or in making their annual returns since June, 1830, the Grand Master
is hereby authorized and requested, if he shall deem it expedient, to reinstate any such subordi-
nate Lodge under this jurisdiction by directing the Grand Secretary to restore them their charter."
In February, 1859, five members of the lodge, William M. Smith, Setli
Tirrell, Jeremiah Eames, Lyman Lombard and David B. Heath, and two
members of North Star Lodge, Hazen Bedel and James A. Pitkin, peti-
tioned the Grand Master, under the provisions of the above resolution of
the Grand Lodge, for a restoration of the charter, and were informed there
was yet due from the lodge thirty-five dollars for the charter, which must
be paid before it could be restored. The sum was paid, and on the twenty-
fourth day of March, 1859, M. W. Grand Master Moses Paul authorized
and ordered said brethren to reorganize Evening Star Lodge, No. 37, under
its old charter, and restored it to its former rank and standing under the
Grand Lodge. On the thirty -first day of March, L859, the petitioners met
at Fling's Hall in Stewartstown, all being present, and chose by ballot
Lyman Lombard, VV. M.; James A. Pitkin, S. W.; Hazen Bedel, J. W.;
and William M. Smith, Secretary and Treasurer; fixed the fees for the sev-
eral degrees at seven, three and five dollars; fixed the time of the regular
communication at one o'clock p. m., of the Thursday of the week in which
the moon fulls, in each month; received the petitions of ( >scar Worthley
and HydeC. Trask to be made Masons, and voted that Alba Holmes and
John Harrimanbe proposed to become members of the lodge. On the sixth
day of April, 1859, the Grand Master, by dispensation, authorized the lodge
to meet at Fling's Hall in Stewartstown for the present, and until a hall
could be provided at Colebrook, " provided and conditioned that immedi-
ate active measures be immediately taken and prosecuted by said lodge to
provide a hall for their accommodation and work, with as little delay as
possible at Colebrook aforesaid."
150 History of Coos County.
In accordance with said dispensation the regular communication was
holden at Fling's Hall. April 21. Alba Holmes was admitted a member,
and Lyman Lombard not being present, Alba Holmes (probably by dispen-
sation of the D. D. G. M.) was chosen Master in his stead, and officers were
installed by R.W. Jared I. Williams, D. D. G. M., assisted by P. M. Ben-
jamin F. Hunking. Worthley and Trask were entered, and by dispensa-
tion, passed, and Worthley was raised. Thus the order of the Grand Mas-
ter was complied with, and the lodge was fally restored to its former rank
and standing, which it has retained ever since. One more communication
was held in Fling's Hall when the lodge returned home to Colebrook.
The purpose of this sketch was to trace the history of the lodge only
to this point, and here it should end. An interesting chapter of its subse-
quent history might and ought to be written for the benefit of those that
shall come after us, and it is hoped that some one will set about the task
while the few remaining actors of that day remain among us.
It would be doing violence to the feelings of the present members of
the lodge, to conclude without paying a tribute to the memory of those
early members. From the first establishment of the lodge, though a time
of great and general depression in Masonry, though few in numbers, they
continued its work for many years, in a very sparsely settled region of
country, where its members, or at least some of them, had to travel on
foot from seven to ten miles to attend its meetings. After the restoration
in 1859, a few of the ancient brethren were for a few years occasionally
seen in the lodge, but they have all passed away. Even of the petitioners
for restoration, Bro. Hazen Bedel is the only survivor. Let us that remain
revere their good qualities and emulate their virtues. Their devotion to
Craft Masonry was ardent and enduring. One or two incidents in the life
of Bro. William M. Smith may be cited as an illustration of this. In
1828, when the lodge ceased work, he secured the constitution which he
safely kept until 1811, when it was surrendered to the Grand Lodge. He
was foremost in securing the restoration in 1859, and when it was accom-
plished he returned to the lodge its early records, its jewels and all its
paraphernalia which he had kept and securely guarded for twenty-one
years. No one could be more willing to give or receive instruction than
he. Being called by other business to West Stewartstown on two days of
each week, for three or four months in the summer of 1859, but not
detained by it, his genial companionship was sought. Having just entered
the portals of the lodge, and desirous of becoming familiar with the work,
by his advice a cipher was obtained, portions of which neither of us could
interpret alone. Seeking a retired place, sometimes in the old saw-mill,
sometimes ''on the brow of the hill," east of the village, or other suit-
able place where the approach of cowans or eavesdroppers could be
observed, those entire days were spent in its study, and then and there was
Masonry in Coos. 151
laid the foundation of whatever knowledge of esoteric Masonry we may
ever have attained. All honorto his revered memory.
The next regular communication was also held at Fling's Hall, May 11*,
1 s.v.i, when Worthley and Bailey were admitted members, Cunmiings initi-
ated, and Trask raised. The by-laws were "postponed until next Tues-
day, at Colebrook, for examination and correction, and to be adopted at
our next regular communication." The record continues: " It being the
annual communication proceeded to choose a Master by ballot — Chose
Alba Holmes, W. M. Chose Wm. M. Smith, Secretary. Chose Wm. M.
Smith, Treasurer."
The Master appointed James A. Pitkin, S. W. ; Hazen Bedel, J. W. ;
Oscar Worthley; S. D.; and Jeremiah Eames, Tyler. The S. W. ap-
pointed Samuel I. Bailey, J. D., and the J. W. appointed Seth Tirrell and
David B. Heath, Stewards. William M. Smith was chosen Rep.
There is no record of their installation, and probably none ever took
place. As the by-laws had not been adopted, and the record being silent
on the question, the problem as to how this came to be the annual communi-
cation, is not easily solved. The record says it was, and that is all we
know about it. There was a full attendance, and much business was
done. The petitions of Erastus W. Ingham, E. Darwin Lombard, Will-
iam S. Rolfe, Morton B. Rolfe, and Albert Barker, were read and referred,
and the lodge voted: "That the next regular communication be held at
Special communications were held at Colebrook on the 24th and 31st
of May, but at what place the record does not say. And the same may
be said of all the meetings until May, 1861. It seems that the lodge re-
turned home in accordance with the vote, and returned to stay, and has
stayed ever since. Though the record is silent, there are members now
living who have a lively recollection of the circumstances. The fact is,
there was no suitable hall in the village. Half or three-quarters of a mile
north of the village stood, and now stands, a two-story building, which
was then unoccupied, containing a hall. The building was old, out of
repair, and the snow had blown in, in large quantities in certain parts of
it, as the writer can testify, for he distinctly remembers the sensation
caused by stepping one foot into it, on the way from the anteroom to the
hall, he being then in darkness and not seeing it. This hall was secured
for one or two meetings, but the property changed hands; the pun baser
moved in, peremptorily told the Masons to "git." and they "got," being
literally turned out of doors. Fortunately there was an unoccupied build-
ing, now occupied by H. F. Jacobs, and the Masons secured it for a time.
It was not what they desired, but was all they could obtain, and they made
the best of it. And so, driven from place to place, they held all their reg-
ular meetings during that year, and did a large amount of work.
152 History of Coos County.
The first regular meeting held in Colebrook after the restoration, was
in the above named hall, June 16, 1850, at which Erastus W. Ingham, E.
Darwin Lombard, Albert Barker, William S. Rolfe, and Morton B. Eolfe
were initiated. At the regular meeting in July, Albert Barker, E. Darwin
Lombard and Morton B . Rolfe were passed. At the regular meeting in
August, Albert Barker and Morton B. Rolfe were raised, and William S.
Rolfe was "passed." September 15th Albert Barker and Morton B. Rolfe
were admitted members; the others were passed, raised, and admitted to
membership as they were able to attend. During the Masonic year of
1850, the records show a large amount of work done by the lodge, and
several irregularities, of which no notice was ever taken, but which, if
done now, would subject the lodge to censure by the Grand Lodge.
At the annual meeting, May 8, 18(30, the lodge contained seventeen
members, with several more that had taken one or two degrees. Two
were admitted to membership and one passed. Alba Holmes was chosen
W. M., and the officers were regularly installed. The present Masonic Hall
was then commenced, but it does not appear where the lodge met or that
any action was taken in regard to future meetings. The fact was, that no
suitable, safe place could be found, and no meeting of the lodge was held
during that Masonic year. Several of the brethren frequently got together
informally for the purpose of studying the work and lectures, and in this
way the interest of the members was not permitted to decline. The next
entry in the records is the annual meeting held in Masonic Hall, May 25,
1801. The work was taken up where it was left a year before, and pro-
ceeded with. Alba Holmes was elected W. M., Hazen Bedel, S. W., Albert
Barker, J. W., Frank M. Rolfe, Sect., and William M. Smith, Treas., and
they were installed by D. D. CI. M. Paddleford. William M. Smith, James
A. Pitkin and Albert Barker were chosen a committee to procure a lease
of the hall. The committee promptly attended to the duty; procured a
lease for twenty-five years at $20 per year, which was accepted, recorded,
and placed on file. The hall was a good one, but destitute of paint or fur-
niture of any kind. The lodge was without funds, and had no source of
revenue except the fees for degrees and membership. The idea of running
in debt was not entertained for a moment. The situation was not an
inviting one, but the brethren accepted it with courage and determination.
Common chairs were procured for seats, and common light stands for
pedestals, and desks for the secretary and treasurer, and the work con-
tinued. As soon as any money accrued, it was expended in furnishing the
hall, and when anything beyond this was absolutely needed, which was
often the case, a few of the brethren put their hands in their pockets
and paid for it. The lodge worked along in this way for five or six
years, when two of the members, with more persistent obstinacy than
Masonic knowledge, carried through the project of placing in the west and
Masonry in Coos. L53
south, instead of pedestals, long desks. These are well enough as desks,
but entirely out of place in a Masonic hall. They still remain there. The
next year the hall and anterooms were painted, and a little later the floors
were elegantly and handsomely carpeted. In this way the lodge got on
until a few of the members began to agitate the question of regular dues
from each member. This was coldly received at first, but finally, in 1871,
was carried by a vote of the lodge, and the by daws so changed as to estab-
lish annual dues of $:} for each member. Since then the hall has been
handsomely and elegantly fitted up ( with the exception of those desks), and
handsomely furnished, comparing favorably with other lodge rooms in the
state, and a small fund was accumulated. The lease for the hall expired
in 1886, but a new lease for twenty-five years more was secured, though
at a much larger rent.
The following vote passed January 8, 1863, explains itself, and perhaps
may be news to some of the members : —
"That the thanks of the Lodge be tendered to Thomas Mayo for the letter 'G ' which he
presented to the lodge."
The following resolutions, on the death of James A. Pitkin, were unan-
imously adopted at the regular communication, held August 27. 1863:—
"Resolced, That in the death of Bro. James A. Pilkin, this Lodge has lost a worthy member,
who has been called from his labor here to that spiritual refreshment above, where the Ashlers
are all smooth, and the Grand Artificer of the Universe presides.
"Resolved, That we are admonished by this event to diligently erect our temporal building
so as better to fit our minds as living stones for that spiritual building; that house not made with
hands, eternal, and in the Heavens.
"Resolved, That we tender to his bereaved widow and fatherless children the lenderest sym-
pathy of every member of this Lodge.
"Resolved, That the Secretary furnish to his widow a copy of these resolutions."
To these resolutions the following reply was received and entered of
record by a vote of the lodge : —
"Colebrook, Nov. 8th, 1863.
" Evening Star Lodge: —
" Thanking the Brotherhood for your kindness in furnishing me with a copy of resolutions
passed in your Lodge, you will please accept a small Photograph of Mr. Pitkin. Resp. Yours,
"E. M. II. Pitkin."
This photograph may be " laid up with the records in the archives of
the lodge," and it may have been lost. Our researches have not resulted
in finding it.
The territory over which the lodge holds jurisdiction is large, but the
larger part of it is sparsely settled. Many of the members live from five
to twenty five miles from the lodge room, and do uot regularly attend its
meetings. Quite a number have gone to other states, scattered from Flor-
ida to California and Canada, and many of these still hold their member-
151 History of Coos County.
ship, but are unable to meet with it. Others demit, which, with the
deaths, keeps the working force of the lodge small. Under these circum-
stances the spirit and stamina of the members is better shown by the
attendance on special occasions than at stated communications. At the
Masonic funeral of Bro. David B. Heath, at Colebrook, December 20, 1S69,
thirty-seven were present; of Seth Tin-ell, at West Stewartstown, Septem-
ber (>, 1S72, forty-one; of Charles H Huntoon. at Colebrook, September 1,
1870, thirty-six; and of William Hart, at Hereford, Canada, February 9,
18 1*9, thirty-eight. These were all the deaths that occurred in the mem-
bership during that decade, and the attendance embraced nearly all the
members who had not left for other states. Up to this date (July, 1887,)
there have been admitted 112. Of these there have died seventeen; demit-
ted, twenty-six; suspended for non-payment of dues, six; demits sur-
rendered and cancelled, two; number in good and regular standing, sixty-
five. Eleven of these have joined within the past twelve months, with
several more who have taken one or more degrees, and will be admitted
in due tims. Few if any lodges have existed for the same length of time
with more harmony among the members and with sister lodges than
Evening Star. No of discipline has arisen in the lodge since its insti-
tution in 1821, and no regular or stated communication has failed to be
holden since the restoration, except as above stated.
The following members have been duly elected, installed, and " passed
the chair:1' Alba Holmes, William M. Smith, William S. Rolfe, Albert
Barker. Joseph E. Lombard, Edward N. Cummings, Hazen Bedel, George
S. Leavitt, William H. Shnrtleff, Henry M. Leavitt, Sidney B. Whittemore,
Marcena B. Gilkey, J. Sullivan Chase, Aaron B. Haines, and Orville C. Bum-
ford, the present Master, who lives twenty-five miles away, but has been
a constant attendant. The lodge has two Past District Deputies, Hazen
Bedel and Albert Barker, who are permanent members of the Grand Lodge
and usually attend its sessions. Most of those who have joined for a few
years past are enterprising young men, and the lodge bids fair to live long
and prosper.
Gorham Lodge, No. 73, A. F. & A. Jf., Gorham, N. H* — This lodge
was first recognized by a dispensation granted by Grand Master Aaron P.
Hughes, February 7, L862. The first meeting duly holden was on March
11, 1802, Bro. Urban Shorey, W. M. iVtthis meeting eight applications for
initiation were received, and the Tuesday on or before the full of the moon
of each month was selected as the time for each stated communication.
At a special communication on the 19th of March Mr. Moses W. Rand
was initiated— this being the first degree conferred; subsequently on March
24th, Messrs. Stephen R. Raynes, Daniel P. Evans and Stephen Gordon,
*By Alfred R. Evans.
M vsoxry in ( '<)(")s. 155
Jr.. were duly initiated as E. A. Masons. Meetings were held frequently,
and a goodly amount of work was done until June following when a char-
ter was ordered by the Grand Lodge of the state at its animal communi-
cation, and duly issued. The charter bears the date of June 1 1. 1862, and
is signed by Charles H. Bell, as Grand Master. The charter members as
named were: Urban Shorey, S-A Mathes, Charles I \ Smith. 11 F. Ward-
well, Thomas E. Fisk, William Fuller, W. A. Field. L. Walcct 1. ('. W.
Bean. The first meeting held under authority of the charter was on June
20, 1862, when the following officers were elected: Urban Shorey. W. M. ;
S. A. Mathes, S. W. ; C. C. Smith, J. W. ; T. E. Fisk, Treasurer; H. F.
Wardwell, Secretary; D. P. Evans, S. D. ; W. A. Field, J D.
Bro Shorey was re-elected as Master at the annual communication held
May 2(5, 1863, and on June 24th following the officers elected were pub-
licly installed. The exercises of installation passed very satisfactorily,
and no doubt were in many ways beneficial to the order. Bro. Shorey
served as Master till May 9, 1865, when Bro. Thomas E. Fisk was elected
W. M. and duly installed June 6th, when a public supper was served at-
tended by M. M.'s and their ladies. On May 29, 1866, Bro. Fisk was re-
elected W. M., also again elected on May 14, 1867. During this year
the question of establishing a Masonic Lodge at Milan was considerably
discussed, also the propriety of holding a part of the meetings of this lodge
at that place was considered, neither of said propositions were favorably
acted upon. Bro. Fisk continued to act as W. M. until May 2.5. 1869,
when George W. Waterhouse was elected Master. A public installation of
officers was held at the Methodist church on June 22d following, and an ad-
dress delivered by Dr. X. T. True, of Bethel, Me. On May 12, 1870, Bro.
Urban Shorey was again elected W. M., and so served until May 2, Lb7l,
when Bro. A. S. Twitchell was selected W. M. On April 23, 1872, Bro.
Emlyn W. Evans, was elected Master, and on April 8, 1878, Bro. A. S.
Twitchell w-as re-elected W. M. On April 28, 1874, Bro. Urban Shorey
was again elected W. M. and served until April 20, 1875. when Bro. Emlyn
W. Evans was elected W. M. On the evening of March 4, 187.5. the lodge
gave an entertainment and supper at Gorham House hall. The music
was furnished by Chandler's band from Portland, and remarks were made
by many members of the order. The literary exercises were in charge of
Alfred R. Evans, who had but recently received his degrees, and the entire
programme was most successfully carried out. The large hall was filled
with Master Masons and their ladies, and the occasion is often referred
to as one of rare enjoyment. On April 4, 1876, Bro. Emlyn W. Evans
was again elected W. M., and so served until April -1. 1877, when Bro.
Thomas E. Fisk was called again to the East, April 16, 187S, Bro. Asa A.
Palmer was elected W. M. At the next annual communication, on April
1, 1879, Bro. Albert Ryder was elected W. M. On January L0, L880, the
156 History of Coos County.
present Masonic Hall was properly dedicated. Rev. Bro. C. C. Mason
gave an address on Freemasonry, refreshments were served, the hall was
opened for public inspection, and, says the records, "all passed pleasantly
and harmoniously." On May 18, 1880, by virtue of a dispensation from
the Grand Master, an election of officers for the ensuing year was duly
held, and Bro. Emlyn W. Evans was again called to the East, and on
March 15, 1881, Bro. Thomas Gifford was elected Master. On the evening
of March 2 1st following,- the officers elect were publicly installed by Bro.
Thomas S. Ellis, D. D. G. M., a supper was served, music furnished, toasts
responded to and a goodly time enjoyed. March 23, 1882, Bro. Asa A.
Palmer was again elected Master, serving until March 20, 1883, when Bro.
Walter C. Libby was selected W. M., and again elected for a second term
on March 11, 1884. Bro. Nathan Stewart was selected W. M. on March
24, 1885, and is now still filling the position. The present officers of the
lodge are: Nathan Stewart, W. M. ; Rufus F. Ingalls, S. W.; Fred W.
Noyes, J. W.; Alfred R. Evans, Secretary; Charles G. Hamlin, Treasurer;
Alva B. Libby, S. D ; Fred R. Oleson, J. D. ; Charles C. Libby, S. S. ; J.
C Fothergill, J. S. ; Albert Ryder, Tyler; Walter Buck, Chaplain.
Since 1870 the membership of this lodge as reported to the Grand Lodge
has been as follows: —
No. of members April 15, 1880, 123
" 15, 1881, - - - 127
" 15, 1S82, 120
" 15, 1S83, - - 123
" 15, 1881, - 129
" 15, 1885, - 134
a a
15, 1886, - - 139
During the early history of the lodge the propriety of allowing other
societies to use the Masonic Hall was considered, and referred to the
Grand Lodge for determination. That grand body reported its disapproval
of the occupation of halls by subordinate lodges in common with other
The first lodge room was over what is now Gates & Brown's store.
After several changes and removals the order fitted up its present hall on
Exchange street. It is said to be one of the handsomest and best Masonic
halls in the state outside of the cities, and is well and beautifully furnished,
the carpet, furniture, etc., costing over six hundred dollars. The order is
in a good, healthy, flourishing condition, and numbers among its members
many of the most reliable and active men of the section. Of the nine
charter members of the lodge, five are still members. Many have received
their degrees here, who, being demitted, are now active members of lodges
in other jurisdictions, while some, although absent, still retain their mem-
bership in the mother lodge.
Masonry in Coos. 15'
Of its deeds of charity and benevolence it is not fitting for me to speak,
suffice it to say that Gorhara Lodge has not been wanting in g 1 deeds,
and that here along the sides of the high mountains as well as in the low-
valleys the memory and influence of its acts will long be felt and remem-
White Mountain Lodge, No. si;, A. F. & A. M., Whitefield*— This
lodge was chartered with the unanimous consent of North Star Lodge,
No. 8, June In, L868. The charter was granted to the following named
brothers: Ira S M. Gove, George H. Pinkham, Lauren J. Miner, Ira A.
Muzzy, Charles W. Cole, Caleb Walker, A. W. Miner, \V. B. Eutchins,
L. V. Seavey, Moses H. Gordon, William F. Dodge, A. K. Lane, G. P.
Warner. William K. Qnimby. C. K. Gile, Richard Lane, Jr., T. M. Taylor,
Charles Libbey, and five others, all except the two Lane brothers were
members at that time of North Star Lodge. The first officers elected were:
Ira S. M. Gove, W. M.; George H Pinkham, S. W.; Lauren J. Miner, J.
W. , Moses H. Gordon, Treasurer; Joel M. Sartwell, Secretary; Hazen W.
Fisk, S. D. ; Manson Bowles, J. D. ; Austin W. Miner, Tyler; Asa K. Lane,
S. S.; T. M. Taylor, J. S. ; G. P. Warner, Chaplain.
The first year the lodge had hard work to provide themselves a lodge
room and pay for fitting up, and with the best management got a small
debt on them. The records show the officers present at every meeting till
our first annual meeting, wiiich occurred May 20, 1 869, when the same
officers were again elected. At our annual communication in May, 1870,
the following officers were elected: George H. Pinkham, W. M.; L.J.
Miner, S. W. ; H. W. Fisk, J. W.; Manson Bowles, S. D. ; L. V. Seavey,
J. D.; Ira S. M. Gove, Secretary.
Bro. Ira S. M. Gove served as Master of the lodge from its organization
until May, 1870, and Brother Pinkham from then until May, 1873, when
Bro. Gove was again elected Master with Bros. W. F. Dodge and A. W.
Miner as W's. Bro. Gove served as Master one year, when Bro. Lauren
J. Miner was elected with A. W. Miner and F. C Fearon as Wardens.
The next year, 1875, Bro. H. W. Fisk was elected Master, F. C. Fearon,
S. W., and S. S. Thomas, J. W. Bro. Fisk served one year, and Bro.
Pinkham was elected again, with F. C. Fearon, S. W., Thomas M. Fletcher,
J. W., and L. D. Whitcher, Secretary. In 1877 Bro. Thomas M. Fletcher
was elected Master, S. S. Thomas, S. \V.. Horace D. Hicks, J. W.. L. I).
Whitcher, Secretary, and J. Q. A. Libbey, Treasurer. Bro. Moses H. Gor-
don had faithfully looked after the finances of the lodge from its infancy
to this time. Brother Fletcher served as Master two years. In 1879 Bro.
F. C. Fearon was elected Master, T. C Gray, S.W.. and Ira l\ Sturtevant,
J. W. In 1880 George E. Hutchins was Master, John T. Twombly, S.W..
*Bv Lauren J. Miner.
15S History of Coos County.
and Richard Rickerby, J. W. In 1881 John T. Twombly, Master, John S.
Coffin, S. YY\, CI. G. McGregor, J. W. In 1882 Bro. T. C Gray was elected
Master, Horace D. Hicks, S. W., Asa D. Hill, J. W ., and James C. Trickey,
Secretary. These officers served two years, and Bro. Gray was elected for
the third year, but declined to serve on account of a press of other busi-
ness, and Bro. H. D. Hicks was elected in his stead, and also declined, and
Bro. Ira S. Sturtevant was elected, and served as Master one year, until
1885, with J. C Trickey, S. W., J. F. Walsh, J. W., A. W. Miner, Treas-
urer. L. D. Whitcher was again elected Secretary, but declined to serve,
and L. J. Miner was elected in his stead. In 1885 James C Trickey was
elected Master, George H. Morrison, S. W., H. E. Mclver, J. W., A. W.
Miner, Treasurer, but declined, and Orin Chase was elected in his stead.
In 188G the same officers were again chosen, and are at the present time
fulfilling the duties of their respective offices.
Bro. George VV7. Libbey was the first man that was made a Mason in
this lodge, and D. J. Pillsbury the second one. Bro. Charles P. Carleton
had taken his E. A. degree in North Star previous to the chartering of
White Mountain Lodge, but North Star Lodge very courteously gave con-
sent to White Mountain Lodge to confer the other two, which they have
done from time to time ever since, Bro. Carleton being a candidate for any
of the degrees in an emergency.
During our existence we have made 110 Masons, as the records show.
Death has robbed us of ten brothers, namely: Aurin M. Chase, Caleb
Walker, John M. Gove, Lyman V. Seavey, Charles W. Cole, Hibbard
Houghton, Benjamin Calden, G. P. Warner, Manson Bowles, G. H. Pink-
ham, Charles Stahl. We have demitted six. Our first dues to the Grand
Lodge were $13.50, showing a membership of fifty-four; our dues in 1886
were $29.25, showing a membership of 117. Bro. E. W. Parker has been
Tyler since 1872, a term of fourteen years of faithful service.
The officers have been very punctual in attendance, and courteous in
manner towards the lodge ever since its organization, and many of the
brothers have attended regularly, especially Bro. A. W. Miner, who has
missed only two meetings, and is what might be called a spare hand, as he
works in every place in the lodge when an officer happens to be absent.
Bro. M. H. Gordon served as Treasurer nine years, Bro. J. Q. A. Libbey,
seven, and Bro. A. W. Miner, one. All declined to serve longer. The
lodge is in a prosperous condition now, and has money in the treasury. It
has had a good amount of work every year, and has considerable on hand
at the present time. Our relations with Burns Lodge and North Star are
the most amiable, and the latter we cherish as our foster mother, and we
esteem ourselves highly favored when we receive a visit from any of the
brothers of either lodge
In conclusion we would quote from Bro. Batchelder, D. D. G. M., Dis.
M VSONRY IX ( loos. 159
No 5. report, 1886: " Bro. James 0. Trickey isa very efficient Master, and
is assisted by intelligent and amhitious officers in the chairs.
The officers are rapidly bringing their work into conformity with the
restored work. They realize the amount of labor involved in this under-
taking, audits importance. The lodge has a fair surplus fund, and its
records are well kept. The lodge is undoubtedly in a better condition to-
day than it has been in for several years. What is better still the brethren
are determined that the progress shall continue until the lodge has a
standing such as may well be attained by faithful attention to the condi-
tions of success."
Officers of the Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter and Grand Commandery
of New Hampshire, furnished by Cods county. — Through the kindness of
George P. Cleaves, Grand Secretary of the above Masonic bodies, we are
enabled to give the following list. Bro. Cleaves says that he may have
possibly omitted some of the earlier officers in the Grand Lodge, as no
residence was entered in the records, and without that he had no guide.
Grand Lodge. — Stephen Wilson, Lancaster, Dis. Dep. Gr. Master 1823,
'24, '25, '26, '43, "44. John Wilson, Lancaster, Gr. Sword Bearer 1S24.'2:>. '26.
William Lovejoy, Lancaster, Dis. Dep. Gr. Master 1827, '30. Jared W.
Williams, Lancaster, Dist. Dep. Gr. Master 1831, "32, '33, '34, '35. '36, '37. '38,
'39. Eliphalet Lyman, Lancaster, Dist. Dep. Gr. Master 1840, '41. John
Willson, Lancaster, Dist. Dep. Gr. Master 1842 (possibly same as John Wil-
son). Jared I.Williams, Lancaster, Gr. Lecturer 1854. '55, '56, "57; Dis. Dep.
Gr. Master 1858,'59; Jun. Gr. Deacon 1860; Sen. Gr. Deacon 1861. Henry 0.
Kent, Lancaster, Gr. Sworcl Bearer I860, '61. '62; Gr. Junior Warden 1863;
Gr. Senior Warden 1864; Gr. Captain General 1865, 'HO; Gr. Generalissimo
1867; Grand Commander 1868, '69. Edward Savage, Lancaster, Gr. Captain
of the Guard 1867, '68. Thomas S. Ellis, Lancaster, Gr. Sword Bearer 1875,
'76; Grand Junior Warden 1877; Grand Senior Warden 1878; Gr. Captain
General 1879. Edward R. Kent, Lancaster, Gr. Capt. of the Guar< I 1877;
Gr. Warder 1878; Gr. Sword Bearer 1879; Gr. Standard Bearer 1880; Gr.
Junior Warden 1881; Gr. Senior Warden 1883, '84; Gr. Capt. General L885;
Grand Generalissimo 1886. Henry O. Kent, Lancaster, Gr. Lecturer. 1860,
'61; D D. G. M. 1862, '63, '66, '69. George C.Williams, Lancaster,Gr. Marshal.
1860, '61; Jun. Gr. Deacon 1862; Gr. Sword Bearer L864, '65. Urban Shorey,
Gorham, Gr. Steward 1863; D. D.G.M.1864,'65,'68. Benj. F. Honking. Lan-
caster, Gr. Lecturer 1864. '65, '66, '67. Hazen Bedel, Colebrook, D. D. G. M.
1867. Albert Barker, Colebrook, Gr. Lecturer, 1868, '69; D. D. G. M. L870,
'71. Edward Savage, Lancaster, Gr. Lecturer. L870, '71. '72/7-: D. D. G. M.
1875, '76. Thomas S. Ellis, Lancaster, Gr. Lecturer 1877, '78; D. D. G. M.
1879, '80. Mitchell H. Bowker, now Whitefield, I while at Lisbon) Gr. Lect-
urer 1881,'82; D. D.G. M. 1883,'84. Thomas C.Grey. Whitefield, Gr. Steward,
1882, '83, '84. Charles E. Mclnti re, Lancaster, Gr. Lecturer, 1885. Alfred
160 History of Coos County.
K. Evans, Gorham, Gr. Steward, 1885, 'st>, '87. Moses A. Hastings, Lan-
caster, Gr. Lecturer, 1880, '87.
Grand Chapter. — Edward Savage, Lancaster, Gr. Steward 1870; Gr.
Master of First Veil 1871; Gr. Master of Second Veil 1872. Thomas S. Ellis,
Lancaster, Gr. Steward 187'.>.
Grand Com man dery. — Jared I. Williams, Lancaster, Gr. Captain Gen-
eral 1860, '61. George C.Williams, Lancaster, Gr. Junior Warden, 1862.
For what he was and all he dared,
Remember him to da_> !"
By Henry O. Kent.
URGED to prepare a chapter, which shall commemorate the men of
Coos living and dead, who took part in the great work of preserving-
Federal unity and National honor during the War of the Rebell-
ion, I consented with reluctance and approach this labor at once congenial
and exacting, with hesitation.
So lofty was the devotion of those who died, so honorable the services
of those who survived, that only the most complete and exhaustive
record can do their deeds and their memory justice, while so inadequate
are the sources of information, that many errors of omission must neces-
sarily occur, which may pain survivors or do seeming injustice to those
who are gone.
In the pages that follow, I have compiled a brief record of the service
of each organization, with a list of its membership, drawing upon the
following authorities, all that could be made available for my purpose,
supplementing this information from my personal knowledge.
I have carefully copied the names of all soldiers of Coos whose resi-
dence is there stated, from the Adjutant- General's report of 1865, revis-
ing this from the reports of the same office issued later.
Had the work authorized by the legislature of 1885 been completed,
the Soldiers' Record, now in process of compilation by the Adjutant-Gen-
eral, more information might have been obtained. Comparison has also
been made with the roster of soldiers now resident in the county, who
The Soldiers of Coos, l • ; i
served in organizations outside the state, as appears by the member-
ship of the several Grand Army posts. Time has also been spent in the
Adjutant-General's office at Concord, to perfect this record.
It is practically impossible, in a work of this character, to follow the
promotions or transfers from one command to another, and the casualties,
and therefore, only the name, regiment and company, when attainable, and
residence is given with such occasional reference to rank or transfer as
was patent, or is recollected by the compiler.
The sketches are compiled from the current publications of the war
period, the reports of the Adjutant-General, Waite's " New Hampshire
in the Rebellion," and information within my personal knowledge or
With this prolix introduction, without which I should be unwilling to
assume the responsibilities of this chapter, I attempt a brief sketch of
each command, a list of such soldiers as the county furnished, as exhib-
ited by the authorities referred to. and a list of veterans now resident
among us, who served in outside organizations as shown by the rosters of
the Grand Army posts within our limits.
In every war our people have done their full share. The pioneers of
Coos were the men of the "Old French War," of Rogers' Rangers, and
of the Army of Independence. Later they responded in field and garri-
son during the war with Great Britain in 1812, they organized companies
for duty on the frontier, were called out in the "Applebee War," to sup-
press the troubles at Indian Stream, and sent valiant men in the Ninth to
follow Pierce and Ransom in the war with Mexico.
There is no priority in honor, no monopoly in patriotism. The deeds
and memory of these men should be, and are, recorded elsewhere.
At the breaking out of the war in April, 1861, there was in the state
no organized force to send to the front, or to serve as the nucleus for vol-
unteer regiments. The earlier military organization of the state — divided
into forty-two regiments, and comprising all able bodied male citizens,
between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, — ceased to be operative, about
ten years before, while in its place existed a paper system, made up of
three Major-Generals and six Brigadier-Generals, with their respective
staffs, and an enrolled but unorganized force.
There were the two military and social commands, known as the Gov-
ernor's Horse Guards and the Amoskeag Veterans, the Lyndeborough
Artillery and a few — perhaps half a dozen — other volunteer companies.
This force was invited, rather than ordered, into camp at Nashua, in the
autumn of 1860, where, with several purely voluntary organizations, it
held a three days' "muster." This was the last appearance of the old
state militia, and when the time of exigency came we were wholly unpre-
pared for immediate action.
102 History of Coos County.
Ichabod Goodwin, of Portsmouth, was Governor, elected in March, 1860,
his term expiring in June, 1861, and Joseph C. Abbott was Adjutant and
Quartermaster-General, having been appointed in 1855. Governor Good-
win was a retired merchant of high character and fine executive ability.
Without a soldier at his command, or a dollar with which to equip him,
he was fully equal to the emergency. Troops were raised, and on the
strength of Mr. Goodwin's personal repute and responsibility, the banks
at once proffered sufficient money to arm and forward the men. The leg-
islature, at its session the following June, endorsed and ratified his action,
but the fact remains that to his patriotism, firmness, responsibility and
executive energy, New Hampshire is indebted, both for her prompt and
credible response to the call of the President and the inauguration of
the system which raised, equipped and forwarded the succeeding com-
mands, all of which earned the gratitude of the state and reflected honor
upon it.
Nathaniel S. Berry, elected in 1861, was inaugurated Governor in June
of that year. He was succeeded in June, 1863, by Joseph A. Gilmore,
who held office until June, 1865, when Frederick Smyth succeeded to the
executive chair. During these critical years these chief magistrates exer-
cised the great powers entrusted to them generally with wise discretion,
and they were held in esteem by the soldiers of the state.
Adjutant-General Abbott found himself without arms or equipments,
.confronted by an almost appalling emergency. He was zealous and en-
titled to commendation for his labors in fitting out the earlier regiments,
which went to the front exceptionally well provided. General Abbott
resigned in the summer of 1861, and, by authority from the War Depart-
ment, raised the Seventh Infantry, going out as its Lieutenant-Colonel.
He became Colonel on the death of Col. Putnam, who was killed at Fort
Wagner, was promoted to Brigadier General, was commandant of the
city and district of Wilmington, North Carolina, and after the war a sena-
tor from that state, at Washington. He subsequently engaged in business
in North Carolina, where he died.
He was succeeded by ex-Governor Anthony Colby, as Adjutant-Gen-
eral of the state, who in turn was followed by his son. Daniel E. Colby,
who held the office until the accession of Governor Gilmore in 1864, when
Natt HeLad, afterwards Governor, was made Adjutant- General, hold-
ing the place until his accession to the chief magistracy, when the present
Adjutant-General, A. D. Ayling, was appointed.
The Colbys, father and son, were reliable, earnest men, who brought to
their duties devotion and painstaking care. General Head became at once
favorably and widely known, and his excellent administration of the office
I i;id much to do with his advancement to the executive chair.
It is an act of justice to say, that the present Adjutant- General, him-
The Soldiers of Coos. L63
self a veteran of the war, by his zeal in perfecting the invaluable records
of the soldiers of the state, and his ability in their preparation, as well as
by his general efficiency, merits recognition from New Hampshire soldiers
among the executive officers who organized, equipped, and forwarded our
The "boys" who, during the process of organization and muster, were
familiar with the State House and its officials, will not have forgottrn
Hon. Thomas L. Tullock, Hon. Allen Tenney, and Hon. Benjamin Gerrish,
consecutively Secretaries of State. Mr. Tullock died in Washington after
having long held important offices there; Mr. Gerrish died in Boston in
1885, after having been Consul at Nantes and Bordeaux, France; while
Mr. Tenney is a successful lawyer at Norwich, Conn. Neither will they
cease to remember their enthusiastic friend Hon. Peter Sanborn, the State
Treasurer, nor his flights of rhetoric. — like that in his address to an out-
going regiment, in the State House yard, when, pointing to the eagle
perched on the colors, and the proud bird on the cupola, he exclaimed:
"Boys! here are two eagles; bring 'em both back with you!" and his
address in the old Representatives Hall, to another regiment on the ' ' army
worm." Col. Sanborn, having long ago retired from public life, survives
on the paternal farm at Hampton, enjoying a vigorous and honored old age.
Elder John Hook, who sold "pies an' things" near the camp-ground,
still survives, dispensing gospel truths and "Hook's Healing Balm"
throughout the land, a devout, honest and excellent man.
Upon the reception of the proclamation of the President calling for 75,-
000 men for three months, it was determined to open recruiting offices, and
call for volunteers, and a proclamation was issued to that effect on the l(5th
of April. Recruiting offices were opened at the principal towns — that for
this county at Lancaster, April 1 6, in charge of the writer of this chapter, as
aid to the Adjutant-General. Two days later he was ordered to turn this
office over to a subordinate, and report at headquarters, Ira S. M. Gove
being left in charge. Arrived at Concord, he was commissioned by Gov-
ernor Goodwin, Assistant Adjutant-General of the state, and ordered to
repair to Portsmouth, to prepare there for the reception of recruits to be
organized into a second regiment. He held this position until the Second
Regiment had left the state, and the troops at Fort Constitution had been
nearly all discharged.
Having thus referred to the civic and military organizations, I now
propose to give a brief resume of the operations of each command, and fco
publish as full a list of soldiers from Coos as can be procured from the
sources before referred to: —
The First Infantry was raised for three months' service, and contained
no men from this county. It was organized at Concord, received an
ovation in New York on its way to Washington, and was stationed on the
ltJi History of Coos County.
Upper Potomac during its period of enlistment. It was composed of the
finest material, and was admirably officered and drilled. It was supplied,
as was the Second and Third, with "claw-hammer" coats of heavy gray
cloth, which were soon thrown aside for the easy blouse. Its field officers
were Colonel, Mason W. Tappau, who afterwards declined the colonelcy
of one of the later regiments; Lieut. -Col., Aaron F. Stevens, subse-
quently Colonel of the Thirteenth, Brigadier-General and Member of Con-
gress; and Major, Thomas J. Whipple, a veteran of the Mexican war, sub-
sequently Colonel of the Fourth, and now, honored by the community
wherein he resides, an eminent lawyer at Laconia. Col. Tappan, then
Attorney-General of the state, died about the beginning of the present
year, at his home in Bradford.
The Second Infantry. — The response to the call for three months' men
far exceeding the limit of troops called for from the state, the Governor
determined to order the surplus above the maximum of the 1st Regiment
into camp at Portsmouth, pending a decision as to their disposal. Accord-
ingly the Rope- walk, near the South mill pond, was utilized as a barrack,
and the men came into camp. In May it was found that no more men for
three months would be received, and the question of enlisting for three
years was presented The great portion of the recruits accepted the new
terms, those declining to extend their term of service being sent as a gar-
rison to Fort Constitution, at the mouth of Portsmouth Harbor, from
which they were discharged the ensuing summer.
Thomas P. Pierce, of Nashua, a veteran of the Mexican war, had been
commissioned Colonel. Declining to serve for three years, he resigned,
and Gilman Marston, of Exeter, was appointed Colonel; Frank S. Fiske, of
Keene, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Josiah Stevens, Jr., of Concord, Major. Gen-
eral Marston served through the war with distinction, was promoted as
Brigadier-General, and is now, in his hale old age, an active and eminent
lawyer at Exeter. Lieutenant-Colonel Fisk resigned after a year's service,
and is now clerk of the U. S. district court, in Boston. Major Stevens
subsequently resigned, and died at Manchester, about the time of the first
veterans' reunion, which was held in that city in 1875.
On its way to the front, the regiment, in passing through Boston, re-
ceived a magnificent welcome at the hands of the sons of New Hampshire
resident in that city. It was reviewed by Governor Andrew from the
State House, dined at Music Hall, and was paraded upon the common.
To give the record of this famous regiment would be to write the his-
tory of the Army of the Potomac, in which it served through the war, re-
enlisting at the expiration of its three years of duty. It was a nursery,
from which came many accomplished officers for other regiments, it
received and assimilated the 17th Regiment in 1863, and a great number of
recruits, and during its entire service was conspicuous for bravery, soldierly
The Soldi krs of ( '<><">s.
behavior, and untiring devotion to the canst'. Its record was always right,
and its well-earned fame is beyond praise. It was mustered oul al City
Point, Va., November is, and paid off at Concord, November 26, 1865.
)t. Co. C,
Ira (i. Douglass,
Lancasti r
Oliver P. Day, H,
3o. F,
Morrill c. Day, Co. unknown,
Claude De Vire, Co. unknown,
John King, B,
Edson J. Dunham, F,
Joseph Greeley, F,
Thomas Hudson, F,
( llarksville
Clark sville
Henry Johnson, F,
Daniel Johnson, B,
Stiwartstiiw 11
Robert Knight, B,
John King, F,
Simon Layne, F,
James Lynch, F,
James Martin.
Charles E. Mclntire, G,
Henry Martin, Co. unknown.
Martin's Grant
Edgar Morse, Co. unknown.
Samuel 0. Nutter, F,
John Puryea, K,
Ira Noyes. K,
Alfred Poquet, unknown,
Henry Gleason. B,
George Robinson, I,
Benjamin Sawyer, F,
John Puryea, K.
Joseph Scott, F,
Thomas Williams, I,
Stephen Smith, F,
Henry Smith, F,
Joseph Thompson, D,
Augustus M. Williams, unknown,
Levi Hicks, B,
George A. Rowell, A,
Charles W. Randall, B,
Samuel D. Wright, F,
■ i
Alfred Poquet, H,
George Workman,
Thomas Williams.
Joseph Thompson, B,
John L. York,
Marcout Bernabon, (',
Fay Carleton, 15,
< 'oh brook
David S. Chandler, B,
Edwin R. Cilley, B,
Simon S. P. Smith, B,
Hart's Location
Ira Sweatt, B,
Hugh R. Richardson, Lt. Co. F, Capt.
Harrison D. F. Young, Co. H, Capt. Co. F,
Welcome A. Crafts, Lt.-Col. 5th,
Charles W. Fletcher, Sergeant,
Lovell W. Brackett, F,
Richard 0. Young, F,
Lorenzo D. Adley,
Arthur R. Aldrich, B,
John Barney, F.
Charles Buck, F.
George Burt, F.
Joseph Benway, F,
Samuel H. Clough, F,
Harmon Frost,
Edgar Gaines, F,
John Gilman, D,
Henry S. Hilliard, F, Capt. 5th,
William H. Tibbetts, B,
George Workman, F,
James Hagan, F,
Bernard Johnson, F,
Thomas Kenney, F,
George W. Morgan, F,
Cyrus W. Merrill, F,
William H. Gault, B,
Amasa F. Huggins, B,
Simon Merrill, F,
Patrick McCaffrey, F,
Eleazer D. Noyes, H,
Charles F. Nutter, F,
Frank F. Noyes, G,
John Ordway, F,
George Robinson, F,
William H. F. Staples, F,
Thomas J. Severance, F,
Lewis Tashro, B,
Clark Stevens, F, and Lt. H'y Art.
Lucian B. Grout, K,
Levi Witham, F,
Ira M. Wallace, F,
Gilman Aldrich, F.
Levi P. Barrows, F,
Jerome H. Brown, F,
Ebenezer Carpenter, F,
Thomas Crawford,
Jere Cronin,
The Third Infantry. — This command was organized at Concord in the
summer of 1861, and from excellent material Enoch Q. Fellows, now
living at Sandwich, a graduate of West Point, and the Adjutant of the
History of Coos County.
1st Regiment, was its Colonel; John H. Jackson, of Portsmouth, a vet-
eran of the Mexican war, now an inspector in the Boston custom house,
Lieut. -Colonel; and John Bedel, of Bath, also a Mexican veteran, afterward
brevetted Brigadier, who died in 1875, Major. There was no commis-
sioned officer from this county, the men being recruited and going in
without company organization.
The Third was first assigned to duty on the seaboard in the South,
serving with distinction at Hilton Head, Charleston, Fernandina, Fla.,
and other strategic points. It joined the Army of the James and took
part in the closing scenes before Richmond. Like the Second, it furnished
many officers for later regiments, and received a large number of recruits.
Its record was highly honorable; it was' engaged in desperate battles; did
garrison and fortification duty; and in all respects won fairly the high
reputation that has always been accorded to it. It was mustered out July
20, 1865.
Orville E. Moulton, Sergeant.
Orlando Brown, I,
Thomas Cassady, Corporal,
Charles M. Blood, I,
Edwin E. Jones, H, 9tb, Corporal,
Louis Beldeau,
Nelson B. Lindsey, Corporal, 17th H'y
Art. "
Amos C. Colby, I,
John W. Morse, Musician,
William Eastman, I,
James Blanehard,
Andrew J. Fowler, I,
Frederick T. Bennett,
Freeman F. Glines, I,
Granville Blake,
Montraville P. Horton, I,
Joseph Chesley,
Kobert B. Holmes. I,
John H. Cameron,
Edward Hall.
Orland Day,
Jonas Ingerson, I,
James W. Farrington,
Marshall H. King, I,
Oscar Gaines,
John Kisling,
Charles H. Kane,
Horatio P. Lougee, I,
George W. Mclntyre,
Horace M. Lindsey, I,
DeWitt C. Paine,
William W. Lang, I,
White Pilbro,
James McCrillis,
William Wilkins,
James Moulton, I,
Calvin 0. Wilkins,
John W. Moidton, I,
Frederick A. Wentworth,
John M. Morse, I, Sig. Service,
Isaac I. York,
Daniel W. Titus, I,
Ira D. Hyde,
Almon B. White, I,
Azariah L. Clark.
Charles McKee, K,
Ezra D. Clark,
William S. Morse, K,
Josiah S. Blood, I,
The Fourth Infantry, — This command was officered by Col. Thomas J.
Whipple, Lieut. -Col. Louis Bell, killed at Fort Fisher, January 15, 1865,
and Jeremiah D. Drew, of Salem, Major. It was a valuable and efficient
three years regiment, originally part of the force on the South Atlan-
tic coast. It had no organized body of men from this county. Its
service was at Hilton Head, Fernandina, Charleston, and in the Army of
The Soldiers of Coos.
the James, before Petersburg and Richmond. It was mustered out August
27, 1865.
Franklin Crawford. D,
Robert Calahan, D,
Daniel Day. Jr., F,
William Chester, K,
Stewartst.iw u
Orange Fisk, H,
John Craver, K,
John Smith, F,
Francis Duquette, H,
Louis Black, D,
Henry Dubois, K,
Charles Williams, K,
Michael Gero, D,
Thomas Flynn, K.
Louis Grapo, G,
Henry F. Wardwell, Asst. Surgeon,
George L. Harrington, K,
James M. Kidder, K,
Eugene Lacroix, K,
Thomas H. Mayo, I,
George La Plant, K,
Peter Anderson, K,
George Peno, K,
Samuel Barney, G,
James Taylor, C,
Joseph Brown, G,
Horace Taylor, K,
The Fifth Infantry. — This command contained several Field, Staff and
Line officers, an entire Co. (B) and many recruits from this county. It
had a notable record for daring bravery, and was one of the conspicuous
regiments of the Volunteer Service. This was largely due to the person-
nel of its first commander, Col Edward Ephraim Cross, of Lancaster, who
had shared largely in the adventurous life of the southwestern frontier.
Leaving home at an early age, he had been a newspaper reporter at Cin-
cinnati and Washington, and wagoned the first printing press across the
plains to Tucson, in Arizona, where he established a paper. Engaged in
warfare with the Apache and other tribes, he subsequently took service
with the Republic of Mexico, until he came north to offer his services to
his native state in the summer of 1861. His campaigning life, and famil-
iarity with the ways of regular soldiery, gave him a position and influ-
ence that added eclat to his recruiting and procured for his regiment from
the outset, a reputation for dash and effective work.
The regiment went into camp at "Camp Jackson," at Concord, on
the bluffs opposite the lower or Federal bridge, with Edward E. Cross as
Colonel, Samuel G. Langley, late Adjutant of the Second, Lieut. -Colonel,
and William W. Cook, of Boston, Major. Colonel Cross, after a most gal-
lant and brilliant career, fell mortally wounded an Gettysburg, while com-
manding the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of the Second Army corps,
and was buried with impressive Masonic ceremonies from the homestead
at Lancaster. A monument, erected by friends, commemorates his serv-
ices, and marks the spot of his repose, while the local post of the Grand
Army and the Relief Corps bear his name. Lieut. -Col. Langley resigned
after about a year of service, and died in Washington in 186S. Major
Cook died since the close of the war.
As with the Second, so with the Fifth, the limits of a chapter would
utterly fail to give its history. It furnished gallant officers for later regi-
History of Coos County.
merits, received many recruits and was always conspicuous for its bravery
and heroic work. It was in the Peninsula, Maryland, Pennsylvania and
Virginia campaigns, and its Colonel made the proud boast to the writer,
that at the disastrous charge at Fredericksburg, ' ' his dead lay nearer the
enemy's rifle pits, than those of any other regiment in the Army of the
Potomac." While a veteran of the Fifth remains, its deeds of daring,
its amateur engineering, its marches and its conflicts will be as fresh in
their memories as the rollicking strains of " One Eyed Eiley!" and their
services will have the appreciation that follows honest endeavor. The
regiment was mustered out July 8, 1805. The Surgeon of the Fifth was
John W. Bucknam, of Lancaster, a devoted and excellent officer. Dr.
Bucknam engaged in practice at Great Falls, with great success, and died
there widely esteemed.
Edward E. Cross, Colonel,
Richard E. Cross, Lieut.-Col.,
Welcome A. Crafts, 2d, Lieut. -Col.
John W. Bucknam, Surgeon,
Charles M. Trask, Asst. Surgeon,
O'Niell B. Twitchell, Captain,
Edmund Brown, Captain,
Her.ry S. Hilliard, Captain,
Elijah F. Marden, Lieut.,
Nathaniel F. Low, Lieut.,
Moses W. Band, Lieut.,
Freeman Lindsey, Wagoner,
John G. Sutton, B,
Charles E. Graham, B, Musician,
Joseph B. Hanson, B, Wagoner,
Sewell R. Aldrich, B,
Isaiah W. Burbank, B,
David A. Brinington, B,
William A. Oorson, B,
James Cummings, B,
Alexander Cummings, B,
William G. Ellis,
Levi J. Corson, B.
Michael Cassady, B,
James Cassady, B,
Joseph M. Davis, B,
Michael Eagan, B,
Erastus W. Forbes, B,
John Fair, B,
Daniel Gillander, B,
Reuben Gassett, B,
Asa D. Goodwin, B,
Jacob A. Harriman, B,
Leonard W. Howard, B,
Charles A. Hutchinson, B,
Franklin M. Higgins, B,
Francis Heywood, B,
Henry W. Libbey, B,
Du miner
Charles H. Linton, B,
Louis Lapointe, B,
Patrick Maley, B,
Aurin Morse, B,
Frederick Millar, B,
Henry McGann, B,
N. W. Ordway,B,
Bailey A. Parker, B,
Eldad A. Rhodes, B, Sei'geant,
Francis A. Russel, B,
George H. Roberts, B,
Hosea Stone, B,
J. S. C. Twitchell, B,
Thomas S. Thayer, B,
William R. Yates, B,
Lawson A. Yorke, B,
Luther Walcott, E,
Sylvanus Chessman, F,
Richard Fletcher, B,
George H. Nickerson, F,
Milton A. Adams, A,
■ ■
William Cummings, B,
Enoch N. Clement, A,
James Colby, B,
Reuben F. Carter, K,
George Delair,
King J. Cross, H,
Joseph Derusha, A,
John Edwards, G,
Joseph Hart. D, Musician,
Hiram Hilliard, B,
William F. Horn, A,
Charles Kraft, C,
John Malia, G,
Joseph P. Matthews, H, H'y Art.,
Martin McCormic, F,
Daniel Mahoney, F,
George W. Marden, A,
The Soldiers of Coos.
Charles D. Parrington, B,
George Ridley, E,
George A. Richards, F,
John A. Manchester. A,
Edward Sweeney,
Charles Sawyer, E,
Alvin Saunders, F,
John Sullivan, G,
Solomon Wilson, B,
Lancasti r
Joseph Washburn, I,
Terence Garrett,
William II. Veazie,
Portus U. Brown, B,
Samuel A. Andrews, B,
Scribner Cates, H,
1 1, orge E. ( lates, H,
Jonathan Dow, B,
Leonard W. Howard, B,
I 'a 1 ton
Lanca ti i
The Sixth Infantry. — This regiment was organized at Keene, in No-
vember, 1801. Gen. Nelson Converse, of Marlborough, of the old militia,
was its Colonel; Simeon G. Griffin, of Nelson, late Captain of Co. B, 2d
Regiment, Lieut. -Col.; and Charles Scott, of Peterboiough, Major. It
served in several departments, being first ordered to the Southern Atlantic
coast, at Hatteras Inlet, N. C, and Roanoke Island— it then became a part
of Burnside's corps, serving in Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, and on the
Mississippi. It took part in the momentus battles of Antietam, Second Bull
Run, Fredericksburg, the siege of Vicksburg, and the closing scenes of the
war with the Army of the Potomac, in 180tLand '65, and was mustered out
July 22, 1 805. This was an excellent regiment, in discipline and effective-
ness. Col. Converse, its original commander, did not serve but a few
months, when Lieut. -Col. Griffin assumed command. He distinguished
himself as an officer, and received the highest promotion accorded to a
New Hampshire soldier, being Brigadier and Brevet Major-General. His
home is now in Keene, although he has large interests in ranche property
in Texas, to which he devotes considerable of his time.
John Anderson, G,
Thomas Arnold,
William H. Autum,
John C. Brooks, H,
Otto Bockel, B,
John Battis, A,
William Boyle, H,
Thomas Bemis,
John Brown, G,
Henry Black, A,
William Baker, Jr., A,
Charles Brown,
Thomas Bowman, B,
Martin Bird, G,
David F. Coates,
William Clark, C,
Frank Croft, D,
James Chaculaga,
William H. Cram, K,
William Devoe, K,
James Delaney,
Morris Daley, H,
Charles Davis, C,
Peter Deerin, H,
John Davis,
Peter Dolan,
Walter H. Evans, E,
Henry Freeman, E,
John Flood, E,
George Fawkes,
Charles Gelherg, K.
Frank Guillette,
William Greene, H,
Edward Gillingham, H,
George. V. Gam shy, B,
( lalvin Hicks, K,
William Gibson, F.
Francis Gallagher, D,
St- wartstown
John Henry, A,
Theodore Bagerman, K.
Peter Hanson,
John Hogan,
( lolnmbia
Ephraim E. Holmes, H,
William Johnson, D,
Stewart stown
darks'* ille
History of Coos County
John James, C,
George Owens,
Lewis King, K,
Eli P. Pierce, B,
George King. E,
Charles Paul, I,
Zor Karlson, G,
Charles Parker, F,
Henry Kulp, A,
Leon Roberts. P.
WiUiam Kelley, C,
Charles E. Rogers, H,
Charles Linn, F,
Frank Sullivan, A,
William Lower, C,
Linus Summers, B,
Earnest A. Leavitt, I,
Henry Stone,
Patrick Lakey, E,
Ralph Sullivel, C,
Henry H. Lucus, H,
Francis St. Peter, H,
Joseph Lord,
Charles H. Smith, H,
John Lanigan,
Thomas C. Sullivas, H,
John Morrison,
John Snow, C,
Victor Levie,
Charles Sweet, Jr., I
Francis Mack, K,
George Tabor, D,
Thomas Moran, E,
James Thomas, D,
John Markston, D,
Richard Troy, A,
James Madigan, A,
Freeman Tyrill, B,
John McDonnell, E,
James Ward, H,
Michael Nelligan,
Aaron Wright, I,
Andrew Nelson,
Franklin Walker, A,
William O'Niell. G,
Thomas Williamson, C,
John Oliver. I,
Nathaniel P. Ordway, E,
William Obeg, C,
The Seventh Infantry. — This command, raised under exceptional cir-
cumstances, by authority of the Secretary of War, went into camp at
Manchester in October, 1861, with Lieut. Haldiman S. Putnam, of the
Regulars, — a native of Cornish, in Sullivan county, — as Colonel, Joseph C.
Abbott, late Adjutant General, as Lieut. Col., and Daniel Smith, of Dover,
as Major.
This command, which was exceptionally well prepared by drill and
discipline for its later experience, left the state on the 14th. of January,
1862, and was sent by transport to the Dry Tortugas, Fla , where it gar-
risoned Fort Jefferson and other important works. In June it was sent to
Beaufort, S. C, and then to St. Augustine, Fla, It participated in the his-
toric attack on Fort Wagner, Charleston harbor, July 18, 1803, where its
Colonel was killed after having effected an entrance to the fort, although
our forces were afterward repulsed. It served with the Tenth Corps dur-
ing the closing scenes of the war near Petersburg and Richmond. It en-
gaged in storming and capturing Fort Fisher, near Wilmington, N. C,
and through all its arduous service, acquitted itself with great persistence,
devotion and bravery. It was mustered out July ±2, 1865, and reached
Concord early in August of that year.
Charles P. Denison, A, Captain,
Ezra Carter, A,
Frederick Ingerson, A,
James S. Lucus, A,
Alden Lewis, A,
Philip McCaffrey, A,
John L. Meserve, A,
Cyrus Savage, A,
The Soldiers of Coos.
Charles C. Beaton, G,
Edward Carr, C,
Charles A. Cross, E,
Levi Dunham, I,
Frank Fell, H,
.Julm (Ira nt, A,
Daniel T. Johnson, < '•.
James A. King, B,
Joseph Lary, H,
Thomas Wilson. A,
I . irham
The rolls of Co. A, A. G. O.. show residence "unknown" of nearly all
its members, making accuracy of compilation uncertain.
The Eighth Infantry. — This three years regiment was organized at
Manchester, served valiantly on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, at Baton
Eouge, Port Hudson, and Sabine Pass, Texas; re-enlisted and underwent
all the hardships of battle, siege and sickness in an unhealthy climate,
being finally mustered out at Concord in January, 1865, and its veteran
battalion in October of the same year. It contained no organization from
Coos Its officers were: Hawkes Fearing, of Manchester, Colonel; Oliver
W. Lull, of Milford, who had been an Aid to Gen. George Stark, of the
state service, at Portsmouth, and who was killed at Port Hudson, Lieut. -
Col. ; and Merril B. Smith, of Concord, Major. For a time this regiment
was mounted, and known as the c2d N. H. Cavalry.
Bichard Adams,
Matthew Agar, D,
John Adams, F,
Doric Boreasau, I,
Willington Brown, G,
Joseph Bondrie, C,
Michael Brady, C,
William Brown, F,
James F. Brown, F,
Stephen Cook, C,
Newell P. Chase, G,
John Cornet, C,
Peter Coffin, D,
Thomas Clark, D,
William Cloutman, F,
Thomas Connor, B,
William Dammings, D,
Moellor A. Dorl, D,
Patrick Duffy, D,
George Durkee, F,
Grege C. French, C,
Lewis Gutcher, C,
Joseph Gremer, D,
Louis Houll,
William B. Hetson, E,
Henry George, F,
James O'Hern, F,
John A. Holyoke, B,
William Jarvis, D,
Bartholomew Jordan, D,
John Jordan, E,
Allen Johnson, F,
Edward Kelley, I,
Cyril LaFaince, I,
Charles W. Larkin, I,
Fargenam Levene, I,
James S. Lane, H,
George Lansinger, D,
Peter Larsen, D,
Jonathan Metcalf, G,
William F. McCormic, D,
Charles A. Myers, D,
William Merrill, G,
Charles 0. Merry, G,
Ezra S. Nourse, D,
Michael O'Flanigan, G,
Adam Osborne, C,
Jameson Perry, G,
Albert Eowell, G,
Jacob Benold, G,
Joseph Shirlow, I,
Henry Sailor, C,
Isaac Smith, D,
Patterson Smith,
Oliver Sales. G,
William 11. Veazie, G,
Joseph G. Walcott, G,
Ira L. Westcott, C,
William Watson. D.
( lorliaiu
Thomas Williams, D,
Charles Wilson,
Charles B. Wilcox,
History of Coos County.
The Ninth Infantry. — This regiment was recruited more slowly than
its predecessors, and was perhaps the first that experienced to any consid-
erable extent the effect of the " bounty " system. It went into camp in
Concord in June, 1862, and left for the front August 25, under Col. E. Q.
Fellows, formerly of the Third. It was a gallant regiment and performed
heroic service. From first to last, it had many good men from the county,
and lost heavily in many engagements, notably, Antietam, Fredericksburg,
the battles of the Wilderness in 1864, and the closing conflicts of the war.
Its service was under Burnside, in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Mis-
sissippi and Tennessee, and it was mustered out in June, 18(55.
John W. Titus, of Keene, was Lieutenant-Colonel, and George H.
Chandler, of Concord, Major. Colonel Fellows, as before stated, survives,
as does Col. Titus. Major Chandler became a successful lawyer at Balti-
more and died within a few years.
The original detachment from this county, in the Ninth, was raised by
Lieut. John G. Lewis and incorporated in Co. H. Lieut. Lewis was a man
of sterling qualities, tenderness of heart and personal bravery. He was
killed while leading his company in storming the Heights at Fredericks-
burg in December, 1862. His body was borne off the field at night by
Masonic comrades and given interment under the solemn rites of that
order, at Lancaster, where a suitable monument records his virtues and
perpetuates his memory.
With Lieut. Lewis was Lieut. John Edwin Mason, who had made many
friends in Coos, while preparing the county map in 1860. He was engaged
with him in the enlistments and was commissioned in the same regiment.
His connection with the soldiers of Coos warrants the insertion of his name
in this connection. He was of Manchester, served with credit through the
war, and is iioav a surgeon in the Bureau of Pensions, Washington.
The enlistments from Coos and the subsequent choice of Coos recruits
for the Ninth, was due largely to the character and zeal of Lieut. Lewis,
whose memory is held in high esteem. The service of this regiment was
varied and trying. Serving in many states and on all kinds of military
duty, being transported over great distances and engaging in the most
arduous campaigns, it won and preserved a most honorable reputation for
discipline, endurance and bravery.
John G. Lewis, H, Lieut.,
John Howe, H, Sergt.,
Frederick Morse, H, Corp.,
William H. Allen, H,
Cleveland C Beard, H,
Leonard M. Beard, H,
Azel Dinsmore, H,
Sanford Dinsmore, H,
William H. Farnham. H,
Henry Houghton, H,
Albert Lindsey, H,
Henry H. Moulton, H,
Freeman H. Perkins, H,
Henry H. Sanderson, H,
Lucien F. Thomas, H,
Leander A. Wilkins, H,
The Soldiers of Coos.
Asahel Aldrich, H,
Henry H. Lucas, H,
Abraham H. Bedell, H,
Charles Lagard, K,
•i' fferson
Austin Bedell, H,
Victor Levie. E,
John C. Brooks, H,
Dennis Murphy, K,
William Boyle, H,
James Murray, A,
John Bondle, II, Mexican war.
Sylvester A. Newell, E,
Albert 8. Brown, K,
Samuel F. Ordway, E,
Thomas Bowman, B,
John L. Ordway, E,
John W. Brown, I.
Nathaniel I'. Ordway, E,
John Bradley, I,
.lames M. IYttengill, E,
Simon Conway, H,
Alfred C. Pratt, H, 6th, 17th,
and 2d, .1. fferson
George Cummings, H, 2d, 17th
and 6th, u
Paul Perkins, H,
William H. Cram, K,
Willard H. Perry. G,
Martin Connelly, E,
Charles C. Rogers, H,
James Calden, I,
Harrison E. Round, H,
Horace J. Chandler, A.
Frederick Rhodi, G,
Peter Deering, H,
Alonzo Stillings, H,
.li ffersi m
Ira G. Douglass, F,
Thomas C. Sullivan, H,
Philip Deary, G,
Charles Sweatt, Jr., I,
Charles 0. Ellingwood, E,
John Shover, F,
Walter H. Evans, E,
George Tenry, F,
Loren E. Stalbird, H,
George L. Vincent, E,
Michael Gibson, E.
John Vrooman, E,
Ephraim E. Holmes, H,
Charles H. Warren, K.
Ereeman H. Holmes, H,
James Ward, G,
Charles H. Hamlin, E,
James Wilson, G,
Joseph K. Hod»e, H,
Joseph Williams, B,
James W. Hayes, H,
Henry Walker, B,
Calvin Hicks. K,
John Williams, Jr., B,
Silas Howe, K,
Pecker C. Wood, H,
Edwin R. Jones, H, 3d,
Thomas Thorn, G,
Charles H. Keyzar, K,
William H. Wilkins, H,
John G. Lewis, 2d. H,
The Tenth Infantry. — This command, popularly known as the Irish
regiment, was organized at Manchester, and principally from that city
and southern portions of the state. It went into camp in August, 1862,
and was mustered the September following, Michael T. Donohoe being Colo-
nel, John Coughlin, Lieut. -Col., and Jesse T. Angell, Major. It was a
part of the Ninth Corps, and served in Virginia and the Carolinas, being
engaged in the operations of 180-1-65, in the reduction of Petersburg and
Richmond, and was mustered out June 21, 1st',;). Col. Donohoe was an
accomplished and meritorious officer, and was advanced to the rank of
Brigadier. He has, since the war, been engaged in railway pursuits, and
is at present an inspector of the Postoffice department. Lieut-Col. Cough-
lin, after having served with distinction, entered business in Washington
after the close of the war, where he has attained affluence.
There was no company or detachment in the Tenth from the county,
which, however, was represented by Surgeon Horatio N. Small, of Lancas-
ter, who entered the Thirteenth after the consolidation of hisoriginal regi-
ment, the Seventeenth, with the Second, and was promoted to be full Surgeon
of the Tenth. At the close of the war Dr. Small settled al Portland, M
History of Coos County.
where he became eminent as a practitioner. He died about the commence-
ment of the present year.
The Eleventh Infantry. — This command was recruited in August, 1S62,
and went into camp at Concord, leaving the state September 11. It was a
part of the Ninth Army Corps, served in Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee,
and was engaged at Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, the Wilderness, Spottsyl-
vania, Petersburg and the closing scenes of the war. It was a regiment
made up of admirable material, occupied a large share of public attention,
and did excellent service. Its original officers were Walter Harriman, of
Warner, Colonel; Moses N. Collins, of Exeter, Lieutenant-Colonel; and
Evarts W. Farr, of Littleton, Major. Colonel Harriman, after the war,
became for several years Secretary of State, was Governor and naval
officer of the port of Boston. He died June 1, 1884. Lieut. -Col. Collins
was killed at the Wilderness, May 6, 1864, and Major Farr served through
the war, was elected to Congress in 1878, and re-elected in November,
1880. He died the December following, at his home in Littleton.
John Burgin, G,
Michael O'Niel, B,
Robert Burns.
Francis O'Niel,
Charles W. Blakely,
William Phillips,
Clarence W. Bixby,
John Price.
James Cunningham,
Julius K. Ringer,
August Cochar.
John Richards
William Carroll,
John Smith,
Alonzo D. Creamer, G,
Samuel Sibley,
Frederick K. Ernworth,
Edward Savanack,
James Gold,
Frank Salerno,
Michael Foley, K,
Pierre Tonguire,
Francis Gallagher, D,
Louis Vauder,
Thomas Hill,
John Wesley,
Edward Harrington,
John Wolf,
Jerl'erso n
William Jones,
Charles West,
u name
Louis Levi it.
John C. Wilson,
Joseph Miller,
Eugene Welsh.
William Millerick, C,
August Welsh,
John McDonnell, E.
The Twelfth Infantry. — This command was raised within less than one
week, in August, 1862, in the region around Lake Winnipiseogee. It was
understood that the men were to select their own officers, and detachments
and companies were made up from localities, so that the aggregate was
more like the muster of a Highland clan, than like a common regiment.
It was the fervent desire of all, that the veteran, Thomas J. Whipple, a
soldier of two wars, and late of the First and Fourth, should be placed in
command; but the Executive failed to ratify this wish, and Joseph H. Pot-
ter, a New Hampshire man, and an accomplished officer of the regular
army, was placed in command, with John F. Marsh, of Nashua, as Lieu-
The Soldiers of Coos. 175
tenant-Colonel, and George D. Savage, of Alton, as Major. The regiment
served with distinction in Virginia during its entire enlistment. Col. Tot-
ter survived the war, and has recently gone upon the retired list of the
army as a Brigadier. Major Savage, a great favorite with all the "hoys,"
was long a popular character at all soldier gatherings, and died greatly
lamented, within a few years, at his home at Alton Bay. The veterans of
New Hampshire have two notable reminders of the gallant Twelfth, — Col.
Nat Shackford, the indefatigable secretary of the Veterans' Association.
and the " Memorial Stone " at the Wiers, the gift of comrade Woodbury
Sanborn, now of Lowell.
The Thirteenth Infantry. — This regiment went into camp at Concord, in
September, 1862, with Aaron F. Stevens, of Nashua, late Lieutenant-
Colonel of the First Regiment, Colonel; George Bowers, also of Nashua,
a veteran of the Mexican war, Lieutenant-Colonel; and Clement Storer,of
Portsmouth, Major. It left the state early in October, and its service
throughout was in Virginia It was mustered out June 20, 1865, and ar-
rived home about the first of July. It was engaged at Fredericksburg,
Suffolk, Drury's Bluff, Petersburg, and in other notable conflicts, and on
all occasions won and maintained high credit. Col. Stevens was brevetted
Brigadier, and was subsequently a member of Congress. Distinguished
as a public man and lawyer, he resides at Nashua, enjoying deserved
honors. Lieut. -Col. Bowers was afterward distinguished for his adminis-
tration as Grand Commander of the Department of New Hampshire, of
the G. A. R. He died at Nashua within a few years.
In this regiment was one company, H, and many recruits from this
county, chiefly the northern towns. This command was* raised by Nor-
mand Smith, Captain, of Sfcewartstown; Albe Holmes and Robert R.
Thompson, of Stratford, Lieutenants. It was composed entirely of volun-
teers, and from the best material the county afforded — men who realized
the work before them, and on all occasions performed their duties with
intelligence, patience and bravery. Captain Smith, in time, rose to the
command of the regiment. At the close of the war he moved to the
vicinity of Richmond, Va., a location familiarized to him by the dangers
and trials of his military career. He has been a member of the Virginia
Senate, and held other stations of responsibility. Lieut. Holmes, after a
successful business career in northern Coos, engaged in trade in Boston,
and resides near that city. Lieut. Thompson died in the army.
No better body of men went from the state, than those men who en-
listed from Coos, in this regiment. Since their return they have prospered,
generally, in business, and merit the respect that is accorded them.
History of Coos County.
Normand Smith, Lt.-Col., Stewartstown
Robert R. Thompson, H, D, Captain, Stratford
Albe Holmes, H, Lieut., "
Hubbard W. Hill, I, Lieut.,
Levi M. Wines, JB, Gorham
Jonathan M. Rix, D, Dalton
Otis B. Harriman, D, Lancaster
Fred'kK. Fletcher, H, (Capt. U. S. C. T.) Colebrook
Paul C. Davis, H, Columbia
Wm. A. Graham, H, (Capt U. S. C. T.) Stewartstowii
Ira Quimby, H,
Van R. Davis, H.
Cyrus R. Blodgett, H,
John A. T. Perham, H,
Ferrin A. Cross, H,
William Heath, H,
Oliver H. Stark, H,
Sidney A. Elmer, H,
Augustus Osgood, H,
Daniel G. Kipley, H,
Frank Snow. H,
Robinson S. Gamsby, H,
Franklin Annis, H,
Elbridge G. Arlin, H,
Erastus S. Atherton, H,
Elias Anderson, H,
Arnold Aldrich, H,
Sherman F. Bennett, H,
Charles W. Brown, H,
Albert C. Blodgett, H,
Truman D. Barnett, H,
Sherman H. Barnett, H,
Leander Babb, H,
George Brown, H,
Jesse M. Colby, H,
James C. Carleton, H,
James Carr, H,
Benjamin R. Corbett, H,
William Chappel, H.
Caleb T. Cleveland, H,
Alma M. Cross, H,
Chester W. Cilley, H,
Addison ('base, H,
David Clement, H,
Patrick Doorley, H,
C;i hb S. Dalton, H,
Joseph B. Eastman, H,
Carlos R. Fletcher, H,
Charles Forbes, H.
Carleton ('. Fuller, H,
Charles C. Faver, H,
Henry B. Gilkey, H,
Abie! B. (ilines, H,
Charles E. Graham, H, (Lt. U. S. C. T.)
Henry Hibbard, H,
Charles J. Hilliard, H,
Orrin HiUiard, II.
Albert Harris, H,
David Holbrook, H,
Oliver B. Huggins, H,
Elwyn Holbrook, H,
Charles Heath, H,
Francis G. Haines, H,
Nathan Heath, H,
Almanzo Heath, H,
Augustus A. Heath, H,
John W. Heath, H.
Nelson Haines, H.
John A. Hodge. H,
Andrew Hanan, H,
William R. Jordan, H,
Abel K. Jordan, Jr., H,
George C. Kimball, H,
James Knight, H,
John R. Little, H,
Joseph D. Little, H,
Philip Ladon, H,
William B. Luey, H,
James Legro, 2d, H,
Ephraim H. Mahurin, H,
Milo Mahurin. H,
William Men-ill, H,
Jeremiah Merrow, H.
Edwin Patterson, H,
Daniel W. Patrick, H,
William MeKinnon, H,
Andrew Matson, H,
George R. Pomeroy, H,
William Ro we, H,
Daniel Renton, H,
Seidell J. Stacy, H,
James Spreadbury, H,
David Spreadbury, H,
Charles C. Stoddard, H,
Fred Shorey, H,
Thomas Smith, H,
Henry S. Sleeper, H,
Gardner W. Smith, H,
Alvah Warren, H,
Jeduthan F Warren, H,
Henry M. Woodbury, H,
John C. Walker. H,
James W. Weeks, H,
Hiram C. Young, H,
George P.. Abbott, H,
Arthur R. Aldrich, H,
Albion ('. Aldrich. H,
< leorge H. Bannister, H,
James H. Bacon, H.
Edwin R. Cilley, I,
Timothy Covell, I,
David S. Chandler, I,
Charles ( i. Crawford, H,
Carleton Fay, I,
( li ilebrook
The Soldiers of Coos.
i i
William H. Clark, H,
Bi ajamin Knight, H,
sii vrartstown
Daniel Fletcher, H,
Lemuel Lafoe, 11.
Henry Gleason, I,
Daniel McAlister, H,
Charles D. Gamsby, I.
Dana 1!. Moody, 11,
William H. Gault, H,
Jul m Paul, H,
Gustavus E. Harvey. I,
Charles Perry, H,
Levi Hicks, I.
Charles W. Randall, I,
( Ulibrook
John Hogue, I.
( teorge A. Powell, H,
(iuy W. Johnson, I,
David 0. Rowell, H,
John J. Johnson, I,
Simon S. P. Smith, I,
i loli brook
James M. Jordon, H,
Ira Sweat t, I,
Daniel Johnson,
John Titus, I,
Henry A. Keach, H,
William H.Tibbetts, I,
Robert Knight. H.
Lewis Tashro,
Fourteenth Infantry. — This was the last three years regiment. It was
composed of excellent men, who discharged their duties with exemplary
fidelity and honor. It was mustered at Concord, September 24, 1^< '>:_'. and
left the state the latter part of the ensuing October. It first reported at
AVashington and spent the winter in picketing forty miles of thePotomar.
did provost and guard duty in Washington in 1863, and the next spring
was ordered to New Orleans, but came north the same summer, when it
went into the Shenandoah Valley, engaging in the historic campaign of
that year. The succeeding January it w^as sent to Savannah, Georgia,
coming north again in July, being mustered out at Concord on the 26th of
that month.
It was originally commanded by Robert Wilson, of Keene, Colonel;
Tileston A. Barker, of Westmoreland, Lieutenant-Colonel; and Samuel A.
Duncan, of Plainfield, Major. Col. Wilson resigned on the 18th of Sep-
tember, 1864, when Major Alexander Gardiner was promoted to Colonel;
he was mortally wounded at Opequan the following day.
In this regiment, Co. E and many recruits came from this count y.
chiefly from the Androscoggin and Ammonoosuc valleys and from about
Lancaster. This command, like the Thirteenth, was composed of excel-
lent material. It was originally enlisted by Edmund Brown, who was for
s, time a Captain in the Fifth, but was turned over by him to Freedom M.
Rhodes, of Lancaster, who was commissioned Captain. Franklin \V heeler,
of Berlin, John E. Willis, of Gorham, for whom is named the local post
of the G. A. R., and Charles Cobleigh, of Northumberland, were at differ-
ent times Lieutenants. The service of this regiment, and of our own people
in its ranks, was every way creditable to its members. Capt. Brown died
at Lancaster in L882. Capt. Rhodes, after many disappointments in his
plans and aspirations, died at Hartford, Vt.. within a few years, and was
buried at Lancaster. Lieuts. Wheeler and Cobleigh still remain to enjoy
the honors they won.
History of Coos County.
Freedom M. Rhodes, 2d, Capt.,
Franklin Wheeler, E, Lieut.,
John E. Willis, E, Lieut.,
Hiram J. Rand, E,
John A. Harriman, E,
Lewis P. Summers, E,
Walter Buck, E,
Thomas J. Lary, E,
Isaac R. Smith, E,
David S. Harvey, E,
Leland B. Philbrook, E,
William A. Willis, E,
George W. Purington, E,
Ormando Larv, E.
Theodore Morin, E,
George R. Holmes, E,
Abel H. Wesson, E,
George Applebee, E,
George S. Bartlett, E,
Joseph Brooks. E,
Harvey R. Brown, E,
Frank Boutwell, E.
Emery M. D. Ball, E,
Horace Cushman, 2d, E,
Moses S. Curtis, E,
Aaron Cotton, E,
William H. Clark,
Bryant E. Crawford, E,
Moses Colby, E,
John G. Day, E,
Alden A. Dow, E.
Oscar P. Ellingwood, E,
Edwin F. Evans, E,
Nathaniel Emery, E,
Marquis D. L. Elliot, E,
Darius G. Eastman, E,
William Evans, E,
Erastus W. Forbes, E,
Stephen P. Folsom, E,
George W. Ford, E,
Henry Goodnow, E,
John W. Greenlaw, E,
Jared Gray, E.
Rufus D. Gaskill, E,
Joseph M. Gray, E,
Daniel Griffin. E,
Alman P. Gaskill, E,
Ida A. Hodge, E,
William W. Holbrook, E,
Roswell Holbrook, E,
James O. Hubbard, E,
Hiram G. Hicks, E,
Thomas A. Hawkins, E,
Charles Henson, E,
Moses Henson, E,
George W. Ingerson, E,
William W. Johnson, E,
Harry W. Jordan, E,
Thomas J. Jordan, E,
Edward Jarvis, E,
William Jarvis, E,
Calvin J. Knight, E,
Andrew J. Lary, E,
Eldolph Lary, E.
John B. Love joy, E,
William M. Limn, E,
Henry A. Lane, E.
George H. Lindsay, E,
Benjamin F. Moulton, E,
George W. Morse, E,
John Morse, E,
Erastus Massure, E,
Jonas Massure, E,
Freeman Marshall, E,
Loren McFarland, E,
Daniel McAllister, E,
Charles E. Nutter, E.
Daniel Ordway, E,
John D. Orcutt.
Henry Paige, E,
Daniel Potter. E,
John Purington, E,
George C. Quint, E,
James M. Rowe, E,
Lemuel M. Richardson, E,
Daniel S. Robbins, E,
Spaulding S. Rich. E,
Munroe J. Stone, E,
William H. H. Stalbird, E,
Reuel P. Stillings, E,
Sumner Sessions, E.
William Sherwood, E,
Claudius A. Twitchell, E,
John Veazie, E.
Asahel K. Wallace, E.
Alger B. Wheeler, E,
Edward B. Wilder, E,
George F. Webb, E,
Horace York, E,
David Young, E,
Antipas Young, E,
Ethan A. Andrews. F,
James H. Blodgett. F,
^Yilliam J. Cummings, F,
John Cummings, F,
Patrick Carmen, F,
Thomas Casey, F,
William R, Elliot, F.
Sumner F. Frost. F,
Frederick 0. Hayes, F,
Ira D. Hyde, F,
Perrin Lambert, F,
W( sley J. Lucas, F,
Andrew Pheney, F,
The Soldiers of Coos.
George A. Wentwc*tb
Anton Kliner,
1: i n
James H. Webber, F,
Edward Letcher, F,
Sidney I. Wells, F,
John D. Pike, E,
Eben W. Parker, I,
Charles M. Twitched, E,
John McMahan, I,
Jesse Underwood, E,
William Blair, E,
Thomas Wentworth, E,
Caleb F. Bean, E,
John Alexander.
Abraham Bell,
Frank Sabine, E,
Alanson Cross, E,
Alexander Vancore,
Charles Cobleigh, E, Lieut..
Charles A. Whipp, E,
Peter Dyer, C,
Henry A. Reach,
John C. Evans, E,
Albion C. Aldrich,
Alpheus W. Hawkins,
Hezekiah Stoddard,
Stt wartstown
The Fifteenth Infantry. — This was the first of the nine months regi-
ments, went into camp at Concord in October, 186:2, leaving the state
November 12, serving with Gen. Banks's command on the lower Mississippi,
taking part in the siege of Port Hudson and other operations in that region,
and was mustered out at Concord August 13, 1863. It had no men from
this county. John W. Kingman, of Durham, was its Colonel, George W.
Frost, of XeAvmarket, Lieutenant- Colonel, and Henry W. Blair, who had
raised a company at Plymouth, Major.
Col. Kingman, after peace was restored, was appointed Governor of
Wyoming Territory, where he now resides. Major Blair, promoted to
Lieutenant-Colonel, entered political life, was a member of the House and
Senate, was twice elected to Congress, and is now serving on his second
term in the Senate of the United States.
The Fifteenth was a good regiment, and during its brief service per-
formed important and valuable duties.
Sixteenth Infantry. — This was the second of the nine months regi-
ments. It contained no men from Coos. It went into camp at Concord
in October, 1862, was mustered with the minimum number allowable for a
regiment, — after great effort to secure such number, — about the middle of
the succeeding month, joining Banks's expedition on the lower Mississippi.
It suffered terribly from sickness, although it lost no men in battle, and
was depleted far beyond the average mortality of conflict. It was at New
Orleans, Baton Eouge, and Port Hudson, came north the following sum-
mer, and was mustered out the 20th of August, L863.
In the organization of this command, Rev. James Pike, late presidium-
elder of the Methodist church, was Colonel, Henry W. Fuller, of Con-
cord, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Samuel Davis, Jr., of Warner, Major. Col-
onel Pike was afterward elected to Congress, and made an unsuccessful
run for Governor. This regiment did its duty well, and accomplished all
that was assigned to it.
The Seventeenth Infantry. — The history of this regimenl i^ so excep-
tional as to call for a brief review of the facts attending its formation and
180 History of Coos County.
In August, 1802, the President issued his call for 300,000 men for nine
months. Governor Berry, on reception of this call, convened his council,
and determined to call for three regiments of volunteers, first appointing
their field officers and assigning the Fifteenth to the First Congressional
district; the Sixteenth to the Second district; and the Seventeenth to the
Third district, then embracing the counties of Cheshire, Sullivan, Graf-
ton and Coos, so that the officers being thus selected, volunteers would
understand with whom they were to serve. The field officers of the Seven-
teenth were Colonel, Henry O. Kent, of Lancaster; Lieut. -Col., Charles
H. Long, of Claremont; and Major, George H. Bellows, of Walpole.
The records of the Adjutant-General's office show that 701 men at once
volunteered, in the territory assigned for this regiment. Almost an entire
company was raised at Lancaster and in Coos, although it was in excess of
all quotas, and equal zeal was manifested elsewhere.
The Fifteenth and Sixteenth regiments were at this time in process of
formation, and in camp at Concord. The War Department, requesting
urgency in forwarding troops, the state authorities, contrary to the under-
standing, when the field officers were appointed, ordered the companies
first raised, irrespective of location, first into camp, thus assigning several
hundred men raised for this regiment, to the Fifteenth and Sixteenth, its
numerical predecessors.
Thus denied the men enlisted for it, the Seventeenth went into camp at
Concord, in November, 1S62, just as the Sixteenth left the state. A regi-
mental organization was perfected, and drill and discipline commenced and
continued. All through that dreary winter its officers were assured the
command should be filled, but volunteering had ceased, the Governor in
person ordered the acceptance of substitutes discontinued, and no re-
sources remained, save the unfilled quotas of dilatory and unwilling towns.
An attempt was made to secure the enforcement of a state draft, author-
ized by law, and under the control of a board of draft commissioners. A
draft was ordered for December 21, 1862, but it was postponed to January
8, 18(38, and finally abandoned. With the surrender of the draft, all hope
of aid from the state was given up, and February 9th the regiment was
furloughed to April 1, when, it was said, decisive measures would be
taken to put the command upon active service.
This interval, and the early part of April, was spent in earnest efforts
by the field and line officers, through memorials to members of Congress,
to induce the War Department to convert the regiment into batteries of
artillery, to send it out as a battalion, or to place it on detached service,
that officers and men might, together, serve out their enlistment at the
front. These requests were not approved, so that, when the regiment re-
assembled in April, nothing remained but to follow a special order of the
War Department which mustered out its commissioned and non-commis-
The Soldiers of Co<">s. im
sioned officers, and transferred the enlisted men to the Second Infantry
then at home on furlough, which was done April 1(5, L863.
The men of the Seventeenth, thus taken from their own officers and
command, found congenial association with the soldiers of that admira-
ble regiment, the Second, exhibiting a high order of discipline and bravery
at Gettysburg, losing as heavy a percentage in dead and wounded as any
command in that historic engagement.
At the close of their term of enlistment they were mustered out, but
so conspicuous had been their work that the commanding officer of the
Second, Colonel Edward L. Bailey, now of the Regular Army, issued a
special commendatory order, which we reproduce:—
"Head Quarters 2d New IIamp. Vols.
• " PojNT Lookout, Maryland, i
September 22, 1868. \"
" General Order No 14.
"Soldiers of the 17th :—
"Aroused by the necessities of your country, you assembled under a gallant and accomplished
leader, with justly high hopes, to lead with him, a brilliant career. After months of uncertainty,
you were consolidated with the Second. You had no choice in your disposition. You have com-
ported yourselves as men should, and have secured the respect of comrades and officers. During
the terrible contest (Gettysburg) you stood shoulder to shoulder with the familiars of fifteen bat-
tles, fighting as valiantly. * *
'Ed. L. Bailey,
"Col. 2d X. H. Vols."
Lieut. -Col. Long, as recited elsewhere, became subsequently Captain
of Battery A, and Colonel of the first and only regiment of Heavy
Artillery. At the close of the war he returned to his home at Claremont.
Major Bellows afterwards served with the same rank, in command of
a battalion of infantry raised for service in that section of Virginia, near
Washington, under control of the Union forces, wherein the state gov-
ernment, under Governor Pierpont, exercised authority.
With the untoward circumstances attending this regiment, arising out
of the presumed exigencies of the service, it is a gratifying recollection
and reflection, that the officers and men of the Seventeenth Infantry did
their whole duty wherever placed, obeying orders wholly unfortunate
and destructive of their pride and hopes, with soldierly alacrity; that the
men, in the most desperate conflict of the war, elicited special mention
for their bravery, and that this command enjoys fraternal recognition and
equal regard from the members of every war organization from the state.
Henry O. Kent, Colonel, Lancaster
Edward N. Cummings, Quartermaster, Colebrook
James D. Folsom, Surgeon, Lancaster
Horatio N. Small, Asst. Surgeon, 13th and 10th, "
Jared I. Williams, A, Captain, ''
James S. Bracket t. A. Lieut., Lancaster
.Jc-cpli CIki- . A. Lieut..
Charles N. Kent, c. Lieut., "
Ira s. M. Gove, Lieut., Commissary,
Daniel C. Bean, A. Berlin
History of Coos County.
John P. Denison, A,
Jesse Tuttle, C,
Charles E. King, A,
Ezra B. Bennett, A,
William B. Ingalls, A,
Charles A. Larkin, A,
Charles H. Brown, A.
George W. Blood, A,
George H. Emerson, A,
Oliver P. Smith, A,
Ellery Wheeler, A,
Hezekiah E. Hadlock, A, H'y Art.,
William J. Chamberlain, A,
Thomas P. Moody, A,
Harvey H. Lucas, A,
Walter S. Bailey, A, H'y Art.,
William Armee,
Austin Bedel, A,
Robert Blakely, A,
Simpson E. Chase, A,
Shepherd B. Cram, A,
Lewis W. Cutler, A,
George Cumings, Jr., 2d, A, 9th,
Thomas Cunningham, A,
Albra D. Cram, A,
John G. Derby, C, Orel. Sergt..
Jonathan E. Dustin, A,
Joseph H. Dustin,
Rut'us C. Hodgdon, A,
Royal Hicks, A,
Delevan G. Hubbard, A,
The Eighteenth Infantry. — This was the last regimental organization
mustered, and was made up of men who enlisted indifferently for differ-
ent terms of service. Recruiting commenced in July, 1864, but with the
organization of six companies the quota of the state was filled. During
the next spring three more companies were sent out, but K company was
stationed at Galloupe's Island, Boston Harbor, and was never ordered to
the front. There was no company in this regiment from Coos. The Reg-
imental organization was Thomas L. Livermore, of Milford, who had
served with distinction in the Fifth, Colonel; Joseph M. Clough, of New
London, who had an excellent record as a Captain in the Fourth, and who
has since commanded the militia of the state as Brigadier-General, Lieu-
tenant-Colonel; and William I. Brown, of Penacook, former Adjutant of
the Ninth, Major. This command was engaged in front of Petersburg,
and had an honorable record. It was mustered out at Concord by detach-
ments in June, July and August, 1805. Charles H. Bell, since Governor,
was originally commissioned Colonel, and J. W. Carr, of Manchester,
formerly of the Second, Lieutenant-Colonel, but each resigned before
Leland Hidjbard, A,
Willard A. Jackson, A,
Alfred Jackson, A,
John C. Jenness, A,
■ I
Lewis M. Jackman, A,
Joseph Kiley, A,
Asa J. King, A,
Robert King, A,
Nelson B. Lindsey, A,
John C. Moore, A,
Henry McCarthy, A,
I ancaster
Charles W. Moulton, A,
John M. Newell, A,
Sidney H. Peaslee, A,
Sumner Perkins, A,"
Alfred C. Pratt, A,
William C. Putnam, A,
Frank Rafferty, Jr., A,
Albro L. Robinson, A,
James Reed, A.
Ebenezer Rines, A,
James Ross, A,
William L. Rowell, A, Sergeant,
Jason Sherwood, A,
John W. Smith, A,
Cyril C. Smith, A,
f f
Edmund B. Sanborn, A,
William Warren, A,
George H. Weare, A,
f f
Albert F. Whipple, A, Band Leader,
John C. Staples, A,
The Soldiers of Coos.
Samuel I. Bailey,
Galen C. Smith. K,
Michael Earley, H,
Richard Tinkham, K.
Patrick ( lassady, K,
i .
William Keazan,
John Williams, I,
Alma Cates, F,
( lorham
Frank W. Dimond, K
Jacob F. Frost, F,
George N. Jones. K.
Stephen Morse, C,
William H. Crawford,
James II. Thomas, C,
William A. Hawkins,
John Nolan.
Samuel A. Hodgman,
The Light Artillery. — This organization, which was a very complete
and perfect one, was raised at Manchester in the summer of 1.861. It was
the only Light Battery recruited in the state. Its organization was George
A. Gerrish, of Portsmouth, Captain; Fred M. Edgill, of Orford, and Edwin
H. Hobhs, of Manchester, 1st Lieutenants; and John Wadleigh and Henry
F. Condict, of Manchester, 2d Lieutenants. It served with the Army of
the Potomac through the war, distinguishing itself in all its principal bat-
tles. In 1864 it was designated as Co. M, of the 1st Heavy Artillery, to
allow that command to muster as a regimental organization. While the
artillery service of the Army of the Potomac was exceptionally good, this
battery maintained a rank for excellence and bravery with the best. It
was mustered out in June, 1865.
The Heavy Artillery. — Immediately upon the consolidation of the
Seventeenth with the Second, Lieut. -Col. Long, of the former regiment,
obtained authority to raise a company of Heavy Artillery, to garrison Fort
Constitution, in Portsmouth harbor. This company was soon raised,
Lieut. -Col. Long being its Captain, he taking with him several non-com-
missioned officers of the Seventeenth. Later, Capt. Ira McL. Barton, of
Newport, of the Fifth, obtained authority to raise a second company for
garrison duty at Fort McClary, across the Piscataqua from Fort Constitu-
tion. These two companies, A and B. were mustered during the summer
of 1863. In the early autumn of 1864, authority was granted to augment
this nucleus to a full regiment of twelve companies of 1,800 men. The
attractions for this enlistment were great, and recruiting went on briskly.
Cos. A and B had, at this period, been for some time in the defenses of Wash-
ington, the line of earthworks north and west of the city, and the new
companies were forwarded to the same assignment as fast as mustered.
Kecruiting lagged, with the organization of the Eleventh Co., and in order
to give the command a muster of regimental officers, the Light Battery,
which had been in active service since 1861, was designated as Co. M, and
transferred to the Heavies. Col. Long being mustered, and the regimental
organization thus completed, the battery was ordered on detached service
under Gen. Hancock's command, so that its only connection with the regi-
ment was to enable it to muster as a complete organization. Battery A
History of Coos County.
was ordered back to Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, in January, 1865, and
Battery B, in February following.
Col. Long was assigned to duty in command of a brigade in Harden's
Division, and Lieut. -Col. Barton commanded the regiment. It was a splen-
did body of men, capable of performing most efficient service. It remained
in the defenses about the Capitol, save Batteries A, B, and M, until the sum-
mer of 1*65, when it was ordered to New Hampshire, and mustered out
June 19, 1865. In this regiment was Co. I, and part of Cos. L and A,
from this county. They were all volunteers, and exceptionally fine men.
The field officers were Charles H. Long, of Claremont, Colonel; Ira
McL. Barton, of Newport, Lieutenant-Colonel; George A. Wainwright, of
Hanover, Dexter CI. Reed, of Newport, and Frederick M. Edgill, of Orford
(of the Lt. Battery), Majors. Col. Long resides in Claremont. Lieut. -Col.
Barton went to Arkansas, reached the grade of General of Militia, was
active in local military troubles there, and died not many years after the
close of the war. Major Waimvright, who was Adjutant of the Seven-
teenth, resides at Hanover.
C W. Walker, Chaplain.
Company I.
Walter S. Bailey, A, Lieut.
John C. Jenness, I, Lieut.,
William G. Ellis, 5th,
William H. Shurtleff, I, Lieut.,
Joseph H. Wilder.
Clark Stevens, I, Lieut.,
Zeb Twitchell, S. S.,
W. C. Mahurin, L, Lieut.,
Charles E. Rolfe,
Charles S. Parker, A,
William M. Gushing,
George G. Ames, H.
William J. Chamberlain, 17th,
George B. Biake, H,
Charles Sherwood,
Daniel C. Bean, H, 17th and 2d,
George Bobinson,
Chester L. Bean, H,
Eben Little,
Samuel Bean, H,
Robert Blakely, 17th, 2d,
William H. Cookson, H,
Brooks E. Rodgers,
Alfred P. Chandler, H,
Alva W. Arlin,
Durgin Evans, H,
Alfred N. Alls,
Frank L. Forbush, H,
John Q. Babb,
Prescott Goud, H,
Melzar E. Beard,
Albert Green, H,
William Bishop,
Charles Green, H,
James D. Blodgett,
Charles E. Gray, H,
George S. Blake.
John Hawkins, H,
Charles A. Buffington,
Stephen Hawkins, H,
Benjamin C. Blood,
Dana T. Hamlin, H,
Joseph O. Barnett,
Charles G. Hamlin, H,
Jared P. Blood,
Clark Kimball, H,
Franklin A. Chamberlain,
John J. Martin, H,
Isaac F. Cotton,
Horace P. Moody, H,
Roswell C. Chesman,
Joseph Reeves, H,
Joseph B. Cloutman,
Henry Sanger, H,
Albert Carter.
Ebenezer H. Scribner,
George L. Colby,
Joseph S. Arnold, A,
Edward P. Cushman,
Samuel A. Burns, A,
Charles M. Cushman,
The Soldiers of Coos.
Lorenzo Cole,
Harrison H. Cummings,
Daniel Chase,
Parker Chase,
Silas W. Curtis.
Henry A. Craw find.
Samuel H. Dalrymple,
Lyman D.\ lie,
Osborne Davis,
Richard H. Emei-son,
John H. Emerton,
John M. Farnham.
George W. Forbush,
Simeon Fisk,
Benjamin Fisk,
George Fuller,
Jesse Forristall,
Edwin Farnham,
Orlando L. Fling,
Richard M. J. Grant,
George H. Glidden,
Benjamin W. Groper,
Hiram B. Gould,
Henry H. Gould,
Benjamin Gathercole,
Phineas R. Hodgden,
Warren D. Hinds,
James Howker,
Alfred B. Hall,
Charles A. Hutchinson,
Warren Hilliard,
Hiram Haynes,
Charles S. Holmes,
Austin A. Jordan,
Humphrey G. Jordan,
John H. Jordan.
Jonathan Kettle,
Edward W. Kimball,
Horatio O. Lewis,
Jonathan M. Lang,
Joshua Lunn,
Charles E. Lowe,
Henry S. Lindsey,
Edgar Lang,
Alvin A. Lovering,
Joseph P. Matthews, 5th,
John Monahan,
John G. Monahan,
Samuel S. McDonald,
Aratus H. Merrill,
John McClellan,
Cummings J. Marshall,
James Murtangh,
Chester R. Noyes,
Eben E. Noyes,
Martin B Noyes,
John Ordway,
William W. Pike,
Otis Pike.
Struartstou :i
Jefferso i
Stai ,
( lolebrook
Lancast* r
Pittsbui g
Colebroi K
Stewartstovs □
Jetft rs< ■•■
l>ana Powei 3,
ThaddeUS l'ou
Majoi E. Parker,
John W. Pratt,
Philo VanDyke,
John ('. Poor,
Sumner Rnggles, Jr.,
lb my II. Rich,
Isaac R. Rich,
Joshua Roberts, Jr.,
Stephen Richardson,
William W. Russ,
Ransom O. Smith.
Cha: lis Smith,
Ezekiel Sheldon,
Zachariah Saley,
Barney Sweeney.
Nicholas O. Tuttle,
Josiah W. Tebbetts,
Ellery Wheeler,
Jamon N. Willi y.
William Woodward,
Albert Whitney,
Henry A. White.
Nathaniel H. Wheeler,
John T. W. Whitney,
James Williamson,
Hosea Clough,
Jacob D. Brown,
Robert Curtis. t
Martin D. Bean,
Albert F. Berry,
Wellington Cummings,
Henry Cunningham,
William Dearth,
Addison Dolly,
Henry Denny,
John P. Dunham,
Albion G. Evans,
Benjamin C. Flanders.
Royal Hicks, 17th,
Woodbury G. Hicks,
Andrew J. Howard,
Richard Lane, Jr.,
Albert W. Lane,
Albert Potter,
Osiah Rosa,
Henry Tewkesbury,
Ira S. Wall lion,
Lewis D. White,
Timothy N. Wight,
Ephraim Wight,
Light Battery,
Uriah Elliott,
Orville R. Moulton,
Louis Nouri,
Joshua F. ri" lps,
Edwin Sli eper,
Ji ff< i son
Stewartstowi u
Jeti'i I -i 'M
or Co. M.
Lancasti r
Wentworth's Location
History of Coos County.
The Sharpshooters. — There were, in the service, two regiments of picked
marksmen equipped with superior weapons, for special or detached duty,
as their designation indicated. From the nature of the organization it
was impossible that the companies should serve in regimental order, and
they were scattered as the exigencies of the service required.
Co. G of the Second Eegiment, ninety-eight officers and men, had a
number of its best men from this county, and was mustered at Concord,
December 10, 1861. It performed the duties entrusted to it with devotion
and unflagging zeal. Not exempt from casualties, its record of dead and
wounded was equal to that of the most daring. In every respect these
men were most credible soldiers and admirable representatives of the
staunchest element of the county. The state was not represented in the
Field of the original organization, but later, the Field officers from New
Hampshire in this command were: Major E. T. Eowell, of Co. F, and
Major Amos B. Jones of Co. E. George A. Marden, since Speaker of the
Massachusetts House, and on the regimental staff, was a Sergeant in Co.
G. Major Rowell and Major Marden both reside in Lowell. The Sharp-
shooters served in the Virginia campaigns, and were at Antietam, Freder-
icksburg, Gettysburg, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, and in the Valley.
The original men were mustered out in December, 1861, and those of the
three companies remaining were consolidated and made Co. K, of the Fifth
Co. G, 2d U. S. S. S.
Zeb Twitchell,
Edward H. Folsom,
Samuel F. Brown,
Eeuben F. Carter,
Thomas S. Ellis,
Augustus Fletcher, ■
Harvey D. Gamsby,
Eeuben Gray,
Joseph K. Hodge,
James G. Reach,
The First Cavalry. — There was but one Cavalry regiment proper from
the state and that was organized for three years, somewhat late in the
war. As stated, the Eighth Infantry, then in Louisiana, was for a time
mounted, and known as the Second N. H. Cavalry, but its service was
more particularly as Infantry.
Early in the war a battalion of four companies of New Hampshire men
was raised and incorporated with the First Rhode Island Cavalry. It was
found that the union of companies from different states in one regiment
was not altogether desirable, and this battalion was made the nucleus of
the First Cavalry. This regiment and battalion served in Virginia and
Maryland and was first united in March, 1865. It left the state December
22, 1861, was made a regiment January 7, 1864, and mustered out July 21,
James S. Kent,
William Merrow,
Ezra W. Martin.
i ;
John Pilbro.
George W. McCrillis,
Horace F. Morse,
John Brown, F,
King J. Cross, G,
John A. Manchester, F,
The Soldiers of Coos.
1865. It was composed of good material and did excellenl service. The
heaviest wholesale desertion of the war was of several hundred "bounty
jumping" recruits, who had been mustered to fill the regiment, and who
broke away at Giesborough Point, below Washington, in the autumn of
1863, to the relief of the good soldiers left, who were in no way responsible
for the presence or absence of these " scallawags." There were bul few
Coos men in the Cavalry. Its original officers were: David B. Nelson,
Major of Battalion. Regimental, John L. Thompson, Colonel; Ben T.
Hutchins, Lieutenant-Colonel; Arnold Wyman, J. F. Andrews and John
A. Cummings, Majors.
Kimball A. Morse, L,
Alvan S. Wilson, L.
Joseph Marshall, L,
James W. Home, E,
Orville H. Sessions, I,
John K. Burton,
Charles Draper, B,
Benjamin W. Fenner,
AVilliam F. Graham,
Albur Harris, B,
Hendrick Hianatie, D,
Timothy Kelky,
Michael Leary, F,
David B.Ladd, F,
John H. Mathes, E,
John H. Piper, H,
Eri W. Pinkham, E,
Lester Spaulding, G,
Norman H. Slade, G,
Arum B. Smith, F,
Ambrose P. Scannell, I,
George W. Stevens, Jr.,
William Senior,
John Williams, G,
Clark Waters, H,
Charles C. Wallace,
James L. Wood,
George W. Wheeler,
While the scope of this chapter does not include residents of Coos during
the war, or present residents who served outside the state, the returns in
the A. G. 0. give the following names in outside commands:—
Francis L. Towne, Surgeon U. S. Army, Lancaster, served through the
war and was brevetted Lieut. -Colonel U. S. A. for meritoi'ious services.
He is now at Fort Clarke, Texas.
Enoch Whipple, E,
Alanson Hyde, I,
George W. Rowell, E,
Francis N. Whitney, E,
John Shallow, E,
Walter P. Vance, E,
Daniel Q. Cole, U. S. N.,
Columbia Benjamin F. Hicks, I,
Daniel F. Elliott,
William H. Gault.
Hiram T. Owen,
Samuel Keeble,
George Hinman,
st. wartstown
Thomas B. Mendly,
Lyman Jordan,
John Jordan,
Aaron Simpson.
Elisha P. Hicks,
Seth W. Tirrell
< 'olmuliia
Sereno P. Farwell,
Sewall A Stillings, 7th.
Albert S. Twitchell, 7th,
William W. Chase,
James L. Loomis,
Harry Chamberlain,
History of Coos County.
Thomas MeNaliy,
Ezra Fletcher,
Nathaniel Flanders,
Albert Heath,
George T. Bishop,
Horace Harris,
Lorenzo D. Blodgett,
Seth Tirrell,
Hiram M. Paul,
Loren E. Bundy, First Main Cavalry.
The only further record attainable of those residents of Coos at the time
of the war, or of those present residents who during the war served in
organizations outside the state, is found in the individual names reported
in the several Grand Army rosters.
It was my intention to publish a complete list of resident veterans,
whether G. A. R. men or not, who thus served, but upon strict trial I can
find no data from which to compile it.
Statistics. — From carefully compiled tables, in reports of the Adjutant-
General, it appears that during the war the entire number of commissions
issued was 2,362, while the entire number of officers who received them
was 1,601. The total number of enlisted men was 31,426. The number
" killed or died of wounds " was 1,538. "Died of disease 2,541." Mustered
out at expiration of service 11,264.
An analysis of all statistics made in that office leads it to the conclu-
sion that, leaving out men transferred and twice enumerated, New Hamp-
shire sent 30,000 different men into the field. Careful estimates lead to
the belief that of this number Coos county furnished 1,200 men. The
entire muster of 30,000 is thus accounted for, by the same authority: —
Killed or died of wounds 5 per
Died of disease ... 8
Honorably discharged for disability .15
Deserted 16
Transferred to Invalid Corps, Army and Navy 3
Promoted to commissioned officers 2
Not officially accounted for 2
Absent when regiment was mustered out 3
Re-enlisted 5
Mustered out at the expiration of term 37
Otherwise unaccounted for 4
i i
Total 100.
The percentage of ''desertions" from Coos is much less than these
figures, while the casualties and muster out are correspondingly greater.
The Soldiers of Coos.
(Furnished by Capt. J. I. Williams, Q. M.)
1. William G. Ellis, 5th N. H.
2. fSoloD D. Simmons, 8th Vt.
3. {John G. Crawford, 2d Michigan Cavalry.
4. E. W. Wyman, 13th Maine.
5. H. De F. Young, 2d N. H.
6. IB. T. Oleott, 8th Vt.
7. Parker J. Noyes, 8th Vt.
8. Henry S. Hilliard, 2d and 5th N. H.
9. Thomas S. Ellis, 2d U. S. S. S.
10. Levi H. Parker, 8th Vt.
11. Ira E. Woodward. 6th N. H.
12. Henry O. Kent, 17th N. H.
13. Alden A. Dow, 14th N. H.
14. Thomas Sweetser, 5th and 50th Mass.
15. {George E. Chandler. Sgl. Corps.
10. {F. H. Perkins, 9th N. H. and 2d Mass. Cavalry.
17. Charles E. Melntire, 2d N. H.
18. Richard Fletcher, 5th N. H.
19. Jared I. Williams. 17th N. H.
20. Henry Richardson, 35th Mass.
21. Zeh. Twitchell, 2d U. S. S. S., H. Art.
22. Eldad A. Rhodes, 5th N. H.
23. George H. Emerson, 17th N. H.
24. John M. Morse, 3d N. H.
25. John G. Sutton, 5th N. H.
26. R. M. J. Grant. 1st N. H. H. A.
27. George W. Morgan, 2d N. H.
28. Dan Lee Jones, 4th Vt. and U. S. A.
29. Ezra Mitchell. Jr., 9th Me. and U. S. A.
30. Henry J. Cummings, 3d N. H.
31. George Burt, 2d N. H.
32. {Arthur H. Carpenter, 4th U. S.
33. James Cummings, 5th N. H.
34. John B. Cram, 26th Mass.
35. John W. Palmer, 13th N. H.
36. f William H. Weston, 5th N. H.
37. iRichard H. Emerson, 1st N. H. H. A.
38. L. L. Stillinss, 50th Penn.
39. William C. Putnam, 17th and 2d N. H.
40. *fEvarts W. Farr, 2d and 11th N. H.
41. John Farnham. 1st N. H. H. A.
42. Reuben F. Carter, 2d U. 8. S. S. and 5th N. H.
43. H. E. Hadlock, 17th N. H. and N. H. H. A.
44. Leonard M. Beard, 9th N. H.
45. George Cummings, Jr.. 17th, 2d and 9th N. H.
46. James Ross, 17th and 2d N. H.
47. *Ira D. Hyde, 14th N. H.
48. Peter Hughes, 5th N. H.
49. Edward Grannis, 15th Vt.
50. fGeorge A. Ford, 3d Vt.
51. fPerrin Lombard, 5th N. H. and 21st V. R. C.
52. {Sumner Perkins. 17th and 2d N. H. and 2dV. C.
53. Charles Sherwood, N. H. H. A.
54. {Richard E. Cross, 5th X. H.
55. *James Moulton, 3d N. H.
56. Reuben Gray, U. S. S. S.
57. *Francis Chamberlain, 22d Wis.
58. Oscar Worthly, 2d N. H.
59. Jared Gray, 14th N. H.
60. f Alberts. Twitchell, 7th Me. B.
61. Freeman Lindsey, 5th N. H.
62. {Horace Dow, 8th N. H.
63. Walter S. Bailey, 17th N. H. and N. H. H. A.
64. William L. RoweU, 17th N. H.
65. Freeman H. Holmes, 9th N. H.
66. Charles A. Whipp, 14th N. H.
67. John D. Orcutt, 14th N. H.
68. Albion G. Evans, N. H. H. A.
69. Alfred C. Pratt, 17th, 2d and 9th N. H.
70. David Spreadbury, 13th N. H.
71. Ruel P. StillingB, 14th N. H.
72. Samuel L. Wellington, 5th Mass.
73. Charles C. Beaton, 5th N. H.
74. Don C. Clough, N. H. H. A.
75. Charles Forbes, 13th N. H.
76. Thomas S. Thayer, 5th N. H.
77. James N. King, Nat. Guards.
78. John O. Tuell, 6th Me.
79. Joseph P. Mathews, 5th N. H. and N. H. H. A
80. fEnoch L. Clement, 5th N. H.
81. William W. Hendricks, 3d Vt.
82. James S. Brackett, 17th N. H.
83. Thomas Sullivan, 6th N. H.
SI. Charles D. Kenney, 17th Vt.
85. David Legro, 15th N. H.
86. Phincas R. Hodgdon, N. H. H. A.
87 *fHenry W. Loveland, 27th Mass.
88. W. J. Chamberlain, 17th N. II. and N. H. H. A.
89. Stephen Simmons, 17th Vt.
90. Frank M. Lucas, 8th Vt.
91. Charles Canrield, 15th Vt.
92. John Leonard. 2d and 11th Me.
93. Cyrus Messer, Nth M;i". and Mass. H. A.
94. William E. Tibbetts, 13th N. H.
95. Hugh Corrigan, 5th N. 11.
96. Joseph Stevens, 29th Me.
97. Abm r Bailey, 3d Vt.
98. William W. Pike, X. II. II. A.
99. James W. McKeen, 12th Me.
100. (■ rg I'.. Griffith, N. II. II. A.
101. Nahum E. Barvey, 3d Vt.
L02. Samuel S. Whitney, 31st M .
103. Napoleon B. Perkins, 5th Me. I.. A.
101. Moses Hens d, l tth V II.
*Dead. +Demitted. {Dropped.
History of Coos County.
105. *Simon Connary, 9th N. H.
106. Alexander M. Beattie, 3d Vt.
107. Frank Bickford, 24th Me.
108. Joseph B. Cloudman, N. H. H. A.
109. Sylvanus Marshall, 1st Nevada.
110. George R. ' Bush, 6th Vt.
111. George R. Holmes, 14th N. H.
112. James D. Blodgett, N. H. H. A.
113. George T. Wentworth, 1st N. H. Cavalry.
114. George Hinman, 3d Vt.
115. Charles F. Presby, 8th Vt.
116. Alva B. Sleeper, 11th Vt.
117. Aaron R. Wheeler, 3d Vt.
118. George S. Blake, N. H. H. A.
119. Sylvanus R. Chesman, 5th N. H.
120. William Woodward, 1st Vt. Cavalry.
121. Peter Deering, 6th N. H.
122. Horace P. Moody, N. H. H. A.
123. William Dow, 10th Vt.
124. Ruel Sawin, 9th N. H.
125. Joseph Fontain, 1st Vt. Cavalry.
126. John G. Derby, 17th N. H.
127. Henry Houghton, 9th N. H.
128. D. T. Timberlake, 23d Me.
129. Nat. M. Davenport, 3d Mass.
130. William H. Veazie. 5th N. H.
* Dead.
(Furnished by E. B. Cowing, Adjutant.)
Charles F. Noyes, 2d Bat. U. S. V. C.
Eben W. Parker, I, 14th N. H.
Elijah F. Marden, I, 5th N. H.
Alex. M. Wentworth, C, 4th N. H., I. 20th Mass.
Daniel W. Titus, I, 3d N. H.
Oliver B. Strout.
Jonathan Dow, B, 5th N. H.
Henry O. Cram.
Chaiies E. King, A, 17th N. H.
Joseph W. Marshall, L, 1st Cav.
Charles S. Parker.
Riva F. Parker, G, 11th N. H.
Joseph L. Patten. F, 50th Mass,
George M. Elliott, H, 1st Cav.
Ambrose L. Vannah, E, 41st Mass.
Lewis D. White, L, H'y Art.
Sidney H. Elmer, H, 13th N. H.
George Robinson, F, 2d N. H.
Ezra D. Clark, I, 3d N. H.
Azariah L. Clark, I, 3d N. H.
Asa D. Hill, 3d Bat. Vt. Art.
Joseph Thompson.
Lorenzo D. Whitcher, C, 15th N. H.
James H. Henselpacker, C, 6th and 7th Me.
Moses Colby, E, 14th N. H.
Harlow Connor, D, 1st Cav.
Charles M. Blood, I, 3d N. H.
George H. Gilidden, H, H'y Art.
Mi 'ses C. Glines, E, 2d Vt.
Joseph T. Bemis. I, 1st Vt. Cav.
Jonathan M. Lang, I, H'y Art.
Joseph A. Wilkins, C, 40th Mass.
Albert W. Lane, L, H'y Art.
34. Alfred B. Derby, D, 8th Vt.
35. Ira S. M. Gove, A, 17th N. H.
36. Madison C. Rowe, C, 7th Me.
37. George W. Place, I, H'y Art.
38. Richard Lane, Jr., L. H'y Art.
39. Lewis L. Morse, H, 14th Me.
40. Royal Hicks, A, 17th N. H. H'y Art.
41. W. H. Simonds, D, 13th N. H.
42. Ephraim S. Miles, I, Vt. Cav.
43. Horace M. Lindsey,
44. Samuel Resden. A, 26th Mass.
45. Chauncey M. Snow, K. 8th Vt.
46. Ezra B. Cowing, A, 11th Vt.
47. Charles F. Marden, C, 2d N. H.
48. John O'Niel.
49. Henry W. Libbey, B, 5th N. H.
50. William J. Baker, A, 6th N. H.
51. James O. Hubbard, E, 14th N. H.
52. Spaulding S. Rich, E, 14th N. H.
53. Ben C. Garland, B, 16th N. H.
54. James Hagan, E, 7th R. I.
55. James H. Aldrich, 3d, 9th Vt.
56. Charles W. Cushman, I, H'y Art.
57. William Barnett, D, 35th Mass.
58. Albert I. Lindsey.
59. George W. Gage, E. 3d Vt.
60. James P. Thorn, I, 55th Mass.
61. S. H. Barnett, H, 13th N. H.
62. Henry McMillen, I, 3d Vt.
63. Martin D. Bian, L, H'y Art.
64. Lewis H. Estes, H, 2.1 Vt.
65. Robert McCann. E, 11th Penn. Reserves.
(Furnished by Post Commander A. S. Twitchell, President Veterans' Union.)
1. Albert S. Twitchell. 7th Me. Light Bat., Gorham
2. Elmer L. Stevens, 10th Me. Vols., "
3. Frank C.Stevens, 11th Me. Vols., "
4. C. W. Nolen, 3d Del. Vols., Island Pond, Vt.
5. Charles G. Hamlin, 1st N. H. H. A., Gorham
6. O. P. Howland, 2d Mass. H. A., "
The Soldiers of Coos.
Bethel, Me.
7. E. W. Forbes. 14th N. H. Vols.. Berlin
8. J. P. Dunham, 1st N. H. H. A., Norway, Me.
9. S. E. Bartlett, 8th Me. Vols., Gorham
10. P. M. Morgan, 20th Me. Vols., "
11. W. Noyes, 15th Vt. Vols., "
12. I. W. Burbank, 5th N. H. Vols., "
13. S. S. Chipman, Frigate Colorado, ''
14. Joseph Goodno, 1st N. H. H. A., "
15. George W. Burbank. 8th Me. Vols., "
16. W. W. Goodridge, 25th Me. Vols.,
17. Perrin Lombard. 14th N. H. Vols.,
18. A. C. Gurney, 7th Me. Lt. Battery.
19. H. F. WardweU, 4th N. H. Vols.,
20. T. N. Wight. 1st N. H. H. A.,
21. R. H. Emerson, 1st N. H. H. A.,
22. J. C. Evans, 14th N. H. Vols.,
23. A. S. Bisbee, 13th Me. Vols.,
24. A. R. Sylvester, 25th Me. Vols.,
25. Daniel Griffin, 14th N. H. Vols.,
26. Levi L. Brown, Monitor Monadnock,
27. J. H. Thomas,
28. Jas. W. Farrington, 3d N. H. Vols., (dead,)
29. Calvin Morse, 5th N. H. Vols.,
30. O. B. Frank, 1st Me. Cavalry,
31. S. A. Collins, 20th Me. Vols..
32. J. J. Hawkins. 1st N. H. H. A.,
33. W. H. Evans, 9th N. H. Vols..
34. I. 8. Wells, 14th N. H. Vols.,
35. N. E. Burnett, 9th Me. Vols.,
36. A. J. Lary, 14th N. H. Vols.,
37. T. J. Lary, 14th N. H. Vols.,
33. Franklin Buck, 16th Me. Vols.,
39. H. P. York, 14th N. H. Vols.,
41. J. McCormick, 5th N. H. Vols..
42. H. V. Mason. 14th N. H. Vols.,
43. A. J. Magill, 10th Me. Vole.,
44. C. W. Muzzey, Frigate Minnesota,
45. D. G. Eastman. 14th N. H. Vols.,
46. W. A. Willis, 14th N. H. Vols.,
47. J. W. Perkins, 2d N. H. Vols.,
48. I. W. Spiller, 5th Me. Battery,
49. C. E. Lowe, 1st N. H. H. A.,
50. Jesse Tuttle, 17th N. H. Vols.,
51. J. W. Buzzell, 15th Vt. Vols.,
52. Adolph Laury, 14th N. H. Vols.,
53. Levi Shedd, 5th Me. Vols.,
54. Clark Wayland, 5th Me. Vols..
Gilead, Me.
Elery Whei Ler, 17th N. 11., 1st N. II. II. A..
D. C. Bean. 17th N. II. Vols.,
L. R. York, 12th Me. Vols.,
H. J. Chandler, 9th N II. Vols.,
A. J. Howard, 1st N. H. H. A.,
C. P. Morgan, 20th Me. Vols.,
C. W. Horn, 5th Me. Vols.,
S. L. Norton, 19th Me. Vols.,
R. P. Noyes, 15th Vt. Vols.,
J. B. Lovejoy, 14th N. 11. Vols.,
W. J.Blake. 23d Me. Vols..
Henry Goodno, 14th N. H. Vols.,
Freeman Tirrell, 6th N. H. Vols..
J. M. Newell, 2d N. H. Vols..
Edgar Harriman, 14th N. H. Vols.,
A. H. Eastman, 12th N. H. Vols.,
J. L. York, 2d N. H. Vols.,
Joseph Pero, W. Gulf Squadron,
C. L. Bean, 1st N. H. H. A.,
AY. F. Han. 5th N. H. Vols.,
F. M. Lang, 5th N. H. Vols., "
James Wilson, 14th N. H. Vols., Gorham
G. W. Morrill, 14th Me. Vols., Berlin
G. L. Vincent, 9th N. H. Vols., Chelsea, Mass.
Bernard McCormick, U. S. Marine Corps, Gorham
S. P. Farewell, 5th Me. Battery. Stark
F. A. Edwards, 18th Me. Vols.. Lincoln, Me.
Philemon Harriman, 14th N. H.Vols., Gilead, Me.
James Gorman, 16th Me. Vols., Randolph
P. L. Goud. 1st N. H. H. A., Dummer
George S. Goud, 14th N. H. Vols., "
William H. Smith, 14th N. Y. Vols., Randolph
E. R. Bennett, 12th Me. Vols., Gilead. Me.
Erastus Thurlow, 29th Me. Vols.. Berlin
P. B. Heath. 12th Me. Vols.. Gilead, Me.
David Sanborn, 25th Me. Vols., Gorham
Franklin Wheeler, 14th N. H. Vols.. Berlin
Edward Mason. 18th Mass. Vols., Gilead, Me.
J. N. Will. y. 1st N. H. H. A., "
S. D. Green, 24th Mich. Vols., Berlin
H. W. Rogers, 22d Me. Vols., Shelbume
Wm. Evans. 14th X. H. Vols., Cape Elizabeth, Me.
I. P. Wills, 28th Me. Vols., Shelbume
J. H. Trask, 30th Me. Vols., Gorham
H. L. Thurston, 8th N. H.Vols., Randolph
(Furnished by Samuel I. Bailey. Adjutant. I
Colebn iok
( iolebrook
Robert Blakely, 2nd N. H. Vols., Columbia
John R. Little. 13th N. H. Vols., W. Stew artstown
1. Elisha P. Hicks, 5th Me. Battery.
2. Eben E. Noyes, N. H. H. Artillery,
James L. Loomis. 5th Me. Batti ry,
Charles L. Morrison. 10th N. H. H. A
Hiram C. Young, 13th N. H. Vols.
8. Elbridge G. Arlin, 13th N. II. Vols., Colebrook
9. Thomas Smith. Kith N. II. Vols., "
in. Levi Bicks, L3th N. II. Vols.,
11. James W. Newton, 4th Vt., unknown
12. C. AY. Delliver, 1st Conn.,
l.i. c. s. Dalton, 13th N. II. Vols., W. Stewartstown
14. II. II. Lucas, 9th N. II.. unknown
History of Coos County.
*John Shallow, 3dVt,, Colebrook
Harry Gleason, 13th N. H. Vols., "
Thomas Mayo, 4th N H. Vols., W. Stewartstown
Seth W. Tirrell, 5th Me. Battery, Colebrook
Joseph D. Little, unknown, "
William R. Jordan, 13th N. H. Vols., Columbia
Charles E. Eolfe, Heavy Art., unknown
Augustus Osgood, 13th N. H. Vols., Colebrook
fGeoi-ge B. Little, 3d Vt., Conn. Lake
William H. Cleveland, 5th Me. Battery, Columbia
f Daniel G. Ripley, 13th N. H. Vols., West
f Gilbert Harriman. 3d Mass. H. A., Canaan, Vt.
JElias Anderson, 13th N. H. Vols., unknown
G. S. Remick, U. S. Engineers, Colebrook
George H. Lang, 1st N. H. Cavalry. "
D. S. Stevens, U. S. Engineers, ;<
Truman D. Barnett, 13th N. H. Vols., "
f Hiram M. Harvey, 1st Vt. Vols.. Canaan, Vt.
+ William H. Graham, 13th N. H. Vols.,
St. Johnsbury, Vt.
Austin M. Jordan, 1st Reg. H. Art., Colebrook
Joseph Morrow, 4th Vt. Vols., unknown
William W. Barnett, 15th Vt. Vols., West
Alma M. Cross, 13th N. H. Vols., Pittsburg
fCharles S. Holmes, 1st N. H. Art. Jefferson
+David P. Roby. 13th N. H. Vols., Colebrook
JJohn E. W. Glidon, 5th Maine, unknown
f Albert Harris, 13th N. H. Vols., Canaan, Vt.
fF. R. Luce, 2d Vt. Vols., unknown
Martin B. Noyes, 1st N. H. Art., Colebrook
William H. Shurtleff, 1st N. H. Art., Florida
Leonard A. Felton, 6th Mass., unknown
Alfred N. Alls, 1st N. H. H. A., Colebrook
f Gardner W. Smith, 13th N. H. Vols., unknown
gMaleom McAnnon, 7th Reg. N. H. V., "
George B. Abbott, 13th N. H. Vols., "
A. B. Gaskell, 2d Wisconsin, Colebrook
Henry Scott, 13th N. H. Vols., unknown
Fay Carleton, 2d N. H. Vols., "
fCharles Perry, 13th N. H. Vols., Pittsburg
fSamuel Keeble, 3d Vt. Vols., Canaan. Vt.
fArnold Aldrich, unknown, Pittsburg
Henrv Tewksburv. IstN. H. H. A., Stewartstown
Whitcomb Tirrell, 1st Me. Battery.
flsaac M. Wood, 5th Vt. Vols.,
+John Paul, 13th N. H. Vols.,
Nelson Haynes, unknown,
fClark Stevens, 2d N. H. Vols
Hiram B. Gould, 1st H. Art.,
+ William W. Russ. 1st H. Art.
North Stratford
fFrank C. Roby, 1st Vt. Cavalry, North Stratford
James Spi'eadbury 13th N. H. Vols., unknown
fH. T. Heath, 12th N. H. Vols., Stewartstown
fPhilo VanDyke, 1st H. Art., "
f Wallace F. Severy, 3d Vt. Vols., North Stratford
North Stratford
Bloomfield, Vt.
Vols., Pittsburg
, N. Stratford
. Stratford
Ira Noyes, 12th N. H. Vols.,
James Legro, 13th N. H. Vols.,
iTliomas Bennett, unknown,
Alonzo A. Martin, 3d Vt. Vols.
tWilliam McKinnon, 13th N. H.
f J. F. Burton, unknown,
fC. A. Hutchinson, N. H. Art.,
fCharles R. Schoff, 16th Me. Vols.
fSimeon Merrill, 2d N. H. Vols.,
Michael Tobin, loth Me. Vols.,
Dexter S. French, 3d Vt. Vols.,
Charles Heath. 13th N. H. Vols.,
f Michael Lynch, 3d Vt. Vols., North Stratford
fFrank A. Roby, 9th Vt. Vols., Columbia
fMyron C. Fuller, 1st Vt. Cav., Bloomfield, Vt.
J A. S. Huggins, 13th N. H. Vols., Pittsburg
JMoses C. Heath, 5th N. H. Vols., Stewartstown
James M. Jordan, unknown, Colebrook
■(■George W. Rowell, 2d Vt., Columbia
JC. E. Smith, State Service, Hartford, Conn.
James B. Colby, 12th N. H. Vols., Columbia
Samuel I. Bailey, 18th N. H. Vols.,
fC. R. Blodgett, 13th N. H. Vols., Littleton
W. T. Keyes, 10th Me. Vols., Colebrook
John Jackson, 1st Vt. Cavalry, Bloomfield. Vt.
Joseph Watson, 3d Reg. Vt. Vols., N. Stratford
Jas. W. Clark, 4th Mass., Lincoln Plantation, Me.
Henry A. Reach, 13th N. H. Vols., Columbia
William B. Lacy, 13th N. H. Vols., died July 4, '85
XT). S. Chandler, 13th N. H. Vols., Colebrook
f John Gray, 8th Vt. Vols., Columbia
JE. L. Hunt, L. Art., & 3d Me. Vols., unknown
JGeorge T. Bishop, 5th Me. Bat., Stewartstown
William H. Gault, 2d Vt, Vols. & 2d N. H.
Inf., Stewartstown
John S. Capen, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Colebrook
Charles D. Gamsby, 13th N. H. Vols.,
John H. Jordan, 1st H. Art., Lenhngton. Vt.
Edelbert Roundy, 9th Me. Inf., Colebrook
JN. Munn, 9th H. Art., Groveton
C. C. Hicks. 9th N. H. Vols., Colebrook
Edwin Small. 17th Me. Vols.,
Ahin W. Arlin, 1st H. Art.. "
Owen F. Lombard, 5th Vols., (i
Harvey C. Brown. 5th N. H. Vols.,
Hugh Hoyt, 17th U. S. I., Magalloway, Me.
Henry Ballantine, 11th Conn. Vols., Colebrook
George P. Brown. 6th N. H. Vols., "
Josiah Annis, 15th Vt., li
*Expelled. fTransferred. iDropped. ^Discharged.
The Soldiers of Coos.
(Furnished by Sumner Rowell, Q. M.)
John H. Brooks, 3d Vt..
Thomas If. Mayo, 4th N. H..
C. S. Dalton, 13th N. H.,
('. \V. Delliber, 1st Conn. Cav.,
J. It. Little, 13th N. H.,
W. McKiimon, 13th N. H.,
D. G. Ripley, 13th N. H.,
G. W. Smith, 13th N. H..
A. Hutchinson, 23d Mass.,
A. Harris*, 13th N. H,
S. Rowell. 1st N. H,
*0. L. Fling, 1st N. H. H. Art,
John Paul, 13th N. H.
*C. S. Holmes, 1st N. H. H. Art.,
G. Harriman, 3d Mass. H. Art.,
*A. R. Aldrich, 2d N. H,
Joseph Davis, 15th N. H,
W. W. Scott, 13th N. H,
W. B. Huston, 1st N. H.
H. M. Harvey. 1st Vt..
S. Dunsmore, 9th N. H.,
*J. C. Post, 1st N. H. H. Art.,
S. Keeb.e,3dVt.,
Burlington, Vt,
» i
A. M. Taylor, 12th Me.,
H. T. Owen, 15th Vt.,
D. Chase, 1st N. H. H. Art.,
*E. M. Danforth, 1st Vt..
S. Merrill, 2d N. H,
*H. Sawyer, 1st N. H. H. Art.,
W. Derarth, 2d N. H,
N. O. Tuttle. IstN. H. H. Art.,
S. Richards, 3d Me.,
F. E. Robey, 3d Vt.,
J. M. Reach, 3d Berdan's S. 8.,
I. J. Hartshorn, 9th Vt,,
S. T. Brunell, 1st Vt..
J. C. Parish, 5th N. H,
A. Chase,
J. Perry, 8th Vt.,
M. McKiimon, 1st N. H.
J. E. Hibbard, 2d N. H.,
N. Beecher, ±5th Me.,
Thomas Thebault, 3d Vt. Bat.,
A. Hanmah, 13th N. H.,
C. Perry, 13th N. H,
John Kingsley,
( 'larksville
St. wartstown
( 'iiuaau
( 'anada
(Furnished by F. A. Ruby.)
1. Clark Stevens, 2d H. Art., Stratford
2. Henry B. Gilkey,13th N. H. Vols., Northumberland
Bloomtield, Vt,
Bloomtield. Vt.
Maidstone, Vt.
Bloomtield. Vt.
3. M. C. Fuller. 1st Vt. Cav.,
4. \V. H. Lovejoy, 2dU. S. Cav.,
5. J. M. Wood, 5th Vt. Vols.,
6. Edward Beach, 9th Vt. Vols..
7. P. A. Roby, 9th Vt. Vols.,
8. F. C. Roby, 1st Vt. Cav.,
9. N. M. Johnson, 10th Vt. Vols., "
10. John Burton. 9th and 1st Me. Vet, Inf., Stratford
11. Ephrain H. Mahurin, 13th N. H. Vols., Columbia
12. W. E. Cram, 8th Vt. Vols., Maidstone, Vt.
13. Charles P. Schoff, 16th Me. Vols,, Stratford
14. Elwyn Holbrook, 13th N. H.Vols., Bloomfiekl. Vt.
15. John Jackson, IstVt. Cav., (died March. 1886.)
16. Michael Lynch, 3d Vt. Vols., Stratford
17. Silas Curtis. 1st X. H. H. Art.. Columbia
18. George Rowell, 2d Vt, Vols.. "
Bloomfield, Vt.
19. Erastus Atherton, 13th Vt. Vols., Stratford
20. Wallace F. Severy, 3d Vt, Vols.,
21. W. W. Russ, 1st N. H. H. Art.,
22. Abel Jordan, 13th X. H. Vols.,
23. Paul Kelley, 1st N. H. H. Art,,
24. Samuel F. Brown, V. S. S. S.,
25. Sabin Welcome, 5th Me. Vols.,
26. Josiah W. Tebbetts, 1st X. H. H. Art,, Stratford
27. M. V. Reed, 9th Me. Vols.. "
28. Calvin Fuller, 3d Vt. Vols., "
29. Elisha P. Hicks, 5th Me. Battery. Colebrool,
30. Fred L. Kenney, unattached Inf., Stratford
31. Geo. Montgomery, 9th Vt. Inf., Northumberland
32. Wellington Brown, 1st V II. Cav., Stratford
33. Edson Harriman, 3d Vt. Inf.. "
34. Simeon Grover, Me. Inf., Columbia
35. Guy Johnson, l.ith \. H. V Stratford
i In active membership. I
( Iross Post, Lancaster ' '"
Willis Post. ( iorham 99
Fletcher Post. Colebrook 72
White Post. Whitefield 64
Merrill Post. Stewartstown 41
Thompson Post, Stratford 35
Total 121
194 History of Coos County.
In the preceding pages I have endeavored to present, as concisely as
possible, and as accurately as the sources of information at command
would allow, a record of the several organizations raised in the state, a
list of the men who periled life and all its attractions to serve and save
the country in its time of danger, and a summary of the forces raised,
with an analysis of the loss by casualty and other causes, whereby these
men are accounted for. Imperfect as this record is, and issued doubtingly,
remembering the sensitive criticism that may properly follow each error
of omission or commission in recording a soldier's service or valor, and
remembering also the risk it runs in passing through the press, from type-
setters and proof-readers unfamiliar with the writer's chirography, or the
family names of the region, the best has been done that circumstances
permitted, and this chapter is dedicated in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty
to the good men living, and the memory of the good men dead, who illus-
trated their valor and their worth in responding to the call to arms.
No matter where or how their service was spent, how brief or how long
their term of enlistment, the test of it all was the willingness to volunteer
and the actual performance of that act. To obey orders was all that
remained to them, the responsibility of events was elsewhere. Theirs was
the soldierly duty of devotion and obedience, and so all are alike entitled
to the respect and gratitude that should follow noble and hazardous en-
deavor honestly undertaken and service well performed.
It was the marvel of the time that the armies of the Union should be
absorbed at the close of the war, into the body of the people without dis-
turbance, and the transformation from the soldier to the citizen became
so complete as to leave no trace. This is the crowning glory of the re-
public. The citizen is a soldier in time of war, and the soldier is a citizen
in time of peace.
Under the guise of the farmer, the mechanic, the merchant, the pro-
fessional man, the laborer, the soldiers of Coos who in perilous times
followed the drum-beat in scenes of high endeavor, have steadily since
the war been pursuing the paths of honest toil. They have been the best
of citizens, because in their own persons they tried and solved the great
problem of the worth of the government they defended, saved and now
enjoy, and it is proper that the diminishing column that remains should
receive the respect of each community wherein its members are exem-
plary, modest, industrious and worthy citizens.
Green be your graves, oh comrades, who have gone before! Fresh and
sweet be the memories that float from the past; and hallowed be the love
that bears, and shall bear you ever in tender remembrance! Dire was the
conflict, but your reveries are unbroken, and ye rest well; the eternal
Public Buildings. L95
mountains guard your slumbers and the singing waters chant your even'-
song! Long and weary was the way, but ye laid down beside the path
of duty, and generations yet unborn, following the beautiful custom of
Memorial Day, shall, as the gloom of winter melts into the smile of spring,
spread your graves with vernal tributes and perpetuate the grand idea,
that the loftiest conception of patriotism, the truest test of manhood, is
that which impels the citizen in the hour of its peril, to otter his life for
the state.
Let us keep the nation worthy the sacrifices that preserved its life, so
that they may not have been made in vain, and that the country, thus
rescued, may escape the dangers of faction, and remain through the dis-
tant future, the refuge of the oppressed, the home of an enlightened and
happy people.
LANCASTER— Court Houses, Jails, etc. — In the interval between the
organization of the county and the building of the original court house,
the courts were held in the hall of Col. John Willson's store, which
stood at the north end of Main street, and was also occupied by North Star
Lodge of Masons. At this time a room was prepared to serve for a jail, and
Judge William Lovejoy was the first jailer. The first court house was built
in 1 806, on the southwest corner of Main and Bridge streets. It was a square
wooden building of one room, with a flat roof. The juries used Willson's
hall. The house was heated by an inverted potash kettle, with a hole in
the bottom, upon an arch of brick, with a flaring stove-pipe to carry away
the smoke. The " Old Meeting House " being excessively cold, the funerals
in winter were generally held in the court house. After a while a bell
was procured to announce the opening of court. This was suspended from a
gallows of two poles, and has quite a history. It was originally broughi
to the county by " Guinea " Smith, and placed on a tripod of poles, near his
factory at Colebrook. After the factory was burned, Francis Wilson
bought the bell and brought it to Lancaster. When no longer n quired at
the courthouse, it was used at the old academy, and afterward at the
machine shop of Thompson, Williams &, Co.
The old jail was built in ism;, near where the present one stands, and
the site for both jail and court-house was given by Artemas Wilder. This
196 History of Coos County.
jail was built of hewn elm logs, firmly bolted. It had an upper and lower
room, with massive wooden doors. For years Coos and the " border " was
a favorite resort of desperadoes and counterfeiters, with some of whom,
after imprisonment, the keepers had serious struggles, and the large rings
in the floor, and the heavy iron chains, used to connect them with the
fetters of the prisoners, were in frequent use. This jail was burned January
9, 1858, and the present stone one erected soon after.
The old court-house became antiquated and too small, yet there was
hesitation regarding the building a new one until Judge Livermore. in 1831,
peremptorily ordered the erection of a new one, and specified the plan.
In 1808, when this court-house was demolished, one of the workmen found
in the arch of the eastern gable, securely fastened to the building, a pack-
age which contained a copy each of " The New Hampshire Patriot " and
the Haverhill '; Democratic Republican,''' and the following statement
written by Richard Eastman: —
"This building was erected for holding the Courts in the County of Coos, State of New
Hampshire. Commenced June 7, 1831, and will probably be completed by October 1, of the same
year, expense about $1,800. The stone and brick work was undertaken by Gen. John Willson and
Lieut. Joseph Cady. The stone work cut and hammered byElisba Cushmanand William Holmes.
Master workman of the brick work, Capt. Peter Merrill. Assistant workmen, William Page,
Zadock Cady, Joseph C. Cady, Calvin Willard, Jonathan W. Willard. Tenders, Josiah G- Hobart,
Samuel Banfield, William W. Moore, William Horn, Franklin Savage. The carpenters' work
done under the superintendence of William Moody. The joiners' work done by Richard Eastman,
Elijah D. Twombly, Artemas Lovejoy. The committee who superintended the whole building of
said house were John W. Weeks, Thomas Carlisle and Richard Eastman."
In 1853-54 a county building was erected for the county offices on the
bank of Israel's river near the grist-mill. This was shored and braced up
for many years to keep it from failing into the river. Both this and the
court-house required costly and extensive repairs; even with these they
would not be what the progress of the county demanded, and, in 1868,
it was voted "to demolish the county building, and enlarge and re-
pair the court-house to accommodate the courts and the county offices."
The foundation walls, however, were found to be unsafe, and, at last, an
entirely new building was decided upon. This was brick, two stories high,
40x70 feet in size, surmounted by a cupola and bell, and completed in May,
L869. The offices of the probate judge and register of deeds and two jury
rooms were on the ground floor. The second story contained a high and
well-ventilated court-room of ample proportions, and the offices of
the county treasurer and commissioners. Its original cost was about
$17,000, but alterations and improvements brought the whole expense
of construction up to nearly $30,000. The building was an ornament
to Lancaster, and a source of pride to the people of the entire county.
The county commissioners, Gen. A. J. Congdon, Seneca S. Merrill and
Public Buildings.
John C. Leighton, who had charge of its erection, well discharged their
In 1885 the county delegation voted to rebuild the vaults, which were
not considered safe depositories of the records. These were completed al
a cost of |3,000 in 1886. To hasten their drying stoves had been placed in
them, and fires were maintained for some days. On the night of Novem
ber -f, 1886. workmen were engaged until midnight in placing steam-heal-
ing apparatus into the building. After their departure M. A. Hastings,
clerk of the court, J. W. Flanders, register of probate, and C. A. Cleave-
land, register of deeds, made an examination of the building and every-
thing appeared safe; but between two and three in the morning the court-
house was discovered in flames. The loss was complete; building, records,
and everything connected therewith were destroyed, only a few half-
charred leaves remaining of the immense number of records which told the
history of the county for eighty-two years. Hon. W. S. Ladd had his
law office in the court-house, and all his law papers and documents, to-
gether with a library valued at about $9,000, were consumed.
A county convention met at the town hall of Lancaster December 9,
1886, and organized to consider the question of rebuilding the court-house.
An effort was made to delay action so that the people might vote on the
matter of removal of the county seat from Lancaster. The thriving town
of Berlin offered to build a court-house equally as good as the one destroyed,
by contributions of its citizens, if the county seat was removed thither.
Groveton presented its claims and a liberal subscription paper, but the
convention adopted this resolution by a vote of thirteen to six:
"Besolved, That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars is hereby appropriated to rel »uild the court-
house and county offices, on the present court-house site, in Lancaster village, and that any part of
said sum not expended on the completion of said building be covered back into the county treasury. "
The convention also instructed the county commissioners to immedi-
ately proceed to rebuild the court-house building. Various plans were
submitted; finally one presented bya Boston architect was accepted; Mead,
Mason & Co., of Concord, awarded the contract for erecting the court-
house, and it is now in process of construction. It will cost over $17,000,
and will be the best public edifice in this section of the state. It is 50x70
feet, with a six foot projection on each side, making the front end sixty-
six feet, three stories high, and a cupola and spire, running up nearly LOO
feet from the foundation. Underneath the whole is a basement, wherein
is to be located the steam boiler, waterclosets, coal bins, etc. The entire build-
ing is to be of brick and granite, and the design is a very handsome one. < »n
the first floor is the registry of deeds, registry of probate, clerk's office, com-
missioners' room, grand jury room, and vaults. Located about the same as
in the old house. In the front and center is the vestibule. L6x26 feet, with
two flights of stairs, and a janitor's closet. On the second floor is tin- court
198 History of Coos County.
room, 50x50, two stories high, lighted by north, south and west windows.
In the front end, over the registers' offices, are the judge's room, lawyers*
and consultation rooms, and janitor's room. Over these, in the third story,
are two jury rooms, sheriff's room, etc. Lavatories and water closets are
on every floor, and conveniently arranged. The building is to be heated
by a fifteen-horse power, 100 pounds hydraulic pressure, sectional steam
County Alms House. — The question of purchasing a county farm was
presented to the county convention in 1862, but that body was not willing
to assume any responsibility without instruction, and referred the matter
to the people, who defeated it at the town meetings in March, 1863. A re-
port prepared in 1861 showed at that date seventy-nine persons receiving
aid from the county, and that out of an entire tax of $6,511.7-2, the sup-
port of county paupers called for $5,305.00. The subject of a farm was
still agitated, and a county convention called to meet in Lancaster, Janu-
ary 19. 1865, to consider and act upon the matter. The question was re-
ferred again to the voters, and the final result was the purchase of the
beautiful farm of Isaiah H. Pickard, located on the Connecticut river, about
one-third of a mile fromWest Stewartstown, in the town of Stewartstowm
The farm contained six hundred acres, with upland, grazing and woodland,
a meadow of eighty acres, a sugar orchard of 1,300 trees, and a heavy
growth of fine spruce, hemlock, and other lumber trees. There was on
the farm a good two-story house, 36x26 feet in size, which was made the
basis to the alms house constructed in 1867. To this farm house an ad-
dition was made of a three story building, eighty feet long and thirty eight
feet wide. In this 150 paupers could be accommodated. The price paid
for the farm was 17,000; the building and other improvements cost $11,000
The commissioners were fortunate in obtaining Mr. and Mrs. S. G.
Hannaford as superintendent and matron. For twenty years they have
done most faithful service. The alms house was opened in October, 1S67,
with nearly sixty-five inmates. Fire escapes have been placed in suitable
locations 1o admit of prompt escape in case of need, while danger from
fire is at the minimum, as the heating is done by steam. The farm and
alms house are model ones, comprising every thing needed for the comfort
of the unfortunate guests, of which there have been at one time as many
as 121, and the average during the last ten years about 100. About one
thousand dollars is now being expended for the improvement of the reser-
voir and sewerage.
*For Colebrook court-house, see Bench and Bar.
National and State Officers. 199
Early Representatives — Classed Representatives — Senators — County Officers.
REPRESENTATIVES in Congress— John W. Weeks, 1829-1833;
j-C Jared W.Williams, 1837-1841; Jacob Benton, 1867-1871; Ossian Ray,
X \ 1883-1884.
United States Commissioner and Consul- General to Hayti -Benjamin
F. Whidden, 1802-1865.
Governor. — Jared W. Williams, 1847-1848.
Members of Governors Council. — John H. White, Lancaster, June,
183!), to June, 1842; Aurin M. Chase, Whitefield, June, 1858, to June,
1851); Ethan Colby, Colebrook, June, 1862, to June, 1863; Hazen Bedel,
Colebrook, 1867 to 1869; Nathan R. Perkins, Jefferson, 1873 to 1875;
David M. Aldrich, Whitefield, 1884.
Members of Constitutional Conventions. — In 1775, Abijah Lamed, Cock-
burne; 1778, none; 1781, David Page, Lancaster; 1788, Capt. John Weeks,
Lancaster, Northumberland, Stratford. Dartmouth, Cockburne. Coleburne,
and Piercy; 1791, William Cargill, Lancaster; 1850, G. W. M. Pitman,
Bartlett; Benjamin Thompson, Berlin and Milan; Robert Tuttle, Carroll,
■&c. ; Hazen Bedel, Colebrook; Abram Boynton, Columbia; Gideon Tirrill,
Clarksville and Pittsburg; Benjamin D. Brewster, Dalton; Moses Thurs-
tin, Errol, &c. ; Joseph Perkins, Jackson; B. H. Plaisted, Jefferson; John
H. White, Lancaster; William M. Smith, Stewartstown ; J. B. Brown.
Northumberland; John D. Burbank, Shelburne, Gorham, &c. : Moses Jack-
son, Stark and Dummer; Ralph Fiske, Whitefield. 1876, Horace C Saw-
yer, Berlin; Josiah Young, Clarksville; Hazen Bedel, Frank Aldrich,
Colebrook; S. M. Harvey, Columbia; Bert A. Taylor, Dalton; I. C. Wight,
Dummer; John Akers, Errol; B. F. Howard, Gorham: X. R Perkins, Jef-
ferson; Jacob Benton, William Burns, Lancaster: Adams Twitchel, .Milan;
Robert Atkinson. Northumberland ; David Blanchard, Pittsburg: George
Wood, Randolph; Hiram T. Cummings, Shelburne; Joseph A. Pike, Stark;
Edwin W.Drew, Stewartstown; George R. Eaton, Stratford; A. L. Brown.
Moses H. Gordon, Whitefield.
Bank Commissioners.— James ^\. Rix, 1843 1846; 1848 1854; Henry ().
Kent, 1866-1869.
History of Coos County.
Date. Towns Classed. Name of Representative.
f Apthorp,
I Lancaster.
| Northumberland,
| Stratford,
1775, -j Cockburne,
I Conway,
and towns above.
Same Class.
Capt. Abijah Larned.
f Apthorp,
| Lancaster,
J Northumberland,
I Stratford,
| Cockburne,
L Colburn.
Same Class.
( Apthorp,
| Bath,
| Lyman.
] Gnnthwait,
J Lancaster,
] Northumberland.
| Stratford,
j Dartmouth.
j Colburn,
[ Cockburne.
Col. Joseim Whipple.
Col. Joseph Whipple.
Col. Joseph Whipple.
Capt. Jeremiah Eames.
Capt. Jeremiah Eames.
Capt. Jeremiah Eames.
Col. Joseph Whipple.
Col. Joseph Whipple.
Maj. John Young.
Towns Classed.
f Littleton,
j Lyman,
j Landaff,
| Concord,
| Bath,
I Dalton.
Same Class.
[ Littleton,
I Lancaster,
j Dartmouth,
Same Class.
Name of Representative,
Maj. John Young.
Maj. John Young.
Not Represesented.
Maj. Samuel Young.
Maj. John Young.
Maj. Samuel Young,
Maj. John Young.
Peter Carleton.
Jonas Wilder, Jr.
James Williams.
Jonathan Cram.
Col. Richard C. Everett-
Col. Richard C. Everett.
James Raiddn.
Col. Richard C. Everett.
—Col. Richard C. Everett.
— Col. Richard C. Everett, Maj. Nathan Barlow,
Jeremiah Eames, Jr.
— Col. Richard C. Everett, Col. Nathan Barlow,
Capt. Jeremiah Eames.
— Mr. William Lovjoy, Col. Nathan Barlow, Jo-
seph Looinis, Esq.
— William Lovejoy, Nathan Barlow, Esq., Joseph
Loomis, Esq.
These early representatives were men of strong character, and it may
be interesting to know their birthplace, residence, occupation, and politics,
which we are enabled to give by the courtesy of Hon. A. S. Batchellor, who
has furnished the above list and these particulars. Capt. Abijah Larned,
of Cockburne, born in Killingly, Conn., was a carpenter. Col. Joseph
Whipple, of Dartmouth, born in Kittery, Me., merchant; Democrat.
Capt. Jeremiah Eames, of Northumberland, a native of Salem, Mass.,
farmer; Democrat. Major John Young, of Gunthwait, born in Haverhill,
Mass.. farmer; Democrat. Major Samuel Young, of Concord, birthplace
Haverhill, Mass., farmer; Democrat. Jonas Wilder, Jr., of Lancaster,
born in Templeton, Mass., merchant; Federalist. Peter Carleton, of Lan-
daff, born in Haverhill, farmer; Democrat. James Williams, of Littleton,,
a native of Salem, Mass., farmer; Federalist. Jonathan Cram, of Lan-
caster, birthplace Poplin, N. H., farmer; Federalist. Richard C. Everett,
of Lancaster, born in Attleboro, Mass. , lawyer; Federalist. James Rankin,
of Littleton, born in Paisley, Scotland, farmer; Federalist.
National and State Officers.
(Compiled from N. II. Registers.)
■ William Love joy.
A. 1805.— Adams. Chatham; Lo-1
cations and Gores: — j
I . c hadbou m e 's, |
Gaffer's, M. II. Went- |
worth's, Roger's and |
Treadwell's, .Martin's, j
Theo. Dame's, Sher- j
burne's, et. al., .Tno.
Hind's. Stephen Hoi- |
land's. Arch stalk's. ► Silas Meserve
Samuel Hale's. Francis
< ireen's. Binge and Pier
ce's,Vere Royce's.Wm.
Robert Furnass's, Sam-
uel Gilman's. McMil-
lan's, David Oilman's,
Gridley's, Cray's. Nash
and Sawyer's.
B. 1805.— Bret ton Woods. Jeffer
son. Lancaster.
C. 1805. — Coekburne, Colebrook,
Errol, Sb e 11m rn e, ^ James
Stewartstown. )
D. 1805. — Northumberland, Tiercv, | T ,, „,.,, .
Stratford. "[ J. M. Tillotson
A. 1806.— Same as A, 1805, and Bartlett.
Silas Meserve
" " B, 1805, William Lovejoy.
" '• C, " James Hugh.
" " D, " Abner Ulark.
A. 1807.— Same as A, 1808. save /
Theo. Dame's Location, \
Same as B, 1805, William Lovejoy.
" " C, " Hez. Parsons.
" " D, '• E. H. Mahurin.
1808.— Same as A, 1807, Silas Meserve.
" " B, 1805. William Loveioy.
" " C. •< Jere. Eames. "
" " D. " E. H. Mahurin.
1809.— Class A. 1807, Silas Meserve.
" B. 1805. William Lovejoy.
C. " C, 1805. and Dix-j
ville and Shelburne -
Addition. \
Class D. 1805. J M. Tillotson.
1810.— Class A. 1807. Silas Meserve.
•• B, 1S05, William Lovejoy.
" D, 1805, .Tames Lucas.'
i lockburne, Colebrook, I
Silas Meserve.
Jere. Eames,Jr
Jere. Eames.
A. 1812.
A. 1313.-
Dixville and Errol, f
Shelburne and Addition, t
Stewartstown. [
-Class A. 1807, Silas Meserve.
•• B, 1805, and Millsfield,Wm. Love joy.
" C, 1809, save Dixville, Ch.
'• T). 1805, -lames Lucas.
-Class A. 1806. save tin
several Locations I _ . , ,. ,
and Gores therein \ David Badger.
mentiom d. J
Class B, L805, Samuel Plaisted.
" E, 1810, save Dixville, Jere. Ea
Nor thu in be r 1 a □ d. 1
Piercy, and Pauls- >• Joshua Marshall.
bury. Stratford. \
-Class A. 1812, save Chatham, David
Thomas Fames.
Northumberland and )
Stratford. \
II. Dalton and Whitefield, Edward Reid.
B. Class B, 1805, save Bretton \V Is,
A. \. Brackett.
1814.— Class A, 1813. J. Pendexter.
Colebrook and Dalton. Edmund Kezer.
Northumberland, White- i T „ , „
field, Stratford. I J' Marshall.
I. 1815. — Northumberland, Piercj
Stratford. Stewarts- \- James Lucas.
Class A, 1813, J. Pendexter.
'• B. •• A. N. Brackett.
•• H, •• John Wilder.
J. Columbia and Colebrook, Jan d Com .
1816.— Class I. 1815, N. Baldwin.
•' B, 1813, A. N. Brackett.
il H, " P. Cushman.
" J, 1815, Jared Cone.
" A. 1812, Asa Eastman.
1817.— " I. 1815. John M. Tillotson.
" B, 1813, A. N. Brackett.
" J. 1815, Hezekiah Parsons.
" A, 1812, J. Pendexter. Jr.
1818.— " A, 1813, Jonathan Meserve.
" J, 1815. Hezekiah Parsons.
I. " I, 1815, save Sti-wartstown, J. M.
1819.— " A. 1813, Jonathan Mi serve.
" I, 1818. N. Bildwin
1820.— " A, 1813. J. Pendexter, Jr.
" H, '• David Bums.
" J, 1815. Samuel Pratt.
" I, 1818. X. Baldwin.
1821.— " G. 1812, Joshua Marshall.
" A. 1813, Stephen Meserve.
" H. " Samuel Burnhani.
J. " J, 1815, and Stewartstown.
Jeremiah Eames.
1822.— " G. 1812. J. M. Tillotson.
■• A. 1813, Stephen Meserve.
'• J, 1821, Lewis Loomis.
1823.— '■ G, 1812. Seth Ames.
•■ A. 1813, Stephen Meserve.
•• J. 1821, Lewis Loomis.
1824.— Class A. L813, Stephen M serve.
" J. 1821, Ephraim II. Mahurin.
G. ■■ G. 1812, and Randolph, Joshua
1825.— •• A., 1813, Stephen Meserve.
•• II. L813, Eben. Bix.
K- BrettonWood8,Kilken-) fi^k Burbank
n\ . and Jenerson, |
J. Class J, 1815, 1
and Dixville - Ephraim H. Muhurin.
and Errol, )
D. Class D, 1805, and Milan I
and Randolph, \
1826. Class A. 1813, I. Pendexter, Jr.
•• II. 1813, Jno. M. Gove.
•■ J. L825. Hezekiah Parsi
•• K, 1825, William Chamberlain.
•• D, 1825, J. Marshall.
1827.— " A. 1813, Stephen Mi serve.
•■ II. L813, Eben. Kix.
•■ J. 1825, Hezekiah Parson-.
•■ K. 1825, B. Burbank.
■• D. 1825, Tie. ma.- Peverly.
J. Marshall.
History of Coos County.
B. Burbank.
1828.— Class A, 1813, Stephen Meserve.
" H, 1813, J. M. Gove.
" J, 1815, Abraham Boynton.
L. Dixville, Errol, )
Millsfield, and - Jeremiah Loverin}.
Stewartstown. \
M. Maynesborough, Success.
and Shelburne.
K. Class K, 1825,"|
and Randolph, j
and Nash and '- William Chamberlain.
Sawyer's Lo- j
D. 1828,-Class D, 1825. except i ^ pever]
Randolph, (
1829.— Class J, 1815, Roswell Hobart.
•• D. 1828. Samuel Porter.
" H, 1813, Asa Taylor.
•• K. 1828, George P. Plaisted.
■• L. 1828, J< remiah Lovering.
M- " ^-ls-s- (save 'b Burbank
Maynesboro') and Berlin, j u «urDanK-
1830.— Class D. 1828, Caleb Smith.
" H, 1813, Simeon Warner.
•• J. 1815, William Holkins.
•• K, 1828, W. Chamberlain.
•• L. 1828, Benjamin Drew.
•• M, 1829. Robert Ingalls.
D. 1S3L— '• D, 1828, save Stratford, Ransom
•• J. 1815. William Holkins.
•• K. 1828J Clovis Lowe.
•• L. 1828, Benjamin Drew.
" M, 1829, B. Burbank.
N. Jackson and Bartlett. George P.Meserve.
1832.— Class N, 1831, George P Meserve.
" M, 1829, Robert Ingalls.
O. Carroll. Jefferson Kilken- I 01 . L
nv. and Randolph, )
Class J, 1815. A. Boynton.
" L. 1828, B. Brainard.
" D, 1831, Francis Lang.
1833.— Class J. 1815, Jonas Mills.
L. " L, 1828 and ( larksville, B. Brainard.
Dalton and Stark, Thomas Smith.
Jefferson and Kilkenny, Clovis Lowe.
Northumberland and Stratford, T. L.
Milan and Stark, R. Twitched.
1834. — Colebrook and Columbia, Abr. Boynton.
L. Class L, 1833, and Berlin, Benjamin
Dalton and Carroll, Asa Taylor,
Jefferson and Kilkenny, David Pinkham.
Northumberland and Stratford, T. L.
Milan and Stark, Aaron Potter
1835.— Class L, 1834, B. Thompson.
Colebrook and Columbia, Heze. Parsons.
Dalton and Carroll, Benjamin Brooks, Jr.
Jefferson and Kilkenny, D. Pinkham.
Northumberland and Stratford. S. T.
Milan and Stark. R. Twitched.
1836. — Colebrook and Columbia, R. Hobart.
Dalton and Carroll, Asa Taylor.
Jefferson and Kilkenny. Robert Tuttle.
Northumberland and Stratford. S. F.
Milan and Stark. Aaron Potter.
1837.— Class L, 1834. William Chase.
Dalton and Carroll, William Denison.
Jefferson and Kilkenny, David Legro.
•Northumberland and Stratford, H.Lucas,
Milan and Stark, Th. Wheeler.
1838. — Dalton and Carroll, James B. Sumner.
Jefferson and Randolph, David Legro.
Milan, Stark and Dummer, Aaron J. Smith,
Northumberland and Stratford, Hiram
Shelburne and Gorham, Oliver B. Howe.
Class L, 1834. Jeremiah Young.
1839.— Dalton ami Carroll. J. B. Sumner.
Jefferson and Randolph, Robert Tuttle.
Milan Stark, and Dummer, Peter Wheeler.
Northumberland and Stratford, AbijahS.
Shelburne and Gorham, Robert Ingalls.
Class L. L834, Jeremiah Young.
1840.— Berlin. Ac.,* Daniel Green.
Carroll. &c., Thomas Smith.
Clarksville, &<•., Josiah A. Young.
Dalton. &c, Aaron Ballon.
Jefferson and Randolph, Robert Tuttle.
Milan and Stark, Aaron J. Smith.
Northumberland and Stratford, A. S.
1841.— Carroll, Ac, Eben. Glines.
Jackson. Arc. J. P. Emery.
Jefferson, &c, Justus Lowe.
Milan. &c, Peter Wheeler.
Shelburne, &c, Daniel Green.
Stratford. Ac. Nahum D. Day.
1842.— Milan, &c, Harwood Pike.
Stratford. &c, N. D. Day.
1843. — No classified towns.
1844.— "
1845. — Berlin. Gorham, Shelburne, D. Wheeler.
P. Carroll, Nash and Sawyer's i
Location, Hart's Location > R. Tuttle.
and Craword's Purchase, \
Jackson and Pinkham's Grant, J. F.
1 1' rrish.
Jefferson and Randolph, Jas. G. Summers.
Northumberland and Stratford, J. B.
Milan, Stark and Dummer. Joshua Parker.
Q. Pittsburg, Clarksville, )
Dixville, Millstield. V N. Perkins.
Errol, )
1846. — Berlin, Gorham and Shelburne,
D. Wheeler.
Class P. 1845, Abel Crawford.
Jackson and Pinkham's Grant, J. F.
< rerrish.
Jefferson and Randolph, Edward Parsons.
North'laml and Stratford, J. B. Brown.
Milan. Stark and Dummer, A. J. Smith.
Class Q, 1845, William Dunn.
1847. — Berlin, Gorham, Shelburne, Thomas J.
Class P. 1845, Abel Crawford.
•• Q, " R, J. Blanchard.
Jackson and Pinkham's Grant, N. P.
Jefferson and Randolph, Edward Parsons,
Milan, Stark, Dummer, Amos Green.
North'land and Stratford, R. Gamsby.
1848. — Berlin. Gorham, Shelburne, Thomas J.
Class P. 1845, Samuel Worthley.
'• Q, •" R. J. Blanchard'.
Jackson and Pinkham's Grant, N. P.
Jefferson and Randolph, B. H. Plaisted.
Milan. Stark. Dummer, Harwood Pike.
North'land and Stratford, R. Gamsby.
*"&c." is rather indefinite, but I copy as given in "Register.
National and State Officers.
1849.— Class l\ 1845, Samuel Worthley.
(,). •• nave Clarksi tile, Sam'] A
Jackson and Pinkham's Grant, N. P.
Milan, stark. Dummer, P. Win eler.
North'land and Stratford, < !. Bellows.
1850. — Berlin and Milan, Joshua Parker.
Gorham, Shelburne and Randolph,
J. I). Burbank.
• P, L845, Samuel Holmes.
•• Q, 1849, Samrn 1 Akers.
Jackson, Pinkham's Grant, <i. H.
stark ami Dummer, Moses Jackson.
North'land and Stratford, J. B. Brown.
—Berlin, Gorham, Shelburne. S. Chipman.
!'. L845. S. Holmes.
Dixville, Errol, Millsfield, M. Thurston.
Clarksville and Pittsburg. John T. Amy.
Jackson and Pinkham's Grant.
G. H. Pinkham.
Jefferson ami Randolph, B. H. Plaisted.
Stark and Dummer, .1. R. Briggs.
Stratford and Northumberland,
R. s. Marshall.
--Randolph. Gorham and Shelburne.
James 0. Scates.
Class T. 1845, Joseph L. Gibbs.
Dixville, Errol; Millsfield, Elliot Harper.
Clarksville and Pittsburg, John T. Amy.
Jackson and Pinkham's Grant,
Samuel Hazelton.
Milan and Berlin, II. T. Ellin-wood.
Stark ami Dummer, Moses Jackson.
Stratford and North'land, R. s. Marshall.
— Randolph, Gorham and Shelburne,
T. J. Hubbard.
Class P. 1845, Joseph L. Gibbs.
Dixville. Errol. Millsfield, etc., E. Harper.
Clarksville and Pittsburg. A. F. Abbott.
Milan and Berlin, R. H. Wheeler.
Stark and Dummer, E. Horn.
-Carrolland Hart's Location,Wm. J. Hobbs.
Dummer and Stark. Levi Rowell.
Errol, Cambridge and Millsfield,
George 1!. Randall.
Clarksville and Pittsburg, Samuel
( lomstock.
-Carrolland Hart's Location. W. J. Hobbs.
Clarksville and Pittsburg, Samuel
Randolph. Shelburne and Gorham,
John I). Burbank.
Dummer and Stark. John R. Briggs.
Errol, Cambridge,
Dixville, Millsfield
and Wentworth's
1856.— Berlin ami Randolph, Merrill C. Forist.
Carrolland Hart's Location, John Hunt.
Clarksville and Pittsburg, S. Comstock.
Dummer and Stark, Levi Howell.
Errol. Cambridge. Dix-i
ville. Millsfield, Went- - Z. F. Dnrkee.
worth's I,i ication. )
Shelburne ami Gorham, V. I,. Stiles.
1857.— Berlin and Randolph, Daniel Green.
( larroll and Hart's Local ion, I lhai
S. Leavitt.
Clarksville ami Pittsburg, Mood; B.
Dummer and Stark, Elijah Griffin.
Errol, < ' imbridge, Dix- 1
ville, Millsfield and - Wm. W. Bragg.
Wentworth's Loca. )
1 858.
Ziba F. Dnrkee.
I sen.
Gorham and Shelburne, John T. I
i and Randolph, Geo. P. 1 1
Carroll and Hart's Local ion, I >a\ id
Clarksville and Pitl h B.
Qu ii
Dummer and Stark, Solomon <
Dixville, Went- - David H. Thursi
worth's I.' ica. )
Berlin and Randolph, < reo. I'. I [odgman.
Carrolland Hart's Location. David Emery
and Pittsburg, David Johnson.
Stark and ., < ii itlin.
Berlin and Randolph, Fletchi r .1 Bean,
irroll and Hart's Location, Charles S.
I .. a\ itt.
Clarksville and Pittsburg, David Johnson.
Errol, Cambridge, &c. Mosi - I'. Coolidge.
stark and Dummer, Solomon ( lole.
Bi rlin and Randolph, I I. Bean.
Carroll and Hart's Location, P. Rosebrook.
Clarksville and Pittsburg. G. Washburne.
Errol, Cambridge, &c, M. F. Coolidge.
Shelburne and Green's Location. J. M.
Stark and Dummi r, Gilman Tn Ltchell.
—Berlin and Randolph, John E. Leighton.*
Carrolland Halt's Location, l'hineas
Clarksville and Pittsburg, Jno. Keysar.
Errol. Cambi tdge, &c, Samuel Al
Stark andDummer, Sylvester '
— Berlin and Randolph, Jno. < '. Leighton.
Carroll and Hart's Location. ( it o.W.Tufts.
Clarksville and Pittsburg, Jno. Keysar.
Stark and Dummer, G. Twitchell.
—Berlin andBandolph, Cyrus Wheeler.
Carrolland Hart'-; Location, < r< o.W.Tufts.
Errol, Cambridge, &c, David W.Wright.
— Berlin and Randolph, William A. Wilson.
Carroll and Hart's Location. L. ( '. A Id rich.
Errol, Cambridge, A-c.. David W. Wright.
Staik and Dummer, John M. Bickford.
—Berlin and Randolph, Robert I. Leighton.
Carroll and Hart's Location, Samuel
Errol, Cambridge, &c, AJbi n J. Peaslee.
stark and Dummer, Luke i
—Berlin and Randolph, Roberl [.Leighton.
Carroll and Hart's Location. Samuel
Errol & Cambridge, &c, AM Kit J. Peaslee.
k and Dummer, John M. Bickford.
Berlin and Randolph, 1 >ani I ( rreen.
Carrol] and Hart's Location, I Ikarles S.
\ itt.
Errol. Cambridge, Ac, C. L.Heywood.
Stark' and I >n n i tin r. Luke ( lole.
Berlin and Rtndolph, Daniel Grei d.
Carrolland Hart's Location, ( itt.
Errol, < lambridge, & ■ ■.. < . L. Heyw
St. M k and iMmi '. ( '. E. Bickford.
Berlin and Randolph, J. E. Leighton.
Carroll and Hart's Location, M. P.
Errol, Cambridge, D. H. Thurston.
Stark and Dummer, J. A. Pike.
It. rlin and Randolph, J. E. Leighton.
( larroll and Hart's Location. M. P.
Stark and Dummer, C. E. Bickford.
^N'o ( llassifii d downs.
*Seat vacated.
History of Coos County.
1875.— No Classified Towns.
1876.— '•
1877.— " •• "
1878.— " ■■ "
1879-80.— "
1881-82.— Berlin and Randolph. Laban M. Watson.
Clarksville and Pittsburg, Moody B.
1883-81.— Clarksville and Pittsburg, Herbert M.
Dummer, Errol, Mills-
held, Wentworth's
Shelburne and Randolph, Emblyn \V.
1885-86.— Clarksville and Pittsburg, Jas. W. Baldwin.
Dummer, Errol, Dix- |
ville.Millslield.Cam- L „ n,, ,
bridge, and Went- f K D- ^^ston.
worth's Location. )
Shelburne and Randolph. Chas. E. Lowe.
1887-88.— Clarksville and Pittsburg, Berkley Keysar.
Randolph and Shelburne, Trustam H.
Senators. —New Hampshire was divided into twelve senatorial dis-
tricts. December 14, 1792. No. 12 contained the county of Grafton,
excepting Burton. The Coos senators from this district were John W.
Weeks, Lancaster, from June, 1820, to June, 1829; Jarecl W. Williams,
Lancaster, from June, 1832. to June, 1835. July 3, 1841, No. 12 was changed
to embrace the county of Coos and all towns in Grafton and Carroll not
included in any other district. The members from Coos were Simeon
Warner, Whitefield, from June, 1S43, to June, 1844; Ephraim Cross, Lan-
caster, from June, 1844, to June, 1846; James M. Eix, Lancaster, June,
1852, to June, 1854. The senatorial districts were re-arranged July 13, 1855,
but No. 12 remained the same. William Burns, Lancaster, was senator
from June, 1856, to June, 1858; Amos W. Drew, Stewartstown, June, 1862,
to June, 1864; John W. Barney, Lancaster, 1868 to 1870; Wayne Cobleigh,
Northumberland, 1875 to 1877. In 1877 the state was divided into twenty-
four senatorial districts; Coos county constituting district No. 1. The
B?natorsfrom this district have been Sherburn R. Merrill, Colebrook, 1879
to 1883; Irving W. Drew, Lancaster, 1883 to 1885; Henry 0. Kent, Lan-
caster, 1885 to 1887; Samuel E. Paine, Berlin, 18S7 to 1889.
[This list, compiled from the New Hampshire Registers, is as accurate a
one as is attainable since the burning of the county records.]
Justices of Court of Common Pleas. — Joshua Marshall. Stratford, ap-
point <m1 January 8, 1833, in office until 1S50; John Pendexter, Jr., Bartlett,
from 1833 to 1812; Richard Eastman, Lancaster, from 1S41 to 1848; Robert
[ngalls, Shelburne, from 184S to 1855; Nahum D. Day, Stratford, from 1850
to 1855.
Clerks of Court of Common Pleas. — William Farrar, Lancaster, from
L837 to LS39; James M. Rix, Lancaster, from 1839 to L857; Daniel C. Pink-
ham. Lancaster, from 1857 to 1869.
County Justices — Court of Common Pleas. — Richard C. Everett, C J.,
Lancaster, L805; Obed Hall, Bartlett. 1805; Joseph Loomis, Colebrook,
L805; Silas Meserve, Bartlett, 1811.
Circuit Court. — Silas Meserve. Bartlett, 1816; William Lovejoy, Lan-
caster, L816; John Pendergast, Bartlett, 1820.
National and State Officers. 205
Court of Sessions.— John Pendexter, C. J., L820; Samue] Plaisted,
Jefferson, Ass., 1«20; X. Baldwin, Stratford, Jus., L821.
County Justices. — Joshua Morrill, Stratford, L838.
Clerks of Superior Court.- -Jonas Baker, Lancaster; AdinoN. Brackett,
Lancaster, from 1837 to 1847; James M. Rix.* Lancaster. 1847 to ls.~>''».
Clerks of tl/r Supreme Judicial Court. — James .M. Rix, Lancaster, from
1856 to 1857; Daniel C. Pinkham, Lancaster, from 1857 to 1869; Chester B.
Jordan, Lancaster, from 1869 to 1875; Moses A. Hastings, Lancaster, from
Judges of Probate. — Francis Wilson, Northumberland, January, 1805;
Ebenezer L. Hall, Bartlett, January, 1811; Benjamin Hunking, Lancaster,
appointed in July. 1829, in office until 1852; Jared W. Williams, Lancas-
ter, from 1852 to 1854; James W. Weeks, Lancaster, from 1854 to L855;
Turner Stephenson, Lancaster, from 1855 to 1869; Benjamin F. Whidden,
Lancaster, from 1869 to 1875; Hazen Bedel, Colebrook, from 1875 to 1877;
William D. Weeks, Lancaster, from 1877 to L885; Everett Fletcher, from
Registers of Probate. — John M. Tillotson, Northumberland, January,
1805; Thomas Peverly, Jr., Northumberland, November, 1822; William
Lovejoy, Lancaster, 1829; Jared W. Williams, Lancaster, from 1829 to 1 838;
George A. Cossitt,Whitefield, from 1838 to 1852; John W. Barney, from L852
to 1855; Albro L. Robinson, Lancaster, from 1855 to I860; John M. Whipple,
Lancaster, from 1860 to 1875; George H. Emerson, Lancaster, from 1875
to 1^77; Charles B. Allen, Lancaster, from 1877 to 1880; George H. Emer-
son, Lancaster, from 1880 to 1886; Joseph W. Flanders, Lancaster, from
County Solicitors. — Abraham Hinds, Lancaster. June. 1807; William
Farrar, Lancaster, February 12, 18(>7; Obed Hall. 2d, Bartlett; William
Farrar, Lancaster, 1821; Jared W. Williams, Lancaster, from 1821 to 1838;
John S. Wells, Lancaster, from 1838 to 1847; Saunders W. Cooper. Lan-
caster, from 1847 to 1849; William Burns, Lancaster, from 1849 to 1853;
George C. Williams, Lancaster, from 1853 to 1856; Benjamin P. Whidden,
Lancaster, from 1856 to 1863; Ossian Ray, Lancaster, from 1863 1<» lv7-;
Edgar Aldrich, Colebrook, from 1873 to 1875; Henry Hey wood. Lancaster,
from 1875 to 1877; Edgar Aldrich, Colebrook, from 1>77 to ls7:»: William
S. Ladd, Lancaster, from 1879 to 1880; J. H. Dudley. Colebrook. from
Treasurers. — Joseph Peverly, Northumberland. l^*'>: John W. Weeks,
Lancaster; Richard Eastman, Lancaster. 1820; Robert Lngalls, Shelburne,
1831; Lyman Lombard, Lancaster, ]^-'»:>: John M. Gove, Whitefield, from
1S36 to 1839; George P. Meserve, Jackson, from L839 to 1840; John P. Pit-
*John Willsoti is also given as " Clerk of Court" with date of service prior to James M. Rix.
206 History of Coos County.
man, Bartlett, from 1840 to 1842; William Ewen, Dalton, from 1842 to
1843; John P. Pitman, Bartlett, from 1843 to 1844; William Ewen, Dalton,
from 1844 to 1846; Abraham Boynton, Columbia, from 1846 to 1S47;
Oliver B. Howe, Shelburne, from 1847 to 1849; Hezekiah Parsons, Cole-
brook, from L 849 to 1851; Edward Parsons, Jefferson, from 1851 to 1853;
Amos W. Drew, Stewartstown, from 1853 to 1855; James B. Brown,
Northumberland, from 1855 to 1857; Harwood Pike, Stark, from 1857 to
1859; Morris Clark, Whitefleld, from 1859 to 1861; Nahum D. Day, Strat-
ford, from 1861 to 1863; Orren Tubbs, Gorham, from 1863 to 1865; George
A. Cossitt, Lancaster, from 1865 to 1867; Wayne Cobleigh, Northumber-
land, from 1867 to 1869; Edwin W. Drew, Stewartstown, from 1S69 to
1871; Jabez P. Evans, Gorham, from 1871 to 1873; A J. Smith, Stark,
from 1S73 to 1875; Sidney B. Whittemore, Colebrook, from 1875 to 1877 ;
J. M. Lang, Dalton, from 1877 to 1879; James M. Powell, Lancaster, from
1879 to 1883; John C. Pattee, Stratford, from 1883 to 1886; George R.
Eaton, Lancaster, from 1886.
Registers of Deeds. — John M. Tillotson, Northumberland, 1805; Abra-
ham Hinds, Lancaster; Asa W. Burnap, Lancaster; William Farrar, Lan-
caster: John M. Dennison, Lancaster, 1817; Reuben Stephenson, Lancas-
ter, from 1830 to 1839; John W. Lovejoy, Lancaster, from 1839 to 1849;
John S. Roby, Lancaster, from 1849 to 1855; Ira S. M. Gove, Lancaster,
from 1855 to 1861; Hezekiah B. Parsons, Lancaster, from 1861 to 1S66;
Benjamin P. Hunking, Lancaster, from 1866 to 1871; Charles W. Smith,
Lancaster, from 1871 to 1876; Joseph W. Flanders, Lancaster, from 1 ^ 7 < >
to 1882; Charles A. Cleveland, Lancaster, from lssi> to :8S7; James M.
Rowell, Lancaster, 1887.
Sheriffs. — Levi Willard, Lancaster, January, 1805; Obed Hall, Bartlett,
December, 1812; Lemuel Adams, December, 1816; John W. Weeks, June,
1820; Ephraim H. Mahurin, June, 1825; John H. White, Lancaster, from
1830 to 183'.); George P. Meserve, Jackson, from 1839 to ls44; Charles
Bellows, Northumberland, from 1844 to 1849; Reuben Stephenson, Lan-
caster, from 1849 to 1855; Hezekiah Parsons, Jr., Colebrook, from 1855
to ls;)7; Enoch L. Colby, Lancaster, from 1857 to is, 7; Benjamin H.
Corning, Northumberland, from 1867 to 1872; Samuel H. LeGro, Lancas-
ter, from 1872 to 1873"; E. G. Rogers, Colebrook, from 1873 to 1875; Sam-
uel H. LeGro, Lancaster, from 1875 to 1877; E. George Rogers, Colebrook,
from IS77 to 1879; William T. Pike, Stark, from 1879 to 1883; Samuel I.
Bailey, Columbia, from 1883 to lss7; George M. Stevens, Lancaster, from
County Commissioners. — Robert Ingalls, Shelburne, from 1856 to 1858;
Samuel Worthley, Carroll, from 1856 to 1860; Elliot Harper, Errol, from
L856 to L859; Daniel Green, Berlin, from 1857 to 1861; Hazeu Bedel. Cole-
brook, from 1859 to 1862; Moses H. Rix, Dalton, from 1860 to 1863; Hazen
Bench and Bar. 20'
Evans, G-orham, from L861 to L864; Edwin W. Drew. Stewartstown. from
1862 to 1865; Benjamin H. Plaisted, Jefferson, from L863 to L866; Gilman
Twitchell, Dummer, from L864to L866; Samuel T. Bailey, Columbia, from
L865 to 1868; Simon Cole, Milan, from L866 to L867; David M. Aldrich,
Whitefield, from L866 to L869; Andrew J. Congdon, Lancaster, from L867
to 1S7<>; Seneca S. Merrill, Colebrook, from L868 to 1*71; John C. Leigh-
ton, Randolph, from L869 to 1872; Sprague Carleton. Whitefield. from
L870 to 1873; Isaiah H. Pickard, Stewartstown, from L871 to 1*7:'.; Samuel
Brown, Stratford, from 1S72 to 1875; Amos W. Drew, Stewartstown, from
from 1873 to 1877; James W. Weeks, Lancaster, from L873 to L876; .lames
H. Curtis, Northumberland, from 1875 to 1878; A. N. Twitchell, Gorham,
from L876 to 1879; L. G. Piper, Colebrook, from 1877 to L879; N. R. Per-
kins, Jefferson, from 1878 to 1882; J. P. Evans, Gorham, from 1879 to
1882; George R. Eaton, Stratford, from 1S79 to L883; Bert A. Taylor, Dal-
tou, from 1882 to 1886; Jonathan Gilmore, Columbia, from L882 to L886;
Eugene W. Scribner, Berlin, from 1883 to 1887; W. E. Drew. Colebrook,
from L886; Harley E. Jenness, Carroll, from L886; Levi Shedd, Gorham,
from 1887.
History of the Courts — Bench and Bar— Northern Judicial District
nKISTORY of the Co urts.— Previous to 1770 the whole of New Eamp-
j J shire, for all financial and judicial purposes, was a single court. All
J business of a public nature was transacted at Portsmouth, Exeter
and Dover; and the bulk of it at Portsmouth, which had a population of
over 4,000, was the residence of the royal executive officers, and was, prac-
tically, the provincial capital. As the province increased in population,
other and smaller political divisions, with suitable courts, were demanded
by the people. John Wentworth, the second of that name, wasappointed
governor in 1767, and one of his first measures considered the formation
of various counties in the province, and the creation of a judicial system
of adequate proportions. The matter was debated in several sessions of
the Assembly, favored by the governor as calculated to develop the prov-
ince, (an object to which he devoted all his energies, i and opposed by the
residents of the three principal towns and contiguous country, with the
208 History of Coos County.
plea that it would increase the provincial expenses without corresponding
advantages. The affair was finally settled by a division of the province
into five counties, with an ample judiciary system. The act constituting
these took effect in the spring of 1771, and was entitled "An Act for
dividing the Province into Counties, and for the more easy administration
of Justice." This act created three courts of justice — the Superior Court
of Judicature, the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and the Court of Gen-
eral Sessions.
The Superior Court of Judicature had cognizance of all questions of law
and divorce, and, finally, was clothed with equity powers, and was intended
as the supreme tribunal of the province. It existed until 1813, when the
Federalists, then in power in the state, to get rid of politically obnoxious
judges, abolished it, and erected the Superior Judicial Court, which was
overturned in is 10 by the Democratic Republicans, and the Superior Court
of Judicature re-erected. No attempt was made to interfere with this
court of last resort until 1855, when, under the brief term of power of the
" Know-Nothing " party, it was again abolished and the Supreme Judicial
Court re-created. This was superseded in 1*74 by the Superior Court of Ju-
dicature, which continued in being until 1876, when it was succeeded by the
present Supreme Court. It would appear that the legislature could, con-
stitutionally, get rid of obnoxious judges by changing the name and some
of the minor functions of a court; and the great height to which partisan-
ship has been carried has almost caused this court to be a mere shuttle-
cock in the hands of the legislature.
The Inferior Court of Common Pleas was the court for the disposi-
tion and settlement of all ordinary controversies. It continued in existence
under the name first given it, and the Court of Common Pleas, from 1771
until 1850, except for five years, from 1820 to 1825, when it was discon-
tinued. In 1859 it was abolished, and its business transferred to the
Supreme Judicial Court. It was again revived in 1874. and, after two
years' existence, its business was handed over to the Supreme Court.
The Court of General Sessions of the Peace had for its judges all the
justices in commission of the county. It had a limited jurisdiction in crim-
inal complaints, and was accompanied by a grand and petit jury. It had
the entire control of the financial affairs of the county. The number of
justices composing the court depended on the number in commission,
sometimes more, sometimes less, and the law did not require the justice
to reside in the county for which he was commissioned, and it was a mat-
ter of choice with the justices as to how many should sit at any particular
term It was a cumbersome and unwieldy institution, and, in 1701, its
functions were given to the Court of Common Pleas; some of the judges
of the last court, called side judges, attending to financial affairs and
special committees formed to lay out highways. In 1855 a board of
Bench and Bar. 209
county commissioners was created to act with the court in conducting the
finaucial matters of the county and in laying out highways. By the organ-
ization of this board the services of side judges were dispensed with.
The sessions docket, now a branch of the business of the general term
of the Supreme Court, but formerly of the Common Pleas, is all that now
remains of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, and treats only of
entries for the laying out of highways.
Probate Court.— This has jurisdiction of the probate of wills, of grant-
ing administrations, and of all matters and things of probate jurisdic
t ion, relating to the sale, settlement, and final distribution of the estates
of deceased persons. It has original jurisdiction in relation to the adop-
tion of children, assignments of dower and homesteads in estate of
deceased persons; in the appointment and removal of guardians of minors,
insane persons, spendth lifts, together with other powers unnecessary to
mention. It has been also a court of insolvency for sonic years.
From the organization of the county the office of judge of probate has
been held by men of ability, not always lawyers, hut their rulings and
decisions have been of such a character that very few appeals have been
Bench and Bar*— In its personnel and practice, the bar of Coos county
has always stood in the front rank. Among its members have been some
of the strongest legal minds in the state. Beginning with the organization
of the county and continuing to the present time, there have been leaders
at its courts whose character and attainments have placed them among
the first in the profession, and whose influence has been so pervading and
salutary that the whole bar has caught something of their spirit. The
county is represented in this profession to-day by men of font1, ability and
integrity, who worthily stand as equals of the lawyers of any county of
the state, and whose practice extends not only to all sections of New
Hampshire, but a much wider area.
k'The Grafton and Coos Counties Bar Association was put inactive
operation in November, 1882, and has since enjoyed a useful and vigorous
existence. They have already effected valuable improvements within the
sphere of their professional labors, and will not weary in well doing."
Eichard Clair Everett, the first resident lawyer of Lancaster, was a
native of Attleboro, Mass , born March 28, 1764. At the age of sixteen he
enlisted in the Revolutionary army, where General Washington, who was
favorably impressed with his appearance, retained him as a body servant.
After a service of two years he was discharged, emigrated to Lancaster
and engaged in the hard duties of the pioneer. The inherited traits of the
*Compiled under the supervision of Hon. William Heywood, presideal of Grafton and Co6a
Bar Association.
210 History of Coos County.
Everett family were dominant in the young man, and his aspiration and
desire for an education could no longer be held in bounds, and he went to
Hanover to prepare for college, although with but small means. Fortune
favors the brave, and he soon came into the possession of quite a sum of
money from the sale of several lots of land in Providence, which had be-
longed to his father. He finished his preparatory studies; was graduated
from Dartmouth college in 1790; studied law; in 1793 returned to Lancas-
ter, and married, December 17, of that year, Persis, daughter of Major
Jonas Wilder. He built the house now standing (1887) at the corner of
Main and High streets, where he resided until his death, March 22,
1815, at the age of fifty one. His children, all daughters, were Drusilla
S., married Dr. Benjamin Hunking; Persis F., married Major John W.
Weeks; Almira J., married Thomas Peverly, Esq.; Abigail C, married
Ephraim Cross; Elizabeth A., and two who died in infancy. Mr. Everett
was a handsome man, tall, of commanding presence, and an able speaker:
as a lawyer he displayed much ability, was shrewd, practical, successful,
and, in 1805, became judge of the Court of the Common Pleas, and held
the office at the time of his death. His descendants are among the most
intelligent people of the county. He represented Lancaster in the legis-
lature several years, and it was through his efforts that many important
bills were passed. He held the military commission of colonel.
Thomas Peverly, Jr., was the second register of probate, which posi-
tion he filled until 1829, when his death occurred. Mr. Peverly was edu-
cated at Dartmouth, studied law, and was in practice at Northumberland.
He was elected to the state legislature, and took an active part in the busi-
ness proceedings of the House. He was comparatively a young man at
the time of his death. He married Almira, the third daughter of Hon.
Richard C. Everett. They had two children, a son, Richard Everett Pev-
erly, who was an engineer of construction, and a daughter, Helen, who
married x\ntipas Marshall, an engineer of New York city.
Abraham Hinds was here early. He practiced in the Court of Common
Pleas, and the Superior Court, and was register of deeds for some time. He
was appointed postmaster of Lancaster in 1807.
Hon. B. F. Whidden gives us the following: —
" The history of the Coos Bar of early days would be incomplete with-
out the mention of some, long since departed, whose names are almost
unknown to the present generation.
" Samuel A. Pearson had an extensive practice. He was a_gejittem^n
of fine address, and one of the first a stranger would be likely to notice
on coining into town. He was postmaster of Lancaster for many years,
and as such was deservedly popular. He was a graduate of Dartmouth
college in the year 1803. He died September 2, 1840, aged fifty-six.
Bench and Bar. 21
"William Farrar was clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for many
years, and a lawyer doing an extensive business. His justice dockel was
larger than any other in the county, except thai of Jonas Baker His
most distinguishing gift was music. His was the soul of music. Hesup-
ported the choir in the Orthodox church for many years with his bass-viol,
and his bow has raised many a nagging soul on the wings of devotion.
He was a man of great probity, and universally respected. He was a
graduate of Dartmouth college in the year 1801, and a classmate of
Daniel Webster. He died March 3, 1850, aged sixty-nine.
" Charles J. Stuart was a lawyer of fine ability, highly educated, but,
on account of his intemperate habits, never succeeded in business. He was
a gentleman of fine address, a genial companion, a fine singer, and his
presence was indispensable on the convivial occasions of those early days.
He was a graduate of Dartmouth in 1809, and a class-mate of Levi Wood-
bury. On his tombstone in the ' Old Cemetery' in Lancaster, is inscribed
'Charles J. Stuart, Counselor at Law, died May IT. 1837, aged 46/
"Levi Barnard was a lawyer doing business at Lancaster many years.
He wTas a very precise man, whose manners, habits, and dress, were all of
the olden time. He died October 12, 1882, aged 60.
"John L. Sheafe practiced law early at Lancaster, when he was a young
man. He was highly educated, and a successful practitioner, and took
high rank at the bar. He removed to New Orleans, and became a judge
in their courts Late in life he returned to Portsmouth, his early home,
where he died in oid age.
" When I was a school-boy, my way to school led me past the court-
house, where twice a year the court was in session in all the dignity of the
times. Bovish curiositv induced me to enter the Temple of Justice and
watch the trial and disposal of cases. My earliest memories are of the
days of Richardson and Livermore, who ruled upon the bench in distin-
guished severity.
"In early days the lawyers of the Coos Bar did not argue their own
cases, but merely put in the evidence, and employed the professional
speakers, Bell, Bartlett, Cushman, and Wilson, who rode the circuit, to
argue -the causes. Trials were generally short, and the court house was
the arena of intellectual encounter; argument and eloquence often had
more to do in winning a verdict than evidence or preparation. The court-
house was always full during the session, and here many a young man
has had stirred within him the first fires of ambition.
"Bartlett was a facile, easy, witty speaker, and always ready at
repartee. He was a very successful advocate before tin- jury.
" Bell was not a graceful orator, but gave tin- sledge-hammer knocks
that often won for him the victory.
"Cushman was a courtly, graceful gentleman, of polished manners and
212 History of Coos County.
fine oratory. He was clear, methodical, and masterful in the management
of a case. His magnetic temperament often overcame all opposition.
" Wilson was a man of the people. He was always admired, and drew
a crowd. He had a fine voice, was forceful, and, rising with the occasion,
was apt to cany his case by storm.
"Such was the Coos Bar as it comes down to us in memory from
former years, made up of our fellow citizens of Coos and the elite of the
state These semi-annual courts not only settled our disputes, but educated
and gave strength to the people."
Hon. Jared Warner Williams was born in West Woodstock, Conn.,
in 1796. He was graduated at Brown university in 1818; read law at the
Litchfield (Conn.) Law school, and came to Lancaster in 1822, where he
commenced the practice of his profession, and was a resident until his
death in September, 1864. In 182-1 he married Sarah Hawes Bacon, of
Woodstock, Conn. She died in 1857, leaving two sons, George Canning
and Jared Irving.
Mr. Williams was elected representative of Lancaster in 1830-31; was
register of probate from 1832 to 1837; in 1833 he was chosen to the state
Senate; in 1834 and '35 he was president of that body; in 1837 he entered
Congress from the ' ' Sixth district " and served four years. He was governor
of the state in 184-7-18; in 1852 was made judge of probate; in 1853 he filled
the vacancy in the U. S. Senate occasioned by the death of Hon. C. G.
Atherton; in 1864 he was a delegate to the Chicago convention. In addi-
tion to these political distinctions, Gov. Williams received the degree of A.
M. from Dartmouth college in 1825; and that of LL. D. from Brown uni-
versity in 1852. He died September 29, 1864, aged sixty eight. He was a
gentleman of the highest type of character, winning social qualities, and
rare abilities. His various honors sat easy upon him, and vanity did not
manifest itself.
Turner Stephenson was born in Lyme, N. H., and came with his father
to Lancaster in early boyhood. He was educated at Dartmouth college,
studied law, and was a member of the Coos Bar in good standing. He was
a safe man in his business, and much trusted. He acquired a considerable
property. He was judge of probate from 1855 to 1868. Judge Stephenson
was twice married, first, to Miss Eluthera Porter, of Charlestown; second,
to Miss Phebe Oakes, a most excellent lady, who survives him. He died
January 26, L872, leaving no children. Nathaniel Wilson writes thus of
him: " He was one of the purest and best men I ever knew."
John Sullivan Wells,* born in Durham, N. H., in 1804, died in 1860.
I knew him well in the early part of his professional life. He studied law
at Danville, Vt., with Hon. William Mattocks. He was admitted to the
*By William Hey wood, Esq.
Bench and Bar, 213
bar, and located at Guildhall, Vt,, in L828, remained there in practice till
Is:;;,, when he went to Bangor, Me., tor a year, then came to Lancaster,
where lie was a successful practitioner for ten years. While in Lancaster
he built the house now owned by Mrs. John H. Hopkinson. Tin' walls are
of granite, being the only building in the county constructed of thai ma-
terial. From Lancaster Mr. Wells removed to Exeter, N. H.
While at Guildhall and Lancaster be gained the deserved reputal ion of
an able lawyer and advocate. He was very industrious in the preparation
and trial of his causes. He was on one side or the other of all important
cases in Coos and Essex counties while he remained here, and his clients
always gave him their full confidence. He was elected representative from
Lancaster, was speaker of the House, and for several years solicitor for the
county. He had much ambition for political life, but, as far as success
there was concerned, I think that he would have done better to have re-
mained in Coos county. He gained prominence after he went to Exeter.
but I know from his own words, said to me when I saw him last not long
before his death, that his experience in pursuit of office was a bitter disap-
pointment. Perhaps it may be well for young lawyers to remember this
incident in the life of Mr. Wells. He was a man of brilliant parts, and
any one who knew him would have supposed that he could have filled any
position that the state or its citizens could give him, but inferior men
passed him in the race. If he had devoted himself solely to his profession
he would have gained greater eminence, and he truly deserved the honor
of taking rank as one of the distinguished lawyers in New Hampshire.
During his residence in Exeter he was appointed attorney-general Jan-
uary 17, 1848; resigned it the following August; was chosen senator 1851
and 1852, and both years chosen president of the Senate: was nominee
for governor in 1*5(5 and 1857; appointed LT. S. senator January L5, L855,
for the unexpired term of Hon. Moses Norris. Mr. Wells was considered
an eloquent orator. He was a self-made man, getting the means to pay
his expenses of education by industry in cabinet-making which he learned
in early life.
Edmund Burke, born in Westminster. Vt,, in 1809, afterward so prom-
inent in state and national politics, and as U. S. commissioner of patents,
came to Colebrook in 1830 to commence the practice of law. Not finding
matters as he expected, he located at Whitefield for a few years, when he
removed toClaremont, in 1833, to become an editor, and afterwards to New-
port. He gained a high reputation as a writer, and asa lawyer in later life
had few equals in New England. He was one of the coterie which con-
trolled the politics of the Democracy of the state, numbering as Ins friends
and co workers Franklin Pierce, Charles G. Aiherton, etc. Hisopinionof
Coos people is consequently worth transcribing. Coming here with the
impression that there was less cultivation and intellectual force in this
214 History of Coos County.
county than in the lower counties of the state, he soon changed his opinion,
and would often say that he never spent time more profitably than during
his residence here. To use his language, "I never met a community of
men generally more intelligent, more imbued with strong common sense,
or more patriotic in sentiment. Among them I laid in a large store of prac-
tical knowledge. " He died January -jr., 1852.
Hon. William Heywood,* the venerated president of the Grafton and
Coos Bar Association from its organization, was born at Lunenhurgh, Vt.,
October 6, 1804, and his early life was spent amid influences calculated to
cultivate in his young mind the sternest virtues and the utmost simplicity
of manners, and out of which came a plain, strong mind, filled with the
broadest common sense. In those days the Concord (Vt.) academy was
the leading and most available institution of learning in the vicinity, and
in it Mr. Heywood acquired such academical education as an usual course
afforded. But he utilized all there was of it, and assimilated it to his own
practical ideas as he went along, so that he came from the school with
more than the strength that is usually born of education. He went to
the study of law not moved by accidental circumstances, but seemingly
as a matter of course, reading at first with Judge Charles Davis, at Water-
ford and Danville, and later with Judge William A. Fletcher, in Detroit,
Michigan. Returning to Vermont he was admitted to the bar at Guildhall,
at the September term of 1831, where he commenced a business which
neither in amount nor length of duration lias ever been equalled in the
county. So entirely did he become absorbed in the practice of his profes-
sion that he became the most exclusive lawyer I ever met. I do not mean
to say that he was oblivious to the current events of the day, for he was
thoroughly posted on matters in general, especially in politics, in which he
always was and is an intense Democrat. But his mind was so occupied in
professional labors that he even lost sight of a just compensation for them,
and came through his immense labors gleaning for himself just what his
necessities compelled him to. He moved from Guildhall in ]s5J, and from
thence to Lancaster, N. H., in March, 1856, whither business followed and
crowded upon him. In cases he was felt rather than known. The bluster
and arrogance of identifying himself with the success of a case was un-
known to him, anci if it had not been, his modesty would have despised
any enjoyment in them. I might illustrate some of Mr. Heywood's work
by enumerating a long line of cases, including the murder case of State
vs. Allen, but it would add nothing to the importance of a work so exten-
di ve. He is undemonstrative in manner, but his language is of that grave
and peculiarly suggestive style that it attracts attention and is quite im-
pressive. It has the force of brevity and directness, and his ideas are
By Hon. George N. Dale.
Bench and Bar. 2h
winged with words so well selected that he seldom inappropriately bur-
dens an idea with a word, or a word with an idea it is n>>! adapted to con-
vey. He is ( | uite hasty in temper, but no temper was ever exhibited in
human nature with so little malice in it. Whenever it conies to him it
conies like a flash of lightning. But any spirit of anger is dismissed
quickly as it appears, and so quickly does the effect of its presence pass
away as to be a sharp rebuke to its coming, and make such passion look
absurd and ridiculous. His is the skill born of native strength. His logic
is horn of his mental impulses, and has mere the strength of nature than
the force of art.
In his marital relations he was peculiarly fortunate, having married
Miss Susan Hibbard, a daughter of the late Hon. David Hibbard, of Con-
cord. Vermont, a lady remarkably modest, yet possessing great strength
of character and kindness of heart. By her he had three sons (the second
son, Edward, died at the age of seven months,) and a daughter, Isabel.
The oldest sonis now associated with him in business. The younger went
into the Late war and did not survive it. The daughter is still living. Mr.
Heywood was a member of the second and third sessions of the Vermont
state Senate in 1887 and L838, and was state's attorney for Essex county
for tit teen years. He was a member of the convention of 1850, which
made many and radical changes in the constitution of Vermont. His
name appears first as an attorney connected with the Vermont courts in
1836, in the eighth volume of Vermont Reports, and is seen annually in
these volumes for fifty-one consecutive years, and is firsl found in the
thirteenth volume in New Hampshire Reports, and continues to appear
down to the sixty-third, the latest one published.
In physical appearance Mr. Heywood is of medium height and size,
prominent features — a very imposing countenance — grave in appearance,
even to solemnity or sadness, but through which flashes of humor occa-
sionally burst as unexpectedly as lightning from a cloudless sky. His is
the exterior of a man molded in an iron age, beneath which heats a heart
as tender as a woman's. He was not only among the founders of the Ver-
mont state government, but he was of them. He is a devoted and con-
sistent member of the Protestant Episcopal church, and in his private
character his morals are above suspicion. He still lives, at the age of more
than eighty-three years, a fit type of the simple grandeur of those olden
times, with mental faculties clear, vigorous and strong. May he long
remain a fit emblem and reminder of those days and associations we so
much revere.
Hiram Adams Fletcher, second child of Ebenezer and Peddy (Smith)
Fletcher, was born at Springfield, Vt,, December 14, L806. When Hiram
wasbutasmall boy, his father moved his family from Charlestown to
Pittsburg, then "Indian Stream Territory."' Mr. Fletcher was one of the
216 History of Coos County.
first settlers there, took with him considerable means, built mills, made a
comfortable home, and cleared up a large farm. Hiram labored on the
farm and in the mills until the age of seventeen, when he entered Kimball
Union academy (Meriden), where he was a scholar for several terms, and
laid the foundation for that love of learning and studious habits which he
exhibited in after life. About nineteen, he began the study of law with
Gen Seth Cushman, at Guildhall, Vt. He afterwards read successively
with John L. Sheafe, Gov. J. W. Williams, of Lancaster, and Gov. Hub-
bard, of Charlestown, where Chief Justice Gilchrist was a fellow student
with him. They were admitted to the bar together, at Newport, in 183G.
He first opened an office, and practiced a year, in Springfield, Vt. In 1833
he went to Colebrook. where he was in practice sixteen years. For the
place and business he w^as very successful. He had one side of all the liti-
gation in that part of the county, and the business of making collections
was a help to the rather meagre income of a lawyer in those days. He
practiced in Essex county, Vt., as well as in Coos county; at that time this
was accompanied with many hardships. The roads were not good; in
summer they were rough, and in winter deep with snow, but no obstruc-
tion was sufficient to prevent Mr. Fletcher from doing whatever he under-
took. He was a man of slight pl^sique, but every muscle was like steel,
and he had, till late in life, great activity and great powers of endurance.
He seemed to have had the make-up for a long life, but he was not care-
ful of his health. In early and middle life he appeared insensible to. hard-
ship, and to know nothing of fatigue. In 1849 he moved to Lancaster,
and was an acknowledged leader at the bar for long years. He died of
consumption, January 30, 1879, aged seventy-two years, and although a
great sufferer for the last three years, he retained his mental powers un-
impaired to the end.
In 1834. May 2.">th, Mr. Fletcher married Persis E., daughter of Dr.
Benjamin Hunking, of Lancaster. Mrs. Fletcher was a lady, intelligent
and amiable, a devoted mother and Christian. Of their six children, one
died in infancy; Emily E. died in 1857, aged nineteen; Almira (Mrs. W. S.
Ladcl). Richard and Everett reside in Lancaster; Nellie (Mrs W. A. Hol-
man), is a resident of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Fletcher died July 9, 1878.
Mr. Fletcher was a close legal student, well read in cases, for which his
memory wras wonderfully retentive, and he knew all about law books and
authors. He gradually collected many books. His law library was large
lor a country practitioner. He possessed a rtistic tastes, had much admira-
tion for a rare and a well-made book, and for any beautiful thing. He
was a man of kindly feeling. He had a great fund of humor, and no one
was likely to get the better of him in an encounter of wit.
In the course of his practice Mr. Fletcher was associated several years
with William Heywood, some years with William Burns, and four years
Bench and Bar. 217
with his son, Everett. He was honorable and fair as a practitioner,
always governed by a sense of justice, and si rid ly honest. He dealt lib-
erally with his clients, and it' the case resulted unfavorably, he would con-
sider the client very favorably in the settlement. He was never afraid to
take hold of cases of importance alone, even though opposed by an array
of able lawyers, and old members of the bar tell of the skill, tart, and
ability with which he would bring them to successful conclusion. " ll«'
was a man of great resources, and an untiring worker. The order and
regularity with which he kept his papers was remarkable. So well ar-
ranged was his business that he could go to his files and get his papers as
well years after cases were ended, as while they were pending."
George A. Cossitt was register of probate from. L837 to 1852. Mr.
Cossitt was born in Claremont and commenced the practice of the law about
1835, in Whitefield, and soon after moved to Lancaster. He was an ex-
cellent judge of probate law, and consequently has been much engaged in
probate business. He was for many years cashier of the old Lancaster
Hon. Jacob Benton,* son of Samuel Slade and Esther i Prouty) Benton,
was born at Waterford,Vt., August 19, 1814. He attended the academies
at Lyndon, Peacham, and Newbury, and completed bis education by grad-
uating from the seminary at Manchester, Vt. In the spring of 1840 he
commenced to study law in the office of Heaton & Reed, at Montpelier,
and in the autumn of that year became the principal of the academy at
Concord Corner, Vt. Mr. Benton was connected with this school for
four years. While in Concord he studied law in the office of Judge Henry
A. Bellows. In 1843 he came to Lancaster, where he has since resided,
and entered the office of Gen. Ira Young, where he completed his prelimi-
nary studies, and with whom he formed a partnership after his admission
to the bar in July of that year. This partnership was dissolved by the
death of Gen. Young in 1815. During the period from 1855 until 1887, he
had three law partners: Ossian Ray, ten years (1855 L865); J. H. Benton.
Jr., four years (1867-1871); H. I. Goss, two years (1885-1887). In 1860 he
married Louisa Dwight, a daughter of Gen. Neal Dow, of Portland. Me.
Mr. Benton belongs to a family of men strong mentally and physically.
He is more than six feet tall, and well built. Though reared on a farm,
most of his brothers as well as himself became connected with the learned
professions. The family came to Vermont from Connecticut and \\
prominent there. His grandfather owned a part of the site of the city of
He was first a Whig in politics: but, upon the breaking up of that
party, he became a Republican, to which party he has always since ad
*By H. I. Goss.
218 History of Coos County.
heredj and the principles of which he has, when occasion offered, advo-
cated and supported with much force and effect.
In 1854 he was elected to represent Lancaster in the legislature, where-
he took an active part in bringing about the defeat of the election of Dem-
ocratic senators to the United States Congress. Being re-elected in 1855,
he saw his efforts of the former year crowned with success in the election
of John P. Hale and James Bell. He was again elected in 1856. Later he
was made a brigadier-general of the militia. In 1867 he was elected from
the Third New Hampshire district a representative to the Fortieth Con-
gress, and was re-elected in 1869.
In the halls of legislation and at the bar Mr. Benton has been noted
for his strong and fearless advocacy of the cause he espoused. His lan-
guage, abounding in startling and original metaphor, is pointed and force-
ful. While in Congress he made several speeches which attracted atten-
tion; and one, (made February 25, 1868, before the House of Representa-
tives acting as a committee of the whole, and having under consideration
President Johnson's annual message, in which he severely criticised the
policy of the administration,) was extensively circulated throughout the
country as a campaign document.
As a lawyer he early had a large and lucrative practice. He was en-
dowed by nature with much inherent shrewdness and practical common
sense. He never relies upon trivialities or technicalities; but his mind
seizes at once upon the principal points in the case, and these he urges
with much force and persistence. He sees with equal quickness the weak-
nesses of his opponent's cause, and these he holds up to view, often Avith
much good humored wit, always with tact, and strong argument.
Hon. William Burns, born at Hebron, N. H., April 25, 1821, was son
of Robert Burns, a distinguished physician and prominent public man.
Mr. Burns was educated at academies in Plymouth and New Hampton,
and was a graduate in the class of 1841, from Dartmouth college. He be-
gan to read law with Hon. Leonard Wilcox, of Orforcl; attended Harvard
Law school, where he was graduated in 1813, and the next year (1814)
married Clementine E. Hayes, of Orford, a lady whose sunny tempera-
ment especially fitted her to make a happy home for a public man. He
was admitted to the Grafton county bar in 1844, and commenced practice
at Littleton, where he remained two years, then removed to Lancaster,
having purchased the legal business of Hon. John S. Wells.
At once Mr. Burns obtained a high reputation for legal soundness,
clear judgment, and sterling integrity. It was, however, as an advocate
that his great natural ability was most conspicuously shown. Always
would his impassioned appeals impress a jury, and make him master of
the situation. For eighteen years he was in partnership with Hiram A.
Fletcher. As attorneys for the Grand Trunk Railway, and in connection
Bench and Bar. 219
with their other business they built up a very large practice. In L869 Mr.
Burns entered into partnership with Henry Heywood, and remained with
him until L876, when it was dissolved on account of Mr. Burns's ill health.
It can be truly said of Mr. Burns, that he was one of thai old school of
counselors for which New Hampshire has been famous, whose profi
sional lives have both honored and elevated the business of the law. He
was unflinching in his devotion to the interests of the Democratic party,
and was long regarded as one of the most eloquent and convincing stump
orators in New Hampshire. He certainly richly deserved political position,
and would have had it had his politics been in accord with the Republican
party then dominant in the state. The Democrats always recognized the
sterling worth of a man so earnest, faithful, and unswerving in his adhe-
rence to Democracy, and regarded him as one of the most fearless and
untiring of party standard-bearers. At state conventions and gatherings
of state committees no man was listened to with keener interest in the
discussion of the issues of the day or measures of parly policy. He was
twice elected to the state Senate, in L856 and 1857. In 1859 he received
the Democratic nomination for member of Congress in the Third district,
and made a remarkably brilliant canvass, repeating the same in L861 and
L863, and, at the election in 1863, came within two hundred votes of
defeating Hon. James W. Patterson, the Republican candidate. .Mr. Burns
was a delegate to the national Democratic convention in I860, and a prom-
inent member of the state Constitutional convention of 1876. In religious
belief Mr. Burns was a Unitarian. He was a member of North Star
Lodge, F. A. M., of Lancaster.
Mr. Burns died after a long and trying illness at Plymouth, April 2,
1885, and is buried in the old Livermore church-yard at Holderness, among
his kindred and boyhood friends. Hon. George N. Dale gives this fine
analysis of his character: —
''I see coming through nearly thirty years another in this picture.
Through all that time shines the luster of a gifted and noble manhood.
The space he filled presents nothing but pleasant recollections of William
Burns. As I see him he was kind, courteous, and exceedingly pleasant,
but he was not tame by any means. His sarcasm and invective were as
keen as any blade that ever glistened in our little circle. As a public
speaker, especially in discussing political subjects, in his palmiest days, I
thought him without a superior in this section of the country. As a law-
yer he excelled. He was apt in the technology of law. not remarkably
proficient alone in specialties, and wanting in other respects, bill he had a
general variety and well selected stock of information, to which was added
abroad, practical common sense, which made him an efficient and useful
man. He excelled, of course, as an advocate. His style was elegant,
simple and sublime (for sublimity is almost always simple in literatun
220 History of Coos County.
almost as Dickens, and resembled the purity of an Addison. He often
indulged in ironical language, but it was such pure irony, and was so com-
pletely manufactured out of materials of his case as to seldom subject
him to just criticism, or leave any lasting sting behind. As a practitioner
he was a model. He was a gallant man. He had not the keen scintillat-
ing wit of a Fletcher, nor the strong, comprehensive, though unadorned
style of a Hey wood, nor even yet the dashing, overwhelming and torrent-
like style of a Bartlett, but he had such a blending and pleasantly-arranged
parts of them all as to constitute a most consistent man. Many years
since (as we count them in the life of a man), Mr. Burns was severely
injured by a collision of railway trains, yet he was still very graceful, and
so managed his lameness that I used to think it added to, rather than took
from, the effect of his most brilliant efforts. The influence of his charity
and kind consideration for others I shall feel as long as I live. His life
was and is constantly saying to us: —
" ' Let us no more contend or blame
Each other, blamed enough elsewhere,
but strive
In offices of love how we may lighten
Each other's burdens in our share of woe.'
" ' The battle of our life is brief,
The alarm, the struggle, the relief ;
Then sleep we side by side.' "
Benjamin Franklin Whidden is a native of Greenland, N. H. When
a lad he removed to Lancaster with his father. His early years in Green-
land and Lancaster were passed on a farm. At the age of fourteen he
commenced to learn the trade of cabinet-making, and served four years,
attending school winters. His preparatory education was acquired at
Lancaster and Kimball Union academies. He entered Dartmouth college
in 1836, and was graduated in 1840. (He worked at his trade, and taught,
to defray the greater portion of his expenses.) He then went to Hanover
county, Virginia, as a teacher in languages and mathematics, and remained
until 1845; passing his vacations in Washington, where he had the use of
libraries, and the opportunity to hear the foremost men of that day-
Webster, (lav. Calhoun, Benton, Adams, Marshall, Wright, Choate, Mc-
Duffie, Preston and Crittenden. This he highly prized as a most valuable
part of his education, and that epoch is full of choice memories. He re-
turned to Lancaster in 1845, and was admitted to the bar in 1846 He
was appointed school commissioner for Coos county in 1850 and 1851; he
represented Lancaster in the state legislature in 1849, 1850, and 1867. His
election in 1849 was under circumstances which show the confidence
reposed in him. The two parties in town were so nearly equal in strength
that neither could elect — Mr. Whidden being the nominee of the Free-soil
Bench and Bar. 221
party, then largely in the minority. He was elected not on party issues,
but upon his honesty, integrity, and ability as a man. lie advocated
and secured the passage of the Homestead Law. He was county solicitor
from L856 to L862; he was appointed by Presidenl Lincoln, United States
commissioner and consul-general to Hayti, on the recognition of that gov-
ernment by the United States in 1862, with plenipotentiary power to con-
clude a treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, and for the extradition
of fugitive criminals. The treaty was made in L864, and immediately con-
firmed by the governments. Mr. Whidden did efficient service for the
Union in this capacity, discharged its duties with gentlemanly courtesy,
and was highly complimented by Secretary Seward. He resigned his post
in L865, on account of ill health, and returned to Lancaster. Ho was judge
of probate in 1868 and held the office until 1*74; presidential elector in 1^7i;,
and delegate in 1876 to the Republican national convention at Cincinnati.
He travelled in Europe in the summer and fall of 1*74. After liis return
he resumed the practice of law at Lancaster.
In 1851 Mr. Whidden married Eliza Turner Spaulding, of Lancaster.
She was a most estimable lady, and beloved by all who knew her. She
died in 1868. (Their son John W. is a physician in Portland, Me.) In 1874,
he married Kate J. Brooks, of Cincinnati, Ohio. She was a lady of rare
mental and personal attractions, and much respected by those who had
the honor of her acquaintance. She died in 1879.
Mr. Whidden is especially noted for his exactness, honesty, and integ-
rity, and his devotedness to all interests intrusted to his care. He ha- an
admiration for the classics of, not only the modern, but the ancient lan-
guages, which are as familiar to him now as on his graduation day. Fine
literary tastes and scholastic culture, a broad liberality combined with a
keen sense of justice, a practical intelligence broadened by extensive travel,
and a genial, kindly spirit, all unite in this true gentleman and scholar.
George Canning Williams, eldest son of Hon. Jared W. Williams,
born at Lancaster, August 7, 1827, died, unmarried, at Lancaster, Decem-
ber 10, L865. He fitted for college at Lancaster academy, was graduated
from Dartmouth (a member of the Phi Beta Kappa society) in the class of
ls-14, studied law with his father, and was admitted to practice in L848.
He was a lawyer of fine ability for his age. and no one had more brilliant
prospects, but his last years were saddened by the vice of intemperance.
He was county solicitor for several years, was clerk of the New Hampshire
Senate, representative from Lancaster in L 85 9 and I860, and commissioner
of state lands in L858. He was a trustee of Lancaster academy, grand
master of the I. 0. O. F. of New Hampshire, and representative to the
Grand Lodge of that body, and a prominent and active Freemason.
Jared Irving Williams, youngest son of Bon. Jared W. Williams, was
born at Lancaster August L9, 1832. He fitted for college al Lancasterand
222 History of Coos County.
Killingly (Conn.) academies, graduated from Brown university in the
class of 1854, studied law with his father, and Carpenter & Thurston, of
Providence, R. I., was admitted to practice at Lancaster in 1856, and at
once became associated with his father and brother. He was editor of the
Cods County Democrat from the death of J. M. Rix in 1854 until the elec-
tion of Lincoln in 1860; was town representative in 1879 and 1.880; has been
superintending school committee and president of the board of education
of Lancaster since 1876; is a trustee of Lancaster academy. He married,
in 1857, Mary Hamilton Morse. Mr. Williams did service in the Rebellion,
and attained the rank of captain; is a prominent and valued member of
the Gr. A. R. and various Masonic bodies; possesses decided mathematical
and mechanical tastes, and is a civil engineer of no mean ability. He is a
Roman Catholic in religion, and a delightful social companion.
Ossian Ray- was born December 13, 1835, in Hinesburg, Vt. He is
the oldest son of George and Hannah (Greene) Ray, who were married in
Waterbury, Vt., October 2, 1834. They lived in Hinesburg until about
March, 1 836, removing then toWaterbury, and remaining there until the fall
of that year, when they wTent to reside on a farm which they had purchased
in Irasburg. The mother died at Irasburg in 1817 ; the father remained on the
same farm until about 1855, when he removed to Hinesburg, where he is still
living at the age of eighty three years. George Ray was the son of William
and Abigail (Wyman) Ray, and was born in Hinesburg, the eighth of ten
children. William Ray came from Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y., to
Hinesburg, about 1800, and married to Abigail Wyman, his second wife,
after coming to Vermont. Hannah (Greene) Ray, born September 1, 1809,
died July 2. 1847. was the fourth child of Capt. James Greene, who was
born in Claremont, N. H., and afterwards moved to Waterbury, Vt.,
serving in the War of 1812, being appointed captain in the 11th IT. S.
Infantry, July 25, is 14. He was severely wounded in a skirmish with the
British troops at a place called " Stone Mills," (or "Cole Mills") near Platts-
burg, N. Y., suffering amputation of a leg, and dying from the effects of
his wound February 17, 1817. He was married in Waterbury about 1802,
to Mercy, daughter of Moses Nelson, of Croydon, N. H. The subject of
this sketch has one brother, Orman P., of Burlington, Vt., and three
sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bridges and Mrs. Amelia C. Corrigan, of Ogden,
Utah, and Mrs. Hannah E. Baker, of Waterbury, Vt.
Ossian Ray's boyhood and youth were passed in Irasburg, where he
built up a vigorous constitution by healthy out-door work during the brief
summers, and disciplined his mind during the long New England winters
at the little district school-house, intent upon solving the riddle of life, and
acquiring the knowledge and experience of others by studying the printed
By John N. McClintock, A. M.
Bench and Bar. 223
page. His formative education and character at the district school were
under the direction of several able and enthusiastic teachers, among whom
may be named the late Henry H. Frost, Esq., of Coventry, the late Tim-
othy Mansfield, of Barton, the late Miss Olive H. Webster, of Irasburg,
and Miss Harriet Webster, now of Boston. Young Ray also attended
several terms at the Irasburg academy, two of which were taught by Rev.
Charles W. Cushing, D. I)., now of Rochester, N. Y.. and widely known
as one of the foremost educators in the country. While at the academy
his evenings and odd hours were devoted to the study of history, rhetoric,
and public speaking. The country around was interested in these-schools,
and the progress of the scholars, and flocked to the public exercises from
the neighboring towns. Triumphs won in that forum were never for-
gotten; applause from rustic friends stimulated to renewed efforts. The
closing exercises were often held in the courtdiouse, and the day was great
in the lives of many students. Ossian Ray finished his academical studies
at Derby, Vt., where among his fellow students were the late Hon. Benja-
min H. Steele, judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont; Rev. George I.
Bard, of Orford, N. H.; David M. Camp, editor of the Newport (Vt.)
Express, and Rev. Dr. W. W. Niles, now Bishop of the Diocese of New
Hampshire. At the age of sixteen he gave promise of more than ordinary *
ability, and attracted the attention of Jesse Cooper, Esq., a lawyer of Iras-
burg. The youth was fitted for college in all save Creek and mathematics
at that age, and strongly desired to complete his education by a college
course, but lack of means forbade. Irasburg was the county seat, where
the courts were holden, and where lawyers were held in high esteem. At
the Orleans county bar were then practicing Jesse Cooper and John H.
Prentiss, of Irasburg; William M. Dickerm m, of Coventry; John L. Ed-
wards, of Derby; John H. Kimball and Samuel A. Willard, of Barton:
Samuel Sumner and Norman Boardman, of Troy; Benjamin H. Smalley
and Chief Justice Homer E. Royce, of Franklin county; Judge Luke P.
Poland, of Lamoille county; Judge Timothy P. Redfield and Stoddard B.
Oolby, of Montpelier; Thomas Bartlett and George C. Gaboon, of Caledonia
county, and others, whose scholarly minds and rhetorical abilities, as dis-
played in many a hard-fought legal battle, deeply impressed the youth,
and stimulated his ambition to become a leader of men in the forensic
By the advice of Mr. Cooper, and with the assent of his father, young
Ray relinquished his college aspirations, entered immediately upon the
study of his chosen profession in the office of Mr. Cooper, and became a
member of his family. His patron was of great assistance to young Ray,
guiding his legal studies, allowing him to try justice causes, encouraging
him to manage cases in which he was sometimes the opposing counsel, and
largely leaving to him the preparation of bis briefs. Two of these early
224 History of Coos County.
efforts may be found in the cases of Webster vs. Dennison, Vermont Re-
ports, Vol. 25, pp. 495, 496, and Cooper vs. Parker, p. 504. From early
friends who then formed life-long attachments, one learns that Ossiau Ray
was a good scholar, with a natural aptitude for public speaking, popular
with his schoolmates, and evincing a strong character.
In March, 1*54, he came to Lancaster, N. H., at the request of the late
Saunders W. Cooper, Esq., a brother of Mr. Cooper, of Irasburg, to assist
in closing up his law business, his health having failed. Until the follow-
ing December he remained in Lancaster, attending to Mr. Cooper's affairs,
forming acquaintances, and becoming attached to the people. That winter
he taught school in Canaan, Vt. , bought law books, pursued his studies
evenings, and on Saturdays, when school did not keep, and during the
holidays, engaged in the trial of justice cases, to the improvement of his
legal experience and the condition of his finances. Thus, by teaching and
practicing, he maintained himself and pursued his studies until September
1, L856, when he returned to Lancaster. January 1, 1857, at the age of
twenty-one years, he formed a law partnership with Hon. Jacob Benton,
of Lancaster, and during the same month was admitted to the bar at
Guildhall, Essex Co., Vt., at a term of the court over which the late Chief
Justice Luke P. Poland presided, and soon after he was admitted to the
Coos county bar, at Lancaster. He has since been admitted to practice in
the United States Courts, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme
Court of the United States January 25, 1872.
Mr. Ray's success at the bar was assured from the first. He brought
to the profession an active mind, carefully cultured, great natural abilities
balanced by good judgment, indomitable perseverance and love for his
profession, and a strong and unflinching character inherited from his
ancestors. As a lawyer he has built his fame on an enduring foundation.
His preparation of cases has employed his best efforts, his management of
them has absorbed him. From the minutest detail to the great law points
involved he has been ready; and, ever on the aggressive, his opponents
have never found him sleeping. In L867 Mr. Benton was elected to Con-
gress, and withdrew from the firm. In September Mr. Ray formed a
partnership with Hon. William S. Ladd, of Colebrook, which continued
until Mr. Ladd was appointed judge of the Supreme Court in October, 1870.
January 1, 1872, Mr. Ray took into partnership Hon. Irving W. Drew,
who had pursued his legal studies in Mr. Ray's office. From 1*73 to 1876
Hon. William Hey wood was a member of the firm, when he was succeeded
by Hon. Chester B. Jordan, a student in the office of the firm. January 1,
L882, Philip Carpenter, of Bath, was admitted, and the law firm of Ray,
Drew, Jordan & ( larpenter was established, from which Mr. Ray withdrew
January 1, L883, and. with the exception of one year from July 1, 1885,
Bench and Bar. 225
when Mr. George W. Patterson, of Hanover, was associated with him, he
has since had no partner in the practice of his profession.
Since 1860 Mr. Eay has been retained in nearly every important law-
suit in Coos and Essex counties, his practice extending into other counties
and to the Federal courts of New Hampshire and Vermont, and to cases
before the Supreme Court of the United States. From L869 to the death
of the late John E. Lyon, president of the Boston, Concord & Montreal
and White Mountains Railroad, he was counsel for him and for that cor-
poration. Before 1872 he was employed in suits in New Hampshire and
Vermont against the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Since that date
he has always been retained by that company. His work before the full
bench of the New Hampshire Supreme Court may by traced in nearly
every volume of the reports, from the 36th, containing cases heard in July,
L857, to the 64th, now in press. Mr. Ray was a representative from Lan-
caster in the state legislature in L868 and 1869, the former year serving as
chairman of the committee on elections, and in the latter as chairman of
the committee on judiciary; was solicitor of Coos county from L862 to L872;
was delegate-at-large to the Republican national convention at Philadel-
phia in June, 1872; was United States attorney for the district of New
Hampshire, by appointment of President Hayes, from February 22, L879,
to December 23, 1880, when he resigned, upon his nomination as a candi-
date for Congress. At the death of Hon. Evarts W. Fan', November 30,
1880, Mr. Ray was elected to till the vacancy for the unexpired term, and
to succeed himself from March 4, 1881, to March 4, L883, as a Republican
representative from the Third congressional district of New Hampshire, by
over 5,000 majority. He was re-elected in L882as representative from the
Second congressional district, the state having been re-districted during
his term of office. In the House of Representatives Mr. Ray served on
the committees of invalid pensions and claims, the duties of which arc
always onerous and exacting. His services on the former committee will
long be remembered by many a veteran, and soldier's widow or children,
for no appeal in their behalf ever went unheard, no just cause unespoused.
During his brief service in the 46th Congress he was largely instrumental
in securing the passage of an act removing the terms of the United States
Courts, formerly held at Exeter, to Concord, thereby convening the north-
ern and western portions of the state. In the ttth Congress he aided in
securing an appropriation of $200,000 for a United States court-house and
postoffice building at Concord, an elegant structure now practically com-
pleted. In the 48th Congress, it is safe to say that had it uol hern for his
persistent work and personal influence among his fellow members, an
appropriation of $200,000 for a similar building at Manchester would have
failed. He was a strong advocate of the abolition of the duty on sugar,
although in favor of a protective tariff when necessary for the benefil of
226 History of Coos County.
American manufacturers and producers. He also earnestly favored legis-
lation authorizing the government to establish and operate telegraph lines
in connection with the postal service of the country.
Mr. Ray has been eminently the architect of his own fortunes. He
possesses wonderful energy, industry, perseverance, enthusiasm and zeal.
His great vital force renders him unconscious of obstacles and difficulties;
he has confidence in himself and in his case, and is a formidable opponent.
His language is clear, incisive, forcible, effective— and often eloquent. He
is especially powerful on law points before the full bench of the Supreme
Court; he is always quick to think and quick to act. Mr. Ray is not infal-
lible; his impulse sometimes leads him astray; but his reason quickly sets
him right. Once having seriously decided upon a course of action he is
hard to swerve from his purpose. Mr. Ray has always been an assiduous
reader, student, and lover of books. His private library is very rich and
extensive, books being gathered in nearly every room in his house. Return-
ing from a journey he has generally a new lot to add to his collection.
These books on history, logic, philosophy, statistics, science, poetry, travel,
biography, and art— on every subject of interest and value to the human
family— he eagerly devours. His law library is one of the most extensive
in the state. He is a man of wonderful memory. Facts and incidents
once in his mind are always accessible and available, and he will readily
take from his shelves a volume and refer to the page bearing upon or illus-
trating any fact or theory he has ever read. In this respect he constantly
displays to his friends capability and resource unexpected and extraordi-
nary. In the most trying situations he has control of his temper; he is
entirely without envy or jealousy, and rejoices heartily in the success of
his friends and acquaintances; he is considerate towards young attorneys.
All his friends, and they are many, are tenacious in their attachment to
In private life Mr. Ray is affable, genial, sincere and warm-hearted.
Since his residence in Lancaster he has done much to improve the appear-
ance of the village, entering heartily into every project for the betterment
of the place. He is public spirited, charitable, liberal, and always to be
depended upon for his share in the public burdens. He attends the Con-
gregational church, but gives with a generous hand to the support of all
denominations in the town. His means and labor are freely given to ren-
der neat and attractive the appearance of his buildings, land, and the ad-
joining highways. Physically he is robust and possessed of an iron con-
stitution. His face is lighted up with intelligence, will and good nature.
Mr. Ray has been very fortunate in his marital relations. His first
wile, whom he married March 2, L856, was Alice A. Fling, daughter of
Henry Fling, at that time a citizen of West Stewartstown and afterwards
of Portland, Maine. She was a woman of lovely character, wonderfully
Bench and Bail 227
kind-hearted, caring for those in need, devoted to her husbandand family.
She bore him two children, and died April ir>, L871. He married, second,
October L6, L872, Mrs. Sallie Emery (Small) Burnside, a lady of rare quali-
ties of mind and groat strength of character, possessing fine judgment, an
amiable disposition, genial and affable manners, and entering quietly bul
heartily into Mr. Ray's plans and aspirations, guiding with her counsel
and strengthening with her love.
His children are: Edward, born October Is. 1858, married, lives in
Jefferson; Alice, born April 4, L866; Helen, born November 17. L873; < >ssian,
Jr., born January 4, 1878.
William Spencer Ladd, LL. D., son of Hiram and Aurelia (Palmer)
Ladd, was born in Dalton, September 5, 1830. On both paternal and ma-
ternal sides he descends from families of position in New England from
early colonial days. [Daniel Ladd. probably the ancestor of all the Ladds
of New England, came, according to "Burke's Landed Gentry," from an
ancient family, landed proprietors in Kent, England, before L500. He
sailed from London. March 24, 1633, in the "Mary and John," settled at
Ipswich, and, in 1640, was one of the twelve founders of Haverhill, .Mass.
He held prominent offices, and lived respected and honored to a good old
age. Many of his descendants are graduates of Harvard, Dartmouth and
Amherst. The Palmer family is an old Connecticut one, coming down,
with sterling representatives in each generation, from Walter Palmer, the
pioneer settler of Stonington.]
Judge Ladd passed his early life in Dalton, and. after preparatory edu-
cation at district and high schools and the N. H. Conference seminary at
Sanbornton Bridge, entered the class of 1855 at Dartmouth college, where
he was duly graduated. [Besides Judge Ladd, this class has given as
judges of the highest courts of their respective states. Judge W. II II.
Allen, of this state, Judge Greenleaf Clark, of Minnesota, and Judge
Walbridge A. Field, of Massachusetts; also Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr.,
ex-governor of Maine, now representative in Congress from that state.]
He had made his way through college, principally by teaching, and.
after graduation, taught one year in South Damns. Mass. He then
entered the office of Hon. A. A. Abbott, of Salem, .Ala — ., as a studenl
of law, where he remained until the death of his mother called him back
to Dalton in 1858. Entering the office of Burns & Fletcher he diligently
availed himself of the teachings of these able counselors, and was admit-
ted to practice at Lancaster in 1859.
Colebrook offered a good field, and Mr. Ladd at once opened an office
there, and soon acquired a busy and profitable practice. This rapidly out-
grew the limits of the "Northern district," and, in L867, he removed to
Lancaster, and formed a partnership with Ossian Ray. The firm won a
high reputation, and continued until the fall of L870, when Mr. Ladd was
228 History of Coos County.
unexpectedly appointed judge of the Supreme Judicial Court. As he was
the first Democrat appointed to this position by a Republican governor,
the honor conferred was all the more significant and complimentary.
Judge Ladd remained on the bench of this court until 1874, when it was
legislated out of existence, and he was at once appointed to the second
place on the Superior Court of Judicature, which he held until 1876, when
the Republicans came into power and abolished the court. In 1877 he
formed a law partnership with Everett Fletcher, which still exists. In
this later practice in state and national courts, many cases of great impor-
tance have been successfully entrusted to him, and he has been referee in
numerous causes of magnitude. He is regarded as authority in all matters
of railroad law, excels as a business counselor, and is an extremely busy
man. He possesses that rare combination of nature s almost essentially
opposite, — strong logical reason and quick sensibilities, and he seizes ac-
curately upon the salient points of an involved controversy, and by an in-
ward debate clears away the immaterial and confusing, and brings to the
service of his client careful preparation, learned research, accurate applica-
tion of law. and good ''fighting1' qualities. Dartmouth college recognized
this and made him Doctor of Laws in L887. He was appointed reporter of
the decisions of the Supreme Court in 1883, and every case decided since
his appointment has been in print within 120 days, while the accumula-
tions of the five years previous are nearly all published.
Placed upon the bench when but forty years old, Judge Ladd immedi-
ately gave evidence of his fitness for the position. His first opinion de-
fined the status of insanity in New Hampshire law, and attracted atten-
tion from American and English jurists, and writers upon the Medical
Jurisprudence of iusanity. He was the embodiment of a high profes-
sional morality, and preserved his ermine unsullied. Every case presented
to his court was carefully weighed with judgment singularly dispassionate,
and decided on its merits in law, and few exceptions to his rulings were
sustained. It is through his opinions and as a jurist that Judge Ladd is
best known outside the state. In their breadth, scope of argument, clear-
ness of statement and elegance of diction they rank among the ablest.
Judge Barrett, of Vermont, once said that it was a pity Judge Ladd had
not been re-appointed, as the lawyers of the country had come to look for
his decisions as they did for those of Chief Justice Shepley. " They were
luminous with good sense.''
Judge Ladd married, July 5, I860, Almira B., daughter of Hiram A.
and I 'ersis I Hunking) Fletcher, and great-granddaughter of Judge Everett.
Their surviving children are Fletcher (D. C. 1884), now a student of law
in Germany, William P., and Mary E. Judge Ladd's early youth was
passed in a home atmosphere which stimulated his desire for learning,
and he has ever been a diligent student. He is intellectual, cultured, and
Bench \m> Bar. 229
well read, loves a good and a rare book, has a valuable private library,
and is a discriminating critic in literature, music, and art. He is liberal
to all worthy objects, an Episcopalian in religion, a courteous gentleman
and enjoyable companion, while in the circle of his charming home he is
the soul of kindness.
Henry Heywood has been in the practice of law in Coos county for
seventeen years. He was born in Guildhall, Vt. , December 6, L835. He
attended district schools, and several terms at Lancaster academy. In
L852, he entered the Scientific Department of Dartmouth college and
graduated in 1 855. He immediately went to Wisconsin, and was employed
as a civil engineer till 1857. He then came to Lancaster whither his father,
William Heywood, had removed, began the study of law in his office, and
was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1860. He then practiced about
a year in Tarn worth, N. II., then removed to Guildhall, Vt., and remained
until 1869, and was state's attorney for Essex county two years from
December 1, 1862. In June, 1866, Mr. Heywood married Catherine R.
Hubbard, of Springfield, Vt. They have one son, William H., born Feb-
ruary 25, 1868, now a student of law. In 1869 Mr. Heywood located in
Lancaster, and was associated with William Burns until 1876, when Mr.
Burns retired, and Mr. Heywood went into partnership with his father,
which connection still continues. He was appointed solicitor of Coos
county in July, 187-1, and was removed "by address" from the office in
July, 1876, with three other county officers (for political reasons, in fact,
though it is not so expressed in the resolution.) Mr. Heywood has kept
up his practice in Essex county, Vt. , as well as here, and practiced some
in the United States courts, and has twice been to Washington, and argued
cases before the U. S. Supreme Court. He is a well-read and competent
lawyer, one of the best informed in the county, and is particularly versed
in laws concerning real estate, to which he has paid much attention
Gen. Albert S. Twitchell, son of Joseph A. and Orinda L. Twitchell,
was born in Bethel, Me., September 16, 1840. He was prepared tor col-
lege at Gould's academy, at Bethel, before he was sixteen, under the
instruction of that celebrated educator, Dr. N. T. True. He then engaged
in teaching, and for four years was an extremely popular and successful
instructor. Choosing the law as his life business, he became a student in
the office of S. F.Gibson, at Bethel. In the spring of 1863 he was appointed
enrolling officer of those subject to draft in the district containing Bethel;
and, after concluding the duties of thai office, enlisted, in December, L863,
in the Seventh Maine Light Battery. When the battery was organized he
was made quartermaster's sergeant, and held this position until detailed.
in February, 1865, by Gen. Grant for duty al Wesl Point, Va., where he
remained until mustered out of service at the close of the war.
He returned to Maine and his law studies, was admitted to practice in
230 History of Coos County.
the courts of Maine in December, 1865, and the next year, in November,
was admitted to practice at the New Hampshire bar, removed to Gorham,
opened an office, and has since been actively engaged in practice. He is
an energetic, busy, honorable lawyer, his standard of professional morality
is high, and he has a large clientage. He has been much in official posi-
tions. In 1872, when but thirty-two, he was elected by the Republicans
railroad commissioner of New Hampshire, and held the office three years.
In 1875 and 1876 he was a colonel on the staff of Gov. P. C. Cheney. In
September, 1877, he was appointed postmaster of Gorham, and held the
office nearly nine years, resigning it in July, 1886. He has taken great
interest in the Grand Army of the Republic, has served two years as judge-
advocate of the New Hampshire department of this organization, two
years upon the council of administration, and was a delegate to the
National Encampment at Denver, Colorado, in L885. He was elected
president of the New Hampshire Veterans' Association at their annual re-
union in August, 1886, and unanimously re-elected in August, 1887. In
June, 1887, he was elected commissary-general of the state by the New
Hampshire legislature, and, as such, holds the rank of general on Gov.
Sawyer's staff. Gen. Twitchell has always taken a high position in favor
of everything tending to the elevation and betterment of mankind, and has
been a zealous temperance worker. He was a delegate from the N. H.
Grand Lodge of I. 0. G. T. to the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the world
which met at Saratoga in May, 1887.
He has enthusiastically aided in the development of the material
interests of Gorham. He erected the fine block that bears his name,
in many ways has labored to build up the financial and moral prosperity
of the town, and. perhaps, more than any other citizen of the place is
interested in the educational, brotherhood, and literary interests of the
community. He is generous to a fault, and responds liberally to all appeals
for help. He married, April 7, 1869, Emma A., daughter of Parker How-
land. Their only child, Harold P., died young.
Moses A. Hastings was born at Bethel, Me., December 31, 1848, and
received his education at the celebrated Gould's academy, in Bethel, where
he was fitted for college. He read law in the office of Hon. David Ham-
mons, at Bethel, from the fall of L864 to August, 1867. He then attended
the Albany (N. Y.) Law school, and was admitted to the bar of Oxford
county (Me.) in the spring of 1868. He removed to Gorham, N. H., in
October, and was admitted to the Coos county bar at the November term,
and at once commenced practice at Gorham, as a partner of A. S. Twitchell.
This partnership lasted four years, from which time Mr. Hastings con-
tinued alone in practice until 1874, when he was appointed clerk of courts
for Coos county, and removed to Lancaster. He was re appointed in 1876,
Bench and Bar. 231
and still holds office, discharging the duties with urbanity and ability, and
winning many friends.
Judge Everett Fletcher, son of Hiram A. and Persis (Hunking)
Fletcher, was born at Colebrook, December 23, L848. He received edu-
cation at Lancaster schools and Ann Arbor (Mich.) university; studied
law with Fletcher & Hey wood, with whom he had most excellent advan-
tages for becoming thoroughly grounded in knowledge of law and methods
of practice, which were not neglected. He was admitted to the bar No-
vember L8, 1870, and ever since has been in extremely busy practice.
He established himself as a lawyer in Lancaster, and June 1 1, 1873, entered
into partnership with his father, as Fletcher & Fletcher. This connection
lasted four years, when the firm of Ladd & Fletcher was formed, which
still continues. He was appointed judge advocate-general, with rank of
brigadier-general by Gov. S. W. Hale, in June, 1883, and held that office
two years. He was appointed judge of probate of Coos county, by Gov,
Moody Currier, and took the office April 1, 1885. He is a strong Republi-
can, and a member of Coos lodge, Knights of Pythias.
Judge Fletcher draws legal papers strongly; is an honest and careful
counselor in business matters, entering with all his heart, as well as mind,
into the interests of his clients; and is especially adapted to win success as
a lawyer. He is particularly calculated for the important functions of a
judge of probate. He is studious, systematic, an original thinker, and
inherits much of the quickness of apprehension, literary tastes, and ready
wit of his father. Few men of his years in the state stand higher in
ability or industry, or are more agreeable or pleasant social companions.
Hon. Irving Webster Drew. — Among the progressive men engaged in
business, or the professions in Coos county, few are better or more favor-
ably known than Irving W. Drew. He inherited an iron constitution and
strong intellectual powers from his ancestry, who were of the New Eng-
land stock. The eldest surviving son of Amos W. Drew, he was born at
Colebrook, January 8, 1845. His early experience at rugged farm labor
was little varied but by attendance at the district school and a neighbor-
ing academy. He was fitted for college at Meriden, N. H., and graduated at
Dartmouth in 1870. The same year he entered the law oft ice of Ray &
Ladcl, at Lancaster, N. H. He never really knew the lifeof the traditional
law student. His preceptors, driven with business, threw him into the
skirmish line at the outset. With a well disciplined mind, sound judg-
ment, and a thorough understanding of the opinions and character of the
people among whom he moved, he learned the law more in its relation to
actual facts than as an abstract science. In November, L871, he was reg-
ularly admitted to the bar, only a year and a half after bis graduation.
Early in the following January he succeeded Judge Ladd. who bad been
appointed to the bench, as a member of the firm. In the spring of L873
History of Coos County.
Hon William Hevwood became a member of the partnership, which was,
for the next three" years, Ray, Drew & Hey wood. Mr. Jordan who then
succeeded Mr. Hevwood, the retiring member, has ever since been a part-
ner with Mr. Drew. Gen. Philip Carpenter, now of New York was in the
firm from the winter of 1882 till the summer of 1885. Mr. Ray, having
some toe previously been elected to Congress, retired from the partner-
sub, at the first of the year 1884. However the firm has been constituted,
Mr Drew has all the time been a conspicuously useful member. Neither
has he avoided the social and political duties, which the reliable member
of the legal profession are constantly called to assume. A Democrat of
dee ded convictions, with broad and liberal views on all questions ot public
pofi y he has a well-earned reputation, both as an efficient organizer and
Evincing exponent of party principles on the ^™lg8f™^e
gate to the Cincinnati Democratic National convention of 1880, and a state
fenator in 1888. He made a record there as a judicious legislator a skill-
ful parliamentarian, a superior debater, a dignified and incorruptible sena-
tor He is interested in educational work, and does his part to sustain he
Lading social organizations; to build up the church; to give the publ ctle
benefit of libraries, improved public buildings and first class hotels; to
extend railroad lines in directions which shall develop the resources of the
C°UHeyis known as Major Drew. This came of his service in the Thud
Eegt N. H. National Guards, for some three or four yea rs. Tradition
has it that Major Drew's father was an accomplished mil.tia officer The
maxim "Like1 father, like son" is further exemplified by both paving
been members of the Senate and both pleasing vocalists The Majoi is
everywhere admired for his social qualities, and in song he is facde pr^n-
cepJ But the attachment of his friends is not to be a tnbuted to those
ac omplishments of song, speech and manner, which nug d_ «k him
eoually to life-long or casual associates. It comes from his sincerity, his
helpf less and sympathy in their adversity, and his unfeigned sat.sfa
tion in the knowledge of their prosperity.
Mr Drew's horn! since he first entered upon the study and practice of
the law with Mr. Ray, has been at Lancaster. Miss Carrie H. Merrill,
daughter of S. R. Merrill, of Colebrook, became his wife November i
1869 Of their children three survive-two sons and a daughter. Except
his famfiv and his home, nothing is so near his heart, nothing so com-
n a. is powers as does his profession. All the diversions of business
™nd society' and the zeal of political contention are ^temporary ji h h.
He makes his client's cause bis own. He prepares for trial with ^care with
fidelity, and with determination to have the verdict. He takes .espons
hffitr and if necessary, makes bold hazards for success. He is skillful in
th e eia ion of witaesses, and stands among the leading advocates of
K7^^7^c^, <^^~~%^W^
Bench and Bar. 233
the courts in which he appears. To enumerate the causes of the p
decade in which he has had prominent part would be the naming of the
important matters of litigation in Northern New Hampshire and Eastern
Vermont. A tireless worker with a large clientage and profitable business,
he is a good financier and has earned a sound foundation for his reputa-
tion, both as an able lawyer and a successful man of affairs.
He is in the fullness of his powers. His character is established. It is
the manifestation of his own sturdy manhood; and his friends may look
with confidence to what the future may hold in store for him.
Alfred R. Evans is a son of Otis Evans, of Shelburne, and .Martha
Pinkham, daughter of Daniel Pinkham, who is well remembered as the
man who built the first carriage road from Jackson to Randolph, through
the Pinkham Notch, and lived where the Glen House now stands. Mr.
Evans was born in Shelburne, March 21, 1849. He fitted for college at
Lancaster academy, graduated at Dartmouth college in 1872, read law at
Gorham. and was a member of the state legislature from Shelburne in
1S71-75, in the latter year being chairman of the committee on insurance,
a subject to which he has paid considerable attention. He was admitted
to Coos county bar in April, 1875, and since that time has been in the prac-
tice of his profession in Gorham. He was also returned to the legislature
in 1878. He is justice of the peace and quorum throughout the state, and
notary public in New Hampshire. He was married, June 1, 1881, to Mrs.
Dora J. Briggs, daughter of Charles W. Bean, of Gorham. Mr. Evans is
a straightforward man, attends faithfully to the duties of his profession,
is an able, energetic lawyer of strict integrity, and a close and painstaking
student. He has many elements of popularity, and possesses a most genial
disposition and a large circle of friends.
Hon. Chester Bradley Jordan, born in Oolebrook, N. H., October
15, 1839, was youngest son of Johnson and Minerva (Buel) Jordan.
The name Jordan is of French origin, the original orthography being
Jourdaine. One branch of the family crossed the English Channel with
William the Conqueror, and became domiciled in England. Others of the
name emigrated to New England direct from France at an early period.
We do not know, nor does it matter, from which particular line of foreign
descent Mr. Jordan takes his origin; sufficient for us it is that for several
generations his ancestors on both sides have been Americans, true and
loyal to the country and its institutions. His grandfather, Benjamin Jor-
dan, was born in the old town of Rehoboth, Mass., served four years in
the Continental army during the Revolution, and was one of the daring
little band that effected the historic -capture of Gen. Prescott. His mater-
nal grandfather, Capt. Benjamin Buel, came to Colebrook from Connecti-
cut (where he was born, August 20, 17(57,) in 1803. He was a scholarly
man of excellent character and refined tastes, an elegant penman, and,
234: History of Coos County.
for many winters, a highly prized teacher in Colebrook. He died March
24, 1829. His wife, Violetta Sessions, was also born in Connecticut. She
was a woman of aristocratic culture and bearing, and had quite a compe-
tency in her own right. She died in her native state, in 1855, aged seventy-
seven. Johnson Jordan, born in Plainfield, N. H., April 8, 1708, came to
Colebrook in 1818, and, in 1822, married Minerva Buel, (born July 19,
1801, at Hebron, Conn., died in Colebrook, March 18, 1853.) They had
ten children, of whom six attained maturity. From the birth of Chester
B. until her death, fourteen years, Mrs. Jordan was an invalid. She was,
however, more than an ordinary woman, and her teachings, influence, and
character had a strong and beneficial effect upon her children. The testi-
mony of her intimates is that she was a noble Christian woman of sterling
worth, unflinching in duty, sensitive, modest and lovable, tender and con-
siderate, and keenly alive to the wants of others. Loyal to her convic-
tions of right and duty, she never hesitated, even if others faltered, and,
for many years, was a valued member of the Congregational church.
Johnson Jordan was a strong man physically, of fair judgment and sense,
but passed many years of his active life in the hard and unprofitable labors
of a pioneer and clearer of lands. He died August 16, 1873.
The early years of Chester B. Jordan were passed in hard labor with
long days of toil, scant advantages of education, and but little to encour-
age him. Nothing but bare essentials, not the slightest approach to luxury,
found a place in the frugal household. Strict economy was compulsory in
the home life, and the scarcity of money caused home-made clothing to be
the wearing apparel for many years. The cheerless tasks were faithfully
done, and the privations uncomplainingly endured, but the lad hungered
for knowledge. There were no books at home except the Bible and well-
thumbed school books, and the small Sunday-school library was eagerly
devoured. There is one compensation possessed by a life environed by
such adverse circumstances, in that there is early developed a keenness of
thought and capacity of self- reliance beyond its years, and so we find that
Chester at an early age gathered and sold berries to pay for a subscription
to the Independent Democrat, and, later on, to the New York Tribune, and
began to be conversant with the affairs of the world and the politics of
the country at an age when many lads were only thinking of their toys.
He was interested at nine years of age in the campaign which placed Gen.
Taylor in the presidential chair, and much more in that of 1852, when he
purchased a campaign life of General Scott and committed it nearly to
memory, and thought himself equipped to demonstrate to the Democratic-
boys of his circle the wisdom of electing Gen. Scott instead of Gen. Pierce.
He remained with his father until 1860, when his increased desire for edu-
cation caused him to enter Colebrook academy for the first half of the term.
From this time he attended Colebrook and Meriden academies, until he was
2- 2-. /rtj,
Bench and Bar. 235
graduated at the latter institution in L866. He became a popular teacher
of public and select schools, was principal of Colebrook academy several
terms, and taught in all eighteen terms. He was town superintendent of
Colebrook in L865-60 »'»7, and selectman for is»>7.
He heartily espoused the Republican cause and was chosen to preside at
all the meetings of that party held in Colebrook in t lie spirited campaign
which resulted in the re-election of Lincoln. He made many friends, did
thoroughly and without bluster all duties coming to his hand, and in L868,
was appointed clerk of the court, and removed to Lancaster, which has
since been his residence. He discharged the duties of this office with
efficiency, and his retention was asked by nearly every attorney in the
county, but he was too strongly Republican to be retained under a Demo-
cratic administration, and was removed October 23. 1874. He hail decided
literary tastes and ability, could clearly and forcibly express his opinions
in writing, and. in L870, had purchased the Cods Republican and become
its editor. Under his administration it was a candid but determined sup-
porter of Grant, and ranked high among the newspapers of the state. For
many years Mr. Jordan contributed articles to the Boston Journal, Con-
cord Monitor, the Statesman and campaign papers, and also to the Lan-
caster Gazette in the presidential campaign of 1884. His political articles
are marked for their clear comprehensiveness of affairs, their straight-
forward, matter-of-fact way of presentation, their candor, and their logi-
cal and conclusive reasoning. In a quiet and unpretentious manner
they reach the understandings of all in a manner which tells. By voice
and by his gifted pen he has ever advocated liberal appropriations for all
educational, charitable and patriotic objects.
Air. Jordan began the study of law while clerk, continued it in the office
of Judge Ladd, and, afterward, in that of Ray, Drew & Hey wood, and was
admitted to practice in the state courts in November, 1875. He remained
with Ray, Drew & Hey wood until May 26, ls7i'», when Mr. Heywood retired,
and the firm became Ray, Drew & Jordan. This firm was succeeded Jan-
uary 16, L882, by Drew, Jordan & Carpenter, and. later, by Drew & .Jor-
dan. (In May, 1881, Mr. Jordan was admitted to practice in the Circuit
Court of the United States.) As a lawyer Mr. Jordan has chiefly given
attention to the drafting of legal papers (in which he excels) and other
office business. Connected as he has been with two such noted advocates
as Ray and Drew, and being somewhat modest as to his abilities, he has
not ventured often into this field, but when he has done so he has acquitted
himself ably, and, in the opinion of some of his legal brethren, if he were
compelled to present all of his cases to the courts and juries, he would soon
equal, if not surpass, any advocate in this section.
From his sixteenth year Mr. Jordan has been a hard worker in politics.
In Colebrook he was among the chief workers in carrying that close town.
236 History of Coos County.
He was a good organizer, a close canvasser, and men would follow his lead.
For several years he was pitted against Hon. Hazen Bedel (the strongest
man of the Democracy, and one of the best men in the county,) for the
moderator vote, which was considered the test of the day, and was never
defeated, although the plurality was sometimes but one. In Lancaster he
was put up in the same manner against the popular Col. Henry 0. Kent,
and is the only candidate nominated by the Republicans who has ever
beaten the Colonel for moderator. In 1880 in a hot, close fight, Mr. Jor-
dan had one majority for first representative in a vote of nearly seven
hundred, making a gain of over one hundred votes for his party. He was
chosen speaker of the House by a very complimentary vote, and although
new to the duties of this difficult office, he proved himself a most admira-
ble presiding officer, prompt, impartial, easy and rapid in transacting the
work of the position, and his efficiency and courtesy won him many and
valuable friends. The Manchester Union, the leading Democratic paper
of the state, thus voiced the general sentiment at the close of the session:
"For Speaker Jordan there is but one encomium, and that fell from the
lips of all, 'Well done, good and faithful servant." Mr. Jordan was
chairman of the Republican state convention held in Concord in Septem-
ber, 1882. There was a bitter contest concerning the nomination for gov-
ernor raging between the friends of Moody Currier and S. W. Hale. Fac-
tional feeling ran high, but, under the tact and guidance of the presiding
officer, harmony was secured, and the work of the convention successfully
accomplished. Mr. Jordan has much influence in public matters, and
prominent men have owed their elevation to important positions to his
counsel and assistance. In 1880 he was unanimously nominated for state
senator in the Coos district, and made a strong fight in spite of the over-
whelming odds against him, running three hundred ahead of his ticket.
In 1876 he was appointed one of a committee of three to investigate the
affairs of the State Normal school, and wrote the report to the legislature,
which was ordered printed in pamphlet form. In 1881 Dartmouth college
gave him the degree of A. B. ; in 1882 he was chosen honorary member of
the Third Regiment, N. H. National Guards; in 1883 elected member of
Webster Historical Society of Boston; in 1884 chosen honorary member of
the Seventh N. H. Veteran's Association. He has long been a member of
Evening Star lodge of Masons at Colebrook, and of the Chapter at Lan-
caster, and was a director in the Lancaster National bank during the first
two years of its existence.
Mr. Jordan married, July 19, 1879, Ida R. Nutter, daughter of Oliver
and Roxannah C. (Wentworth) Nutter. She is descended from old New
Hampshire families of repute, and is a lady whom it is always a pleasure
to meet. They have had two children, Roxannah Minerva, born January
19, 1882, and Hugo, born May 26, 1881, died May 2, 1886.
. "■ :
Bench and Bar. 237
Mr. Jordan's abilities have received recognition in business and social,
as well as in public and professional life. He is a wise and safe counselor
in business matters, lias conceded executive ability, and is the guardian of
many private trusts. He has a keen appreciation of humor, tells a good
story well, can give a quick and telling repartee with point and wit devoid
of any sting, and is popular because he deserves to be. His judgments of
men and measures are singularly clear and impartial. 1 1 is c< inclusions are
formed from a broad comprehension of all the facts. His sense of justice
is strong, and his intellectual qualities are admirably balanced. With all
this, he has the warmest of hearts, the quickest of sympathies, great kind-
ness of manner and utmost geniality of spirit.
Frank D. Hutchins, born in Putney, Vt., in 1850, was a graduate of
Kimball Union academy and Dartmouth college. He taught school in
Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and proved himself a thorough, im-
partial, scholarly, and highly competent instructor. In 1874 he began the
study of law with N. B. Felton, of Haverhill, but completed his studies
for admission to the bar with Ray, Drew & Heywood, of Lancaster, and
practiced law there from 1876 to 1881. He then became cashier of the
Lancaster National bank, which position he now holds.
Willard N. Armington, born in Waterford, Yt., November 10, 1^:»»»,
graduated from University of Vermont in 187-1; studied law with Belden &
Ide, St. Johnsbury; admitted to the bar of Vermont at St. Johnsbury in
1876; located at Whiteheld, September 15, 1S76, where he has since been in
Philip Carpenter, son of Judge A. P. Carpenter, born in Bath, N. H.,
March 9, 1856, w^as educated at St. Johnsbury (Vt.) academy and Dart-
mouth college. He graduated in 1877, read law with his father, and was
admitted to practice at Concord in September, 1880. Forming an immedi-
ate partnership with his father, he began practice at Bath. This firm did
business one year when the father was appointed judge. Philip continued
at Bath until the next January (1882) when he entered the firm of Ray,
Drew & Jordan at Lancaster. He was in practice here until June. L885,
when he removed to New York city, where he has acquired an extensive
and profitable business.
Robert Nelson Chamberlin, son of Antoine and Electa B. (Sears)
Chamberlin, was born in Bangor, N. Y., July '21, 1856. His grandfather,
Francois Chamberlin, was born in or near Paris, France, when young emi-
grated to Canada, and was a marine in the British service during the War
of 1812. He attained the great age of ninety-nine years, dying al the home
of. his son in West Stewartstown. Antoine Chamberlin was a native of
Nicollet, P. Q. When fourteen he went to Sherbrooke, worked eight
years at shoemaking, married his wife at Hinesburg, Vt., her native place,
and made his home in Franklin county, N. Y., residing in Malone and
238 History of Coos County.
Bangor until 1859, when he came to West Stewartstown where he now
Robert was but three years old when his father came to Stewartstown,
and, as he was one of a large family of children, and robust, he early
became familiar with labor, and for years had the most meager educa-
tional advantages; from eight years of age until he was sixteen obtaining
as a respite from continuous toil only a few weeks attendance at the small
village school. At the latter age he had the physicial power of a well-matured
man, and commanded more than the usual wages as a farm hand; but the
thoughtful youth was not content to excel in this sphere. A laudable
ambition prompted him to attain a higher position and a broader field of
usefulness, and, as a stepping stone to this, he applied himself to the
acquisition of learning. It required more than an ordinary will to force
himself out from and above his associations and surroundings, and to fix
his attention on an intellectual career, but his active and vigorous mind
carried him on; he worked summers and devoted his winters to learning,
attending the academies at Colebrook and Derby (Vt.), acquiring a good
foundation for the study of law, in which he saw much to attract him,
and for which he seemed well adapted.
In the winter of 1877-78 he commenced his legal education in the office
of G. W. Hartshorn, at Canaan, Vt., was admitted to the bar at Guildhall
in March, 1881, and formed a partnership with Mr. Hartshorn. Attracted
by the life and activity of the growing town of Berlin, Mr. Chamberlin, in
July of the same year, established a law office there, thus becoming the
first lawyer in the place. Finding that the rules of the New Hampshire
bar barred him from practice in its courts, he applied for admission, passed
the rigid examination creditably, and was admitted at Concord, March 15,
He married, November -2, 1882, Maria H., daughter of Ira and Ann J.
(Howard) Mason, a native of Berlin, a lady of strong New England prac-
ticality and sterling worth, in whom he has a helpmate, counselor, com-
panion and friend. They have one child, Lafayette Ray.
Mr. Chamberlin has made rapid progress for a young lawyer, has
acquired a good clientage, and is popular with the older members of the
legal profession, and is entitled to much credit for what he has accom-
plished. He has a clear conception of the strong and the weak points of a
case, is earnest and industrious in the preparation and trial of causes
entrusted to him, but prefers to keep his clients out of law-suits rather
than involve them in protracted litigation. He always advises a fair and
honorable adjustment of difference between parties, rather than the certain
expense and the uncertain results at the hands of courts and juries. The
same quiet, thoughtful determination which led him to obtain, unaided, a
legal education, makes the first impulse of his mind in investigating any
Bench and Bak. 239
question to search for principles rather than expedients: this inclination
will tend to make him particularly strong as a counselor, and in the
domain of equity practice. His briefs, pleas, and other documents are
drafted to cover every point, and one of the older members of the bar
says: "They may appear awkward and clumsy, and easy to be torn to
pieces, but on examination we find every point covered, and every nail
clinched." Of fine physique, commanding presence, and clear voire, he
has the qualities of a good advocate, and is rapidly winning his way in
that difficult field. His presentation of the claims of Berlin for the estab-
lishment of the county seat, at the late county convention, won much
praise from leading men, and particularly his brother lawyers.
As a citizen he heartily supports all local improvements and public
enterprises calculated to advance the interests of the town and the welfare
of the community; he lias served as superintendent of schools, on the
board of education, and is one of the selectmen of L88Y. He is a member
of the Congregational church, a Republican in politics, and a member of
the Masonic order. Yet a young man. having scarcely attained the fullness
of his physical and mental powers, Mr. Chamberlin may look forward to
a long life of usefulness in his chosen profession.
Herbert Irvin Goss, son of Abel B. and Lucy G. (Ross) Goss, and
nephew of Judge Jonathan Ross, of St. Johnsbury, was born in Water-
ford, Vt., December 4, 1857. Attended common schools, and was gradu-
ated from St. Johnsbury academy in June, 1880. He taught school the
following autumn, and in 1881 commenced the study of law, a profession
for which he always had a preference, in the office of Elisha May, at St.
Johnsbury. Mr. May soon after formed a partnership with Henry C. Bates,
and Mr. Goss remained in their office until June, L8S3, when he was
admitted, upon examination, to the bar of Caledonia county. In October,
1883, he formed a business connection with F. B. Wright for the practice
of law in Minneapolis, Minn. Tbis partnership was dissolved in April,
1884. Mr. Goss remained in Minnesota until October, L884. Returning
east, January 21, 1885, he opened a law office in Guildhall, Vt.. and. April
1, 1885, he went to Lancaster, N. H., and entered into a two years' part-
nership with Hon. Jacob Benton. July 30, 1885, he was admitted to the
New Hampshire courts. He is a good student and well versed in law.
Carl Abbott, son of Prof. George N. and .Mary I Ladd) Abbott, was born
in Newbury, Vt., April 1!», 1859. The Abbott family isanold and prominent
one in New England, showing strong and marked traits of character in
every generation. The line of Carl's descent from George Abbott, the
emigrant, one of the first settlers of Andover, Mass.. in L643, is George1,
William2, James4. Bancroft5, James6, George X.\ Carl8. Carl attend:
ed school for some years in Burlington, Vt., and the preparatory school
at Mercersburg, Penn., and was, for two years, at Mercersburg col-
210 History of Coos County.
lege. He returned to Newbury in 1877, and, in 1880, entered the law office
of Ladd & Fletcher, and was admitted to the bar of New Hampshire in
the spring of 1884. He was employed in the office of his instructors until
the fall of 1885, when he went to Gorham and took charge of the business
of Alfred R. Evans until the spring of 1886. He then formed a partner-
ship with A. S. Twitchell, as Twitchell & Abbott, which still continues.
Mr. Abbott is a close and diligent student, well versed in his profession,,
and, with good powers of logic, and a strongly marked individuality, has
elements of more than an ordinary success. He possesses many of the
intellectual traits of the Bancroft family, of which he is also a descendant.
Daniel James Daley was born in Lancaster, January 27, 1859, acquired
a good physique and health Avhile passing his youth on the farm, was
fitted for college at Lancaster academy, but, finding his taste and mental
qualities in harmony with the practice of law, he entered the office of W.
& H. Hey wood, April 9, 1881, and for u early four years received the ex-
ceptionally good advantages afforded him under the venerable senior of
the firm. He was an apt student, and was admitted to the bar at Con-
cord, March 13, 1885. After a few months' stay in Lancaster, he removed,
November 9, 1885, to Berlin, where he has formed many friends, and is
building up a good practice. He is devoted to his profession, is active,
energetic, and "pushing"; takes the cause of his client as his own, and
with his thoroughness and ability deserves success.
(By James T. Parsons, Esq.)
The Northern Judicial District was formed by act that took effect
September 1, 1867. Cambridge, Millsfield, Odell, and Columbia, with the
towns north of them, constitute the Northern District; while the towns
south of those named constitute the Southern District. Before the legis-
lature granted the petitions of the people of the upper towns for a sepa-
rate court, the petitioners had to get the consent of representatives, and,
to do so, promised to furnish a lot and court house complete for occupancy,
which was done by voluntary subscription. After the time elapsed during
which the representatives had agreed to furnish a house free, the county
purchased the building for about three-fourths of the original cost, and
the contributors lost a considerable portion of the principal, as well as the
interest, and their trouble and labor, which, with some of them, was the
most important item.
The first term was held the first Tuesday of February, 1868. At this
term all northern actions pending or returnable at Lancaster, and all
indictments for the county were transferred to this district. On the printed
Bench and Bar. 243
docket there were forty-six state and ninety-four civil cases. At the term
seventy-three new entries were made to the civil, two to the sessions, and
two or three to the criminal dockets, but no indictments were found.
There were three cases tried by jury before the solicitor was ready fco pro-
ceed to the criminal business. The trial of Joseph Chase, indicted for rape
of his daughter, was then commenced. He had a few years before fin-
ished a ten years' sentence for arson, was a desperate and dangerous man,
had escaped from the county jail after his arrest for this offense, and been
kidnapped in Canada, where he remained near the boundary, making fre-
quent night excursions into Colebrook and Stewart stown. The public
were much relieved by his capture, and anxious for his conviction. Ossian
Eay, afterwards member of Congress, was the solicitor, and W. S. Ladd
and G. A. Bingham, both afterwards Justices of the Supreme Court, were
for the defense. The court-house was crowded during t lie trial, and so
packed at the close that every window and corner was crowded with
people, who stood for hours listening to the arguments, and, sitting on
the steps and floor, they crowded close to the chair of the presiding jus-
tice. A very small boy, too young to be in any assembly alone, especially
in that place, was on his knees beside the judge, and, during an intermis-
sion, got up and asked him several very pointed questions as to what lie
believed as to the disputed facts, and wound up by pointing to his docket
and asking, " What will you take for your little primer, Judge? "
There was intense, but in the main suppressed, excitement during the
arguments. Mr. Bingham, after a review of one part of the uncontro-
verted facts, asked in his most impressive manner, "Does not the dumb
beast tight for her young, the stricken fawn cry out, the frightened rabbit
flee? " " No! " responded the deep voice of a minister who stood with < »t hers
in one of the windows looking down over the heads of the standing crowd.
The exclamation was so evidently involuntary that he escaped punishment,
but the quiet remarks of the judge has thus far prevented a repetition of
the offense in this court. Judge Doe, in commenting upon the 1 rial of the
case in his charge, with evident emotion said, "It shows that the ancient
glory of the New Hampshire Bar has not departed from it." Chase was
sentenced for thirty years. He was fifty-five, and died in prison. Four
more cases were tried by jury at this term — making a total of eighl : and
over twenty the next three terms. The "referee law" of ls74. and the
subsequent amendments of the statutes and constitution, have to a greal
degree done away with the desire as well as the necessity of trying cases
by jury.
At the August term, 1869, the case of Freeman Tirrell vs. Abram
Bedel was tried. The defendant had procured the plaintiff to execute a
release of debt foran inadequate consideration. The question was whether -
he possessed sufficient natural capacity to be bound by the instrument.
24^ History of Coos County.
Among the witnesses were some boys who testified that they were accus-
tomed to get him provoked, when one of them would advise him to chew
various disgusting substances to spit in the faces of his tormentors. The
grave manner in which William Hey wood, then, as now, the nestor of the
Coos bar, introduced and commented upon the evidence of "his pursuit
of his companions around the barns and over the high beams " was so
effective that the listeners were convulsed, and the presiding justice, again
Judge Doe, laughed until the tears ran down his face. Judge Smith held
his last term here, in August, 1870. It became necessary to wait for
further testimony in some case. After a long and sleepy delay the judge
suddenly looked up and said, "This reminds me of a story," and went on
to tell it to the members of the bar and officers of the court, who composed
nearly the whole audience, and then said to the undisputed leader of the
bar on such an occasion, "Come, Shurtleff, now you tell one." Chairs
were drawn close to the bench, and story followed story for an hour or
more. It was uncertain who would prove the better raconteur, when the
parties appeared, and the old judge, on the eve of his seventieth birthday,
gravely resumed his duties.
Jeremiah Smith, Foster, Sargent, and Hibbard, who held the courts to
1874, were also self-poised, gentlemanly judges, controlling the litigants,
counsel and spectators without effort or friction from the first. As though
the gentle ways of Chief Justice Bellows permeated the court, the judges
"were models in their deportment in court and at chambers, and the influ-
ence upon the bar was very marked.
A year or two later, during a term held by Judge Rand, several promi-
nent attorneys, who perhaps felt competent to discuss a matter of practice
with the presiding justice, and who had not heard Judge Ladd dispose of
post-mortem discussion with "It seems to me that you will find it super-
fluous to discuss the matter after the court has passed upon it," did not heed
the " Stop this, gentlemen!" and the judge, with his heavy bass voice,
roared out " Sit down, all of you." They all went down, but an associate
arose, and, apparently, wTas waiting to explain, remonstrate, or apologize,
when they began to rise again. The court called upon the sheriff, who
came around beside the attorneys and drew in his breath in a helpless kind
of way, as they stood there flushed and silent, when, li sit down!" sit
down ! !" SIT DOW N ! ! !" thundered the judge, turning from one to another,
who fell in turn until only Eay was left. He said " May it pi—" " SIT
DOWN !!!" Ray fell like a stone and rebounded like a ball. " Please your
honor," and went on with the discussion, in which the others soon joined.
Allen filled Rand's place the next winter. Isaac W. Smith succeeded
Jeremiah Smith. Judge Carpenter, Judge Blodgett, and Judge Bingham
came here to hold later terms, in place of justices who have resigned or
deceased. Their characteristics can not be yet considered matters of history,
Bench axd Bar. 243
though they are all entrenched in the good will and respect of this district,
and receive most hearty welcome. It is certain that none of them will ever
be "old - — " in the common conversation of the people. New Hamp-
shire does not have judges, nor often attorneys, thus unconsciously branded
with the appellation of ripening incapacity.
B. H. Corning, of Lancaster, now sheriff of Grafton county, was sheriff
at the time of the organization of this district. Lucius Hartshorn, of Strat-
ford, Samuel M. Harvey, of Columbia, and Joseph W. ( looper, of ( lolebrook,
were the deputies ordinarily in attendance at court, and served the papers
for our attorneys. Mr. Harvey, especially, did a git tat amount of work
for many years all over Northern Coos. He had an unusual reputation as
an accurate, efficient, and accommodating officer. Later, E. George Rogers
and Samuel I. Bailey, both of Columbia, have been sheriffs: the latter by
election. Albert S. Eustis, Henry N. Leavitt, Ira Quimby, John S. Capen,
Walter Drew, Wesley Wentworth, William T. Keyes and George Hilliard,
all of Colebrook, have been our deputies Quimby, Leavitt. Capen and
Drew have served for long and busy terms, been the best known as officers,
have acquired a high reputation for courage and activity, and gained the
good will of those with whom they had official business.
The best known and remembered of the early sheriffs were Ephraim II.
Mahurin, of South Columbia, who was a deputy for about thirty years,
being appointed as early as 1 * 1 2 ; Hezekiah Parsons, of Colebrook, who was
appointed in or before 1815, held the office continuously until 1833, when he
was succeeded by Milton Harvey, for a short time; Horace Loomis, first
an officer about 1830, later did about all the business for a few years, until he
left the country; Timothy Tirrell, of Stewartstown, did a large business
for about ten years; Enoch L. Colby acted as deputy here for a short time,
then went to Lancaster, where he was first deputy, and afterwards sheriff
during his active life; Hezekiah Parsons, Jr., wasa deputy for a few years,
then sheriff until his Republican deputy, Colby, succeeded him in 1856,
when he declined a deputy's appointment. (Appointments have since been
political.) Archelaus Cummings then held the position for several years.
Others held an appointment for a short time,not long enough to gain thai
extended experience, and lasting reputation for efficiency, that makes the
early officers an important part of our legal history.
Since Ray, Henry Heywood, Edgar Aldrich, and. from 1879, J. II. Dudley
(the first by election), have been solicitors. The present clerk, M. A. Hast-
ings, succeeded C. B. Jordan in L874. An incident in our court-house.
when the court was attending to naturalizations, will not be soon forgot-
ten. One of the row, when Jordan arose and commenced to administer
the oath, with a not wholly inexcusable distrust, snatched down his hand,
paused, shook his finger at the clerk, and said. " Now swear me in a
Dimmercrat, Chester." His seriousness and Jordan's reluctance were
24± History of Coos County. .
amusing. Hastings would be more accommodating under similar circum-
stances— about the only difference observable between two unusually satis-
factory clerks.
The lawyers who always came here to attend court in our early terms,
were: —
William Heywood, often affectionately called "Uncle Hey wood, "
with a large benign face, kind, prepared, venerable, excessively fair, full
of real and equity jurisprudence.
Hiram A. Fletcher, with small features, slight, alert black eyes,
wearing a wig, and carrying a green bag full of exactly-drawn, methodi-
cally-arranged papers, overflowing with cases, precedents, and preparation;
technical, with a mania for old law books, muskets, antlers and curiosities.
He seemed a survival of a past generation of old English common-law
Ossiax Ray, full of activity, argument, resources and combativeness,
never unoccupied with actual litigation, thoroughly experienced in practice,
and, in some wray, always finding leisure to become thoroughly familiar
with the cases applicable to the case at bar.
William S. Ladd, scholarly, thorough, accurate, quick with pen and
books, more moderate in court. With a thorough contempt for (never re-
torting to in kind, and some times disconcerted by,) rude and offensive
practice; he was a business and corporation counselor rather than a ready
George A. Bingham, tall, untiring, working all night and keeping
awake all day, an "all-round" lawyer, learned, eloquent, and at his best
in the preparation of cases and examination of witnesses. He was seldom
surprised, and never at a loss what to do.
George W. Hartshorn, bottled up in the little town of Canaan, short,
bald, round, and talkative, was a surprisingly ready speaker; and, after a
long trial, would often make an exhaustive, and, in parts, very eloquent
argument. A serious and painful illness, and the medicines used, some
ten years ago, destroyed his capacity at the bar.
Henry Heywood, very deliberate, with a deep, heavy, unvarying voice,
reflects as he speaks, and is accurate. His forte is the accumulation and
introduction of evidence where accuracy as to the law, and the proper ar-
rangement and non-omission of numerous facts and details, are essential
Irving W. Drew commenced practice about 1871. His ambition to suc-
ceed as a speaker was soon gratified. He has made as many arguments to the
jury as any attorney who attends our courts, with as great influence upon
the verdict as any one whom this generation recollects, except William
Burns, and, unlike Mr. Burns, he is active in the management of the case
in other respects, and so, perhaps, succeeds as well.
Bench and Bar. j it-
Everett Fletcher is also a young man, who came to our court about
the same time. He bears a marked resemblance to his father, the late
Hiram A. Fletcher, in every respect, except that lie is taller. He lacks
somewhat of the confidence and readiness of his lather, and has nol taken
an active part in the trials here. Industrious and witty, he is among the
best read and most genial of the lawyers of his age.
Chester B. Jordan was admitted later, and is engaged in all important
cases of this district. He does not " figure" in the trials, but in the out-
side preparation; attentive to details, he is often felt and feared, but sel-
dom seen in the case, and is quite convinced that nothing succeeds like
Many others have attended our courts too infrequently to need mention.
The lawyers who have resided in this district since its formation, and the
early resident attorneys of this part of the county, may not be accurately
enumerated from lack of a prior history, and the loss of court records,
which have been burned twice, once in 1886, and once about forty years
William Farrar was the first settled lawyer. He came here in or
before 1S< »6, boarded with "Judge " Joseph Loomis, where James L. Loomis
now lives, had his office in the small house south of there (where David
Heath lived) before it was occupied as a store by Elisha Bundy. He was
not a robust man, well educated, of excellent habits, diffident, with a slight
voice, and had a moderate practice. He moved to Lancaster in 1811, and
continued in practice there until his death. In 1812 he married Margaret,
daughter of Gams Kibbee, who lived on the W. R. Silver farm, in Bloom-
field, then Minehead, Vt. They were married by Judge DeForest, and
shortly after were much mortified to learn that he was not, at the time,
qualified to perform the ceremony. The Judge qualified, went to Lancas-
ter, took them into Vermont, and re-married them. Mr. Farrar was a
fine tenor singer, was accustomed to read the sermons at "deacons' meet-
ings" held at various places, and led the choir, after a minister was settled
here, at the school-house where F. B. Crawford's barn is now. Mr. Far-
rar's wife soon died without issue, and he re-married
For many years there was no attorney here after Mr. Farrar left, and
Judge Loomis, who had been appointed in January. L805, a justice of
the Court of Common Pleas for Coos county, did much of the work attor-
neys usually do.
Gen. Ira Young came next. He was horn at Lisbon, N. II., in L794,
and was son of Colonel Samuel Young, a Revolutionary officer. He studied
law with James 1. Swan, of Bath, was admitted to the bar in L817, and
came to Colebrook soon after. He had his office in theCargill store, where
Mrs. Julia A. Gamsby's block stands. He was tall, large, with light
auburn hair, a very fine looking man, gentlemanly, and an excellent
246 History of Coos County.
speaker. He was also a fine singer, and one of the choir at the church, usually
singing tenor. In 1820 Mr. Swan died, bequeathing Gen. Young his ex-
tensive library, and he removed to Bath and succeeded to Mr. Swan's
business. A few years later his office with the contents was burned, and
he returned to Colebrook in 1824, or early in 1825, and resumed practice
at the same place. (John L. Sheafe came here about the time he left, and
removed to Lancaster about the time be returned.) Gen. Young remained
here until 1839, when he, too, went to Lancaster. In the winter of 1836-37
he married Mrs. Sarah D. F. Smith, widow of John A. Smith, of Cuba,
and daughter of Mills DeForest, of Lemington, Vt., and lived in the house
then lately vacated by Dr. White, and after Mr. Young's removal occu-
pied by Dr. Augustus Hams. Mary, his eldest child, was born in Cole-
brook. His other children, Harry D. F., captain of Co. F, 2d N. H.
Infantry, and Richard 0., corporal in the same company (killed at Fair
Oaks in 1862), were born at Lancaster. He took an active part in military
^affairs, was appointed captain of the company of cavalry in the Twenty-
fourth regiment in 1829, major of the regiment in is;',!', colonel in 1833,
brigadier-general of the Sixth brigade in 1836, and major-general of the
Second 'division in 1837. Gen. Young was an old-time gentleman, of great
suavity, very popular as an attorney and a citizen, and was one of the
foremost lawyers of Northern New Hampshire. His health failed in 1844.
He gave up practice, went to Cuba, and died there November 15, 1845.
The brethren of the bar erected a tombstone in his memory, both for his
courtesy ''and ability as a lawyer, and his high character for honor and in-
tegrity as a man.'"
Charles J. Stuart was one of the first lawyers to settle in Colebrook
after Mr. Farrar left. He boarded at Edmund Chamberlain's and had his
office in the Cargill store. He was married, but had no children. In less
than a year he returned to Lancaster.
John Lane Sheafe, son of Jacob Sheafe, of Portsmouth, was born
November 28, 1791, and admitted to the bar April 7, 1820. He came to
Colebrook before Gen. Young left. He also removed to Lancaster, where he
remained from about 1825 until about 1832 (perhaps returning to Colebrook
for a portion of these years). Then he removed to Portsmouth, and later to
New Orleans, where he was prominent at the bar, as a Whig politician,
and during the war as a Union man. He died there February 5, 1864.
Mr. Sheafe was very small and effeminate in appearance when here, though
stout in 1852, when last in Colebrook. He was very near-sighted, used a
silver-bowed eye-glass, was quite diffident, and, at first, a butt for jokes.
His education and unusually fine ability soon corrected this. When he
first came here he took charge of Sabbath meetings, read the Episcopal
service, and the people quite generally provided themselves with Epis-
copal prayer-books, etc. His services were held in the school-house near
Bench and Bar. 247
Pleasant street bridge, and in the Cargill hall, in the building where he
had his office. He also organized and took charge of the first Sabbath-
school here — a greater novelty in 1820 than in later years. He never
married, but boarded at Edmund Chamberlain's, and was active in the
Masonic lodge which then met in Chamberlain's hall.
Sanders Welch Cooper came to Colebrook about L822, boarded at
various places in the vicinity and attended to collections, but opened no
office. He later practiced many years in Lancaster, was a man of ability,
could argue a case well, and was for a time county solicitor, lie was a
brother of J. W, Cooper, of Colebrook, and Jesse Cooper, late of [rasburg,
Vt., and was born March 4, L791.
Hiram Adams Fletcher, son of Ebenezer and Peddy (Smith) Fletcher,
was born December 11, 1806, studied law with (Jen. Seth Cushman, of
Guildhall, Vt., and later in New York; was admitted in 1830, and began
practice in Springfield, Vt.. and settled in Colebrook in L833. He married
Persis Honking, of Lancaster, and lived where Walter Drew now lives,
built an office which was afterwards moved and became the old Fan
Stevens house. His father built the Mohawk House for a dwelling, and,
at his death, it became the property and home of Hiram, who had his
office in the present hotel office until his removal to Lancaster in 1st'.'.
The five oldest of his six children were born in Colebrook, Nelly (Mrs.
William A. Holman), of Pittsburg, Pa., being born in Lancaster. The
other surviving children, Mrs. W. S. Ladd, Richard, and Everett, are resi-
dents of Lancaster. Mr. Fletcher had a very large and profitable business
while in Colebrook, and accumulated what was considered a considerable
Lyman Thomas Flint was born in Williamstown, Vt., September 29,
1817, educated in the academies at Randolph and Williamstown, Vt., and
graduated from Dartmouth college in 1S4-2. He married Hannah W. Wil-
lard, of Lyndon, Vt., March 3, 1844. He taught for several years, the
last at Plymouth academy, where he studied law with William C. Thomp-
son. He then came to Colebrook, completed his studies with Hiram A.
Fletcher, and was admitted to the bar in May, ls+7. He remained in
Colebrook until 1854, when he removed to Concord, where he died. April
14, 1876. He had a considerable practice and reputation when he left Cole-
brook, gained to a great extent by the peculiar thoroughness with which
he prepared his cases and his energy in seeming all attainable evidence.
He was city solicitor, county solicitor, and representative during his resi-
dence at Concord.
Charles W. Burt, oldest son of Willard and Martha (Wood) Burt,
was born in Westmoreland. X. H., November"'., 1820. He attended, sup-
plementary to his course at district schools. Mount Caesar and Lebanon
academies, and two years at Norwich (Vt.) university. He was a thor-
248 History of Coos County.
ough student, stood high in his classes, and was a popular teacher of dis-
trict schools for some years. He studied law with Hon. Levi Chamber-
lain, was admitted to the bar at Keene, and practiced his profession at
Colebrook from 1848 to L854. He married, January, 1854, Julia, daugh-
ter of Horace Loomis, of Colebrook, soon removed to Detroit, Mich., and
engaged in practice. In 1855 he formed a partnership with A. B. Maynard,
Esq., of that city, which continued until the untimely death of Mr. Burt,
April 11, L859. Mr. Maynard says of him: "During our entire partner-
ship our relations were of the pleasantest character. He was a gentleman
of decided ability, and no young lawyer in the city had a better reputa-
tion, both for legal learning and ability and for the purity and uprightness
of his character. In his habits he was simple and unassuming, and remark-
able for his industry. Had his life been spared, he would, in my judgment,
have stood at the very head of the bar of Michigan as a learned, able and
conscientious lawyer," Mr. Burt was a large, tine looking .young man,
gentlemanly, well educated, an excellent and impressive speaker. Mrs.
Burt died in Detroit.
Daniel Allen Rogers, son of Rev. Daniel and Phoebe (Tibbetts) Rog-
ers, was born in Columbia, September 11, 1828, and educated in the local
schools, taught several winters in the adjoining towns, and studied law
with Lyman T. Flint. He wTas admitted to the bar in 1853, bought of
Archelaus Cummings the house where Michael Monahan now lives and
built the office south of it, which he used at first for his postoffice, then
for his law office. (Mr. Ramsay and Mr. Shurtleff afterwards had it as an
office, and it is now used by Mr. Barker.) He married Sarah A., daughter
of Samuel B. and Amanda (Bicknel) Cooper, of Beloit, Wis., November
22, 1855. He removed to St. Johnsbury, Vt., in 1858, and to Wells River,
in 1860, where he died, July 11, 1881. Mr. Rogers was of medium height,
dark complexion, inclined to corpulency, social, and popular. He had a
moderate business in Colebrook, and displayed average capacity and energy
in the various branches of the profession. He gained an unquestioned
reputation as a reliable business attorney, but retained his deliberate way
of doing business to the last, and enjoyed a fair income which he used
in the support and education of his family.
Albert Barker was born at Waterford, Me., December 20, 1820. He
was educated in the local schools, and at Bridgton academy, where he led
his class. He fitted for college, but was unable to enter upon the course
by reason of ill health and lack of funds. He taught school several win-
ters, and, in 1841, entered the office of Hon. Elbridge Gerry, at Water-
ford, and was admitted to the bar in October, 1814. He practiced for a
time at Rumford, Me., and afterwTards at Waterford, in partnership with
Mr. Gerry, then in Congress. In 1852 he removed to Milan, and com-
menced practice in New Hampshire. The same year he married Nancy
Bench and Bar. 249
A., daughter of Hon. Stephen Irish, of Stowe, Me. She died in L8G2.
They had four children, of whom the eldest, Lilla, lived until L884. She
was an invalid, and devoted herself to reading, writing, and considerably
to editorial work upon the Sentinel, while her father owned it, and was
quite his equal in natural ability and judgment. In I 854 he moved to Cole-
brook, where he succeeded Mr. Flint, and has since remained. He atom -•
.attained a very considerable practice, and met with excellent success in his
•cases. In 1870 he married Mrs. Lucinda E., daughter of Rev. Beniah
Bean, and widow of Wilbur F. Dinsmore. He purchased the Northern
Sentinel, in 1872, and continued to edit and publish it until 1884. During
these years, he, to a considerable extent, neglected the practice of law. In
1885 Mr. Barker re-opened the office which Mr. Shurtletf had recently va-
cated, and has since been attending exclusively to the practice of his pro-
fession. He became an Odd Fellow before he came to New Hampshire;
has been a prominent Mason for many years, and a pronounced Democrat
all his life. Mr. Barker, as a lawyer, has shown a very determined spirit;
and being about equally good in the preparation, presentation, and argu-
ment of cases in the lower, and discussion of the law in the higher courts,
has never been known to let a case fail by his default in any of its stages,
and has finally come out ahead in more than the ordinary percentage. As
is his characteristic in all his enterprises, he has preferred rather to compel
than entreat results.
Ira. Allen Ramsay, a son of Robert Ramsay, was born August 14,
1827, in Wheelock. Vt. He had only the school privileges that his neigh-
borhood afforded, worked at various occupations until he was some twenty-
three years of age, then commenced the study of law in the office of Jesse
Cooper, at Irasburg, Vt. ; was later in an office in Boston for a time: was
admitted to the bar in 1853, and commenced the practice of law at Guild-
hall, Vt. In 1855 he moved to Colebrook, where he continued in active
business until 1867, when he moved to St. Paul, Minn., and opened an
office. The next year his health failed, he gave up business, and was an
invalid until his death, November 7, 1871.
Mr. Ramsay was a man of great energy and confidence, whose busi-
ness was largely confined to the adjoining towns, and to matters in the
County Court, before municipal officers, justice juries, and similar hear-
ings in Coos and Essex counties. He impressed his views of the law and
facts with force and readiness upon the tribunals, and won all the de-
cisions he ought to, and some besides. The last years he collected a large
number of soldiers' claims from states and the United States. He was
engaged in various enterprises outside his profession, and carried away,
probably, the largest fortune that an attorney has taken from Colebrook;
but it was lost in the West, where he became poor, and after his death his
investments were swept away by his debts.
250 History of Coos County.
William S. Ladd located inColebrook, in 1857, and commenced practice
under the name of Fletcher & Ladd, opening an office over the old Cutler
(Merrill) store, and boarded with Mr. Cummings, across the street, until
his marriage, and then rented a house of Hezekiah Parsons, where James
I. Parsons now lives, and an office over the store on the corner wiiere Drew
& Churchill are now located. He removed to Lancaster in ISO". At first
he did considerable field work as a surveyor; while he sang, played the
violin, and handled trout flies, of an afternoon, as " to the manner born";
but his increasing business in a few years, drove him into the jading tread-
mill of the busy lawyer, and he became, as he has remained, one of the
busiest of the leading attorneys at the bar.
Orman P. Ray, who had been for a short time a partner of his brother,
Ossian Ray, at Lancaster, came to Colebrook in 1867, and remained until
1872, when he removed to Winooski, Vt. He built up a prosperous prac-
tice at once, but, at the last, it was much reduced. He was a very diligent
student of the books, and attentive to his business. He lived in the house
E. George Rogers afterwards occupied, and had his office over the Bracket
store, where the Dudley block now stands.
William Henry Shurtleff, son of Otis and Eliza Shutleff. was born
at Compton, P. Q., July 11, 1810. His father being a native of Vermont,
he was a foreign-born citizen of the United States, and left Canada in his
early youth. He taught school in New Jersey for four years, then came
to Lancaster, and, in 1862, commenced the study of law in the office of
Benton & Ray. In 1864 he enlisted, and was commissioned lieutenant of
Company I of the First New Hampshire Heavy Artillery. After the Avar
closed he resumed his studies, and was admitted to the bar in November,
1866. June 1, 1867, he opened an office in Colebrook, in the store of George
W. Bracket. In 1S69, after his marriage, he purchased and occupied the
house and office before occupied by Mr. Rogers and Mr. Ramsey. He was
appointed deputy inspector of customs at Colebrook, in 1871, and held the
office for several years. He was elected representative in 1878, and one
of the trustees of Colebrook academy in 1880. In November, 1884, he re-
moved to Orange county, Florida, where he is still located, devoting his
time principally to real estate business.
Mr. Shurtleff is a large, broad, genial, hopeful man, as full of story,
song, and merriment, as a Florida orange is of juice; an universal favorite
with bench and bar, and all the world besides. As a lawyer, Mr. Shurtleff,
in court, usually confined himself to openings and the introduction of evi-
dence, for which he had a happy tact. He was diffident in argument. He
was quick and correct in the ordinary routine of office business, of which
he had a large amount, and was a business lawyer. His strong, prac-
tical common sense and lack of excitability, made him an excellent busi-
Bench and Bar. 251
ness adviser in important transactions, and a large portion of his practice
came from men engaged in them.
James [ngalls Parsons."' son of Hezekiah and Sarah M.i Bragg) Parsons,
was born in Colebrook, N. EL, February II. L844. He was educated al
Colebrook academy and Kimball Union academy, Meriden (Plainfield) N.
H., and had the reputation of being a quick, bright scholar. He taught
for a time in local schools in Vermont and New Hampshire, and Danville
(Vt.) academy. Deciding upon the legal profession as the cue mosl suited
to his tastes, he entered the office of W. S. Ladd as a student in L863, and
was admitted to the bar at Lancaster in November, 1867. Ileal once
began the practice of law in Colebrook, succeeding to the busint Mr.
Ladd, who had removed to Lancaster. Theyoungman was fortunate; an
extensive and lucrative practice was immediately his: and. finding that he
had more to do than he could personally attend to. he invited J. H. Dudley
to come to Colebrook as his partner, and the firm of "Dudley & Pa
was formed in December, L867. This partnership continued until Novem-
ber, L869, when Mr. Parsons disposed of his interest to Mr. Dudley, and
lit to Lebanon, where he remained the following year. From there he
went to Port Huron, Michigan, and formed a partnership with the Atkin-
son Bros, '.who desired a youne man to attend to the details of their ex-
tensive business), under the firm name of "Atkinson & Parsons," attorneys,
solicitors and proctors, where the work and climate seriously impaired Ins
health and he was compelled, in the winter of 1873-74, togive up practice
temporarily, and for nearly eighteen months thereafter passed Ins rime in
travelling through the Xew England and Southern states, including also
the Pacific coast in his tour. In June, 1875, he returned to Colebrook,
engaged again in his profession with r Aldrich as " Aldrich & Par-
sons." Since then, though he never recovered strong health, he ha
in constant practice, his last partnership being " -as & Johnson," from
April, L881, to March. L884.
Mr. Parsons has }h'(^\ connected with various branches of business out-
side of his profession, the most important being his interest in a furniture
store (the Stevens shop), either as owner or partner, from L87S to lss-i'>.
In 1875 he took charge of his father's extensive r bate and has since
conducted it. He takes an active part in the development and improve-
ment of Colebrook and the Upper Connecticut country, and was one of
the largest contributors to the fund for the various railroad projects and
surveys for the past fifteen years, and that for securing the standard guage
railroad in L887, and furnished means tor the establishment of the < >dd
Fellows' lodge, the Colebrook band, and several of the business enterprises
in Colebrook and vicinity. Mr. Parsons has aided in starting many busi-
* Except the biographies of J. I. Parsons and J. II. Dudley, the sketches for the Northern
District were contributed by Mr. Parsons.
252 History of Coos County.
ness enterprises in Northern Coos by furnishing funds, wholly or m part,
and has been an important assistant to many young men in various hues
0 harness in both counsel and financial aid. Of Democratic antecedents
and training he cast in his lot with the Republican party some fifteen years
X'e -d now may be classed with the progressive element of the day.
Mr. Parsons is a member of Port Huron Lodge, No. 58 P. and AM.,
Port Huron Mich., which he joined in 1873; Ammonoosuc Lodge 10. O.
1 No ™Groveton; and has been a Knight of Pythias since 1874, when he
ioined Charter Lodge, No. 18, Port Huron, Mich.
] Mr Parsons married, September 6, 1876, Ada A., da ugh tar o f Samuel
K and Sophia (Cushman) Remick, a native of Hardwick, Vt. She died
December 28 1881. They had one child, Cushman Hezekiah, born June
iTl a'lad of brilliant promise. January 6, 1883, Mr. Parsons married
AddiesVlldlt child of John C. Marshall, of Colebrook, who died Febru-
aryinheri8ting mental vigor from a long line of strong ancestors, there is in
the •make up" of Mr. Parsons much of originality, ability, and force
He ha a keen insight into the motives of men, and a discriminating and
Smost intuitive judgment, and many look to him as a valuable counselor
^exigencies of life and business. He possesses necessary to
LIlll action. He is shrewd, adroit, technical, familiar with human
nftoe Prepares his cases with care, presents his arguments ably and
oti bXantly, is a good fighter, and slow to -know edge de eat. He
a successful lawyer and has a busy and lucrative practice. He is inteUec
Inland well read; and had he chosen the lecture-field or literature as his
"oession would have won success. With a manner sometimes preoccu-
ed coo conical, and brusque, he is, nevertheless, sensitive, refined, and
^mpathetic" a strong friend, a good citizen and, when at leisure, a de-
IMitful companion to those who know him well.
Jason H DUDLEY.-Genealogical history is necessary in England to
show the titles to honor and estate; in this country, where wealth and d. -
show the Hue exertions and merits, it is satisfac-
mrtrae on rcyt,Tto brave and honorable men. The Dudley family
Jnnant, ent one i New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and other states
1 CCland it ranks high among the nobility. The Dudleys descend
and in Englan it rai ks g sumame Dudley was taken
'T, TbeTa^e oYmmlevn Staffordshire, (built by Dudo, an English
sCn about the year 100, and assumed, according to ancient custom m
Sid oy the younger children of the Barons of that place The first
S^^^XX^* *• Massachusetts Colony,
Bench and Bar. 253
and died July 31, 1653, at Roxbury, Mass. His son Joseph was a popu-
lar governor of New Hampshire.
Jason Henry Dudley, son of Jonathan and Minerva (Armstrong)
Dudley, was born at Hanover, N. H., November 24, L84-2. He is a lineal
descendant in the eighth generation from Gov. Dudley, the line being
Gov. Thomas \ Samuel'. Stephen8, Stephen4, Samuel P.6, Jacob", Jona-
than7, Jason H.8. He is also connected with the Allen family, so
noted in Vermont annals; a maternal grandmother bearing that name was
a cousin of Ethan and Ira Allen. Jonathan Dudley was a native of Au-
dover, N. H.; he died February 5, 1872, aged seventy-two years. Mrs.
Dudley has resided in Colebrook since 1873.
Jason H. Dudley's early education was acquired at Hanover common
schools; this was supplemented by private tutors. In the fall of 1858 he
entered Chandler Scientific school, and, in 1859, became a member of the
freshman class at Dartmouth college and was graduated in the class of
L862. During his collegiate course, he taught a select school at Cornish
Flats in the fall of 1861. After graduation, he came to Colebrook as prin-
cipal of Colebrook academy, which he did not find in a very prosperous
condition. For three years he threw into the development of this school
all the forces of his energetic nature, and brought up the attendance from
forty to nearly one hundred pupils, by his fidelity, enthusiasm, and thorough
fitness for his work. During this time he became a student of law under
Hon. William S. Ladd. In the fall of 1865 he went to Danville, Vt., and
had charge of Phillips academy for a year, continuing his legal studies
with Hon. Bliss N. Davis. In the fall of 1866 he conducted the academy
at West Randolph, Vt., pursuing the study of law with Hon. Edmund
Weston while there. In December, 1867, he was admitted to the bar at
Chelsea, Vt. He then came to Colebrook, and entered into partnership
with James I. Parsons in the practice of law under the firm name of
"Dudley & Parsons," taking the business of Judge Ladd, who had re-
moved to Lancaster. This partnership continued two years, when Mr.
Parsons disposed of his interest to Mr. Dudle}r. Since then he has prac-
ticed alone, successfully, with the exception of four years, from April,
1878, to May, 1882, when D. C. Remich was associated with him as
" Dudley & Remich." Mr. Dudley was superintendent of schools in Cole-
brook for several years; has been a member of the board of trustees of
Colebrook academy since 1872, and its chairman for many years: has
served as town clerk three years; he was elected county solicitor in 1878,
re-elected in 1880-82-84r-86, holding this important office longer than any
man in the state under the elective system. He is a member of the Graf-
ton and Coos Bar Association, and of the Dartmouth Alumni Association,
and belongs to Excelsior Lodge, No. 73, I. 0. of 0. F., Colebrook. Believ-
ing fully in the principles of the Democratic party, he has been and is
254 History of Coos County.
energetic, fearless, and zealous in maintaining its integrity and influence,
stands in the front rank of its active workers in the "Northern District,"
and is a prominent factor in the politics of " Upper Coos."
He married, September 22, 1869, Lucy A., daughter of Dr. Austin and
Aurelia (Bissell) Bradford, of Vergennes, Vt. [Mrs. Dudley also descends
from a colonial governor, William Bradford, the able governor of Plymouth
Colony for more than thirty years. He joined the church of the Pilgrims
at Scrooby (England) when seventeen years of age. While in Holland he
not only became master of the language of the country, but added a
knowledge of French, Latin, Greek, and even Hebrew, which he studied,
as he said, " that he might see with his own eyes the ancient oracles of God
in all their native beauty.'' This youth displayed qualities of mind and
heart, which, when fully matured, were, for many years in later life, the
staff and support of the Plymouth Colony. The line of descent is Gov.
William Bradford1, William, Jr.2, John3, William4, John6, (of Kingston,
Mass.,) John, Jr.6, Dr. Austin7, (of Vergennes, Vt.,) Lucy A.e] They have
had two children, Allen B., born June 18, 1871, and William H., born
April 13, 1873, died July 2, 1876.
Mr. Dudley's success as a lawyer is due not only to his natural and
acquired ability, but to his vigorous and efficient action in the understand-
ing of his causes. He is a peace- maker, instead of a promoter of strife,
and believes that a suit is best won when justice is attained and every
person has his rights firmly secured to him. He is generous to take his
full share of all necessary burdens, and public spirited in that he does
everything in his power to advance all public improvements. His official
life has tended to strengthen his naturally fine intellectual powers, and his
standing is assured among the members of the Coos county bar. In every
work committed to his hands in public or private life, Mr. Dudley has
labored with diligence, perseverance and efficiency, and wholesome practical
results testify to the value of his services.
Edgar Aldrich was the son of Ephraim C. and Adaline B. (Haynes)
Aldrich, of Pittsburg, N. H., where he w^as born February 5, 1818. He
was educated in the schools of his native town and at Colebrook academy.
At about fourteen years of age he started from home to make a place for
himself in the world. He commenced as a farmer, but soon went into
other occupations, particularly positions in some of the summer resorts of
the White Mountains and the stores of Colebrook; meanwhile he attended
school at Colebrook academy, as he had cash and opportunity. Finally, in
1866, he commenced the study of law with Ira A. Ramsay, at Colebrook.
When Mr. Ramsay left, in January, 1867, Mr. Aldrich took his business
and kept it (alone as far as was possible). He was graduated from the
law school at Ann Arbor, Mich., in March, 1868, and was admitted to the
bar at the next term. He onened an office at once in Colebrook. In 1870
Bench and Bar. 255
he formed a partnership with W. H. Shurtleff, as Aldrich & Shurtleff.
This continued for five years. On the return of J. I. Parsons to Colebrook
immediately after the expiration of this partnership, he formed a partner-
ship with him as Aldrich & Parsons. After the dissolution of this part-
nership in 1879, he was alone until he entered the firm of Bingham ec Al-
drich at Littleton in January, 1S81, where he is still in practice. He mar-
ried Louise M., daughter of the late Samuel K. and Sophia (Cushman)
Remick, October 5, 1872. He has two children — -Florence M., born July
1, 1874, and Fred, born June 9, 1878, in Colebrook. He was solicitor of
Coos county from 1872 to 1875, and again, when the Republicans carried
the state, from 1870 to 1879. Since he went to Littleton he was elected a
member and then the speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representa-
tives that met in June, 1885. " Mr. Aldrich did not in his school days con-
template a professional career, and his training, in school and out, was in-
tended rather to fit him for a mercantile business: but he soon supplied the
omissions, while his infallible good judgment, force, and determination
brought him early success at the bar." He soon came into the front rank
of the young lawyers, speakers and writers of the state, as well on general
occasions, as at the bar. He is now recognized asamong the best advocates
and trial lawyers of the New Hampshire bar, and seems to be still improv-
ing. He succeeds by force and persistence rather than by persuasion.
Thomas Franklin Johnson was born July 3, 1848, at Pittsburg, N. H.
His parents were unfortunately located for the education of children of
mental temperament and considerable ambition, but were able to partly
make good at home the lack of school privileges.
Mr. Johnson in early youth developed a very exceptional ability and
ambition as a student; was soon fitted for a teacher in district schools, and
earned means to attend Colebrook academy, where he fitted for college,
and acquired reputation as a man of unusual promise. A protracted ill-
ness at this time, which threatened permanently to impair his health, pre-
vented his commencing a college course. He was elected representative
from Pittsburg in March, 1871, but in June was prostrated with one of the
long and dangerous illnesses with which he was afflicted in early man-
hood; and, as his vote would change the complexion of the legislature, he
was for some daj^s the center of interest of politicians and the reporters.
After considerable excitement on account of the dilatory motions of the
Republicans, it was learned that he had been for days unconscious, and
unable to vote, even if brought to Concord, and his party allowed the
organization of the House to be secured by the Democrats, and James A.
Weston was elected Governor, and the state went into Democratic control.
The next spring, In 72, Mr. Johnson went to Iowa, and was for several
years engaged in teaching and reading law. He read law in the office of
Hon. L. L. Ainsworth. of West Union, was admitted to the bar of that
256 History of Coos County.
state in 1875, and for a time practiced at Postville. He married Miss Abbie
Loverin, oldest child of Alfred Loverin, of Colebrook, in March, 1877, and
was pursuaded to establish himself there. He immediately built up a
very promising practice, and identified himself with the interests of the
locality. March, 1880, he entered into a partnership for three years with
James I. Parsons, as Parsons & Johnson. After the termination of this
partnership he resumed business alone, and has been in active and success-
ful practice since, attending also to insurance and western mortgage loan
Mr. Johnson is a man of scholarly tastes, a student rather than an ora-
tor; a man of pen and books by preference, instead of a man of affairs.
Few lawyers are as diligent students of legal works, and few professional
men as extensive readers of historical and general literature.
Daniel Clark Remich, son of Samuel K. Remick, was born at Hard-
wick. Vt., September 15, 1852. He attended common and high schools
and Colebrook academy. He studied law at Colebrook, commencing in
1875, in the office of Aldrich & Parsons, and then going into that of J. H.
Dudley. He graduated at the law school at Ann Arbor, Mich., in March,
and was admitted to the bar of this county in April, 1878, and formed a
partnership with Mr. Dudley, as Dudley <& Remich, in Colebrook, and re-
mained there until he moved to Littleton, in May, 1882.
In February, 1879, he married Belle, daughter of Alfred Loverin, of
Colebrook, who died in 1885. In May. 1886, he married Mrs. Lizzie M.
Jackson, daughter of Benjamin W. Kilburn, of Littleton.
Mr. Remich, while in his "teens,'' went to Lawrence, Mass., where he
remained four or five years at work before he commenced his professional
studies. He has paid little attention to general reading, has been a dili-
gent student of the law, and has become a well read, exact (rather tech-
nical) case lawyer, who enjoys and is brilliant in the examination of the
law of a case, and its presentation to the court.
Mr. Remich has always, unless recently, devoted his time, thought and
unusual mental powers to his law books and law business, exclusively,
and his profession (said to be a " jealous mistress ") has had no occasion for
James Waldron Remick, also a son of Samuel K. Remick, was born at
Hard wick, Vt., October 30, 1860. He was educated in the schools and
academy of Colebrook, and early showed considerable ability and taste as
a writer and public speaker. He commenced the study of law with Mr.
Parsons, in Colebrook, in 1879, was in the office of B. F. Chapman, Clock -
ville, N. Y. , for a time, and, later, with Bingham & Aldrich, at Littleton.
He graduated from the law school at Ann Arbor, Mich., in March, 1882,
soon after was admitted to the New Hampshire bar, and opened an office
in Mrs. Gamsby's block, in Colebrook. In November, 1885, he removed to
Bench and Bak. 257
Littleton, and soon formed a partnership and opened an office there. He
is a successful office lawyer, modest and well prepared in court, and is
rapidly winning a reputation by the thoroughness and ability with which
he presents his cases to the full bench. He is a fine speaker, but has
proven it by occasional lectures and orations, and considerable speaking in
political campaigns, rather than at the bar in the trial of litigated cases.
Geokge W. Hartshorn, son of Colburn and Elizabeth (Fay) Harts-
horn, was born in Lunenburgh, Vt., September 5, L827, (being the tenth
of their twelve sons), educated at the Guildhall and Lancaster academies,
studied law with Amos Bateman, of Camden, N. J., where he was con-
nected with a newspaper, was admitted to the bar in September, L849, and
removed to Irasburg, Vt., in 1850, where he was county clerk, and edited
the Orleans Count n Gazette. He removed to Canaan, Vt., in 1857, from
which town Ossian Ray had shortly before removed to Lancaster, and has
since been well-known in Northern New Hampshire and Vermont as an
attorney, and was, until 1873, collector of customs for the upper section
of both states. He had a considerable practice in New Hampshire until
about 1880, when he became substantially incapacitated for work. Before
that time he held some of the most prominent of the public offices of his
section continuously.
Henry Willard Lund, son of Hezekiah and Mary (Shores) Lund, was
born at Granby. Vt., October 11, 1854, educated at the St. Johnsbury, Vt.,
academy, studied law with Henry C. Bates, of St. Johnsbury, was admit-
ted to the bar in March, 1881, and settled at Canaan, Vt. He has since
practiced in Canaan and Stewartstown, doing most of the local business of
that section, and is one of the regular practitioners of this district, though
a non-resident.
Coos County,
Histoey of Towns.
Origin of Name — Charter — Names of Grantees — Situation — Sceneiy, Etc. — Climate; Reason
of Its Pleasantness — Change of Boundaries and Location.
ORIGIN of Name* — Before gathering the deeds, recounting the ex-
ploits, reciting the sufferings and hardships of the early and later
settlers which go to make up the history of this town, let us look at
its name, and see from whence it is derived, what it means, how it hap-
pened, and the various changes it has undergone.
In tracing it to its derivation, we find it of Roman origin, and as old as
Julius Caesar and Julius Agricola. The Romans were an ambitious,
aggressive, cruel, and conquering people. Their great object was aggran-
dizement, wealth, and empire. They carried war into the East, they car-
ried war into Africa, and at length Julius Caesar with an immense army
under his command marched west, bringing nations and people under trib-
ute to Rome. At length he was the conqueror of Gaul. He had an im-
mense army. They must have something to do. England lay just across
the channel, and from Calais to Dover, the narrowest part of the channel
(twenty-nine miles), the chalk-hills could be seen in clear weather. Hence
this country was called Albion — meaning white. Western England was
distinguished for metal called tin. The merchants of the Mediterranean,
from a period not exactly known, had trafficked with the Britons for this
article. Caesar had learned the value of trade with the Britons from the
mariners, and resolved to cross the channel with his army and reduce this
country to Roman sway. This was fifty-five years before Christ. From
Julius Caesar to Julius Agricola the contest went on. At length Roman dis-
cipline prevailed. Soon the Roman Legions left Gaul, sailed around ' ' Land's
End," up St. George's Channel on the west side of Briton, and up the
* By Hon. B. F. Whidden.
Histoky op Coos County.
River Luna in Northwestern England. On the souther y side of this river
TheY landed and pitched their tents or camps. At this landing, being one
of the most important in this part of Britannia, a town was founded, and
caC after the" river and the camps pitched upon its : southe rn bant-
Tune Castra Lime, the name of a river, and Castra, the Latin foi camp
oXt In process of time this name has changed with the conquering
tongues of the country. When the Normans came over into England,
thev changed this name, adapting it to the genius of their tongue from
LulecZfra to Lon Castre. When the Saxons came with their all con-
oTring tongue, they made still other changes in the spelling, and con-
Wte l°i into one word. They changed the Lon into Lan, and the final
So el thus the name became Lancaster, and is of Roman origin hav-
tag undergone the several changes in the languages through which it ha
come It was imported by the early settlers to Massachusetts, and given
to this township by the grantees.
Charter of Lancaster.—
" GEORGE, the Third:
" By the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King
Defender of the Faith. &c.
in New England, and of our conned of the said J^"^5 £ ug Qm. heirs & successorS
tions herein ^^£j*Z%£* UD ^ Rants' of onr said province of
do give and grant in equal shaies, unto our i g j ^^ nameg
Bquare & n m»re' ^J^ ' 1vws one thous.nd & forty acres free, according to a plan and
,,y rocks pond.. monntanS.v.ive returned ^ ,he Secl.etary's oftce.
SUr,7 ' 'rtn ed hnVed* bounded as follows, viz, beginning ata stake and stones, standing
and hereunto «J*™^" of ConMcticl,t river, Which is the South Westerly corner bounds
on the Bank of the Hasteny ,,,.„„, east seven miles by Stonington to the south-
„f Stoningtou, thence running south hfty five degre* east, seve j ^ ^ ^
easterly corner Ike™ ^^ ™, ^--^^^/^Clo ConnecticnrRiver, thenceup the river
rSnd^ht m ^ues urs. above nfentioned <*££»%£ X^
".I * hereby is incorporated into « To™h,p by t , nan> : LAN ASTER And^^ ^
& entitled to all & ever th pnvrteg ^ ^ ^ fifty famin dent
exercise A enjoy. And further that tne sa. • wWl shall be held on the
Town of Lancaster. 263
respective following the said , And that as soon as the said town shall consist of
fifty families, a market may be opened & kept one or more days in each Week, as may he thought
most advantageous to the Inhabitants. Also that the first meeting for the choice of Town officers,
agreeable to the laws of our said province shall be held on the tirst tuesdav in August next, which
said meeting shall be notified by David Page who is hereby also appointed the Moderator of the
said first meeting, which he is to notify A' govern agreeable to the laws A: customsof our said Prov-
ince And tint the annual meeting forever hereafter for the choice of such officers for the said
town, shall be on the SECOND TUESDAY of March annually. To Have A to Hold the said tract
of land as above expressed, together with all privileges A appurtenances, to them A their respect-
ive heirs A assigns forever, upon the following conditions, VIZ.
" 1. That every Grantee, his heirs or assigns, shall plant & cultivate live acres of land, within
the term of five years for every fifty acres contained in his or their share or proportion of land in said
Township, & continue to improve & Settle the same by additional cultivations, on penally of the
forfeiture of bis Grant or share in the said Township, & of its reverting to us our heirs & succes-
sors, to be by us, or them regranted to such of our subjects as shall effectually settle & cultivate the
"2. That all white and other pine trees within the said Township, fit for masting our Royal
navy, be carefully preserved for that use, & none to be cut or felled without our special licence for
so doing first had and obtained, upon the penalty of the forfeiture of the right of such Grantee,
his heirs A' assigns, to us, our heirs and successors, as well as being subject to the penalty of any
act or acts of parliament that now are, or hereafter shall be enacted.
"3. That before any division of the land be made to & among the Grantees, a tract of land as
near the centre of the said Township as the land will admit of, shall be reserved & marked out for
Town lots, one of which shall be allotted to each Grantee of the Contents of one acre.
" 4. Yielding A paying therefor to us, our heirs & successors for the space of ten years, to be
computed from the date hereof, the rent of one ear of Indian Corn only on the 25th day of Decem-
ber annually, if lawfully demanded, the first payment to be made on the 25th day of Decemher,
" 5. Every Proprietor, settler or inhabitant, shall yield & pay unto us, our heir3 & successors
yearly, & every year forever, from & after the expiration of ten jrears from the above said 25th
day of December namely, on the 25th day of December which will be in the year of our Lord 17?:!,
one shiding proclamation money for every hundred acres he so owns, settles, or possesses, and so
in proportion for a greater or lesser tract of the said land; which money shall be paid by the re
spective persons above said, their heirs or assigns, in Our Concil Chamber in Portsmouth to such
officer or officers as shall be appointed to receive the same, & this to be in lieu of all other rents &
services whatsoever.
" In Testimony Whereof, we have caused the seal of our said Province to be hereunto affixed,
" Benning Wentworth Esq, our Governor & Commander in Chief of our said Province, the
fifth day of July in the year of our Lord Christ, one thousand seven hundred and sixty three,
and in the third year of our reign.
" By His Excellency's Command,
with advice of Council.
" T. Atkinson, Sec'y.
"Province of Xewhampshire, July Oth, 1763. Recorded according to the original under the
province seal.
"Pr. T. Atkinson. Junk, Sec'y."
" Keunes of the Grantees. — David Page, David Page, Jun'r, Abraham Byam, Ruben Stone,
John Grout, John Grout, Jun'r, Jonathan Grout, Solomon Willson, Joseph Stowed, Joseph Page,
William Page. Nath'l Page, John Warden, Silas Bennit, Thomas Shaltock, Ephraim Bhattock,
Silas Shattock, Benj'aMann, Daniel Miles, Thomas Rogers, John Duncan. Nath'l Smith, Charles
How, Israel Hale, Israel Hale, Jun'r, Daniel Hale, William Dagget, Isaac Ball, Solomon Fay.
2G4 History of Coos County.
Jotham Death, John Sanders, Elisha Crossby, Luke Lincoln, David Lawson, Silas Rice, Thomas
Carter, Ephraim Sterns, James Read, Timothy Whitney, Thomas Rice, Daniel Searles, Isaac Wood,
Nath'l Richai'dson, Ebenezer Blunt, John Harriman, Ephraim Noyce, Benj'n Sawyer, John Saw-
yer, John Wait, Samuel Marble, Joseph Marble, Jonathan Houghton John Rogers, Abner Holden,
Stanton Prentice, Benj'n Willson, Stephen Ernes, John Phelps, William Read, Benj'n Baxter, Mat-
thew Thornton, Esq'r, And'w Wiggin, Esq'r, Meshech Weare, Esq'r, Maj'r JohnTolford, Hon'l
Jos'h Newmarsh, Esq'r, Nath'l Barrel, Esq'r, Dan'l Warner, Esq'r, James Nevins, Esq'r, Rev'd
Mr. Joshua Wingate Weeks, and Benj'n Stevens.
" His Excellency, Benning Wentworth, Esq'r, a tract of land to contain five hundred acres, as
marked B. W. in the plan which is to be accounted two of the within shares one whole share for
the incorporated Society, for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign Parts, one share for a Glebe
for the Church of England as by law established; one share for the first settled minister of the
Gospel, and one share for the benefit of a School in said Town."
Situation, Scenery, Etc. — Aclino N. Brackett gives this description of
Lancaster in 1821: " On the northeast of Lancaster lie Northumberland
and Kilkenny; on the south Jefferson and Whitefield, and on the south-
west Dalton; the northwest line is nine miles in length, the south ten, and
the southwest about two and a half miles.
"Lancaster is situated on the southeastern bank of Connecticut river,
which forms and washes its northwestern boundary, with its various
meanders, a distance of more than ten miles. In this whole distance
there is not a single rapid. The water is deep, and below the mouth of
Israel's river, which falls into the Connecticut very near the center of the
town, its general width is twenty-two rods. The meadows lie along the
margin of the river to near three-fourths of a mile in depth, almost the
whole distance above mentioned. To these succeed a border of pine or
spruce land for another half mile, which is generally level, and productive
when cleared and properly cultivated. The next region was covered with
a thick growth of sugar-maple, beech, basswood, ash, and other deciduous
forest trees. In many places, however, the spruce and fir abound, more
particularly in the lowlands, with here and there a cedar swamp. The
larch and mountain ash are not unknown to the inhabitants of Lancaster,
as the first occupies considerable tract between the meadows and highlands,
and the other is found scattered among the other timber and underbrush.
* * * # -:•:- * * -::-
" One mile from the Court House there is a bridge over Connecticut
river, and about the same distance another over Israel's river. The first
leads into Guildhall, Vt. The other connects the eastern and western
divisions of the town together. From the southerly end of the bridge last
mentioned, the road to Portland and Dartmouth strikes off in a southeast-
ern direction. The distance to the place first mentioned is a hundred and
ten miles. To Portsmouth it is about one hundred and thirty miles. The
trade of the town is carried on principally with Portland."
Advancing steps of civilization have changed the face of the country
described, but the prominent features are the same now as then. The
Town of Lancaster. 2C5
meadows and intervals are considered the most extensive, and finest there
are in the whole valley of the Connecticut, extending back nearly a mile
to the uplands. The soil of these intervals is alluvial and produces excel-
lent crops of corn, oats, and grass; while the uplands, when properly cul-
tivated, raise fine wheat and other crops.
There is no town in New Hampshire more pleasantly situated for fine
mountain scenery. The town itself is not mountainous, but towering
mountains can be seen on every side. At the south and southeast, the
Franconia hills and the whole range of the White Mountains are in full
view, and, in the north and east, the Stratford or "Percy" peaks, with
many of the Green Mountains, in Vermont, are distinctly visible to the
west. Before you is the meandering Connecticut, with its broad cultivated
intervals dotted with beautiful farm-houses; at the right are seen the dark
masses of the "Pilot Range.*' and on the Vermont side of the river the
Lunenburg Heights; the whole presenting a picture of nature and art com-
bined, beautiful enough to satisfy any lover of picturesque, wild, and
romantic scenery. There are several ponds. Martin Meadow pond, in
the southern part, area nearly 150 acres, was named for a hunter who
formerly frequented this locality. This communicates with Little pond,
area forty acres. Baker pond, one mile north of the village, is a pleasant
sheet of water.
Lancaster village is located on Israel's river and about one mile from
the Connecticut. The fine country which surrounds it, the excellent roads,
and pleasant drives, together with the magnificent mountain scenery on
•every side, render it attractive as a summer resort. From the cupola of
the Lancaster House a very extended view of river, country, and moun-
tain scenery can be obtained. The streets are wide and beautifully shaded,
while the business blocks and private residences betoken the care, neatness,
and taste of the citizens. The river, in its jDassage through the village, is
spanned by two substantial bridges, and furnishes fine water-power. The
village is the center of a rich agricultural section, and does a large mercan-
tile business.
Climate, J-i> zason of its Pleasantness. — The climate of Lancaster, and
the neighboring country is delightful. The peculiar state of the weather
here, so different from that in other parts of New England, Dr. Dwight
attributes to the proximity of the White Mountains. In his words. " These
"are so high, that they stop the progress of the easterly winds, or more
probably elevate their course into a region of the atmosphere far above
the surface, and prevent them striking the earth, until they arrive at the
Green Mountains on the west. The westerly winds in the mean time im-
pinging against the White Mountains, twenty-five miles beyond Lancas-
ter, but in regions of the atmosphere considerably elevated, are checked
in their career, just as a wind is stopped, when blowing directly against a
266 History of Coos County.
building. A person approaching near the building, perceives a calm, not-
withstanding he is in the course of the blast. In the same manner, these
mountains, extending thirty miles from north to south, and rising more
than a mile above the common surface, must, it would seem, so effectu-
ally check the current of the northwest wind, as to render its progress
moderate, and agreeable, for many miles, towards that quarter of the
heavens. Whether the cause here assigned be the real one or not, the
fact is certain, and gives this region in the pleasantness of its weather a
superiority over many others. The scenery of this region is remarkably
interesting, and I hesitate not to pronounce it the most interesting which
I have ever seen."
Change of Boundaries and Location. — On exploring the bounds of
Lancaster, David Page, Esq., found that it covered but a small portion of
the coveted Coos meadows, and the improvements already made were
really in Stonington. The nine miles extent of meadow land, the good
sites of Israel's river for future mills, so superior to those of John's river,
were also in that territory of Stonington, the proprietors of which had
done nothing to develop these sources of wealth during the existence of
the term of their grant, which expired in 1766. Then was done a bold
thing. Under the influence of some powerful mind, and it would seem
necessary to go no farther than to Mr. Page to find this, the proprietors
conceived the idea of " sliding " Lancaster sufficiently far up the river to
include all the desired territory. The initial steps were taken in 1766, but
as the records were burned, we can only give record evidence from March
10, 1767. At that date it was voted that " Mr. Page receive one dollar on
each right for altering the town," and that he " run the line around the
town." At the same meeting money was raised to "build a grist-mill and
saw-mill on Israel's river." The line around their occupancy was duly
made, meadow and house lots duly laid out, and some labor performed on
roads. The lines of the grant as it should be were defined; and, in 1760,
Lieut. Joshua Talford was procured to " survey " the town. Going up the
Connecticut about seven miles from the true northwest corner, he estab-
lished an arbitrary corner by an ash tree on the bank of the Connecticut;
from this he surveyed the town by courses and distances as described in
the charter. If the original grant had been adhered to, three-fourths of
Lancaster would be composed of land now in Dalton and Whitefield.
This summary proceeding disarranged all the river grants above Lan-
caster, and after much agitation it was submitted to the arbitration of
Gov. Wentworth. It was finally settled by Northumberland holding the
ground she occupied, while Woodbury, Cockburn, Coleburn, and Stew-
artstown were to move further up the river, and each receive as a bonus
a large additional tract on its eastern side. Not all of the proprietors of
Stonington were satisfied with this, for they were not all included in the
Town of Lancaster. 267
charter of Northumberland, and some of them made surveys and did other
acts indicating an interference with Lancaster. The first record evidence
of this is in the records of 1773. On August 26th of that year, at a meet-
ing of the proprietors, a vote was passed to locate Hon. Charles Ward Ap-
thorp's ten rights, giving him two miles on the river below Edwards
Bucknam's lot, and back far enough to include ten full rights, and also
the meadow land commonly called the Cat Bow tract of 360 acres. But
the vote contains this provision, " the grant hereby made to him shall not
operate to the disadvantage of the rest of the proprietors by the interven-
tion of any foreign legal claim under color of a mistake in the boundaries
of the township." At the same meeting the following vote was passed:—
"That it appears to this proprietary as a matter of some uncertainty whether doubts may not
arise with respect to the northerly extent of the boundaries of this township which upon a con-
struction set up by sundry persons will deprive the whole of the settlers (one only excepted) of their
land, possessions and improvements and reduce the township to very inconsiderable compass, and
the proprietors laboring- under great uneasiness from the apprehension of, or expecting a calamity,
do therefore request that Arnmi R. Cutter, Esq., and Mr. Jacob Treadwell will be pleased to lay
before his Excellency the Governor such representation upon the subject as may to them appear
most proper to induce his Excellency to grant to the proprietors an explanatory charter ascertain-
ing the limits of the said township as the same was actually surveyed by Joshua Talford and is
now allotted to the proprietors and possessed and enjoyed by the inhabitants."
The war of the Revolution soon followed, and no mention of the change
of lines is made in the record until April 20, 1790, when it was voted "that
Col. Jonas Wilder, Lieut. Emmons Stockwell, and Edwards Bucknam be
a committee to act in behalf of the proprietary, and petition the General
Court of the State of New Hampshire respecting the charter of said Lan-
caster that a new one be obtained to the same grantees, and to cover all
the lands up to and join Northumberland, agreeably to the plan and sur-
vey of said town." In 1790 and 1791 similar votes were passed. In 1796
the proprietors concluded long enough possession had been had to entitle
them to the land, and chose "Richard C. Everett, Esq., agent to act in be-
half of the Proprietors of Lancaster to defend any lawsuit or suits, or to
commence any action or actions against any encroachments thai are or
may be made upon said Township of Lancaster, to make any settlement
of all or any disputes which are or maybe had with the adjacent towns
respecting the boundaries of said town, and to petition the Honorable Gin
eral Court with any agent or agents of the neighboring towns, whose
boundaries are disputed, or disputable, for their interference in the prem-
ises." In the suit of Atkinson vs. Goodall, tried in L853 at Exeter, to ob-
tain possession of lands in Bethlehem as belonging to the grantees of ( Ion-
cord Gore, described as "cornering on Lancaster," Hon. .James W. Weeks
was employed to give a general delineation of Concord Gore and adjacent
territory. His map correctly located the gore, but failed to make it corner
268 History of Coos County.
on the present town of Lancaster. The court decided that the accepted
boundaries of towns, occupied so long as these had beeu, could not be dis-
turbed by reason of variance from original intention.
First Settlements — Com planted — Frost — Difficulty of Travel — Canoes — First White
Woman — Supplies from Portsmouth or Haverhill — "Samp Mortar" — "Cars" — First Mills —
Revolution — Emmons Stockwell "would stay" — M